Taylor Lautner – PHOTOS from LA Twilight Convention
My photos of TAYLOR LAUTNER (Jacob Black) from the Official Twilight Convention in Los Angeles, CA this weekend! More photos of the rest of the cast are at the twilightguy.com main page. Be sure to follow me at Twitter.com/KalebNation for the latest updates and photos from events (I tweeted lots of these as it happened, […]
NEW MOON “Jacob’s Transformation” Preview Clip!
Can’t see it? Click here. Check out this awesome new preview clip from the NEW MOON movie! Bella confronts the other Quileutes about Jacob, and suddenly Paul becomes angered and transforms. It’ll keep you hooked in to waiting for this movie until November 20!
Reading Breaking Dawn: Chapter 16 (Too-Much-Information Alert)
The song for this chapter is All I Need by Within Temptation [audio:https://twilightguy.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/allineed.mp3] When a chapter in the Twilight Saga explicitly warns me ahead of time with the title “Too-Much-Information Alert” I can’t help but shudder. After all, if all the other Too-Much-Information scenes I have endured (namely: almost every scene on Isle Esme) were […]
Reading Breaking Dawn: Chapter 15 (Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock)
The song for this chapter is Rebirthing by Skillet [audio:https://twilightguy.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/rebirthing.mp3] After being greatly amused that it is considered national news when Stephenie closed her Myspace* I have come to the conclusion that the entertainment industry at large will now report on any and all stories that contain the words Twilight, Stephenie, Meyer, Robert, or Pattinson. […]
New Moon Teaser Trailer: A Closer Look
Now that we have the NEW MOON teaser trailer, simply looking at it is just not enough! Since the teaser went live, I have heard from countless Jacob Black fans who replayed the werewolf scene dozens of times to study the change. But now, just for those super-obsessed Twilighters, I have made a SLOW-MOTION video […]