A guy reads Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (2009-2011)

My Robert Pattinson Video With Over 600,000 Views

If you’re a subscriber of my Youtube channel, then you’ve likely already noticed that I started a new show!

The 60SR is a new webshow featuring top entertainment stories told in 60 seconds or less. The show covers popular news and viral videos, as well as fandom updates for The Hunger Games, Twilight, Harry Potter, and more.

In 2010, the second video in the series (Robert Pattinson In Spiderman 4) virally reached over 600,000+ views (!!!) even though it was much shorter (how could I survive only talking for 40 seconds back then?). The other videos have been some of my most responded to date. Due to the success of the show so far, I’ve decided to try these shows as a regularly scheduled feature on my channel.

Be sure to subscribe and be part of the show (I’m so close to 60,000 subscribers right now!). Subscribing is free and lets you know when you visit Youtube.com if I’ve post a new video:

The plan is to make a new show every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (if writing deadlines get in the way, I’ll switch to Tuesday/Thursday). These will be in addition to my regular music videos/vlogs on Saturdays/Sundays, and any breaking news updates. It’s the same type of vlogs I’ve been doing for years, organized in a sharper format. The 60SR is the 60 Second Rant, or the 60 Second Review, or the 60 Second Recap… all in one!

Here’s one of the shows from this week:



9 Responses

  1. I live in England and I think that Breaking dawn should be rated 15 instead of 12, like the other two were. I think in america that would translate as r-rated..? It wouldn't live up to the book if they cut corners just to attract a bigger audience. True twilight fans would find a way to see it anyway and I don't think they should compromise on the book just so more people can see it. We want to see Breaking Dawn, not a watered down version of it!

  2. i agree with emma. the dirictor should live true to the book. if its rate R than you can reference towards whats happening but you dont have to show all the details.like it could be happening but not fully shown.

  3. Breaking Dawn should absolutely be rated R. Yes, its a “teen” novel, but 13 years old kids shouldn't be doing what is being experienced in the final book. They need to stay true to the book, 100%.

  4. It should be PG-13 otherwise stephenie myer cant watch her own book transfered onto screen and they will loose millions of fans. if you look at the videos on youtube most of them have really young people that are like 13 or 14 or something… and that will just get everyone really angry (especially me.)

  5. RATED R! You have to stay true to the book… Who cares if the littler kids cant see it, what matters is that the fans want the books translated to the screen. If you make is PG-13 then you have to cut some of the most important sceens out of the movies which ruins the entire effect.

  6. I'll be 18 by then so i won't mind it being rated R :).. and so will my girlfriend (since she's my excuse as to “why” I watch the movies- while I'm the one who actually drags her to them! lool)
    I haven't read Breaking Dawn yet, but PG-13 movies put some childish restrictions; I don't want the film to lack texture. I would rather have it be rated R so that the producers can have more options to work with.

  7. I think it should be PG-13. A lot of really risque movies have been coming out that deal with that kind of stuff, and they have been PG-13, and I think that this movie should stay true to the audience they have already targeted with the books and other movies.

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