A guy reads Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (2009-2011)

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart at the Official Twilight Convention LA


Lots (I mean LOTS) more photos coming tomorrow and Monday. I just wanted to get this sweet one up for all of you who are waiting. I think I have at least 300 of Rob, Taylor, and Kristen alone (I’m not even exaggerating either).

ADDED: Since you’ve all been so patient here’s another one. I’ll have more tomorrow!




13 Responses

  1. Rob's looks for Kristen are just so special………………..I feel like a voyeur looking at their special moments………they are so adorable.

  2. They have such a bond……..I think he would love to anounce to the world that they are in love but uintil this Twilight saga filming is wrapped……the papparazzi attention would be 10 fold to what it is right now……cuz if they aren't a couple…they should be ……..if they are only best of friends…I hope they never lose that closeness but me thinks..it's love.

  3. They are way too cute for words!! I am still wanting to find out where that ring on her middle left hand came from, she is forever wearing it – it looks like a wedding band.

  4. << SECOND PHOTO>>>Rob .. don't bite Kristen… it's not nice.. 😛

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