A guy reads Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (2009-2011)

Breaking Dawn Movie Trailer Reaction!

Hopefully you caught The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 movie trailer on the MTV Movie Awards earlier! Here’s a video of my reaction 😀



2 Responses

  1. Okay just saying…. I am in love with twilight! Love this blog!! I wonder what will happen when twilight ends?
    I will have noo life! Well I am team Edward too sooooo yay for us! Thnx for everything!!

    Twilight girl

  2. I'm sorry. I don't want to start anything because I thought the reaction video was funny. I admit, I read all the Twilight books. I admit, I read all the Harry Potter books. So when fans say that after Harry Potter ends they will have no life I can understand why. Harry Potter has been around for fourteen years, and it's still going with Pottermore, fanfiction, and the theme park. So Harry Potter still has many years to go. However, when Twilight fans say that after Twilight they won't have a life, I can't help but feel pity towards them. All Twilight is is brain candy. It's a straightforward story that has no surprises or anything. There isn't any foreshadowing that brings a shocking 'OMG!' moment to the readers. Everybody has been waiting for Edward to finally bite Bella and turn her into a vampire pretty much since Bella found out he was a vamp. And Smeyer didn't really make it a big shocker when it was revealed in the book, considering she told everyone on the back of the book. Smh.

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