The song for this chapter is Season of Love by Shiny Toy Guns
I was sitting in the school cafe earlier today, minding my own business and getting some writing done, when I overheard a conversation at the table next to me that went something like this:
Guy 1: Jonas Brothers fangirls are the creepiest girls ever. What is with them?
Guy 2: No man, the Jonas Brothers fangirls are nothing compared to TWILIGHTERS.
-all guys murmur in unified agreement-
Guy 3: Yeah, they’re all way crazy over Edward Cullen.
-guys go silent-
Guy 2: Who’s Edward Cullen?
Guy 3, stammering: Oh, I, uh, I, uh, I read the first few pages. My sister had it. Uh. Uh.
Niccceeee. You don’t even see Edward’s name until page 20. Yet another closet TwilightGuy I’m guessing 😀
Anyhows, I managed to make it home in one piece in this chilling weather, and lo and behold Eclipse was here waiting for my return. Where I left off, Bella was with Jacob, watching the preparations for the war against the young vampires.
Oh Edward Cullen, what a poet. At the moment, I’m studying poetry as part of my English studies, so when I read lines like this:
“Listen to your heart fly,” he murmured. “It’s fluttering like a hummingbird’s wings. […]”
I’m immediately reminded of poetry. There’s a musical quality to the way that Edward speaks. I’m sure everyone who’s read the books noticed this: he never just says:
“Oh look,” he huffed, “your heart’s beating. Whoop-de-doo.”
He’s got a special way of talking, which is easily reminiscent of the literature from the times when he was born. Again, this is something that sets Edward apart: he’s not trying to be like every other, normal guy. He’s trying to be different, to really show Bella that she means the world to him.
As usual, I chuckled at a very awkward-to-be-chuckling-at line:
“But that will always be what I want most, won’t it?” I challenged. “Blood, blood, and more blood!”

It’s striking to me, just how much the marriage means to Edward; as if anything big will change between them, since he is obviously dedicated to her, and she can’t bear the thought of leaving him. But there’s a depth to it, a commitment that Edward is seeking to make, in a very human way that one would think doesn’t apply to vampires. But I’m curious as to Edward’s reason. He can’t be simply doing this and so adamant about an actual marriage just because he is from the early 1900’s: it’s been so long since then, and qualms about societal norms would have vanished into his memory. After all, back in those days, anything resembling vampires was probably considered demonic anyway.
I get the feeling, though, that Edward has many reasons for wanting this: for even though it is obvious that he loves Bella, and his love will not change after they are married, he wants an actual, human connection between them: something normal, that binds them together by actual vows. He sees being a vampire as being ‘tainted’, and I feel that he sees his eternity with Bella as so important, he does not want their commitment to be built upon this tainted foundation, but rather upon a human marriage: one with a soul. After all, Edward and Bella are talking about forever in far more sense of the word than other humans being wed: theirs is a real and literal forever.
I noticed a sudden slew of emails the past few days, most of them telling me oh-how-much they wanted to hear my opinions on Chapter 20. This, as usual, was followed by a bunch of HA-HA-HA-ha-ha’s, which caused me a considerable amount of uncomfortable suspense for what I was going to find. Rest assured, I reacted in exactly the way my readers expected:
Ahem. Anyhow, we were back at the vampires and werewolves fighting something in some sort of a bloody battle. Yes, that’s the part I was reading.
I greatly enjoyed reading the comments on the last chapter post: people have so many different opinions on Jacob. But I feel I should clear it up somewhat and say that I don’t absolutely detest Jacob to his very core. It’s just sometimes, I find it annoying how he’s trying to get between Edward and Bella. I, for one, am a somewhat selfish guy. It would be very hard for me to deal with my girlfriend having a Jacob, and I might not even be able to deal with it at all. I would see it as Bella not being loyal to me, and hanging on to an alternative resort in case things ‘don’t work out’. But if there is such a large probability of things ‘not working out’ that she’s keeping this guy hanging on, then that would make me think that what we have isn’t as strong as I thought. I respect Edward even more, because he can actually bring himself to at least seem comfortable with Bella around Jacob so often.
