The song for this chapter is Inevitable by Anberlin
And thus I have come to the final chapter of Breaking Dawn: the last book in the Twilight Saga. And what a journey it has been. My part in the Twilight fandom has been the most wonderful time of my life, and I say that with the deepest of sincerity. I have met more new friends in the past year than I have in my entire life. I have been to film premieres, bookstore events, midnight showings… all of these things that I never once expected to experience. This fandom has changed my life in immeasurable ways, some ways that I know I won’t even realize for a long time. I remember when I very nearly deleted this site the night I started it. How would my life be different if I had done that? The best memories I have were made with people I met through the Twilight fandom.
As for the ending of the Saga itself, it was just as sweet as I had hoped when I first picked it up: Bella and Edward are happy, as I think all of us have wanted them to be from the day both of them met in Twilight. Their happiness, I think, is just a reflection of how this book ends for everyone; but not only that, but it seems to tell of a strong, deeper ending to the entire Saga, and the lives of Bella and Edward.
In reflection of how this story ends, I like to think that there is someone out there for everyone: this one person who can make us complete, and with whom we are meant to be, and who we are, sometimes inadvertently and without fully realizing it, searching to find. I loved the Twilight Saga because I loved this concept — because I want to believe in it. A belief in fate or destiny aside, the idea that someone like Bella can go to a little town in the middle of nowhere and find someone like Edward seems to say that there is someone out there for each of us, somewhere, who might perhaps be searching for us right now, and who we could meet tomorrow, or a week from now, or next month.
It is easy to forget, after all of this, that Bella didn’t really like Forks when she first got there. She didn’t want to go to that school, or meet Edward, or be followed into the alley, or pretty much have anything to do with the rainy, miserable city of Forks. But if she hadn’t, she would have never met Edward. It seems to say that even the worst, most miserable times of our lives might perhaps be leading up to something extraordinary.
There is a depth of love that permeates the entire Twilight Saga, one that holds Edward and Bella together even through deaths, and wars, and heartbreak. I like to believe that the love each of us will eventually find will be just as strong as that, something that is so powerful that it can break down even the strongest boundaries, just as they did for Bella and Edward.
I think that what most of us want in life is this “happily ever after” in some form or another. Will we reach it one day? Have some of us already found it? Will we even know when we get there? As I have discovered with the Twilight Saga, it isn’t so much the ending that matters, but the journey we take to reach our own ‘small but perfect piece of forever’.
“But most significant in this tidal wave of happiness was the surest fact of all: I was with Edward. Forever.”
This post is short for a reason. Something more epic will be posted soon.
130 Responses
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Amazing post, Kaleb. It sums up PERFECTLY how the true blue Twilighters feel about the Saga, no matter what hate the hype brings the fandom. Thank you!
I am proud to say I have read this since post number one, and I am happy you will be continuing in some form or another. Although I would have liked to hear your thoughts on Edward finally being able to read Bella's mind, or how it feels to know all the secrets.
Kaleb its crazy that this is now over because everyday I looked forward to an email saying you updated and now its all over. I think the next blog you have you should read the Mortal Instruments Series by Cassandra Clare: City of Bones, City of Ashes and City of Glass. Stephenie Meyer herself read them and she reviewed it! Its awesome….I need you to blog about something else I love!
Kaleb, I do hope you continue as the Twilight Guy…It's been awesome following your journey π
Practically every day for the past 2 years, I have checked your website hoping for an additional post or chapter. However these last few days, I've been checking it hoping to NOT see this post. I was hoping it would never come. Almost like reading the last chapter of Breaking Dawn myself. We love you Twilight Guy! Best of Luck.
I do believe that we all have the second half running around in the world, looking for us. I am one of the lucky ones, as I have mine. And it took me years to realize that I had him, and he had me. There is a beauty and strength to this love that can only be hinted at, but never explained. I do hope you find yours one day. It is worth the wait, and the broken hearts in between.
Thanks. It's been fun. Good memories. See you on Twitter.
On to Bran Hambric…
It has been a great ride. I haved loved your insights, and eerily correct predictions, since I started reading. I fully agree with what you were saying about there being someone who can make us complete I have the same sense of sadness as I had when I 1st finished reading the series. It took me about a week all. I was reading all day, and half the night. I will be coming back here to read your insights again chapter by chapter.
I'm actually quite sad that you're done! I have LOVED (as have many others) your insights on the book! One of my favourite questions to ask my friends while they were reading the series was “What do you think is going to happen next?” and you answered this question for me nearly every time you posted!
I'm going to miss obsessively checking your site to see if you'd posted your insights on the next chapter!
It actually makes my heart sad that this has all come to an end. I really did enjoy reading what you had to say, even when it wasn't Twilight related. It was such a pleasure to watch you as you made your own journey both through the Twilight saga and the final publication of your book. I'm really going to miss you and your posts and your special giveaways and just everything!
