Final ECLIPSE Movie Trailer Coming To Oprah!
Straight from the official Twilight Twitter: the final Eclipse movie trailer will be on Oprah on Friday, April 23! In a separate tweet, Summit Entertainment also promises a live chat with members of the cast on their other social media websites. That likely means either the Twilight Twitter or Facebook pages. Keep watch for more […]
New Moon Will Be A Movie
It’s true: If you have doubts, check out Summit’s website and click news. I think a major part of this decision is the fact that the movie opened at #1, which only happened because of the amazing dedication of all the Twilight fans. Already, it’s grossed over $35 million. In a way, our movement paired […]
Twilight Movie Review
This review contains minimal spoilers. I am going to be very honest in my review of Twilight. Thus, it should first be known that I went to see the film not expecting to be overly thrilled. We have been waiting on this movie for months. People have scoured the internet and fansites for every photo, […]
TwilightGuys Report: He Met Robert and Stephenie
HE MET ROBERT AND STEPHENIE “My story starts at Christmas. All my family was at home and we were discussing books and we got onto the subject of Twilight. My brothers were totally knoocking it hardcore like because it swayed from the traditional vampire myths. They were making a huge deal out of something […]