TwilightGuys Report: He Proposed With Bella’s Engagement Ring
HE PROPOSED WITH BELLA’S ENGAGEMENT RING. I love my girlfriend, and I have to say I love her a lot more than Robert “Robward” Pattinson or Edward Cullen loves her. I love her so much I intend to marry her one day. We’ve been going out for seven and a half years now and every […]
TwilightGuys Report: Twilight Brought Them Together
TWILIGHT BROUGHT THEM TOGETHER I’m a teenager, and not exactly anyone too special, not really good looking in my opinion, not good at sports or anything and I never read books.. I’m basically a gamer. So i see this girl sitting across the class from me in my drama class that sparks my interest, as […]
TwilightGuys Report: Twilight Helped His Social Life
TWILIGHT HELPED HIS SOCIAL LIFE About 3 months ago, i started noticing every single girl in my school had a black book, or a book with an apple, or flower, or ribbon, whatever. It was bugging me to no end! It was all the girls were talking about. Finally, I asked one of my friends, […]
TwilightGuys Report: Finally Convinced To Read Twilight
FINALLY CONVINCED TO READ TWILIGHT One day a few months ago, my sister came downstairs from being shut up in her room for hours, reading. This was (is, and always will be) typical behaviour for her, as is spouting details from whatever book she happens to be reading. It is also MY typical behaviour to […]
TwilightGuys Report: Mr. and Mrs. Cullen
MR. AND MRS. CULLEN “I was walking into work one day when a woman came running around to my desk, yelling for me. She had just finished the Twilight series, and had absolutely gone insane when she found out i had the last name of Cullen (she’s new, you see). She was convinced to […]