The song for this chapter is Sorry by Buckcherry
Oh jetlag: how you plague me. I am writing this from my bed, with Breaking Dawn propped up on one side and my laptop on the other. Two weeks is far too long to go without reading, even with Book Expos and Disneyland. I promise, I have NOT been avoiding Breaking Dawn because I am fearful of the impending blood drinking scene. That would be totally unlike me, because I am not at all sickened by the thought of drinking blood, and I am completely comfortable with the idea of watching Bella consume it in deep, bloody detail.
But for serious, the past two weeks have been a whirlwind, and I’ve barely had time to eat, much less blog about anything. It is here that I must warn anyone reading this post that I am still suffering from severe jetlag, having hit both the west and east US coasts in one week, taken four flights and stayed up past 3 AM last night waiting for the YouTube maintenance to end so I could upload the New Moon teaser trailer in its full, sparkling HD glory. So, if I only make half the sense as usual, crack the worst jokes, and call Jacob by the wrong name (like Timnkumbodle Bandersnatch?) you now know why (and will feel no obligation to report me to St. Rita’s Hospital For The Mentally Deranged).
Where we left off last time, Edward and the Vamps were headed off to get Bella some blood to drink. As stereotypical vampire as that sounds, it is probably one of the better ideas that they’ve had so far, though one I find hard to imagine without wanting to clutch my stomach. Do they just open a spigot and pour some out for Bella? If it’s in the house, how do they resist the smell? And what happens if an outsider stumbles upon said barrel?
The most shocking thing about this could be some of the comments left on my last post regarding the blood-drinking thing. The mothers who told me things similar to “wellllll when you’re pregnant you crave some pretty strange things!” do not put my fears in a happy place. So I am leaving myself to assume that the comments were meaning ‘pretty strange things’ as in ‘Olives in chocolate ice cream and pretzel sticks’ and not what Bella seems to be craving.
I didn’t really need to read the line about Carlisle and Rosalie wondering if they should warm the blood up for Bella. I am thankful though that Edward thought enough to have Rosalie put the red liquid into a cup that was not clear. This episode of distasteful drinking brings back glorious childhood memories during my mother’s health craze. There was one specific thing she had me drink which we had aptly titled the Concrete Drink, because the liquid was so gray, powdery and lumpy, it very much resembled a freshly-mixed cup of the unhardened gray rock. To drink it, I had to close my eyes so that I didn’t have to look at the awful concoction before gurgling it down. *
I do understand the connection though: since the vampire baby is growing inside of Bella, naturally it will want nourishment, like any womb-inhabiting child does anyway. But since the child is vampiric, it seems to basically be starving through lack of blood: or perhaps, feeding off of Bella herself. Of course Bella will like the taste of the blood: it is what her child needs, and what her body has been telling her to ingest in order to keep the child alive. Grossness aside, they’re actually all on the right track here.
There is some obvious tension between the werewolves that has already started to split up their families. Of course none of them really want this, but there is a very big power struggle between Sam and Jacob now that can’t simply be resolved by delaying the attack on the Cullens. Now that Jacob is on his own, he wants to be his own boss.
And oh Jacob Black, and your obvious lack of clothing. It simply isn’t enough to just go without a shirt now. I’m sure it was completely and utterly unintentional for you to shred all your clothes and suddenly be forced to walk around without them 😀
QUESTION FOR THE COMMENTS: Now that you have seen the New Moon trailer and Jacob turning into a werewolf, does it change how you picture it in the books?
*however, remembering the Concrete Drink suddenly makes Bella drinking blood not all that gross. YES it was THAT BAD.
– I am ALMOST to 30,000 subscribers on my YouTube channel! As promised, I will be giving away epic prizes, including a hardcover copy of TWILIGHT autographed by Stephenie Meyer (and more)!
113 Responses
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I never quite managed to imagine horse-sized wolves, but what I came up with definitely looked different than the wolf in the movie! I didn´t imagine them so… cute xD
Ha, yes, I'm late in this reply, as happens when you take an internet sabbatical for two months. I completely agree with you, in my mind the werewolves are much bigger, not the size of a normal wolf. That's the first thing I though when I saw it. I'm remembering specifically the moment in the field where Bella is leaning against him while watching the Cullens practice their fighting style against the newborns.
On the blood-readily-available-in-the-house-thing: “Do they just open a spigot and pour some out for Bella? If it’s in the house, how do they resist the smell? And what happens if an outsider stumbles upon said barrel?”
In chapter 13, Rosalie says '(…) all that type O negative laid aside for Bella.' which makes perfect sense:
1) since the whole family was in on the plan to change Bella soon after the wedding,
2) knowing she would crave real human blood as a new-born vampire instead of their vegetarian diet,
3) and her and their distinct wish to not let her be tempted to kill a real human for it,
they would surely have stacked up on donor-blood as a precaution (like Edward says later that nobody had to die in order to provide for the blood, when Bella asks him if this will be her first 'claim').
Also, Carlisle is a doctor and would have easy access to type O neg (being thé commonly used donorbloodtype).
And to avoid discovery and the tempting smell – I guess they have a special hidden and insulated cupboard for that… 😉
it wasn't really cause of the trailer but at about chapter 19 in eclipse is when I stopped seeing the werwolves as these weird mutant wolves that have itty bitty arms and stand on 2 feet and look really scary (they kinda resembled lupan the werwolf in harry potter) and actually started seeing them as you know actual wolves, yea it took me that long
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Wow, you are one mean critic.
Yum Yum!
Pregnant woman craving 'strange' things is called Pica. Theorizing that a lack of a nutrient is what makes the craving, woman have been said to crave: dirt, ash, mud, sand, glass, bleach, grass, cat litter, charcoal, bark, ect. A very mild form of Pica involves craving ice.
Pregnant woman craving 'strange' things is called Pica. Theorizing that a lack of a nutrient is what makes the craving, woman have been said to crave: dirt, ash, mud, sand, glass, bleach, grass, cat litter, charcoal, bark, ect. A very mild form of Pica involves craving ice.
no the werewolf wasnt anything diffrent as the way i pictured ii while reading the book
i respect bella because blood taste awfulÂ
I ωοuld likе tо tаke mоrе in ԁeрth lοok at thеir Thai
scrubѕ Pοwdеr.
What’s up, I check your new stuff regularly. Your humoristic style is witty, keep doing what you’re doing!
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