TwilightGuys Report: DJ And Blogger Loves Twilight
There must be something with DJ’s and bloggers liking Twilight 😀
TwilightGuys Report: Stephen King Or Stephenie Meyer?
STEPHEN KING OR STEPHENIE MEYER? My story is very unusual. I am a junior in high school, and one day for English class, our whole class had to pick a book that you would have to take a test online for. I had forgotton my school ID card, so unfortunately for me, I could not […]
TwilightGuys Report: He Finally Read The Books
HE FINALLY READ THE BOOKS I have two sisters who are obsessed with Twilight, and at first i was just like…what is the big deal? One time, when they were talking about it, I thought they were talking about real people. At dinner they were saying “OMG I cant believe that Jacob kissed Bella, I […]
TwilightGuys Report: He Got Caught Sneaking Twilight
HE GOT CAUGHT SNEAKING TWILIGHT It all started one Friday evening when my wife finally gave in and bought the Twilight book like so many of her friends were begging her to. She tried to read it over the weekend, but didn’t get very far. However, on Monday after work, she came home just RAVING […]
TwilightGuys Report: Edward Meets Bella…In Real Life
EDWARD MEETS BELLA…IN REAL LIFE Dear Kaleb, So up until about two months ago, my Twilight knowledge was limited to mocking any girl I saw for reading “that apple book”. But when I moved across the country to live with my uncle, swapping into a co-ed high school with my cousin, out of nowhere there […]