A guy reads Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (2009-2011)

Vlog 5/16/09: Five Questions For Famous People

Just a fun vlog I did today. I really do wonder if people actually send checks through the mail with those six zero’s 😀

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25 Responses

  1. Hmm good one Kaleb! I want to know if they ever feel really weird walking around with a hulking bodyguard shadowing them. I mean, what if you're Dakota Fanning and you have to use the restroom. It could be so awkward saying “Umm, yea sorry, could you just hang on a sec while I pop in here for a minute?” And then him standing outside guarding the bathroom door. I would feel a bit ridiculous haha!

  2. Ahaha. “Those pigs…”

    Hm. Question… question… Psh. Let's face it, if I was ever within shouting distance of a celebrity, there's no question I'd be too embarrassed to ask. I lack what are known as 'people skills'. Ahaha. That reminds me of this episode of The Office US. All the branch managers went to a dinner party at the CFO's house.

    Dwight, the Assistant Regional Manager of Scranton asked the CFO, David, “What's the square footage?” And everyone was averting their eyes and whatnot.

    Michael, the Regional Manager of Scranton, was all, “Dwight, that's rude.” Then he turns to David and goes, “David, how much did this house cost?” And everyone was kind of just staring. Hilarious.

  3. they do get acne. they just have makeup people cover it up with the best brand/quality makeup. have you ever seen a teen mag? sometimes they have features that show stars with out makeup and half of them look terrible and the other half look completely plain/ordinary. makeup does a lot to change appearance. anyway, good post. now i really wonder if they get checks for over $1 million dollars! yay, 3d comment!

  4. I suspect it's easier for writers, directors, and other “behind the scenes” celebrities to maintain some kind of normalcy. Can't you picture Ron Howard in the produce aisle? But then there are those who are famous for their faces… yeah, can't picture Rob and Kristen picking out artichokes without a mob scene. Then again, can you picture them picking artichokes anyway? As for questions – “What “normal” activities do you miss?” “Do you like having someone else making choices for you (back to the artichoke selection….?” “Say your dog gets sick in the middle of the night, do you take him to the vet, or do you have “people” to do that sort of thing?” “Is it weird having everything you wear in public get analyzed?” “Does that make you paranoid enough to get rid of those sweatpants and camouflage tank tops?” “What has a fan done to you that made you consider becoming a recluse?” “What was one of the best surprises about being ridiculously famous?”

    Hey, Kaleb…things to look forward to after your book becomes a smashing success!

  5. I'd ask, “What does you tax form look like?” I mean, seriously, how do you claim a million dollars. And do they keep all their receipts. That would be a pain to go through. At least, they have tax people to do that.

  6. funny vid! I would ask if they liked being famous, because everyone wants to be but it seems like kind of a drag to me. Or maybe I would ask them “what do you think is the stupidist thing you've ever said during an interview / whatever?” If I was a famous person, I would never make my “people” do everything for me. It would be cool to see people's faces at the grocery store while I picked out melons or something. 🙂

  7. “Do you have a budget? (even if it's 100 times larger than most people's)?”
    “Do you made yourself wait for Christmas and birthdays to buy what you want?”
    “How often do you get together with other famous people?”
    “Do you ever try to disguise yourself and travel anonymously in public?”
    “Does your family treat you any differently now that you're famous?”

  8. Oh my heck!! Kaleb, this video was freaking hilarious!!! “Their People” and the “You Pigs!!” parts were absolutely, astronomically, ridiculously hilarious!! Yeah, seriously, I wondered about all that stuff myself!! They never have bad complexions….ever! It is just ridiculous. What's up with that?! And why can't they just answer these questions!! What, are they somehow more important than the rest of us, they can't possibly condescend to answer these questions! Yeah, right!!

    Anway, Great job, Kaleb, keep the funny vids coming!!

    You are SO going to be famous. Everyone buy his book!!!!

  9. I wonder about the acne thing too.
    And, if I ever got the courage to a famous person, it would probably be either
    A) Something utterly stupid because I suddenly froze up, like “What did you eat for breakfast this morning?” OR
    B) What their favorite childhood memory is. I find something oddly fascinating about their childhood, seeing as they are now known world wide.

  10. Ive always wanted to know that! If I were a famous writer i'd totally go undercover and go to a fansite!

  11. lol thats funny. i have a lot of questions for famous people too. like what happens when their “people” get sick or something?

    hey kaleb do you know what happened to hisgoldeneyes.com because i cannot get on it at all. its really weird.

  12. haha “those pigs…” good one kaleb! i would ask “Do you ever read books?” and “Do you ever call up another famous person and make plans to hang out?”

  13. This is so funny Kaleb. Those pigs! Their people.
    I imagine it depends on the famous person. When I worked in a resort some the the famous people were really normal and some were really weird. Like Brittney Spears with her big bodyguard. Liv Tyler seemed like a nice normal girl who came up to the desk herself.
    I do see a bunch of famous people around here in the valley of the sun and it can be cool. or weird.

  14. This is exclusive to famous authors however, you could ask them if they read the fanfiction written for their books.

    A question for you–will you read Bran Hambric fanfiction just to see what people make of it?

  15. That's pretty funny KN. Anyway, I think I'd ask if they would like to donate some of their money to me, because hey, I really need some money. You don't think that would be rude do you? Of course if I ever came across Hugh Jackman, I would have to ask him if he'd be willing to take a second wife. Totally kidding!

  16. Umm….that is a hard one! I can't decide I'd probably like to ask what life was like for them when they were a kid and why they hate paparatzie so much?! They became famous, their decision! So why are they so upset when people want their picture and to know what is going on in their lives!? And why don't they just try to be nice to the people with cameras or maybe even…give them what they want?! Then maybe they wouldn't bug you so much anymore! Sorry I'm done now.

  17. IDK.
    Like Someone else said I'dprobably end up asking them something terribly stupid because I got nervous
    Or I'd ask like one of the questions you did or the one about what there tax forms look like.

  18. I'd probably ask an actor if they've ever watched one of their parodies. Or if they've ever googled their name. I'd definitly ask if they go to the grocery store, or have others do that for them, or buy their food online. I'd also love to ask the square footage of their closet. I honestly want there to be some sort of convention where you can ask anything and everything about a famous person and they are obligated by contract to answer. OOO, what was the most embarassing halloween costume you ever wore? How many shoes do you have? What non-living thing (living would be- spouse, girlfriend/boyfriend) do they you consider you lucky charm? What does it feel like to have your every fashion choice scrutinized by the public. (if they've ever been on the worst dressed list) did you ever think of hireing a stylist, if that fashion choice was made with the help of a stylist, why didn't you fire them? If you did, thank you. are those rude?

  19. I'd probably ask an actor if they've ever watched one of their parodies. Or if they've ever googled their name. I'd definitly ask if they go to the grocery store, or have others do that for them, or buy their food online. I'd also love to ask the square footage of their closet. I honestly want there to be some sort of convention where you can ask anything and everything about a famous person and they are obligated by contract to answer. OOO, what was the most embarassing halloween costume you ever wore? How many shoes do you have? What non-living thing (living would be- spouse, girlfriend/boyfriend) do they you consider you lucky charm? What does it feel like to have your every fashion choice scrutinized by the public. (if they've ever been on the worst dressed list) did you ever think of hireing a stylist, if that fashion choice was made with the help of a stylist, why didn't you fire them? If you did, thank you. are those rude?

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