Check out this awesome new preview clip from the NEW MOON movie! Bella confronts the other Quileutes about Jacob, and suddenly Paul becomes angered and transforms. It’ll keep you hooked in to waiting for this movie until November 20!
My Review of THE HOST Movie! Featuring Stephenie Meyer
So now that the final movie in The Twilight Saga is out… what’s next? If you’re looking for another epic film based on a Stephenie
35 Responses
oh my god… that was AMAZING!
But when Bella hits Paul, Isn't she like, supposed to break her hand?
They changed TOO much in this movie.
It still looks good though, so i'll still go watch it opening night. =D
btw, i'm trying to teach my little 2 year old sister how to say the twilight characters' names.
so far she's got;
Ehpah (Edward), Beba (Bella) Emmi (Emmit) Aba (Alice) Toetootie (Rosalie) and Papoh (Jasper).
=/ i've got a LOT of work to do…
Awesome! Thanks for posting!
ow briliant, it looks so good, i was literaly jumping up and down in my seat cant wait for the film!!
btw Mar123, doesnt bella hit Jacob in eclipse and break her hand?, if not then i have missed that in new moon…..hmm im gonna it read again!!!!!
O_M_G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *breatheless* *faint*
They're quite large.
She Slaps him, not punch. haha.
She slaps paul, but I know it looks like a hit.
I agree, Haley.
holy schmokes that was cool. its good to see the wolves done. paul's wolf is am-azing. i dont remember bella hitting anyone except jake in the book……?? dont get too hung up on them being exactly like the books. if the twilight movie (as well as the already released previews) showed us anything, it wont be! enjoy it for what it is and treat the books and movies as seperate entities
It doesn't matter if she hit him or slapped him. she should had broke her hand. and no there is no werewolf hitting in new moon. Bella doesn't get that cool till Eclipse. it doesn't bug me that they had her slap Paul it bugs me that they gave Bella super strong hands. and this may make it harder for them to put the hand braking/Bella slapping Jacob scene in Eclipse. which is one of my favorite parts in the book. ^_^ but besides that this is a cool clip.
so awesome kaleb!!!! i love u!!!!!!!
No.. she messes up her hand after punching Jake when he kisses her.
The wolves look a lot better but it's stupid how Bella finds out what Jacob is this way.
… does anyone think it's weird that none of the other wolves try to stop paul from attacking… after he phases, they all just stand there like they're waiting for him to take a snap at bella. (all except jacob of course) that just struck me as kinda odd. =/
she actually breaks her hand when she hits Jacob….you know, after he kisses her…
Yeah i can see her not breaking her hand by slapping cuz her hand would be flat, which would protect her hand, rather then a punch it be easyer to break ur hand
Independent woman to… dog food. LOL
Ok…did the makers of new moon not read eclipse? I get what people are saying about slap vs. punch b/c you can slap a cement wall w/o breaking your hand but you'd probably break it if you punched it. But still…you shouldn't have to rationalize something like that in a film. The response is too instantaneous and from eclipse where she breaks her hand after punching jacob, it should be inferred that she will severely injure herself from slapping another werewolf. Or at least react! She didn't even act like it hurt! And I could be way off here but the interpretation I'm getting is that this is how she finds out Jacob is a werewolf. If that's the case that is totally wrong not only b/c it's a change in plot but also b/c it goes against the rules where they must not let a human find out. She is only allowed to know in the books b/c she “guesses.” Not because they phase in front of her. Ugh…I know changes are inevitable when transferring from novel to script but some things are unnecessary changes!!!
No, she wouldn't have broken her hand. In Eclipse she full on punches Jacob as hard as she can. In this she just slaps Paul. It still is a dumb addition.. Paul is a hot head and he explodes just by her getting out of the truck in the book. But the scene looks really good. The wolves are very well done.
Everyone is flipped about the slapping and you forget the bigger change. Bella doesn't know anything in this scene. Paul and Jacob go on transforming all over her without the talk beforehand… o – O
to kate313 and krisgab72, i know she hits jake in eclipse, but still, paul IS a werewolf, so she still should have broken her hand and paul should have acted as if nothing happened, but instead he took it like a wimp. =/
its super cool! amazing! awesome!,,,, im,,,,, speechless!! doesn't change the fact that they changed so much of the original story ;(
It's weird not knowing what will or has happened since we haven't seen the whole movie. I think Bella DOES know the Jake is a werewolf , but we all know how she forgets that he can take care of himself now. she still sees him as that 15 year-old boy, not the 16 year-old werewolf that he is. that's why she tells him to run in this scene, not because she doesn't know. of course we can't be sure till' nov.20th ( ugh! it needs to hurry up! )
WHAT THE ****????
ok ok the Transformation was amazing. Do not get me wrong.
But What I am getting from this scene is that Bell finds out Jacob is a werewolf because paul, and then Jacob himself, transform in front of her.
Sorry, but I was really looking forward to the scene were jacob jumped in Bellos window and tried to make her guess that he was a werewolf. I'm losing my faith in this movie.
IN other words. I completely agree with Rebecca and leahwolf.
Wow…the change looks pretty good!
But I don't like Bella learning Jake's a werewolf this way at all! It's not so much because they changed something, that was inevitable anyway, but more because it just doesn't fit Jake's character! Jacob making Bella guess is just how he is.. always breaking the rules and not wanting to lose Bella, etc..
So changing this is like changing Jake! He's just not somebody who would keep to the rules, sitting around, waiting 'til Bella finds out for herself..
Well, maybe they solved it some other way, hard to say without having seen the movie…Only a month to go=)!
Jacob's tranformation looks exactly like when they were with Laurent
That's because the earlier “scene with laurent” was a cut and paste job between this scene adn the real scene with Laurent. Bella's clothes change in the preview trailer..
she SLAPS him??
since when was bella so girly??
XD just kidding!
yeah i know that, but Paul IS still a wolf so the hit must have been deadly. =D
crazy epic!super awesome! Dumbfouded! Jacob is hott!
*warning, what I am about to say has almos nothing to do with the majority of your comment…*
I am so glad to find a fellow twilighter who's fav is eclipse most people are like what happened in that one… sad isn't it.
In my opinion she should have like shoved him or something, the punch wasn't really necessary. when she punches him I get this whole hostile bella thing which doesn't float well with the majority of me (the slight non majority of me would like to see bella get in a fistfight if there were disaterly results)
*warning, what I am about to say has almos nothing to do with the majority of your comment…*
I am so glad to find a fellow twilighter who's fav is eclipse most people are like what happened in that one… sad isn't it.
In my opinion she should have like shoved him or something, the punch wasn't really necessary. when she punches him I get this whole hostile bella thing which doesn't float well with the majority of me (the slight non majority of me would like to see bella get in a fistfight if there were disaterly results)
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