I'm kinda sad that I never got to meet you in person, but who knows, maybe someday chance will have it that I'll get that opportunity.
I'm excited for you for everything goin' well in your life. I'll be sure to keep an eye out for the possibility of another site like this (for other books perhaps?) in the future. You're so cool.
Thanks for everything you've done..It's sad all great things must come to an end..=(
I haven't read the epic something yet, as I've just now got to this post.
I loved the ending of Breaking Dawn. I love that Bella can finally let him in. I love that Edward doesn't have to believe that Bella loves him, that she forgives him, that all the bad things in the past have been left there, whatever problems Edward has always seemed to hold on to, they are all gone now. Bella finally having the capability to let him into her head could not be more perfect. I love that, by Bella letting Edward in, Stephenie is taking us on a quick recap of all the best Bella and Edward moments, using the last few pages to tie us back in to the whole series.
Then, to see that page with the word “the end” written on it, made all the more serious by Stephenie's earlier mention: “Edward and I had not had a last grand scene of farewell, nor did I plan one. To speak the word was to make it final. It would be the same at typing the words The End on the last page of a manuscript.” So bittersweet for me. I believe I could read about Edward and Bella forever.
On the other note, it's sad to see you reach the end, Kaleb. It was fun. Reading your point of view has been a very enjoyable experience, but all good things must end. Even though I expect this announcement has something to do with continuing the site, there's no more to read, so it's still an ending of sorts.
It's okay, you have your own story to focus on now. Good luck!
I can't believe it's over… Being that I read the entire saga in 5 weeks (no sleeping or eating during that time period) was nice to reread it with you again at a slower pace really thinking this through. It was awesome having a male point of view of some of the chapters. Thanks for digging in and sticking out the saga…
….So how about The Host Guy????
that was so bitter sweet that was a really nice post but so sad that it's the last.
you didn't say anything about bella being able to remove her shield and edward being able to read her mind! that summed up the entire series for me! that was a main point from day one! and it was wonderful that he finally saw that she loves him as much as he loves her!
ohh dear writing this is making me want to read the books!
Kaleb, like many have said before me, you summed up exactly why many of us fell in love with the Twilight Saga in the first place. It really warmed my heart to read this post.
I must say that ever since I discovered this blog, I have loved every single opinion, thought, funny picture, and insight you had to offer. For the smiles you put on my face, the pure faith you had in this story, and everything you have done for the Twilighters during your journey through the Twilight Saga, I am eternally grateful. Very few people would have the patience and drive to do what you have done. You're definitely underappreciated.
Thanks for everything, and be sure that all of us blog readers will continue to follow your successes in the future! π You're the best.
dang. anberlin. not anberline! lol
You're words are wise, and i can't but get the feeling that you truly understand the books more than many of the other people who read them. I will miss hearing your thoughts as you go chapter by chapter through my favorite series. Good luck on your own writing career!
You know… you could always read The Host… π
Because I've enjoyed re-experiencing my beloved Twilight books with you, and yet I can say with all honesty that Twilight is *just the beginning* of Stephenie Meyer's talent. I love the Twilight books, adore them, but I am not impugning on their honor when I say that The Host knocks them all clean out of the water. It's an incredible story of all kinds of love and the meaning of being human, and I strongly, strongly, strongly encourage (okay, I might beg) you to read and review it. Maybe not chapter by chapter, as I can understand how much time that takes and know that with your own book coming out soon, you will be incredibly busy. But read it!
wow kaleb u made me cry
i cant believe u finished the twilight saga
following u read these books has made these books more enjoyable.
i am happy that u didnt quit on this website. and i am so happy to have discovered.
thank u so much.
cant wait to read ur book
Kaleb, you made me cry too , gosh…dont do that again…ok ?
this final chapter post was excellent and you articulated so wonderfully what twilight saga books mean to me.
A BIG THANKS for all the posts, i loved em all
all the best
perfect perfect perfect song for the final chapter!
i saw anberlin a few weeks ago and they played inevitable and it was magical… just like the last chapter of breaking dawn π
OMG I love what u just wrote and completely agree with it 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The main reason i love Twilight is because of the perfect happy ever after they get and no matter what life threw at them their love for one and other carried them through!! I just love it!!! And i definatley believe that we all have our Edward or Bella out there somewhere!!!!!! Its just a matter or meeting him/her!!!!!
