Yes people, it’s only been a week, and it’s already time for another Twilight Youtube Contest of Awesome!
Within one week, 10,000+ people subscribed to my channel for the last contest. Due to complaints that I seem to be doing a contest every week now, I’ve extended this one so hopefully it will take a tiny bit longer before I have to get the next one going! The fact that I must do this simply to keep from giving prizes away every week is astounding.
As the video says, I am giving away HAND SIGNED photos from
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart,
Taylor Lautner &
Kellan Lutz!
The contest is open to anyone from any country, and all you have to do to enter is be subscribed to my Youtube channel! It’s my big thank-you to everyone who’s followed the site and watches my videos 😀
55 Responses
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I would cut off my hand for one of those autographs……..I’m not even joking one bit.
Cool! 😀 I LOVE KELLAN LUTZ <3 Glad I am subscribed to your youtube channel 😀
Ok…that is weird….I just posted a comment, but it is not showing it…so I will try again.
Cool, I am glad I am already subscribed to your youtube channel 🙂 I LOVE KELLAN LUTZ 😀
ha ha…
I would massacre for the kristen autograph… i’m only half joking about that…
This could be so much better than a “What would you do for a Klondike bar?” scenario. 🙂
See my comment on your video (lostinthoughts89). Sorry for my lack of originality in the comment, it’s 1:30 and I am very tired after studying Geology for 6 hours straight =/
Question…how do you have the money to pay for these autographs? I was going to get my friend a Rob one, but they are $80 on eBay. Even a reprint is about $30.
That’s pretty cool. I’m guessing the complaints you’re talking about would be from Bailey? I saw that video…
wow that is awsome! kaleb is awsome! i would love the kellan photo! good luck to everyone, who entered!
I’d love one of those!!
I got out of bed and came to watch the contest thingy on blogtv after being suuuuuper sick. But do you know how fun it is to read your posts on your iPod in bed when you don’t want to get up? Uh, helllllooo, it’s a lot easier for the ill (and the lazy). We will just ignore the lazy though.
Umm. Sorry about this being so random. How about I make it more on topic?
WOOOOOOOOOO!!! 🙂 I’m excited about the contest. 🙂 teehee
TAYLOR!!!!! please im begging here!!! I’ll marry you if I win;D
KELLAN LUTZ! I would love an autograph from him. But truthfully, I’d take any of the prizes. And I would love an autograph from you, too, Kaleb. I think it will be very highly prized when your book comes out.
Thanks for all your enthusiastic blogging. I love your site!
his autograph would be highly priced? i would keep itif i got it. but i would love love love love love love love love love to get the one signed my robert pattinson and kirsten stewart!! please kaleb! please!
omg i soooo want the taylor one xd. That is all lol.
Any of them would be fine cause i love them all, but my first choice would be Rob and Kristen. But also I agree with Janet about taking one of yours! I love your posts about the books, your music, and your videos, and I can’t wait to get your book!
yay! ahhhh that would be the best day of my life if i won 🙂
I am so glad that I am subscribed to your channel!
I love Taylor Lautner, & Robert Pattinson, and I would probably faint if I got their autograph!
Thanks, Kaleb for making these awesome contests for us!
I hope I win!
You know, I think it’s time you removed the writing on top that claims it’s NOT a Twilight Fansite…it SO is and you need to own up:) It’s time to admit that you are, officially, a Twilight fan.
Wow, I kind of start hyperventilating when I think of Kristin Stewert and Robert Pattinson’s signatures on ONE PHOTO!! >.<
i thought the day would NEVER come when you would give away his autograph 😀 now i really want to win >_<
Hey! Just wanted to let you know I think this contest is AWESOME
Now you’ve ignited a war with bailey.
Heheh (Shrugs) don’t shoot the messenger please. Um, yeah, you should probably go see the video…
Yayy 🙂
YAY I love Kellan Lutz!!! I’m so excited I really really hope I win even though I know I most likely won’t.
I would choose the Rob & Kristen one!
Kaleb, you are awesome.
yea! so excited!!! oh kaleb, ur so giving!!! lol. you wanna know what i think? as a thank you of being so generous and entertaining us for almost a year now, i beleive YOU deserve a prize. hmmmm….. dont you agree twilighter????
oops. i meant twilighterS…. 😀
you know…
i would cherish the autographs better if you touched them!!
*fangirl screams*
“OMG its signed by _______ AND touched by Kaleb Nation!!”
*fangirl screams*
this is awesome!!
where do you get all these autographs??
its not fair!!!!!
Hey there! Sweet contest! Just like everyother person I too would love an autographed picture from a cast member in Twilight! TEAM EDWARD!!! =)
I wonder how much it’d be worth…
If I sold the picture, maybe I could buy Rob, instead of having to win him!
Just Kidding.
I love Rob, but… I’m not 14 yet…
But the Kellan one would be great. My friend’d kill for it.
And then Taylor.
But still, kudos to the winner!
*smiles insanely wide* I had to stop the video when you started talking about the option of winning Robert Pattinson because I couldn’t hear the video over my screams of immense joy. =D Since I can’t win Robert Pattinson I shall now begin saving all my money to buy him. 😉
I would like the Taylor Lautner one the most IF he didn’t have that ugly wig 😛
I’d like the Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart the most. But for New Moon, you need to get a Lautner autograph and a pic of him with his shorter haircut 😉
I feel like the contest for the Taylor autograph is unnecessary because we both know I’ve already won. ;D Jk. Jk. I want it so badddd. Ugh.
But it sounds like you’re saying KristEEn Stewart the first time you mention it. xD
Either the Robert & Kristin one or the Kellan Lutz. But for 100,000 suscribers, I would love to get Robert, Lol!
i would seriously run somebody over a thousand times for the robert one…
im like not even joking…
but id take any of them…
Robert Pattinson’s autograph!
He is absolutely amazing…and gorgeous of course…
i realy realy would like to meet you but i would never be able to meet mybe i will love you taylor lautner
i soo looove Taylor and i soooo wanna have his autograph 🙂
ill donate a kidney for just one of those autographs!!
Its my dream to have one og those 🙂
OMG!!! i would love love love l0ove love lovvve love love love love love love love love love love love to have that!!!!!! OOOOOOO please kaleb! i would give away my soul!!!!!
By the way its da rob pattinson and kristen stewart i would give my soul away for!!
OMG!! i love taylor!! pls pls pls..gimme those autographs!!
OMG KELLAN LUTZ!! when do we know who won?!
I want. 🙂
OME!! i love Robert Pattinson!! i am totally OBSESSED!! if i won the Robert Pattinson signed one i would cry!! (tears of joy!!) OME!! i love him soo much!! i dedicated my AIM and E-Mail to him and Edward and all the amazing Twilight actors!! My page on is .Thank you for giving everyone a chance to win these!!!
O.M.E If i won one signed by anybody from twilight i would go crazy i would be the happiest person on earth and would not ask for anything else for the rest of my life : )
People would go nut's and go throgh some high **stuff*** for twilight autographs.
Just to some people keep looking and you might win. But you heard what he said 20,000 people or was it
100,000. HMMM. To subscribe. That's a lot so keep talking to people to joibut first a have to ask a question to twilight guy.
HOW do you get the autographs in the frist place.???!!
pick me
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