I realize that the vast majority of my readers are girls, and I don’t know how to put this in a way that everyone will understand; since human emotions and feelings cross such a vast landscape, it is impossible to pin any one person down and say that they are the model for all guys. But I know that I would never be able to handle being Edward, if my girlfriend kept Jacob — even the bracelet from him would be enough for me to feel hurt. Similarly, I would never, ever be able to be a Jacob: this guy who keeps hanging around, pining away at somebody else’s girl, when she really truly wants to be with Edward. I don’t see myself, or any guy who has a decent sense of respect, being happy like that.
But the reason I don’t hate Jacob, through all this, is because he is, or at least seems to be, genuinely well-intentioned. It’s back to the abusive boyfriend situation I used as an example a few posts back: if Jacob seriously thinks that Bella staying with Edward is dangerous to her, then he has good reason to try and get her away. In fact, it’s best for him to do it. But the fact we all know is that Edward is unlike the rest of his kind, and wouldn’t let anything cause him to hurt Bella: as evidenced even more so by the bedroom episode that unfolded in this chapter 😀
Question for the comments: I’m curious to know, due to the bunch of emails I’ve gotten, who you think should play Aro in the New Moon film.
– There have been additions to the FAQ page.
– The song is from the new Shiny Toy Guns album, which is just plain awesome by the way. Not as good as We Are Pilots, but still made of win.
– Followers of my Twitter will recall a conversation about ninjas earlier. The Twilight conversation I wrote about in this post came immediately afterwards from the same group 😀
275 Responses
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Ok, first of all, Kaleb, I would like to thank you. Why? Because you don’t act like a stupid teenage boy now that you’re reading Eclipse (like all of my other Twilight guy friends who break out in girly giggles everytime “Eclipse” is so much as mumbled while they’re in the same room). I’m glad you found a way to just go on ahead and run completely around that subject…and I love the “awkward” picture because it totally describes what I looked like (except I’m a girl) when my mom said “Sooo…about that part in Eclipse.”
Anyway, about the whole Edward/Jacob thing. I think Jacob is annoying. Come on, people. Remember in grade school (or maybe middle school, or high school, or even college) when there would always be that ONE person who was always butting in between you and your friends? And maybe at one point they actually had been your friend (until you got so peeved at them that you got in a fight, and the rest is history). Well I know AN EXACT person like that. Thats why I’m totally Team Edward…plus, why did we all get excited about the series in the first place anyway?
Now, about the Aro-casting thing. I totally agree with whoever posted that comment about Aro looking like Snape (I think their name was Kristen or something). Only I imagine Aro as a slightly (verrry slightly) uhh…corpulent Snape. Or maybe “Pleasently plump” would be a word for it….and I know its impossible for there to be a chubby vampire… but thats how I picture him.
I’ll be waiting for the next chapter update 🙂
First of all, Im fine with Jacob. He may be young, so he still has a lot to learn about girls and everything when it comes to relationships… But I agree with the few out there that say thats not an excuse.
It is just part of one, if you ask me.
And Dakota Fanning playing Jane? To be truthful, I dont see her as much as a Jane as I see Rob Pat being cute on screen during Twilight. Seriously. (Dont judge me! lol.)
She doesnt have that much of an ‘evil’ aura because Im used to her playing the goody-two-shoes in the movies. So, seeing her be kick-a*bleep* character, is a bit of a shocker. Plus, I always saw Jane with black hair. Alec seemed more like a brunnett… XD
And for someone who can play Aro… I always imagine him as the guy who played Dumbledore in the Harry Potter movies… just a bit younger looking, you know?
So yeah…
Yes, this chapter is nothing on a certain other chapter in this book. I look forward to hearing what you have to say. I also look forward to hearing what you say about the chapter Fire and Ice. It’s probably one of the best chapters in the book.
I’ve heard that Aro might be played by the Prince Caspian guy, but I don’t really see him as Aro. I pictured Aro as much older than that and for some odd reason I always picture Aro, Caius, and Marcus towering over all the rest of the vampires. Like, being just massively tall. I’m not really sure why. And I don’t really know who I’d like to play Aro. I have a picture in my head and I can’t really see anyone in Hollywood portraying that. I suppose anyone would do for the movie.
Yes, this really is the most awkward chapter. My grandparents (!) saw me reading the book, and so they’ve both read the entire series. My grandma comes up to me after finishing Eclipse, and was like “Oh, wow, Mags, that one part in Eclipse, where Bella was trying to be all sexy with Edward… Yeah, that was funny!” and I’m just like: “Oh my God. My grandmother just said the word sexy.” Also randomly curious here, do any of you guys have twilight grandparents?
