A guy reads Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (2009-2011)

Reading Breaking Dawn: Chapter 13 (Good Thing I’ve Got A Strong Stomach)

The song for this chapter is Sorry by Buckcherry


Oh jetlag: how you plague me. I am writing this from my bed, with Breaking Dawn propped up on one side and my laptop on the other. Two weeks is far too long to go without reading, even with Book Expos and Disneyland. I promise, I have NOT been avoiding Breaking Dawn because I am fearful of the impending blood drinking scene. That would be totally unlike me, because I am not at all sickened by the thought of drinking blood, and I am completely comfortable with the idea of watching Bella consume it in deep, bloody detail.

But for serious, the past two weeks have been a whirlwind, and I’ve barely had time to eat, much less blog about anything. It is here that I must warn anyone reading this post that I am still suffering from severe jetlag, having hit both the west and east US coasts in one week, taken four flights and stayed up past 3 AM last night waiting for the YouTube maintenance to end so I could upload the New Moon teaser trailer in its full, sparkling HD glory. So, if I only make half the sense as usual, crack the worst jokes, and call Jacob by the wrong name (like Timnkumbodle Bandersnatch?) you now know why (and will feel no obligation to report me to St. Rita’s Hospital For The Mentally Deranged).

Where we left off last time, Edward and the Vamps were headed off to get Bella some blood to drink. As stereotypical vampire as that sounds, it is probably one of the better ideas that they’ve had so far, though one I find hard to imagine without wanting to clutch my stomach. Do they just open a spigot and pour some out for Bella? If it’s in the house, how do they resist the smell? And what happens if an outsider stumbles upon said barrel?


The most shocking thing about this could be some of the comments left on my last post regarding the blood-drinking thing. The mothers who told me things similar to “wellllll when you’re pregnant you crave some pretty strange things!” do not put my fears in a happy place. So I am leaving myself to assume that the comments were meaning ‘pretty strange things’ as in ‘Olives in chocolate ice cream and pretzel sticks’ and not what Bella seems to be craving.

I didn’t really need to read the line about Carlisle and Rosalie wondering if they should warm the blood up for Bella. I am thankful though that Edward thought enough to have Rosalie put the red liquid into a cup that was not clear. This episode of distasteful drinking brings back glorious childhood memories during my mother’s health craze. There was one specific thing she had me drink which we had aptly titled the Concrete Drink, because the liquid was so gray, powdery and lumpy, it very much resembled a freshly-mixed cup of the unhardened gray rock. To drink it, I had to close my eyes so that I didn’t have to look at the awful concoction before gurgling it down. *


I do understand the connection though: since the vampire baby is growing inside of Bella, naturally it will want nourishment, like any womb-inhabiting child does anyway. But since the child is vampiric, it seems to basically be starving through lack of blood: or perhaps, feeding off of Bella herself. Of course Bella will like the taste of the blood: it is what her child needs, and what her body has been telling her to ingest in order to keep the child alive. Grossness aside, they’re actually all on the right track here.

There is some obvious tension between the werewolves that has already started to split up their families. Of course none of them really want this, but there is a very big power struggle between Sam and Jacob now that can’t simply be resolved by delaying the attack on the Cullens. Now that Jacob is on his own, he wants to be his own boss.


And oh Jacob Black, and your obvious lack of clothing. It simply isn’t enough to just go without a shirt now. I’m sure it was completely and utterly unintentional for you to shred all your clothes and suddenly be forced to walk around without them πŸ˜€

QUESTION FOR THE COMMENTS: Now that you have seen the New Moon trailer and Jacob turning into a werewolf, does it change how you picture it in the books?


*however, remembering the Concrete Drink suddenly makes Bella drinking blood not all that gross. YES it was THAT BAD.

– I am ALMOST to 30,000 subscribers on my YouTube channel! As promised, I will be giving away epic prizes, including a hardcover copy of TWILIGHT autographed by Stephenie Meyer (and more)!



113 Responses

  1. I love the transformation.

    Yes, he looks very cuddly when he is not snarling, but that is how SM describes him. Bella cuddles him.

