My Review of THE HOST Movie! Featuring Stephenie Meyer
So now that the final movie in The Twilight Saga is out… what’s next? If you’re looking for another epic film based on a Stephenie
So now that the final movie in The Twilight Saga is out… what’s next? If you’re looking for another epic film based on a Stephenie
Finally: my review of the last movie in The Twilight Saga! I liked it so much that I saw it twice — and it was
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I was sent this hilarious video by Christine Riccio. I love the mini history of every fandom freakout moment over all these years! Get ready
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thanks for posting it, kaleb! you rule!
i love how you’re thinking about gnomes… but seriously, who isn’t???
check it out- first comment! finally!
ok that was
Zomg, LOL
”sex, money, sex, GNOMES.”
I burst out lauging at that xD
Will you get more parts in this? O:
Ahahahaha!!! I loved the quote from Can I Have Your Number! 🙂
That was amazing 😀
That was a very strange parody. funny though. I liked the gnomes part.
Lipstick…lol…gnomes…more lol! And Jasper??? Fell off my chair.
Great stuff. Def worth the wait. Looking forward to the next installment.
WOW, that was awesome 🙂 I was laughing so hard and great cameo. Can’t wait for the continuation.
That was great! I laughed so hard! I can’t wait for the second one!
See everyone loves Kaleb!! And I’m not just saying that because it’s April Fools Day!
Wow, that was good and funny. I love the way they made fun of everything, and I loved it most because the TWI-GUY was in it! Thinking about gnomes while reading a Twilight book? Kaleb, please, think about gnomes after you put the book down. Stephenie Meyer’s stories are good enough without little guys in hats.
Loved it! Especially Jasper – he reminds me of an ex-boyfriend of mine! And every time Bella says “What the crap?!” I just die!
Haha. Jasper, Heroine, and gnomes.
That was AWESOME!!!! 🙂
LOVE the new layout btw!
Gnomes! XD
That made my day. :]
I am not the same Natalie as number 12 and 13 just for a heads up. But I agree, the new layout is hilarious, I laughed so hard for ten minutes! Dr. Seuss! Classic!!
The video was pretty funny. Jasper was great so was the “holy crap!” The best part was the Twilightguy’s cameo though. Gnomes! That is so Kaleb!!
It was kind of creepy though that a girl played Edward…hummm…interesting. Is it because they are always the main focus of the videos? Do they make these videos together? Otherwise, it confused me.
I love it when Jasper just eerily appears in the picture. That was fantastic.
I know what kind of building they filmed the cafeteria and volleyball parts in. Way obvious. But I don’t want to say because then people will be prejudiced and not watch it anymore.
Let’s just say the people in the video and Stephenie Meyer have more in common than just their love for Twilight…seems kind of great that they filmed it there.
ahahaha that was SO great!!! Kaleb, you were pretty amazing! lol whens part two?!?!? cant wait :]
Yay! Kaleb cameo! It was awesome. I laughed So hard. It’s like this morning when I told my friend that the Jonas Brothers were going to be on the New Moon soundtrack XD
Anways, this was great! Jasper was awesome (who didn’t love Japser?) and the gnome thing was brilliant. I can’t wait for part 2! XD
Jasper rocked.
Kaleb you cameo had me laughing so hard. Especially combined with Liz&Kiera’s “sex” lmao
Epic use of a “can I have your number” quote!
That is one of the most awesome parodies I’ve ever seen. LOVED IT!
Part two can’t come soon enough.
I watched your cameo twice, Kaleb. You’re such a good actor, you SHOULD have played Edward Cullen. LMAO, I LOVE THIS!
this parody is so funny! i love m squared!
it will probably be like 2-3 months before we get part 2 🙁
I also agree with most of the funny parts listed but I just busted out laughing at the “La Push” break-down!
“La Push the button…La Push the button again” 🙂
Hey! Great stuff.
I just wanted to shout out to the Mormons – because that is totally a Mormon gym! I would recognize those slidey walls anywhere.
That was hilarious! Especially your cameo 😛
And the new banner… that’s especially funny because today I went to my school library (I go to high school) and beside the young adult books I saw THAT EXACT DR SEUSS BOOK! I was like o_O… anyway that’s so funny that you have that book in your banner.
I love Melanie and Medya’s parodies so much, it’s rediculous. ^.^
Now that they put Kaleb in there, it’s the perfect Parody!
GNOMES! woo!
haha margaret i noticed that it was a mormon gym too! anyways, that was a great parody. the part in the biology lab when edward says “that’s what she said” made me cry because i was laughing so hard.
Did you have anything to do with this sight being over run by gnomes??? If you did ur a GENIUS! (not that u arent already)
Love the gnomes!
And, I may have been mistaken, but I thought I heard a mumbled, “Don’t mind Kaleb…he’s from the rez.” after the shot of you. Maybe I’m hearing things, but it cracked me up! 🙂
THAT was HILARIOUS!!! Loved your cameo and the rez remark, and I loved Liz and Kiera’s sex haha… the whole thing was sssooosososo funny!!!
I’ve already seen it, but I had to comment to you. I do love your cameo. It’s hilarious! Hey, at least you weren’t thinking “cats”. LOL
greatttt cameo!
i was a little sad they chose a girl for edward though. it makes things alittle awkwarddddd
haha, epic.
“La Push the button! La Push the button again!”
and gnomes. of course.
Melanie and I started out making these videos together–her as Bella, me as Edward, so that’s how it’s always been. It’s not meant to be creepy; it’s meant to be funny.
If this is your first time watching a video of ours, you probably think it’s awkward because you haven’t seen our others! You should check them out cause they’re way funnier than this one. =]
And yeah Melanie’s Mormon, so we used her church for a couple of scenes. ;]
lolz love the fact that you were thinking of gnomes 😀
“What the CRAP?!?!?!?”
I agree with all the comments! Especially the “That’s what she said!” I was laughing so hard.
Great parody! And great cameo Kaleb! Absolute fav!
hahah that was great. gnomes!
haha “gnomes” “Gnomes???” “Yeah don’t mind Kaleb…”
This made my day!
Did they hunt you down?! OH NO! They know your hiding spot!
And I seriously haven’t heard of these girls before, but seeing this, I LOVE THEM! Can we get some links to them? =]
Kaleb- head over to the Lexicon forum, if you haven’t already…
It’s Kaleb Nation Day, apparently. The fangirls have finally realized Edward and Jacob are out of their reach, and decided to go after you instead. There’s an entire forum for you that I think you’ll enjoy.
haha april fools day has to be the best! your cameo was pure win, and so was the rest of the parody!
This video made me lol. The real one is a lot better though!
this made me realize what a jerk Edward is to bella… And I quote
“What the crap?!”
And, I think her ipod headphones really stay on in the movie
Very well done! I love how Kristen Stewart’s odd facial expressions and reactions were down pat.
Jasper…. funny funny funny!!!
Great job! I can’t wait to see the next chapter.
haha Gnomes. I watch it just to see your part ahahah
this is awesome! M2 productions rocks! I loved your cameo also! it was great! I can’t wait for the 2nd part to come out!
As much as I love Twilight I’d have to say that was freakin hilarious! I like how the much they payed attention to details like clothes and facial expressions. And the google about adrenaline rushes LOL that was sooo funny. Oh and nice cameo Kaleb! Can’t wait for the next installment.
Well, Kaleb, since you’re from the res…I think YOU need to be in the wolf pack! Come on now, show us those abs so we can see if you measure up:)
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