I pictured someone older for Aro… I dunno how it’d go but I could see Christopher Walken as Aro lol. He looks like he could be a vampire.
“maggie”^^^ I see where you’re coming from…ALL of my Grandparents are “Twi-Grannies” (yes, thats what they call themselves) and my Grandpas are “Old Twilight Guys”.
How about James Masters as Aro? (But the poor guy is probebly sick and tired of playing vampire …)
I’m 100% with you on your “no charing girlfriend/boyfriend train” but there is one thing I feel verry strongly you hadn’t considerated quite enough: Edward left Bella! He told her he didn’t love her any more! He disapered! He took on himself to deside what was best for her,and she was broken almost to the part of insanity because of that! Only Jacob kept her sain during those month.
Sure, she loves Edward, (who doesn’t)but I don’t think she has forgoten that. Even if she understands why Edward left her she probebly still feels betrayed. It will take a loooong time for her to trust Edward competly again. That’s why she subconsciously still needs Jacob in her life. (As a friend.)
LoL at Maggie! I’m 25, and only have one grandparent still living. I can’t for the life of me imagine her being a twi-granny. I don’t even think I could convince her to watch the movie!
Hi again, Danielle! I rather enjoy Eclipse.Aside from the whole love triangle, I think two other very important things happen in the book: Bella’s graduation, and x spoiler x. I will tell you that it happens in Chapter 24. Sorry I can’t say, but I don’t want to ruin it for you or Kaleb. Of course, if you read like me, you may already know the answer… 🙂
Nirak, I didn’t even think of James Marsters! Shame on me, being that I love him so! Seems too young to me one of the leaders, but I’d love to see him as Garrett. Can you imagine how funny it would be to see him act out BD p 624-625? LoL
kaleb why didn’t you say anything about the proposal.that was sooo sweet..and was not awkward..!??
and that eyebrow moves..SCARY..!
hurry onto chapter 22 that’s the one im waiting for you to write on..!
Always nice to “meet” another fan of James, but there is no way you love him more than I do 😉
Seriously, do you really think he is to young for playing Aro? He’s getting older too,you know,just like the rest of us, and with some makeup …
i feel horrible because i have not even started eclipse yet and i got it two days ago but i have been dreadfully sick. but anyway, what should i do if my mom is like oh i should see the twilight movie but i dont want her to because it would be quite awkward. im only 13 and what if she does not approve of what im reading? but, at least i know that she will not read the books because she does not read. weird like that. but cant you imagine how awkward some of the parts would be?
oh yea, and does anyone know how to make a web site? I would really enjoy making my own twilight web site. but if i did, i dont know how i would spread the word around about it. and do you have o pay to have a web site? please help!
Oh yea, and some people say they are on team james……. WHY WOULD ANYONE BE ON TEAM JAMES!? i mean, he tried to kill bella!!!!! i just really don’t understand that. Oh, and other people say they are team james and team edward and im like “WHAT!!!???” it’s so weird.
On the marriage thing, I thought that Edward might think of marriage as a Sacrament, in other words, just in case he has a soul, and of course, in that he is always trying to safeguard Bella’s.
Nirak, okay, I retract my statement. I just googled a recent pic and with everything they can do these days, he would fit the role. I’m not sure how many more hotties I can stand to see filling the screen at once, though. Haha.
Danielle, hard to say about your Mom. The books were all aimed at a young adult audience, though I think that Breaking Dawn stepped across a few lines. Don’t anyone freak out, I only think that NOW because I’m a Mom. I wouldn’t have seen any problem with it when I was a teen either. I think trying to stop her from watching the movie is only going to make her more likely to watch it. I’d bet that your Mom probably has a better understanding of what you’re reading than you think. I’m sure she’s done her own research to make sure it’s appropriate just like my Dad used to do when I was younger. I think your Mom watching the movie and discussing those “awkward” scenes with you is in your best interest. It’s nice to be able to have an open line of communication with your parents. I would much rather any questions you have be answered by your Mom as opposed to some outside source that probably doesn’t have all the facts. Don’t worry, she knew when you were born that she’d eventually have these kinds of questions to answer. My daughters are only 1 and 2 and I’m already thinking about it! LoL
Also, I don’t know a whole about web design. I’m pretty sure that you do have to pay for a web domain. I don’t know much about that either, but google works wonders if you want to look into it.
