A guy reads Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (2009-2011)


I simply do not know what to say.

Just two days ago, I put my new Twilight Youtube Contest Of Awesome up, for a Robert Pattinson autograph, which would be given away to anyone who is subscribed to my Youtube channel. I said I would give it away when I hit 10,000 subscribers. I was at 9,000, and it had taken me nearly 9 months to get there. I posted the video, and then figured it would take me about a week to get the next 1,000, and I could go back to bed and rest this weekend.

Yet again, for at least the hundredth time since joining this fandom, I severely underestimated Twilighters.

Within the space of five hours, I not only reached 10,000 subscribers, but passed it, and got all the way to 13,000. My inbox was receiving so many new subscriber messages, Gmail throttled my account so I didn’t jam their servers. There were so many, even when I tried to catch subscriber 12,345, people were subscribing so fast, I missed the number because I refreshed a half second too late!

So, despite the fact I hadn’t even gotten out of bed (it was Saturday sheesh!) I knew I couldn’t make people wait an entire week! I got up and ready for a live BlogTV show that evening, where I announced the Robert Pattinson autograph winner, and also gave away a Peter Facinelli autograph from Twicon and two t-shirts from TwilightTShirts.com! Best part of the night was when someone informed me I was being broadcast on the front page of HisGoldenEyes.com! The 10,000 subscriber party was a total blast.

I still don’t know what to say, except to thank everyone and especially Lauren at the Twilight Facebook page, who posted a notice about the contest to 1.5 million people, something that almost single-handedly caused this rush. My entire goal for the year was to reach 10,000. What do I do now?!

I know exactly what to do now. There is only one way to thank my subscribers, and that is to give more stuff away that you love! THUS, WELCOME TO THE:


WIN an autographed photo of TAYLOR LAUTNER


ALL of my Youtube subscribers are automagically entered to win one of these. When I reach 20,000 subscribers, I will give them both away, plus more stuff as I get it (understandably, I didn’t have much time to prepare for this one!). I got a bunch of emails from Team Jacob people who felt left out on the last one: and this way, everyone should be happy!

Thanks again to everyone who subscribed and really made my year 😀



99 Responses

  1. Kaleb, it is so awesome of you to keep giving things away like this. You’re such a nice guy. Great show last night by the way. I was having issues with the video and on my computer your audio sounded like you were in the worlds longest tunnel, but it was a good show regardless.

  2. Congrats on finally reaching 10,000!. (Your next should be 30,000, 50,000, and dare I say 100,000?)

    You’d be able to do it! 😀

  3. Yay Kaleb! I remember when you had merely 3999 subscribers (and then I clicked “subscribe” and became 4000). Wow, you have certainly grown by then (by March, I predict you’ll have 50,000).

    I just don’t like that a lot of these subs are greedy. They aren’t Kaleb fans, nope. They want autographs. KALEB FANDOM FTW.

    Last night, you started the blogTV when I was at babysitting. I didn’t get home until 2 hours into it. Normally that many people don’t stick around. I was astonished that you had my envelope on your desk. Normally, people throw envelopes away. And the fact that you remembered, without thought, that that one was mine *fangirl scream*.

    Did you get your new computer? Oh, wait! Darn it! It’s sunday! They probably don’t deliver on Sundays! We should start a petition to get Kaleb his computer faster.

  4. Yay! But, Kaleb, please make sure to announce what TIME you’ll be live so we don’t miss it. Thanks!

  5. My god I love you. When you said this last night, I was in a state of shock. I don’t know what you did to make this happen, but whatever it was, THANK YOU SO MUCH.
    Your awesomeness is blinding.

    FailEX guy come yet??

  6. Rule one of being a twilight fan
    Never ever underestimate the power of twilighters in large numbers. We get things done!

  7. Yay Kaleb. congrats you deserve it more than you know!!! Thanks so much for the contest! It was fun. I’m sorry I couldnt stay for the entire webcast (stupid virus) But you deserve it and you’ll get wayyy more!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!

  8. It was a great party last night! Lots of fun and laugh…especially when you wore the cow and gnome hat haaha
    “10,000 subscribers buy 2010”- Oh I think you beat that with flying colors! Congrats!
    Did FailEx redeem themselves, so they can become FedEx again?
    Thanks for the shirt and all you do for your fans 🙂

  9. Congrats, Kaleb 😀
    OH MY GOD, I have that poster of Taylor on my wall right now… to win it autographed would be amazing 😀

  10. Just a suggestion…. do you think you can get a Jackson Rathbone autograph to give away? That’d be flipping sweet!

  11. Thanks for adding a Taylor Autograph. You are so lucky to have gotten to meet him.
    I really love you Kaleb, you are so awesome!

    –Love, Tessa Wolfe.

  12. kaleb, i cant believe you got to meet stephenie meyer, taylor, rob and many more…. i wish i could :D….
    you are awesome!!!

