TwilightGuys Report: Mom’s Dating Edward AND Jacob?
MOM’S DATING EDWARD AND JACOB? I’m the only guy living in my house. You can probably see how that can be a problem. I live with three of my sisters, my mom, and my aunt. All of them love Twilight. I was watching TV one day, and i overheard my mom on the phone. “Edward […]
TwilightGuys Report: The Audio-Book Burglar
THE AUDIO-BOOK BURGLAR “I am a younger brother . . . the middle child. My sister, as so many teen girls are, is completely obsessed with twilight. Obsessed to the point where she has an entire ipod devoted to having the books on tape at her ears at all possible times . I keep hearing […]
Twilightguys Report: Twilight At The Beach
TWILIGHT AT THE BEACH “So, I live in a house with a twin sister and mother who are both “Twi-hards”. They’re always reading the books, gushing about Edward or Jacob and getting angry when they find scenes in the movie that aren’t in the book. We go to the beach every summer, which is […]
TwilightGuys Report: He Read 300 Pages in 2 Hours
HE READ 300 PAGES IN 2 HOURS “Imagine calling your girlfriend one day and being told “OH MY GAWD you have got to read these books the guy is absolutely amzing hes perfect ahhh i just love edward!” That was my world. and any guy will tell you its not fun being compared to […]
TwilightGuys Report: Edward Nearly Stole His Girlfriend
Some of the most common reasons I have found that guys pick up Twilight is because they first mistakenly believe their girlfriends have fallen for some new guy named Edward, only to find out (amidst buckets of laughter from their girlfriends) that he is from a book. Take JC for example: EDWARD NEARLY STOLE HIS […]