I’m wondering who has been saying they are Team James? People on this site? I’ve never read that. I agree that it wouldn’t make any sense to be Team James, unless that person is just a hater that wanted Bella to die.
Yea, i saw people talking about being on team james on like, flickr i think. And on your desktop background can be james and i was like “Ew, who the heck would want him as a background?!”
oh, and, are these posting times in texas’s timezone? Because, it said i posted my last post at 6:37 and i posted it at 7:37.
I don’t know what time zone it posts in. I’ve never payed attention.
I looked up the Team James thing. From what I can tell, it started with Hot Topic. “Because Evil is Cool”. Whatever…
I also did a little looking into website domains for you. The (seemingly) easiest option I found is GoDaddy. They offer some software to help you make websites and you can also register domain names with them. I also checked them with the BBB. They’ve given the company an A+. I don’t have any personal experience with them, though.
Heyy Daniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
Thank you very much for looking that up for me. Hot topic is a weird store. But, they would be the ones too say evil is cool or something, i mean, i get my twilight clothes from there but otherwise i dont shop there. and hey tyler! want a mocolocochoco tyler lol!!!
Has anoybodyy met my blaxicanescan brother kyleee?? He lovess Tacosssss…..but i lovee Twilightt!!!
yes i have met him tyler. he is my bff. twilight is better than tacos are very random tyler.
oh yea, and you spelled blaxicanese wrong ty.
LoL. I won’t pretend I know what’s going on, but I’ll laugh at it all the same.
I’m thinking about ordering that shirt with the apple on the front that says “bite me” I love it!!
oh yea, that one is cool. but tyler is my friend. i was talking to her on the phone when she was posting that. shes a big weirdo. she was talking about tacos and blaxicanese because we have this friend named kyle and he loves tacos and we call him blaxicanese. ( black, mexican, chinese)
Um, this is interesting…i haven’t read new moon since the movie came out (which, if you haven’t already, DON’T go see it…it was terrible, they included NOTHING about Jasper…
As for Aro, i REALLY think John Hurt would be a really good choice!!! He played ollivander in the potter series movies, and i think that he would do good, hes got that old look to him, like hes been around too long and he can act…i don’t know if i’ll even go see new moon, but i think i might…depends on the reviews…
My friend got me a shirt from hot topic that had edward on it and he was surrounded in broken glass. I really like it. I also have a jacket, which, on the front, says “twilight” then on the back it says “Are you afraid?” I want a necklace from there thats in the shape of a heart and says “I dream about being with you forever.” and a jacket that says “and so, the lion fell in love with the lamb.” If you guys want twilight gear Hot Topic is a really good store to get it. (don’t recommend it for normal clothes though. That’s a little scary. hee hee)
Oh, and my opinion on the team james thing is if anyone says they are team james then they should not be considered twilight fans because, a real twilight fan would not be on the team of the person who tried to kill bella.
Danielle, no matter who they like, it’s not going to change the fact that they’re fans. And come on, James is hotness! :DD
eh, i think he looks like a hippie when he has the long hair and stuff. but, like when hes normal looking yea, he is pretty hot. but i dont get it, why would they make him look uglier than he is if they are trying to make him look like a vampire which are supposed to look amazing?
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that they live like Nomads. They don’t have a home and their clothes (in the movie) were a mixture of things taken from their victims, so it makes a bunch of sense that they wouldn’t be clean. I do think Cam’s a hottie, though. I even liked him back in the day when he was killing off Marissa… LoL
Ew, so what your saying is, at first, they were just some vampires running around naked until they stripped their victims? thats a bit weird. lol.
Orlando Bloom for sure!
i heard ben barnes might be playing him tho according to a facebook group
Yeah, I’m not sure why anybody would be Team James… I understand the whole “Evil is cool” thing, but… still, wtf? Although, yes, MOVIE-James is hot. BOOK-James is horrible. I’m kind of getting sick of all the speculation about who is playing Aro… I wish they would just finish casting already!!! Oh, and I meant to tell you guys, if a guy named “Walker Arkansas” is one of the wolves… yeah, that’s my cousin, he’s auditioning 🙂
I’m so glad I’m not the only one who pictured Bill Nighy as Aro. He has always been the Aro in my head as I read the books, even though the Volturi are younger than he is. He’s just the perfect Vampire bad guy.