I stubbled onto your site during the time you were reading new moon and was so taken i had to backtracked and read all your posts in one sitting. thank you for all your fun posts! good luck to your future!
i simply LOVED your post!!! it was beautiful and i cant believe you finally reached the end!! wow… my life's gonna be different
good luck with your life, kaleb!! im sure you're gonna be very successful and that you're gonna be happy and find someone π
Great final post. I always liked your thoughts on the books and chapters and this is no different. I didn't love the ending of Breaking Dawn – for me it all seemed a bit too neat and tidy for everyone and I wanted to see a bit more depth/explanation to how Bella and Edward related to each other now they were both vampires. But after reading your post, I realised that it's actually not a bad way to end the series (after all, it is just a story – though a great one – and at least this gives it a complete ending). One thing that irritates me in some fictional stories is when the main characters get killed off, or it doesn't have that 'happy ending'. So from that perspective, this ended perfectly.
By the way, I do miss the Song for Breaking Dawn. Doesn't seem complete without it…
There was one tear that escaped out of my right eye when I was reading this post. Mostly because I want exactly what you said we all do. Our Edward or Bella, and to be happy in our forever. I wish I could talk to people about this stuff. They don't get why Twilight has changed my life, or why it is my favorite book. To have you post your own personal thoughts Kaleb was very brave. It was also very insightful. You made me think things over twice and take things into consideration. The reason I am FINALLY posting on this post is the simple fact I never wanted it to end. And this was the ending. I know now, that it really isn't. : ) Thank you, Kaleb.
i remember the first time i found your blog half a year ago, it seems like yesterday..anyway i just want to say that i couldn't agree more with your views, i think we'd all like to believe there's a soulmate for everyone of us just like bella and edward, and that no matter how many problems our relationship has and how serious they are we'll be together in the end no matter what. i just hope it happens in real life as well, not just in books and films..:) that case hope you ppl find your edwards and bellas π
thanx for the amazing time & hope you'll continue with posts on midnight sun
<3 kristina
When I read that last page of Breaking Dawn, I cried. It was really emotional for me when Edward saw Bella's thoughts – nostalgic. To think of everything they went through, and how it was now over … still makes me tear up!
THERE NEEDS TO BE ANOTHER BOOK!!!! IM SO BORED i have nothing to read and its so annoying please another book!!!!!!
I love the song choice
Hey I am new to this website. I REALLY LOVE TWILIGHT!!!!!
lol. song is perfect, though, have you heard of the Mitch Hansen band? YEAH, that's what I thought.
Are you going to do the same thing for The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner?
…Well…Wow…I'm Deppressed!
It all had to end. I cried xxx
omg ! i had such a huge flashback when i read ” the end ” ! wow ! from the bio class to italy to seattle and isle esme and the end ! wow ! at least i still have a my edward cullen action figure ! LOLZ ahahahah im re-reading eclipse again 2 ! π yay !
you know wut they say .. ” Great things that are written can never truly come to an end. ” AMEN to that ! π
i know seriously ! MS MUST BE FINISHED ! at least bree will come out soon ! ahahahha the book i mean …. π
Hey Kaleb… which book from the saga was your favorite??? For me its hard to decide… they all were important to the story of their lives… I love Eclipse though… but the struggles that New Moon presented were crucial to the understanding of the depth of the connection between Bella and Edward… I wouldn't really like to say its my fave just because it was sooo depressing… but its hard not to… I don't know… what do you think?
ok i just realize that i must be a huge loser because….ah!….sorry i just got attacked by a giant fly! sorry as i was saying i must be a huge loser because i am the only one who has posted a comment in like 9 months!! i feel lonely:(
how lame am i? i am replying to myself
hey Dijah! i fully agree with what you are saying because all 4 of those books were soooooooo awesome!! did you know that you use a lot of big words? because you do and i think that must mean that you are a huge fan of twilight just like me!!!!yay!!!!
hey crazy lady!!!!! are you really crazy? i mean i just had to ask
awwwwwww pooor you!!! but dont worry, i did tooooooooooo
ahahah im not her ! ahah i just thought she looked hilarious soo i used her pix ! ahahah ! its from a post on ! π
Yeah, I'm a big fan… I got started with this series of books really late in the Twilight game though… but it could also be the fact that Im possibly a bit older than some of the other readers… but then again maybe not… my mother actually loves the books just as much as I do… thats kinda cool π
hi Dijah!!! i am soooooo happy that some one responded back!!!!!yay!!~ and thats ok that you started the books late because i did right after i saw the first movie and all of my friends were already on the last book. sad i know. i still love that you use such big words cuz i think it makes you sound smart
oohhh i see ahahahhahahahahahahahahaha. so what r u doing? i am like soooo bored and i look like a freaking moster becuz i have like this green face lotion on and it is stupid.
ahahaha LOLZ rite now i just came back from hangin with my pal ! we read hella magazines and we totally went to ulta and tried on every kind of makeup they had ! ahaha i ate ice cream <3 LOLZ
you are so lame you know i love you sophieeeeee!!!!!! hi
really sophie
you really touched my heart when i read this……CAN'T BELIEVE I”M CRYING
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