A guy reads Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (2009-2011)

Reading Breaking Dawn: Chapter 13 (Good Thing I’ve Got A Strong Stomach)

The song for this chapter is Sorry by Buckcherry [audio:https://twilightguy.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/sorry.mp3] Oh jetlag: how you plague me. I am writing this from my bed, with Breaking Dawn propped up on one side and my laptop on the other. Two weeks is far too long to go without reading, even with Book Expos and Disneyland. I promise, […]

Reading Breaking Dawn: Chapter 9 (Sure As Hell Didn’t See That One Coming)

The song for this chapter is Remember by Big Dismal


Today is the start of that glorious time known as Summer Break, in which my free time increases rapidly only to be immediately filled again even more rapidly. As pointed out regularly in my complaint-mail, at the current rate of reading I might finish Breaking Dawn in a matter of 9 months. But that was the old Kaleb. THIS IS THE NEW KALEB WRITING. New, as in, suddenly realizing it is time to get down to business and start reading more, faster, and more often. Shorter posts? Perhaps. But more often? Heck yes.

The whole hiding-food thing that Jacob and Billy have to do when Paul is around is no strange thing to me. I grew up in a house with