Peter Facinelli just posted the above on his official Twitter page: and the video he links just so happens to be one that I shot while attending Twicon 2009 in Dallas, Texas! Thanks to Peter for the link. Here’s the video he enjoyed:
My Review of THE HOST Movie! Featuring Stephenie Meyer
So now that the final movie in The Twilight Saga is out… what’s next? If you’re looking for another epic film based on a Stephenie
20 Responses
Ahaha, this was EPIC. 🙂 You're totes fangirly right now. ADMIT IT!
By the way, I feel so creeperish because I'm usually the first one to reply lately, lol.
AHHHHH yay!!!! So exciting!!!!!!!
I'll try and be first next time. Just so you don't feel like such a creeper 😉
Muchas gracias, bebe. Te lo agradezco.
Si, claro! I'm responding because I really like this staircase thread look.
You're so modest, Kaleb. “the video that he linked JUST SO HAPPENS to be THE ONE THAT I SHOT”
Okay, maybe you didn't add all those caps in. But I bet that's how you said it in your head. Muahaha.
Yo tambien.. en serio.
Admit it Kaleb, on the inside you're squealing like a fangirl 😛 You have officially become a twilighter. Congratulations!
Si! Fiesta en el USA!
Manos arriba! Estan jugando mi cancion!
I srsly fail at Spanish but if I keep this up, I'll eventually learn.
Kaleb is prolly like “…what is going on in my thread?” lol Just Sam and Rey.. being Sam and Rey. 😛
He'll figure out we're signing party in the USA in Spanish…
if not, he'll realize it if/when he reads this post.
I would be totally wtfing if Kaleb ever referred to me as Rey.
lol, only I'm allowed to call you Rey! *Defense mode!*
We still going to put our evil plan into effect during the next BlogTV? ;]
Haha. Other people (some of whom are err… skype friends) decided to start calling me that too. Gah.
and… most definitely! 😀
WUT! NOOOO! I'm going to have to fight to the death with these people!
People are going to get so mad at us, LOL. Can't wait 🙂
i agree with sammy. You ARE a twilighter.
anyways, i haven't seen this one yet. It was HILLARIOUS!!! (excuse me if i mispelled that) =P
i especially love the way you were saying ” it just so happens to be the one that i shot.”
i bet in your head you were like, “OMG!!!! Peter Facinelli picked MY video to put on his page!!! THIS IS SOOOO EXITING!!! I THINK I'M GONNA DIE!!!!!!!”
Yup that was so you. =)
so amazing!!! that is YOUR video Kaleb, hahaha
yeah, but Kristin Stewart is indeed FULLY GROWN… 😀
yeah, but Kristin Stewart is indeed FULLY GROWN… 😀
ha hah ha hah hah hah ha ha!