LoL Danielle. No, they had clothes before. They just ditched them when they found cooler stuff. I watched an interview about that somewhere. That’s just the perspective from the movie.
In the book, of course, they were wearing some, like, hiking clothes. All flannel and hiking boots and whatnot.
Plus, they don’t have a house or anything so they don’t really keep clothing. I guess once stuff starts to wear out they just replace it with something from a victim. Or steal it. Except James who likes holy jeans, haha.
However, it is pretty funny to picture them running around naked. It brings to mind a chapter in BD.
Have you got to start Eclipse yet??
uh yea, cause those clothes are cooler.( hints to sarcasm in that) and, id rather not have that mental image of vampires running around naked lol. but no, i have not started eclipse. I’m still sick and i would not be able to concentrate very well. When i go back to school, which may be tomorrow, i will start it.
Wow, its so interesting to hear other people’s thoughts on the love triangle. I at first really hated how the relationship was going between Bella and Jacob. Maybe b/c I new somehow that Edward had to come back and that I hadn’t fully taken in how Bella and Jacob’s relationship had grown over a period of months, and so I thought that she should just wait for him to return or at least hunt him down somehow. I had the attitude that you just can’t let true love like that slip away from you. If it really was true love then don’t give up on him. Do whatever it takes to get what you want and don’t let Edward sacrifice himself for your safety. I just totally thought of Edward and Bella as being inseparable, especially after what James did to her.
Also, for some reason, when reading New Moon, I always thought that Jacob might be the one most likely to hurt Bella, because he didn’t seem to be able to control his temper. I also thought that since he was a new werewolf that he wouldn’t be able to control his temper very well, and might “accidentally” harm Bella. She also seemed so much more mature for her age than the other characters, and Jacob was physically younger and definitely much less mature than Bella. But if you look at it from the point that Jacob being in so much pain b/c he does love Bella, then it makes his childish actions somewhat understandable. Bella told Jacob often that she didn’t love him romantically, but at the same time she in some ways kept his hopes alive. If I was a human Edward, I think a person like Jacob would have really bothered me, but I certainly wouldn’t have let anyone know that. The one thing that put me at ease with the issue and made me realize that Bella truly does love Edward, is how Stephenie Meyer explained it in her FAQ on her web page. She mentions that Bella has a choice. Jacob is the easy choice, and she could live an almost happy, normal life. She could have children and wouldn’t have to give up her family. Edward is a far more difficult choice because of the danger and the whole becoming a vampire issue. And Bella chooses Edward without any hesitation and in fact I don’t think she sees any of the “sacrifices” she has to make to be with him as sacrificing anything. That point also relates to why I was so mad at her for a while in the second book. She knew that her love for Edward was unconditional and would never wane, yet she didn’t try to stop him from leaving. Well, I guess you could say she tried as hard as any human could to stop a vampire from leaving.
I’m trying to find as much stuff to do as possible to keep myself away from Breaking Dawn. I call it fighting the addiction, so Ive just been reading your blog and laughing so hard to myself, especially at your reaction, which I must say was pretty much like mine. I think i went through the whole chapter just cringing at how awkward it was. But nevertheless, no matter how cheesy and awkward it gets, I still love the books.
Please post some more about what you thought as you go along reading the book. I finished Eclipse last week and I enjoyed the last 6 or so chapters, although i get quite irritated at Bella, (you’ll find out why). Tell us when youve read further!
By the way, I just “discovered” you two days ago from being a faithful member of the Facebook Twilighters, and just so you know, I think ur awesome. 😛
Take Care! Oh and good luck on your biology test, even though I think this is a bit late. x x
I think it will be interesting to see who they get to play Aro, considering Lindsey Lohan is in talks to play Leah… *throws up a little bit in mouth* i think they need to be careful not to cast too many “big name” actors/actresses just for the name… However, since I do not know of any lesser known actors I will have to stick to a big name for now lol. Aro needs to me slightly mysterious… creepy almost.. i picture him to be very short (although taller than Jane) and for some reason I picture him bald… or maybe just incredibly blonde… hmm… this is hard… any thoughts guys?