  13. heyy
    thanx for answerin my questions like: whats ur fav disney princess

    it made my night

    so, do u think u could get autos from all the ‘cullens’ at ur next party? (after 20,000)
    okie dokie ~~~~~~~Skylar:)

  14. “Taylor Lautner Offers You Flowers

    Robert Pattinson Offers You A Cold Stare”

    You make me laugh.

    Now all we need is a Kaleb Nation Autograph Contest! Oh pretty pretty please? I would treasure it forever because you are my IDOL!!! XD

  15. Whoa. If I had that Taylor picture…. seriously. It would be framed on my wall…and worshipped… Wow.

  16. I love you Kaleb. I visit your site seriously every day hoping for a new post. I agree with Krista…we need a Kaleb Nation autograph contest!

    When will you be posting the next chapter of Eclipse? I can’t wait.

  17. For the people who want a Kaleb autograph: it isn’t difficult to get one. I actually kinda-sorta have THREE. It’s called fanmail. Send a letter to his PO box with a self addressed stamped envelope and a letter to Kaleb, and he’ll send you a letter back with his autograph on it, a business card with his autograph on it and on your SASE, he’ll “autograph” when he puts the return address on it. I mean, at least this is what he did for me.

  18. Ah…so that’s what’s bigger than Rob. Having Rob AND Taylor lol. Now you can’t do anymore more contests, Kaleb, because you can’t possibly top that

  19. i don’t get it where is Kaleb getting all these authentic autograph’s and why is he giving it away for free?

  20. Aww Kaleb that was so mean!! Cliffhangers are NOT nice! I am hyperventilating while thinking of what the NEXT contest is– Wow!

    And is it just me, or is Taylor’s pic absolutly HALARIOUS??!! AHHHAHAHHA!

  21. I just want to say I think you are epically AWESOME! I feel like that Rhino in Bolt (hey laugh if you want to people, I have kids damnit.) when I say that lol. Anyways quick question, how the heck do you find the time to do all these sites AND go to school?

  22. Argh! Kaleb! You leave us desperate! We must know what is better than Taylor and Rob autographs! Perhaps…. the real people? That’d be waaaaaaay better. Tickets to Twicon? That’d be epic. Tickets to Summer School in Forks? TELL US!

  23. hay kaleb, do you know what would be awsum? if you help a contest 4 kellan lutz signature or even STEPHENIE MEYER’s signature.

  24. Oh jeez. Kaleb, when will you learn that this is only going to get you a mob of crazy fans stalking you, waiting for you to walk into a dead end with a life size Hannah Montana? Oh, the nightmares that Wal-Mart contains!

  25. Kaleb, I heart you. I watch all your videos, I even signed up for a youtube account long ago just to watch your stuff and nomoremarbles. I hope you reach your goal. I will be on the lookout for this contest.

    By the Way, Beauty and the Beast is my all time favorite movie. Gaston is one of my favorite bad guys.

  26. kaleb, you are made of awesome. Not only do you GIVE away autographed photos that could bring you a LOT of $$$, but you have the time to respond to your fans’ endless questions, emails, and letters. Thanks for being so super nifty!

    ps, loved the random gaston impersonation. you crack me up sometimes…

  27. You are so flippin amazing! I missed your show T-T but I’ll be thee for the next live show! You’re so great! I could say more but I’m too lazy and tired…

  28. I already commented, but that was before you uploaded the video.
    And I just wanted to say that I LOVE that you put despair in there. That was awesome.

  29. Do you like Gaston, too??? That is so cool. Hahaha. Great reference to a classic there :D. Thanks for the cool contests!

  30. Well, Kaleb, I stand by the fact that it can’t possibly be bigger…unless you kidnap Rob or Taylor themselves and then show them off on your blogTV channel to give away =)

  31. Oh, and I have a question…at Summer School in Forks, will you be around just for your barbecue thing (which I’m definitely planning on going to) or will you be doing other fun stuff with the fans, like having a bonfire at La Push?

  32. So, aren’t you afraid youtube will banish you because there are now so many subscriptions coming in they *have* to be bots? XD

  33. Hi Kaleb!

    Again, I want to congratulate you for all the effort that you put in this website!

    And I just wanted to say that I am a little bit concerned about your health :S . You look REALLY tired on the lastest video. Maybe it´s non of my business, but as a fan I want to suggest you to GET SOME SLEEP!!!!!!

    That´s all…xoxo!!!

  34. Kaleb! Thank you so much for giving us all twilight/rob/taylor fans the chance to actually get his autograph without hunting them down (:
    haha, you are actually amazing, and my life.

    I know i probably won’t win..like i didn’t last time, but you’re still amazing! (:
    Thanks so much. <3

  35. whoops my first comment didn’t post! =P

    anyways, Kaleb did you know you were tagged in a sister salad video? Its the one called “Salad Ballad, Google Meme, and YOUR Questions!” you should take a look =D!

  36. you’re amazing . I don’t think
    anyone else in the world would
    be giving away signed autographs
    and i love how your doing it. (:
    +I don’t see much guys who love
    the series. so kudos to you ! (:

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