    And the main thing to remember is that the Wolfpack are shapeshifters NOT werewolves, so they would look like wolves and NOT like monsters, except in their size.

  2. Back again. I was reading through some comments, and I thought I'd add my opinion.
    Personally, I was never really shocked or bothered by the blood drinking scene at all. It make complete logical sense to me–that Bella would need to get blood into her system for the baby. She was dying, fast, so she did what she had to. I do wonder, though, if a normal blood transfusion would have gotten the job done… But, regardless.
    Does anybody else stick their finger in their mouth after a paper cut or something? Because, that, in a way, is sort of like drinking blood. (I know, it's a stretch… But just go with it.) Does anybody ever even taste the blood? I never have. That makes me wonder: does blood even have a flavor or a smell? If so, I never noticed…
    LOL! Am I creeping you out now? If so, sorry. I swear, I'm not a cannibal or anything… I'm just not sensitive to gore, at all. I should be a doctor. =D

  3. Idk. I always pictured the wolves to be more scary. Like at first sight they make you think of the scary werewolves, not puppy dog playful wolves. But I can live with what they look like.

  4. Thankfully, I do not have to change how Jacob looks in my head to how he looks in the movie because they are almost exactly the same. Except for the white. But I can live with that XD

  5. YEAAAAA!!!! You posted a chapter! Yeah, that bllod thing turned me away from this book even more. That is so NASTY!!! I hated that scene too…just thinking about it grosses me out!
    Now to talk about the New Moon trailer!! Yippy!
    Ok, so I was totally freaking out when I saw it! That was the most exciting thing I have ever seen this year! Everything was great till the wolf part. It looked totally fake! It's nothing how I imagined the wolf. It's supposed to be totally different! Hmmm I'll just have to wait and see the movie to futher my opinions.

  6. I think the movie wolf looks great. I'm glad they made him a russet colored wolf. I hope all of the wolves are the colors they're supposed to be in the books. Anyway, it doesn't really change the picture I had in my head while reading the books, except that the wolf doesn't look as big in the trailer as I thought it would be. I figured they just looked like normal wolves, but huge. Seeing it in high definition, I think the wolf looks beautiful.

  7. Actually, it was sort of how I envisioned it, to an extent. Magical creatures defy the laws of physics almost as a rule, and I tend to think of things in that way. Okay, so the wolf was a little weird, but the size was good, and the red color. It was a little weird in the part where Edward leaves; it didn't seem to flow very well… Maybe I'm just nitpicky about that kind of stuff…

  8. I thought the trailer was awesome and cannot wait to see the whole thing. I, however, pictured Jacob differently in wolf form. Actually, I pictured all the characters different than the actors whom portray them. As someone said (the director of “Twilight” or Stephenie Meyer maybe) that everyone pictures the characters differently. Even though I pictured Jacob's wolf form differently, I thought it looked pretty cool!

  9. The trailer doesn't change anything about how I view Jacob as a person, and the transformation is exactly how I imagined it. I however picture in my mind an even color tone to his fur, not the fur in the trailer wolf.

    In short, no, the movies do not change how I view the books. Granted, Rob Pattinson is now forever ingrained in my mind as THE face of Edward Cullen, but that's because I think he did a FANTASTIC job in the movie. As an actor myself, I truly enjoyed his performance, and I think he embodies Edward so perfectly, it's eerie.

    And I agree on the Bella drinking blood thing. It makes logical sense (and I thought of it ages before the Cullens did, actually). Would Bella drink it if she wasn't pregnant with a vampiric baby? Probably not.

  10. Strangely enough I didn’t exactly find the whole drinking the blood thing that gross. I mean I probably didn’t think about it a lot, but like you in my mind I was thinking that it made sense. She does have a vampire baby in her.
    Oh props to the song you chose. I really like the lyrics. They suit the chapter really well. Good job!
    As for the question, I didn’t really have a clear idea of how I imagined Jacob turning into a werewolf. I just though of him kind of like shifting from human to wolf. But I liked the wolf that they put in the trailer it was good.