Well, they cant make him blonde or bald because in the book it describes him as having long black hair. Why would they cast lyndsay lohan? ew. i bet she cant even read lol!
Ew to the Lindsay stuff.
J Cullen,
What I got from New Moon was that Bella didn’t try to stop him because it was always her fear that he would eventually realize that she wasn’t good enough for him and he would leave her. She’d noticed over the last few weeks that he had become withdrawn, she’d even had the pictures to look at and compare. She said that his eyes had just gone dead and she knew that something was seriously wrong, even before he told her. She tried to fight with him when he said that he’d stay with her until she didn’t want him anymore, and when he caught that she was going to try and use that approach, he said the only thing that she couldn’t argue with… that he no longer wanted her. I know that it seemed clear to most of us at that time that he was just trying to leave her because he’s no good and not because he doesn’t love her, but she didn’t get all this. All Bella saw was that Edward didn’t want her anymore. Her biggest fear finally come to life.
I was devastated the majority of New Moon by their separation, but I was never mad. Edward just thinks too much, and he thought he was saving her. Silly boy. Bella was just trying to keep breathing any way that she could. I was actually grateful for Jacob in this book because he helped hold her together for many months.
It’s in Eclipse when I end up mad at all three of them. Jacob’s actions really annoy me a good deal of the time.
He still annoys me a bit in Breaking Dawn, but for most of it, I’m too struck by his absolute grief to be mad at him over it.
yea, i was getting a bit mad in the part in new moon when they were at the movies and mike was in the bathroom. I thought Jacob came off a little conceited and sassy in that part. It really annoyed me. I was thinking “oh, gag me with a spoon!” lol!
alright, that does make some sense. I think if you consider that Bella never really thought that she was good enough for him, then I can understand where you were coming from. At the end of Twilight though I got such a strong feeling from their talks in the emergency room that she just couldn’t bare to be away from him. It almost seemed like this was the first time we saw the quite and shy Bella really assert herself when she told him he was crazy for speaking of leaving her.
And yes I also agree with you regarding the end of Eclipse. They all annoy me. It will be interesting to read these again and pick out the subtle points that I probably missed the first time through.
Yeah, I’ve read the books like four times now. LoL
Like you had said before, though… It’s not really as if she had any chance of physically holding him there with her, and Dr. Cullen had only left word that they were in California, which she knew was obviously not true. With him having infinite money and resources, it would have been pretty difficult to try and track him down. Not to mention, what would she have told Charlie?
I think the fact that she couldn’t stand to look at the stereo and clawed it out of the dash also speaks for how much she was really hurting. I think at the point she really thought he didn’t love her anymore and was never coming back, otherwise I don’t think it would have been so painful to see.
Even when she went to Italy to save him, she didn’t want to fall asleep on the plane ride home because she was so sure that when he got her safely home, he was going to leave again. Through all of that, she still couldn’t see how much he really loved her. She’d already convinced herself of the latter, so even when he tried to admit his lies to her, she thought she was dreaming.
It’s in that conversation that you find out about her thinking he left because he finally realized he was too good for her. When he says how painful it was that she believed him so quickly, and she says that she always has been waiting for him to realize that he didn’t love her. About the same way he always wonders when he will say something that will be too much and she’ll run away from him, screaming.
New Moon made me cry A LOT.
Eclipse caused a lot of eye rolling.
ow, eye rolling. i bet im going to get pretty annoyed in eclipse. i hope mike is in it. cause that means he will be in the movie. mmmmm mike! hee hee 😉
But anyway, i did a lot of crying in new moon when edward left bella and at the end when she was like “you love me!” you know, the part where she actually believes him and figures out that he never stopped loving her. But the part at the beginning of new moon made me cry uckets because i was getting over a horrible break up when that part came up and it was just so horrible. the guy i was with pretty much said the same exact thing that edward said to bella “i dont want you.” it was very devastating. This was on December 13. I have recently made people believe that i am totally and completely over him since the other day he called me stupid. I believed that too but im just not sure. it’s very difficult. oh yea, and one day, and exact month after we broke up, he called me and i almost passed out right there talking to him. i could not breath. so, yea, it was pretty bad.
hey viewers of my last comment im sorry for writing that. i didnt need to blab about my problems on this. im sorry.
Aw, it’s okay, Danielle. Sometimes you just need to let it out.
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