A guy reads Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (2009-2011)

Reading Twilight: The Epilogue

The Song for Twilight is



And thus, the votes are in: nearly 10,000 over the span of two weeks. The votes were very, very close. The number 2 song was within 50 votes of the top. In order after the top song, the next four runners-up are:

2. Time Is Running Out by Muse

3. Lion by Rebecca St. James

4. Iris by Goo Goo Dolls

5. Hero/Heroine by Boys Like Girls

Back in April, the day I first bought this site, I went to sleep literally thinking that I was wasting my time, because nobody would ever read it, much less find my commentary on the books entertaining. Before I woke up the next morning, 4,000 people had already come to prove me wrong. It is hard to describe how great it feels seeing the wonderful reception the Twilight family has extended towards me.

Since April 16th, I have received 750,000 hits, uncountable emails, a mention on Stephenie’s blog, interview and appearance requests, been named the #7 Twilight site in the world, and met countless new friends that I would never have known if not for this site. It is truly unbelievable how fast everything happened and how much everyone has supported me and my (painstakingly slow) read through Stephenie Meyer’s amazing books. I cannot thank all the readers of this site enough for all you have done for me.

I will keep my final thoughts on the book short, so as not to sully the ending with my own commentary. My final review is below, and can also be found in my library later this evening:

I am a guy, and I read Twilight to discover the reason so many girls around the world have fallen in love with the books and a vampire named Edward Cullen. Now that I have finished the first part of the saga, I think I have uncovered some of it, though I have probably only scratched the surface of all that can be taken from this wonderful novel.

With Twilight, Stephenie Meyer has told a story of the changes that can happen to a person when they love someone. At the beginning of the novel, I saw Bella as a girl who abhorred everything about Forks. But by the end, it is her home– and with her is a vampire who cares for her more than he cares for himself.

The character of Edward Cullen was one of the mysteries I originally set out to solve: this person that millions of girls worldwide have fallen in love with, just as Bella did inside of the novel. Like many guys, hearing from girls about how wonderful Edward is made me a bit hesitant to want to read an entire book that seemed, from the outside, as simply a checklist of the things that make him perfect and real guys dismally inadequate. But after I actually opened the book and studied Edward a little closer, I had to ask a few questions: Is Edward idolized so much only because he is a perfectly formed vampire? Would he be thought of so highly if he was still so attractive, and yet selfish and uncaring?

Because of this, I don’t believe girls love Edward only because he is built like a model and is a vampire. I think that the inside counts just as much as his outside appearance. There are many things that us less-than-Hellenisticly-perfect guys can take from the book by watching Edward: the respect he shows towards women, the selflessness of his actions, the level of polite elegance he maintains, the maturity of his judgment, among many others. These are all things that real guys can actually learn from him– and they don’t have to be vampires to do it, either.

The story in Twilight is hopeful and bittersweet in the same breath, which is as close to real life as a description can come. It is a story of love, but most of all it is a story of how true love can break down the strongest of barriers: even barriers that can stand between a human and a vampire.

I’m hoping that now as I move through the rest of the series all of you will continue to read my blogs, and that I can continue to make you laugh with my attempts at wit. I have some very big plans for interesting stuff coming up, and I hope you can stick around to see them unfold. Now…on to New Moon!


(Added 11:59 AM): NOTE: I WILL BE STAYING AT THIS SITE FOR THE REST OF THE TWILIGHT SAGA. There will be no move to newmoonguy.com or anything. However, look forward to some design changes ๐Ÿ˜€



215 Responses

  1. i say u hit the hammer right on the head. u completely got the girls point of view and why we love this book. its more then just this vampire that loves this human and spends his time trying not to kill her, as it sounds like if u were to describe it to a friend. maybe if i can get my boyfriend to read ur blogs, he’ll understand a little more, and y i think he’s like my personal edward. :] thank you.