  11. Nope It does not change the picture I had in mind. In fact its pretty much what I had picture. The only difference is that that not the way she found out about Jacob's little (I mean big Seceret).

  12. Doesn't really change my view. I have since a long time ago started to separate the books from the movies, so that I'm not incredibly disappointed.

  13. i don't think it changed how i viewed the transformation in the book at all.
    Seeing the movie before reading the first book, did however, make me picture Rob Pattinson as Edward and Kristen Stewart as Bella and so on and so forth.
    I do regret seeing the movie before reading the book, but in the end i do think that otherwise, i might have just blown off the series, me being a not too avid reader and not wanting to become another obsessed person, not acting my age at all!

    BTW; keep up the good work! twilightguy.com is one of my favorite websites! i always love to hear new posts, video clips and articles. Keep up the good work!

  14. TOTAL SENSE!! No one seems to get how I can separate a book from its movie but I tend to look at them as parallel worlds were the same basic story takes place but it is tweaked a little differently

  15. Really, Kaleb? Why would you post at 5.30 pm? I'm barely at school by then! Sigh.

    Ahaha. My mum makes us take vitamins and tablets. Fish oil, Student HD, magnesium, iron, Inner Health Plus, Ease a cold, a bright orange one and several others that I don't know the purpose of. If she wanted to poison me, I wouldn't notice until I was already dead. I'm just glad they're all in tablet or capsule form. There were several unpleasant months where I was forced to drink some olive leaf extract every day. It was nauseating. I had to hold my breath so I wouldn't smell it. It made me enjoy having a cold, because it dulled the flavour.

    Yeah, you'd think by that point Jake would have a little self control. He secretly enjoys having no clothes on, you can tell.

    The transformation was exactly how I expected, actually, apart from the oddly Narnian looking wolf. *shrugs*

    You had better read the next chapter soon, to make up for the weeks we were forced to go without your posts. πŸ˜€

  16. the teaser trailer was awesome!!! and Jacob's transformation was better than I expected, though still similiar in thought.

  17. Well, I'm sorry to say that I have drunk blood- let me explain. As a child, I was prone to horrendous nosebleeds, which resulted in a LOT of blood running down my throat. I can't say I really tasted it, and I have to kind of agree with that other comment that it doesn't have a strong taste. I can tell you this, though: it makes your throat raw, and always gave me a stomach ache. I don't want to gross anyone out, but burping blood is not pleasant. The only plus to that situation was that ice cream was the best remedy!
    With Bella, I attribute her reaction to the blood to being pregnant. Really, she's carrying a vampire, and her body is truly changed to accomodate it. And as so many others have said, taste and cravings in pregnancy can get really wierd!
    The phasing in the trailer looked good to me- I am relieved that the special effects seem to be better quality than Twilight's. The wolf looks somewhat different that what I imagined, but I still like it. I just hope some of the acting improves as well…

  18. My mom craved ice, lemon juice, salt, and pickle juice as a drink when she was pregnant with me. Better than blood, though lol.

    I am currently re-reading Breaking Dawn, but I am at a section where I don't constantly see Jacob exploding into wolf form, so…so far no. We will see when I reach that section. But sometimes when I read books, I picture really weird things. Like I've always pictured the wolves as Snuffleupagus from Sesame Street (link: http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/muppet/images…). Don't ask me why lol.

  19. I always wondered how Bella would ever be a vampire if she can't stand the smell/sight of blood. This seems the perfect transition – you will and can do anything for your child.

    I too tend to separate the movie from the books. Books are heavenly – movies are earthly. I feel the movies do the best that they can within constraints that my mind doesn't have with books. I can read books over and over and create my own pictures and that is why I will never stop reading and dreaming. With movies we get one director's pictures. I can't wait to love the movie!

  20. BD – I think Jacob's revulsion had more to do with Bella acting so vampiric (is that a word?). Vampires are Jacob's enemies and the girl he loves is exhibiting vampire trait #1 before she's even turned. I doubt it's the grossness (another possible non-word) of the blood but the fact that she's acting like a vampire.

