A guy reads Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (2009-2011)

Twilight-Inspired Band “Bella Rocks!” Writes Song For My Book

This completely shocked me when I found it. Bella Rocks!, the Twilight-inspired band by Katie Parr, has released a brand-new song — but this time, it is inspired by my own book, Bran Hambric: The Farfield Curse:

This is just another example of how wonderful the Twilight fandom has been to me, when barely over a year ago I was a complete outsider. There are no words to express how it feels to be a writer and have others inspired by my work in ways like this. But, even more so for me, as the book isn’t even OUT for four more months, and this song is based entirely on what happens in the first four preview chapters! Please go send some love Katie’s way and check out her awesome Twilight music.

Katie will be appearing at Summer School In Forks on June 25 – 28 (I will also be there for my Keynote Address). Be sure to check out the event if you want to see her live!

QUESTION FOR THE COMMENTS: What do you think of Katie’s song?



28 Responses

  1. i already said this in your other sight but i will say it again 🙂 it is VERY beautiful and definitely fits with the prologue.

  2. It was absolutely lovely! I really liked the melody, and she has a good voice. The first time I listened I didn't realize I had another video of it open on a 10-second delay, and I thought the entire song was done in counterpoint. It was soooo beautiful. I think the only thing that would make this any better at all is a little counterpoint, actaully.

  3. OMT!! That was so amazing and emotional! I would be crying if that were possible! (lol that sounds like a vampire thing. but i actually cant cry.) its so beautiful. i love it. im gonna go see the rest of her music.

  4. Love it! That was amazing. I'll be stalking iTunes for it. 🙂

  5. That is such a beautiful song! That must be such an amazing feeling; having someone write a song about your story and the characters!

  6. I love the song and Katie's voice is very beautiful. The beginning is AWESOME! 🙂

  7. That was absolutely gorgeous. Everything…her voice, the melody, was so beautiful and soothing and professional sounding. Words simply cannot describe its pure awesomeness. *runs to add it to my favorites on youtube.*

  8. Wow, that was brilliant and beautiful. Would have cried but I'm surrounded by people who already think I'm pyscho – don't really need to add 'sniffles while wearing headphones' to the 'list'….

    Bravo – may it be added to the movie that I'm going to write… 🙂

  9. OMG, I love it! It's so beautiful, I love the song!! I love her VOICE!!! The music is great too. I will so download this. It's worth it!!!

    I really like the cover of your book. Its beautiful too.

  10. I like it, it's really good, but my personal opinion is that your own music is even better. Don't forget to belive in yourself Caleb. You are a very talanted composer.

  11. can you pleaseee post the lyrics???

    this is beautiful!
    i can't stop listening to it!

  12. wow it's so pretty. Katie Parr is truly talented. I'll have to check out her other stuff when i have time

  13. Great song, it makes me even more excited to read your book, hey keep me posted when your book is done. I love writig and I always get so inspired when people around my age get books published.

  14. Great song, it makes me even more excited to read your book, hey keep me posted when your book is done. I love writig and I always get so inspired when people around my age get books published.

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