  2. oh and i have to, u have no idea how excited i am because your gaurdian angel is the twilight book song! thats me and my boyfriends song, and this is my favorite book series! so im like oober happy right now!! ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. That was beautiful.
    You are a really sweet and insightful guy! We love you TwilightGuy!

  4. I just stumbled upon your site within the last couple days and I want to thank you for spelling out exactly why so many girls/women are so fond of Edward. Yes it is nice that he happens to be so beautiful, but it truly is the inside that make us love him. And many men in this world would do well to take to heart the way he is. Thank you for your opinions and humor, I can not wait to continue reading your thoughts on New Moon and Eclipse and eventually Breaking Dawn.

  5. Hi Kaleb, By now i can’t quite remember how i find out about your blog, but you have no idea how you make me laugh with your comments, and as you said above we are not in love of Edward just for his apereance, but for what he’s inside, maybe women for nowadays are independet and strong, but we all like to have a boyfriend who in some ways act like him, all the kindness, the respect and all of those things are really important for us. I’ll keep reading your thoughts for the rest of the books, Good Work for being a Guy!!!

  6. Wow…. This is stupid. I will not go and explain why this is stupid. Too many fans of this series will also be stupid and just ignore me or say “HAVE U EVAR RED THE BOOK??/?”. Yes, I have read the book. And it is stupid.

  7. Hey Kaleb,
    I think it’s pretty cool of you to be doing this. Just because you’re reading it, I’ve been inspired to do the same. I’m a writer, too. I’m 16 and I write my own music and am currently working on a story with no title yet.
    Anyway, I’m a little curious to see what all the fuss is about, too. My mother started reading Twilight and has read all 4 books (is it only 4?) about 5-6 times or more in the past 2-3 weeks. She won’t stop re-reading them. It’s a little disturbing how untired she gets of them.
    As I begin to read them, I’ll follow along with your website. This might be awkward, though, since I said I wouldn’t read them. Plus, I go to an all-girl’s school, and they talk about Twilight every day.

    Ok, well keep doing what you’re doing! ๐Ÿ™‚ Sorry I ranted. I hope to see your books out soon.

  8. Hey Kaleb,
    I just wanted to tell you I have just finished reading all of your blogs on Twilight – and I will be reading those about the other books as well. I'm following your Breaking Dawn blogs as you post them, but since I haven't read the rest jet… Well, I'm working on it.
    I have quit te love-hate relationship with the Twilight-saga, going from 'this is no good at all and Edward is a freak' to 'but god, when I read the books they take a hold of me immediatly and Edward really isn't all that bad'. Your blogs really give a different point of view than most; because even though you like the series, you seem to be able to understand doubts that some might have and are willing to think about the arguments of those people too. That's propably what makes me like this blog so much more than most sites; you're not a gushing omg-fangirl (well, obviously you're not a fangรญrl, but you get the point), but you're not a hater either and your opinions match mine very well most of the time (although I am a little more anti-Edward than you are).
    Well, the point of this entire ramble is that I really, really enjoyed your blogs (but didn't really see a point in commenting on every single chapter, so I'm just doing it here) and I'm looking forward to reading the rest. Thanks for letting us girls see how a guy sees the books!

  9. I just found your site. It has taken me about an hour and a half to get through your entire Twilight blog. I love it. Your insight is amazinggg, almost as good as the story itself. You actually take something from reading it, unlike most who simply take it at face value and enjoy it for the gorgeous vampire falling in love with the avarage girl thing.
    thank youu :]

  10. I just found your site. It has taken me about an hour and a half to get through your entire Twilight blog. I love it. Your insight is amazinggg, almost as good as the story itself. You actually take something from reading it, unlike most who simply take it at face value and enjoy it for the gorgeous vampire falling in love with the avarage girl thing.
    thank youu :]

  11. You are one of the main reasons I read twilight. And let me say THANK YOU! It was SOOO great I read it in a week and already started new moon:-) I am really excited to see how it is!!

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