    NM Trailer – I loved it. I was honestly very worried about the phasing. I was pleasantly surprised by the trailer. I'm having a hard time determining how big Jacob is as a wolf. I hope they're huge. I agree with you, Kaleb, that the rest of the trailer looks extremely well done.

  21. No, I still think of him the way I always did. Maybe tht will change after I've seen the whole movie, but for now it's the same.

  22. I liked the “phase” effect. Quick and garments ripping away….

    As for pregnancy cravings, for me it was green olives. Sometimes taste buds change during pregnancy. I hated green olives before my first pregnancy (age 28), then during I craved them and now I love green olives. Think I'll go have a few now.

  23. I actually like that aspect–it is yet another point of irony. She hates cold and rain, yet falls in love with a cold (yet hawt) vamp in the rainest place on earth. She is a danger magnet, and her hero is one of the most potentially dangerous things in her life (particularly because she smells so good to him). She faints at the smell of blood, yet if she gets her wish to be turned into a vampire, blood is exactly what she'll need to survive. The whole premise is beautifully rich with irony and paradox!
    And, though I have never been pregnant myself (adopted all three of mine…much less painful), I have heard of a condition called pica, whereby women have an overwhelming urge to eat non-food items, like laundry soap, paint chips, dirt, etc., when they are pregnant. What's a little blood, then, particularly if that craving comes naturally from having a vampire's baby growing inside of you?

  24. it did change the werewolf changing scene for me. I always saw them shaking – A LOT – uncontrollably for like 2 seconds and then they like double over and crap, but that is not what happened in the trailer – obviously.

  25. When reading the books I pictured the wolves kinda like bears, weirdly enough. However, the movie wolves have not changed my perception. The wolves are better in my head.

  26. OMG the railer looks amazing!! Sooooooo much better than Twilight!!! Jacob-wolf looks mega cute!!!!!! its noooooo where near annyfing lyk i imagined and it looks a lot lot smaller its not scary at all!!! Laurents eyes look wicked! u cud barely see the red in Twilight
    As for Bella drinkin blood at first i thought she was gna be drinkin animal blood n i was lyk gross but wat eva we eat their meat but wen i realised it was human blood i was lyk eeeeeeeeeew but lyk summin sed bwt havin nose bleeds n it goes down ur throat it doesnt actually taste bad but its not nice either and if its wat the baby needs any mother wud do it. I dun fink guys can fully understand the bond between mother and her baby while the baby is still in her womb the mother is completely responsible for the health and survival of the baby so she is gna do anyfing she can even if it means drinkin blood

  27. Ummm does it change how I perceive Jacob in New Moon – yeah absolutely from Twilight πŸ™‚ I am really impressed with the trailer to be honest – I was afraid they were going to go 'too werewolf' for my taste (more like Lupin in Harry Potter) and i'm so glad they are going more traditional. The more I see of Taylor Lautner in his role of Jacob the more i am pleased with the outcome.

    I think that Taylor perceives the emotional quality of Jacob – now i know that not everyone likes Jacob – but I do…I feel for the guy here he is – in love with this amazing girl, helping her get over heartbreak and pain and hoping for the day to come that maybe he can be there and she will one day love him back and it's never enough! “Poor Paris — he never gets any love” πŸ™‚

  28. I don't think it changes my perspective too much, but I imagined him darker and MUCH bigger. And also I know everyone has been complaining that he is too cute and cuddly, but after reading the scene in Eclipse where Jake-the-wolf and Bella are sort of having a conversation, and she starts petting him, I think a little cute and cuddly is pretty good! πŸ™‚

  29. The New Moon trailer just enforced what I thought the transfermation looked like. And if
    You thought this chapter was gross….

  30. The transformation is awesome!! Jake does look different from how I imagined him, but I really don't get the “he looks to cute and cuddly” thing. It wont change how I imagine him in the books. The books and the movies are nearly completely different things for me. I was watching Twilight a few days ago and the title showed and for a second I was like, “OMG it says Twilight!” but then I realized, duh, it IS Twilight. It was hilarious.

