Reading Breaking Dawn: Chapter 7 (Unexpected)
The song for this chapter is Zoe Jane by Staind [audio:] Hello! My name is Kaleb! I write here! On occasion! I’m back, with just under two more weeks of finals to go. For those of you not acquainted with how finals work on my corner of the planet, the school generally gives me a […]
Reading Eclipse: Chapter 24 (Snap Decision)
The song for this chapter is Mr. Brightside by The Killers [audio:] Thanks to my new video yesterday, I’ve had quite a few chuckles at some of the outrageous guesses as to what epic things I have in The Box. I’ve had even more fun with the comments on the video page, such as those […]
Reading Eclipse: Chapter 21 (Trails)
The song for this chapter is Stolen by Dashboard Confessional
During my glorious and much-needed break from blogging, it was brought to my attention that I was mentioned somewhere I had never, ever expected to be. One of my readers emailed and said she had been reading Robert Pattinson: Eternally Yours, by Isabelle Adams, and came across this passage on page 90:

I can’t even begin to tell you what a surprise this was! I’m still in shock that I was mentioned in an actual book like that 😀
Anyhows, I managed to make time stop so I could read another chapter of Eclipse today! Where I left off, there were some obvious Jacob/Bella problems going on. Does she love him? Does she not? Does she absolutely detest his slightly manipulative ways? I shall find out…
Bella’s vision of a perfect wedding is very fitting for what she wants: anything human to be over as quickly as possible.She hardly enjoys any sort of celebration, even her own graduation and birthdays, and being wed carries so much weight in her mind she seems to want it over and done with As Soon As Humanly Possible. Obviously, this is not what she has in mind:
Reading Eclipse: Chapter 20 (Compromise)
The song for this chapter is Season of Love by Shiny Toy Guns
I was sitting in the school cafe earlier today, minding my own business and getting some writing done, when I overheard a conversation at the table next to me that went something like this:
Guy 1: Jonas Brothers fangirls are the creepiest girls ever. What is with them?
Guy 2: No man, the Jonas Brothers fangirls are nothing compared to TWILIGHTERS.
-all guys murmur in unified agreement-
Guy 3: Yeah, they’re all way crazy over Edward Cullen.
-guys go silent-
Guy 2: Who’s Edward Cullen?
Guy 3, stammering: Oh, I, uh, I, uh, I read the first few pages. My sister had it. Uh. Uh.
Niccceeee. You don’t even see Edward’s name until page 20. Yet another closet TwilightGuy I’m guessing 😀
Anyhows, I managed to make it home in one piece in this chilling weather, and lo and behold Eclipse was here waiting for my return. Where I left off, Bella was with Jacob, watching
Reading Eclipse: Chapter 19 (Selfish)
The song for this chapter is Crushed by Lesley Roy
[audio:]When I first started Twilight, I told myself that above all, I would not become one of those fans: the one’s who spin around when they see a silver Volvo, or who blink twice anytime a girl says her name is Bella, or re-read quickly when the words ‘dazzle’ or ‘sparkle’ or ‘scintillating’ are used in a sentence. However, I was brought to an immediate pause in my biology class this week, when I opened my textbook to find that we would be studying prophase and anaphase under the microscope.
These were scientific terms long before Bella and Edward were studying them. Sheesh! Anyhows, despite my lopsided posting due to an equally lopsided school schedule, I couldn’t