Meeting With Mark Morgan, Producer Of Twilight!
Yesterday I had a meeting with Mark Morgan, the producer of all the Twilight Saga films! We have a huge secret project on the way with Kami Garcia and Brett Hudson. I’ll post more about it soon 😉 Here’s some stuff that happened while I was there: View “Meeting Mark Morgan” on Storify
Is Kristen Stewart Nice? [video]
Can’t see the video? Click here. A few days ago, I was doing some Q&A on a live BlogTV show, and I was asked some questions about my experiences interviewing the Twilight cast. Someone asked if Kristen Stewart was nicer in person than a lot of the media and the tabloids made her out to […]
Michael Welch Joins Twitter – But Be Careful!
The amazing and hilarious Michael Welch from the Twilight Saga films has just joined Twitter! Everyone go welcome him at @MichaelWelchAct! This one has been confirmed by the official Twilight Twitter page, but I noticed last night that Michael is following a fake Twilight cast Twitter account. I’m guessing it was just a mistake, but […]
Robert Pattinson’s Sister, Lizzy Pattinson, Sings
Can’t see it? Click here. The song above is called “The Day It Rained Forever” and is by a group called Aurora. The group is most popular in the UK for their dance hits, especially this one and Dreaming, both of which were popular around 2000 but didn’t cross very much into the US. The […]
NEW MOON Live Streaming Webcast!
The huge premiere for NEW MOON is coming up a week from today, and Borders has partnered with a bunch of the top Twilight websites to bring you the ultimate live webcast! It will be broadcast via live video from the Borders Westwood store in Los Angeles, CA, on Sunday, November 15 at 2 PM […]