A guy reads Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (2009-2011)

Reading Eclipse: Chapter 22 (Fire and Ice)

The song for this chapter is Hot N Cold by Katy Perry (suggested by Melanie)


This entire week has been a rush of school and writing stuffs, and I don’t believe I have stopped for even a minute to take a breath. However, while I was out getting prints made for my photography class, I managed to check the fanmail PO box, and behold the return address on one of the packages:

[caption id="attachment_2810" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Mail from Christian Serratos???"]Christian Serratos???[/caption]

From the star herself?! Wowsa, what could it be? You’ll know its mysterious contents soon enough 😀

Anyhows, after my psychology test I managed to leap into the next chapter in Eclipse: the much-hyped and anticipated Fire and Ice! Usually, when I receive an odd amount of comments or emails from people saying they ‘simply cannnottt waitttt…lulzzz!!1!’ for me to read a certain chapter, I instantly know to be wary. The last time this happened, Bella attempted to extract herself from more than the usual amount of clothing someone removes during wintertime. Now, she and Edward are alone in the mountains in a tent. Whoops. Maybe I should skip this one…

Luckily for me, there’s still