A guy reads Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (2009-2011)

YOU Interview Solomon Trimble!

kaleb-solomonHow often do YOU get the chance to help interview one of the stars from the Twilight movie?

Solomon Trimble, who plays the werewolf chief Sam Uley, has offered to do an extra-special interview for the readers of my site! Since I already had the wonderful opportunity to meet with Solomon at the Twilight premiere, I have decided to do this interview a bit different than usual: and let you, the fans, submit questions for Solomon!

Send in your questions for this awesome actor in the comments of this post. I’ll compile the best one’s, and send them to him to answer!



120 Responses

  1. – About Twilight: Which Sam-scene of any of the Twilight books would you really like to play?

    – For fun: Best ice-cream flavour EVER?

    I also liked #40 Rakey’s question (Team Edward or Team Jacob?)

  2. Are you/were you willing to read the Twilight books in public? lol

    if you could play the part of any Twilight character, other than Sam, who would it be?

    who would you choose for Emily?

    are you similar to your character in real life?

  3. Why do you think that they chose you to play the part of Sam?

    How do you plan to bring Sam alive in movie?

  4. I have a question! (Or two…)

    1) Were you excited when you found out that you were going to be playing Sam?

    2) If you had a choice, which other character would you have liked to play?

    3) Have you read the Twilight series? Which was your favorite?

    4) Do you think you’re like Sam in any way? If not, do you know anyone like him?

  5. More questions:

    Are there any cast members you have a secret crush on?

    Your character, Sam, was in love with Leah Clearwater before imprinting on Emily. If you were in this position, what would you do?

    Which scene do you think will be the hardest to film?

    Do you know if you’ll be going cliff diving? Or will they have stunt double or green screen or something do it instead? If you are, are you excited or scared?

  6. Ok so I’m not sure if this one has been asked already cause I’m to lazy to read ALL of the comments so:

    ‘How does it feel to know that millions of people around the world now see you as the leader of a famous werewolf pack?’

    and lol of course:

    ‘Since Robert has been asked by fans to bite them have you had any weird questions like: Sam will you scratch me? or other such questions?’

  7. I’ve heard that you’ve written some poetry to Emily (if this is wrong, blame the Lexicon). What were you thinking of while you did this and is there anyone special in your life who you can look to for inspiration on this?

    If this is a videoed interview, could you read one of the poems possibly?

  8. I guess I’d say…

    If you could have any of the vampires’ talent, or just any vampire talent you could think of…what would it be?

    I hope that makes sense…

  9. Oh, I love solomon… here is my question…

    I know you wrote a poem about emily from sams point of veiw, do you normally write poetry and if so where can I read more? I loved the poem you wrote about emily!!

  10. Bella really doesn’t like Sam very much… how is it trying to play a character who’s never portrayed very well in the books?

  11. Um these are my questions. =]
    1. What got you interested in taking on a role in Twilight?
    2.Have you read the New Moon script? and did you like it?
    3.Have there been any funny experiences while working with the Twilight cast.
    4.What is your favorite part of being a werewolf?
    5.Is there anything the fans don’t know about you?

  12. hm…
    1) What do you think is the coolest part of playing a “werewolf”?
    2) How long did it take you to grow out your hair like that?

  13. This is so awesome Kaleb! You rock!

    Q: What is one thing that you and your character have in common?


  14. Oh, I’ve got another one!
    3) Did you get to meet Stephenie Meyer when you made this movie?

    If so, NO FAIR!

  15. This has probably already been asked but “What scene(s) in any of the future movies are you looking forward to?”

  16. I heard from a news article a week or so back that you wouldn’t be reprising your role as Sam Uley, but I haven’t heard anything confirming that so I was curious whether you have been told anything by Summit about continuing to play Sam in the upcoming movie(s) (I have a feeling that the article I read was pulling information from it just not being said whether you’re reprising the role or not)?

  17. Hey,

    Three questions (one isn’t really a question):

    1. Cliff diving or motorbike riding.
    2. Will you ever come to Australia? If you do you should come to Canberra “The Nation’s Capital”!
    3. Will you be able to carry Kristen Stewart in the beginning of New Moon?

    Bye. 🙂

  18. My Question…….

    are you receiving a lot of prank calls since the you got a role in Twilight movie ??

    :)) -sasya-

  19. 1. what are some of the probems young native american face these days trying to get into acting or any othw rork place
    2. if you hadn’t of gotton the role of sam in twilight what do you think you’d be doing
    3. Does Kyrs (the guy who played embry) actually have a last name, is his name even kyrs? is he trying to protect his anonaminity.
    4. apart from acting what is your favourite thing to do?
    5. what did you eat for breakfast today?

  20. If it is confirmed for playing the role of Sam in New Moon, do you know any secrets you could tell us about the movie?

    What was the auditioning process? Were you nervous?

    What inspired you to act? Are you planning to make it as your job in life?

  21. wow …um i think you should ask him how he personally feels about the imprinting and how it affected his charater and whether the emotion of that is a hard one to portray

  22. 1.Have you read all the Twilight books?

    3.Do you like the books?

    2.Were you a TwilightGuy before the movie?

  23. If you could play any other member of the wolf pack who would it be?

    And how do you about Sam’s past with lean and the imprinting situation?

  24. uhmm.

    maybe something like :
    What part do you really want to do in the movie.

    or :
    are you and the twilight cast ever goin to come to Belgium ( i want to know >:o )

    If you could play somebody else in the movies, who would you play..

    Do you really like the books?

    that kind of questions.

    – Sorry if my english is bad , Im dutch 🙂

  25. If you saw a werewolf in real life, what would you do?
    Run away screaming or try to get a better look at it?

  26. 1. Do you like the book Twilight, and if yes, do you think you’d still like it if you had nothing to do with the film?

    2. Who is your favourite character (Sam doesn’t count)?

    3. What do you think of the casting for the otehr parts? Do you think any of the actors chosen for them aren’t right?

    4. Have you come across any Team Sam fans?

    5. Team Edward or Team Jacob? You can’t say Switzerland.

  27. “What are you most looking forward to doing in the movies to come?”

    “Whats your Favorite Holiday and why?”

    “Have screaming girls started following you around yet?”

  28. who is the funnest person to hang out with on set?

    are you going to cut your hair?

    is there any on-set/off-set drama between any of the cast members?

    if you could be a cullen/hale which one would you be and why?

    if you were a vampire and had a power what would it be?

    what color wolf are you?

  29. When you got the part, did you know about the huge amount of hype surrounding the movie? If you didn’t, did it take you by surprise?

  30. here’s my questions :

    1) Are you excited about the special effects they are going to use to turn you into a werewolf

    2) And are you excited to see what they will look like

  31. 1) What do you do in your spare time?
    2) what do you like to eat for breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner?
    3) what’s your favorite kind of candy?
    4) Team edward or team jacob?

  32. What do you think should happen to Bella? Human or Vampire?
    If you could be any character, who would you be?

  33. Are you looking forward to being a werewolf in the next movie?, If you ACTULLY could turn into a werewolf, what do you think you would look like? Hows it feel to be a STAR?;)ok here’s just a list of one or the other questions.
    1)cake or pie
    2)rain or snow
    3)red or blue
    4)paper or plastic
    5)north or south
    6)edward or jacob
    7) twilight or harry potter
    8)facebook or myspace

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