I will not be in Vancouver for a fansite set visit for New Moon. Some people emailed me citing a blog that said I was going, but this was vastly incorrect. I am, all-too-obviously, at home, studying for biology tests 😛
I will however be at Book Expo America on May 29. Come say hi if you’re around. All my appearances will always be listed on my calendar.
If you were looking forward to all the insider New Moon set info, the Lexicon will totally have them soon.
It’s finals week at school: my next BD chapter post is forthcoming. Summer break means I’ll read Breaking Dawn much faster, I promise. Just bear with me for a couple more tortoise-slow weeks!
31 Responses
Studying for biology= reading biology chapters in “Twilight,” … which you could very easily do on the way to Vancouver.
Problem solved. Ace the test, road trip, and fabulous opportunity to meet fabulous celebrities. Win-win-win.
LOL! My, oh my! Rumors about Twilight-related incidences of any sort seem to travel faster than the speed of light.
Good luck on your finals!
Kaleb.. I very much understand the “finals week.” I just finished my finals after 3 weeks straight of studying and couldn't be happier!
Good luck with finals!
ooo i wish i could come see u. i think u need to come to canada! 🙂 good luck with school =)
i hate biology
I specifically avoided Biology in college…go for Physics…it's much more fun, and less gross…
Only one question … Why on Earth you study Biology all the time? I though your major was English .. And you rarely mention papers in English, all the time is like one Biology test after another … 😛
Well, anyway ..
Ha ha ha! Because I actually ENJOY my English work 😛
No, at this school, I'm required to take lots of Math and a Biology class, even for an English degree. To my great lament, of course.
YES. Good idea. I'll see if my Biology professor falls for it though 😛
Yep, The Lexicon is going to Vancouver and so is His Golden Eyes. I think all the big Twilight sites were invited. Can't wait to get an update on what they're all doing up there!
I think we can bare with your next slow weeks, at least I can. School is important. Just fokus on your finals, and we'll still be here when you're done;)
Best of luck!
Heh heh. I'm glad I'm not you. xD
School is really stupied.
I actually am incapable of saying “stupid” since I read the “Most Epic Comments” page, just thought I'd mention. 🙂
You do have to come to Canada, though. Thank GOD I live in the capital, because book tours in Canada usually stop here. 🙂 Not HINTING or anything… *wink, wink, nudge, nudge, call your publishers*
Yay! NEw post coming soon!
Good luck with finals (sounds like you'll need it)
Hey Kaleb, you should come to FL!! Oh, and tak your time reading Breaking Dawn . It's like I never want your Twilight Saga post to stop! =(
I'll be so sad when you're done…
Haha you're just like me 🙂 I hate Biology and love English. I hate Math, too. And poor you! You have to stay home and study 🙁 That sucks! You know, at least you didn't have to drive two hours to take some stupid EOI test for Biology today. I'm homeschooled, but I had to drive down to Pittsburg, Oklahoma today (I didn't even know that city existed until last week) to the school where my program is based to take a test. And I got a C. I was not happy. They never even told me what to study for, so I just studied all my notes from this year. And none of it was on the test! It was all random questions that I don't ever remember studying. It was very frustrating. Sigh. Biology sucks. At least I didn't have to take the Algebra test, too, like everyone else. I would've failed that for sure.
Oh yeah! And I had questions about planaria and the phases of mitosis on my test! I giggled randomly and then I wished I was as smart as Edward so I could ace it. And people gave me weird looks.
I couldn't read it because I have to study for a TAKS test tomorrow. Do you know what a TAKS test is, Kaleb? Can I call you Kay-kay? That is what I call this other dude named Kaleb, but his name is spelled with a “C.” Yep……….*awkward silence*
lol i used to take those >_< jofjaoijfewajf darn you TAKS haha even though they were easy, they were still annoying!
good luck with finals. I, myself, am working on final projects! can't wait to read more from your thoughts on BD!
I'm happy that school is almost over for a bit for you, but at the same time, I am sad that you will be reading Breaking Dawn faster, as this means you will be done faster. 🙁 But your life is starting to take off, so the timing will be good for your mental health, lol.
Oh. My. Goodness. I'm so out of the loop! It's been SERIOUSLY crazy around my place lately (parents divorcing, AP testing, TAKS testing, crazy Algebra Two teachers that talk to themselves, EOCs, and a house falling from the sky). I really need to go through this stuff as soon as I get a break…
Good luck on the Bio exams! =] I'll be taking AP Bio in my senior year. =] …And Calculus… I fear for that teacher. I may be the crazy one by that time. Oh, the woes of an academic based school! They make you take Calculus on top clinical rotation and interning!
UGHHHHH. I HATE TAKS. Freaking time consuming, retarded, mumble worthy, giant booklets of crap… And next year are my final TAKS tests. Poo on them. I want to burn a packet. Kinda like those people did on Youtube with the Elmo… Ah, Flaming Elmo Death is the most amazing thing in the world when you're angry.
it would have been pretty awesome if you were coming up here.
I hope you can sometime, it's beautiful here 🙂 also, if you were here I could get your advice on what to name one of my gnomes… it's really giving me trouble lol. he's been un-named for about a year
Twilight Source is going to Vancouver too. My finals are in a month, yay. Did anybody see the Taylor/Selena pics? yes, by that I mean Selena Gomez. I'm too shocked to comment. random piece of information, I googled my nickname “Princess Potter” and there's a HORSE by that name… weird
I am so mad I am not allowd to go see you in NYC because my sister has senior prom and my mom
s in england! THIS SUCKS. ahahah ew biology can't wait to take honors next year. NAWTTTTTTTTTTT
well good luck on your testings!
To All The Black Parade Fans,
Naturally, as a human, I loved this song. But I envisioned the song differently in my mind. I have recently published a book — an urban fantasy novel — titled The Black Parade: The Phantom Series. If you are interrested and LOVE to read about vampires, phantoms, and the power of redemption. Click on my blog: theblackparadephantomseries.blogspot.com and you can click on a link to buy the book. 50% of proceeds goes to St. Jude for children. Happy Reading, and maybe you will get a different perspective of the song.
To All The Black Parade Fans,
I have recently published a book — an urban fantasy novel — titled The Black Parade: The Phantom Series. If you are interrested and LOVE to read about vampires, phantoms, and the power of redemption. Click on my blog: theblackparadephantomseries.blogspot.com and you can click on a link to buy the book. 50% of proceeds goes to St. Jude for children. Happy Reading, and maybe you will get a different perspective of the song.
Hey, dude! I know this probably has nothing to do with whatever you posted above, but did you hear that Taylor Lautner is (or might be, I don't know, I just heard this at my school- 7th graders, can't trust them) dating SELENA GOMEZ! I was mad that he wasn't single anymore, but they probably look good together. Seriously. =( No Tay-tay for me…
well, good luck on finals and get better!!
heeeeeeey everyone I love twilight so much ND I am not obssesd with the actors that in it I am jut obsessed with the story it self
heeeeeeey everyone I love twilight so much ND I am not obssesd with the actors that in it I am jut obsessed with the story it self