    The blood thing doesn't really creep me out. I think it's an excellent example of how far things have come and how much things have changed because of all the crazy stuff thats been happening to the Cullens/Wolves. And personally, I love how blood tastes. I could imagine drinking it like that.

  31. The trailer was great!! but i thought the wolf was pretty bad. it wasnt how i pictured it…. i wish it was less animated, but i kno its really hard to create a huge wolf!
    I CANT WAIT FOR NOVEMBER 20th. ahhh!!! i am sooo excited!

    As for bella and drinkin blood.. i didnt really find it that gross, which it really wierd cuz i can not stand looking at peoples blood!! it didnt surprise me that she needed the blood cuz she does have a half vampire child growin inside her!

  32. It was like Chris Weitz was reading my mind when I was reading New Moon. I completely pictured the transformation the EXACT SAME WAY. Even Bella says that if you blink, you'd miss it completely. And before I even knew who was to play Jake in the first film, as I read the books I always pictured a 16 year old boy like Taylor Lautner. I also love the way that Jake 's clothes just rip to shreds when he changes.

    That was one of my favorite parts of the trailer. However, my FAVORITE part was when Edward left Bella. I like the way that she just stand there for a second after he's gone, and just starts breathing heavily. The she just collapses to the ground, and presses her head into the dirt and starts to cry. Now THAT was exactly how I pictured the break-up! Thanks SO much to the cast and Chris Weitz! Can't wait till November!!!

  33. Yah, i know what you mean. I thought Jacob looked like my friends dog. Not very menacing at all.

  34. I did not picture the “Werewolves” as big dogs when I read the books, I pictured them as werewolves so to see the trailer i was at first disappointed, however i think it will grow on me.

    By the way I am 27, male and straight, Ive seen the 1st movie 47 times and read all four books 5 times and Breaking Dawn 7 times. Love the series and your website.

  35. Yup. Pictured it that way. It was fast and everything.

    And I already imagined the break-up scene when I was reading it.. it gave me the chills. ^^

  36. I just watched the Trailer again for like the millonth time. Seriously there is no getting over Jakes transformation. I love it, It is perfect, I just want to reach into the trailer and pet his oh so soft fur.

  37. Well… I thought it would come to the blood drinking thing. Doesn't mean I enjoyed it. Although Jacob was funny.
    And the only thing I didn't like about the wolf transformation in the trailer was the size. I thought he'd be bigger. But other than that it looks good.

  38. I never imagined the transformation either, or I sort of tried, but I couldnt..
    I had imagined Jake's fur to be more reddish- brown, but I still can't imagine him the size of a horse, so I guess I'll just wait for the movie!

    More Love from Norway πŸ™‚

  39. Hmm, I think blood is fascinating! Clean blod thoug, like nosebleed πŸ˜› I don't drink nosebleed of course, but if I cut my finger, i suck it.. Haha, it doesn't taste that bad, really..

  40. I too hope the acting improves. Kristen was… ugh. Though, it was rather humorous to listen to me 22-year-old, tall, muscular brother who holds a Bachelors Degree of Fine Arts in Drama from New York University rant and rave about how terrible she was. It's a teen romance novel/movie, and here was this big guy freaking out like a Twihard Teenybopper, if a Twilight Teenybopper cussed like a sailor.

    He also fawned over Robert Pattinson's performance in a way that made me question his sexuality…

    PS- not grossed out at all. 3 oral surgeries. Mouth full of bleeding incisions. 9 teeth pulled in one operation. Yeahhh.

  41. i agree too. its separate. and i never have high hopes for the movies because i know that it will be its own “thing”.

  42. I always thought of Jacob-Wolf as being cute-ish, not completely horrible and monster-like. I thought it was pretty dead-on, except I always pictured him as more of a chocolate brown. But, all in all, I was happy.

    And as for the blood drinking, I never minded it. I kinda like the taste of blood. Except I could never imagine drinking a whole glass of it……..

    And I am SO happy my parents weren't health-nuts.

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