A guy reads Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (2009-2011)

What Will Happen While I Am 21? [Video]

Thanks to all my friends and readers who have stuck with me for another year!

To see last year’s video, click here.



39 Responses

  1. ……….!…!…!
    Happy Birthday Kaleb =D
    (like my retarded birthday cake???

  2. happy birthday kaleb!!!!!!
    and i will b at your book sighning on oct.17!!! another retard birthday cake!!!

    I'm loving your book so far, and I'll see you on September 26 at your book signing!

  4. AHHH! Happy 21st, Kaleb! Don't get too intoxicated…but I would recommend some Hot Sex (it is a drink…what were you thinking!?!). Have lots of fun!

  5. Happy B-day Kaleb!

    Happy birthday to you,
    Happy birthday to you,
    Happy birthday dear Kaleb,
    Happy Birthday to you!

    happy happy birthday from all of us to you…

    don't get too drunk… wouldn't want next years video to be “i learned that hangovers are really as bad as people tell you”
    haha, jk

  7. Happy Birthday! =] And you make it easy to keep reading the blog. =] Now, I'm still wondering why you're not coming to Dallas… We're going to have to have a talk about this, Mister.

  8. Wow. I cant believe its been a whole year!!! Happy Birthday, Kaleb. this has been a great year. and the frozen lasagna part in the vid made me lol.

  9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I'm so glad I got to be there for it! That was a lot of fun! Good luck as you continue on your tour!

    After my mom and I left the store, we almost went through a car wash with the window down. Again. See, we actually have done that before–the windows get stuck, and you're on that track with the water and the soap…and the screaming, and all you can do is hope the people watching the security tapes are having fun) LOL. Good times.

  10. Happy Birthday – i know this post is a bit late, but better late than never πŸ™‚
    I loved ur extremely cheesy video but u missed the most important thing u learnt off ur list.
    U learnt that the Twilight Saga are the GREATEST books ever written!!! πŸ˜€

  11. Happy birthday! Wow! I can't believe a year has gone by that quickly! I was going to post something extremly awesome for your birthday, but I thought I had more time.

  12. Happy birthday! Hope your next year is as awesome as this last one.
    When I first read it, I thought it said that “fresh Blood tastes better than frozen Lasagne”. Oops.

    (The crazy thing was, I actually started to consider trying it…)

  13. Happy Birthday Kaleb! You are made of awesome, and you are my hero! I hope you have a great year! 21 is a great age, and now that you are officially published, you can drink and call yourself a professional author. Go you!

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