The Breaking Dawn Part 2 Movie Premiere!
I had such an amazing time at the red (black?) carpet of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn movie premiere! I hosted a bunch of interviews for (they will be posting the videos soon) and got to talk to almost all of the cast. It was a great way to wrap up the final movie […]
15 New Breaking Dawn Movie Stills!
Things are really starting to get crazy for THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN PART 2! Get ready for a wave of new stuff as the film premiere gets closer and we prepare for the final movie in the Twilight Saga! Summit Entertainment just sent me these fifteen brand-new stills from the movie and they’re awesome! […]
Why The “Taylor Lautner Is Gay” Magazine Cover Is Fake
Earlier today, I received a sudden flood of tweets and emails about “Taylor Lautner coming out”. Many were wondering if a certain magazine cover was real, and after some sleuthing* (*1 minute on Tumblr) I found the source: Right. This Taylor Lautner cover is fake for many reasons, but I’ll go with the easiest: the […]
Photos From LA Twilight Convention
In case you missed it, here’s some of my live coverage from the LA Twilight convention! Make sure you’re following me so you get updates when I cover the Breaking Dawn Part 1 red carpet next week! [View the story “LA Twilight Convention” on Storify]
Edward And Bella, In A Bed. Featuring You.
I know why they put this new Breaking Dawn movie photo out. Edward and Bella in a bed? Wait, did you even notice Bella was in the bed? If you’d take your hand off the screen from over her face you’d see her… there she is! Now let’s just make this easier for the whole […]