Yes, I actually bought the book. But don’t worry — I’ll finish Twilight first!
Many and multiple hundreds of apologies for not getting to the next chapter today! I am just super busy getting ready for a far northern flight for my friend’s graduation and will be reading the long-awaited Chapter 8 very very very early Thursday. And I promise, tomorrow’s TwilightGuys Report will make up for it! You can’t miss the one for tomorrow. I had to get a photo it was so sweet.
I am curious, however, how long it took everyone to read The Host? It is, after all, rather thick! But at the rate you people gobbled down Twilight, my guess is an average of two hours (probably less 😉 ).
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Stupid, stupid, stupid school! And stupid sadistic teachers-who-enjoy-giving-enough-work-and-tests-to-last-at-least-four-years.
I’ve been reading for two days, getting about one and a half to two hours of sleep, and I’m almost done (there is no way I’m complaining about the lack of sleep….The Host is definitely worth it)!
I can’t say that i read the Host without distrations. The many mandatory things such as school, homework, and work created unwanted waiting and wondering for me. But I have to say that i read about 100 pages in about 2 hours. So i guess you could say that i read it under 12 hours. Not too mention how many nights i went to bed on a school night at 2:30. Not because i wanted to go to sleep but that if i kept reading… i would fall asleep unintentionally.
I finished it in 3 days, and I reluctantly had to go to school… if I didn’t it would have been done waaaay before that! It’s really brilliant in every way, Stephenie just has a way with words 🙂
It took me 3 days to finish the entire twilight saga that is currently available. it took me 3 days to finish this one book. school got in the way 🙁 but it was really good. I came to a conclusion:
~stephenie loves:
~love triangles
~anti-social girls
~and men you shouldnt love
read it 🙂
Ugh, I haven’t finished it yet! I’ve been working all day (8-9 hrs), homework and other things that I don’t have much time for reading. My dad even read it before I did! He had it read in at least two days and loved it. I’m working on it, though…I’m about halfway done with it so far.
I ditched school last Tuesday to go pick up my copy of The Host (my sister in Utah had to camp outside Borders to get her hands on a copy) and I finished it this past Friday.
I thought it was Stephenie’s best book yet. It was absolutely fantastic, and I will dare say that I liked it better than I’ve liked any of the books in the Twilight saga.
It took me two days to finish The Host. Of course I didn’t do anything else, and that was the weekend before finals (bad idea – my grades would’ve been better if Stephenie Meyer hadn’t had a dream about a vampire).
i bought it on the tuesday it came out and started reading it and ended up staying up till 5 in the morning, my mom was not happy because i had to miss school. because i couldnt stay awake, it was great cuz i read it again
it took me about 8 hours spread over the course of 3 days and a morning. i too had way too many projects one of that i am supposed to be working on right now. It was so captivating and i cried my heart out. it was kind of embarassing because i was at a wedding reception and everyone is supposed to be all happy and here i was crying while reading a book. oh well, most of the people there knew me…so…and the other ones i would never ever see again so Who cares….
i absolutely loved every word. It was so captivating. my friend bought it for me the day after it came out and gave it to me at school that thursday morning. we think i liked it a lot more than her. she wanted wanda to end up with jared in the end but i like it this way. OH i loved it. talk about major thought provokey!!!
i don’t want to say i liked it better than any twilight series books but it was just so different. it was…i don’t know…amazing
It took me 2 days to read the book, haha. And after a few days of a break away from it, I went back and read it again. When I absolutely love a book, I keep reading them again over the course of the week. I absolutely love the book! I was a little baffled at some parts, but it was amazing.
Bought the book the day it came out and finished it Monday night (staying up late despite two finals the next day). I’d say that in total reading time it probably took me 6 hours, given that I was trying to draw it out and read slowly. Would have finished it sooner, but I had to study for finals and went to a prom over the weekend as well.
I loved it… but I almost stopped reading after the first few chapters… they were kind of slow and confusing.
but as with the first few chapters of twilight beginnings for meyers seem to be her weak point and endings her strong point. read past chapter 3 and you wont be able to put the book down.
(took four hours to read the book…)
I read the first 5 or 6 chapters the day it came out, Tuesday. I finished it about 12:30 am (Thurs). I read all day long, in between taking care of my kiddos. I’m a fast reader though and couldn’t put it down.
I absolutely love the host! (Like Pheonia ^above^) It took me a while to read the first few chapters, but after that i finished the rest of the book in two evenings!
And i cried SO many times!
got it tuesday night and read ad much of it as i could what with school and friends and finished it saturday night.
The Host took me about two days to read it. I got it friday night around 8:30 at night and didn’t start reading it until midnight, then saturday I read it while trying to get ready for prom and help my friends get ready for prom, then on Sunday I couldn’t stop thinking about it as I was chasing little kids trying to get them calmed down enough for children’s church. Plus it was mother’s day. but somehow I was able to finish it sunday evening.
I finished all three books in the Twilight series in four days. that was interesting…
Finished it in one day…okay well two if you count the fact that I finished it at 2 in the morning of may 6th after getting it on may 5th at like 3ish
I bought it the day it came out, but real life got in the way, but then on tuesday I was sick so I stayed in bed all day and read the host, and finished it in a day and a half =)
It was very good! I think I still like the Twilight series better though…
I finished it in 4 days, working full time and sleeping 8 hours at night. I absolutely loved it. I cried a lot too.
1 and a half day now i am re-reading it9
It took me less then a day… I didn’t put it down it was so good!!!! I ate with it, straightened my hair well reading and ignored the teachers that tried to take it a away. When my mom made me turn of my light( at like midnight) I used my ipod as a flashlight.
Unfortunately I cannot reread it yet because I have about 20 people who want to borrow it!!!
Why does it have to be so friggen huge and expensive!!!!
Gah, beautiful book. Stephenie has the most gorgeous style of writing. I hope I can write my stories in a similar way, so emotional and full of imagery. That is my greatest goal. ^_^
I recommend this book to everyone. It’s not a girl book, either, so that is a broad EVERYONE.
Eleven hours. Didn’t eat, nothing. Good book.
I purposely went slower than normal. It took me about 4 days. I creid a couple of times. The Host was frustrating, enchanting, thrilling, and AMAZING.
i think it took me, maybe, 3 hours…. but i’mm crazy like that…. it’s riveting… of course.
I’m looking at this again. Perhaps I don’t read as fast as I thought…
I bought on May 2. I was practically screaming my head off when I saw it. I thought it would come later as I live in Singapore. I took 6 days. I just sat in my room the whole day and just read and read. I love it!
I bought it the day it came out after school, and finished it by midnight.
I LOVED it. I cried so, SO much.
It was such a great book; I can’t really even say what should be said about it.
I read it front-back around four hours.
Just fyi- I loved it. It was amazing. Just, completely, w.o.w. I was soo incredibly excited about it.
If it took you less than six hours, then you aren’t just a fast reader, you missed something. Lots of things. 3 and 4 hours is ridiculous. I accuse you all of skipping through lots of it. There are a lot of words on each of Stephenie Meyer’s pages in Host, so twenty seconds per page can’t be right.
Or perhaps you miscounted. I’ven’t finished yet because it sort of lost my interest (Twilight way better), but ten hours is a very reasonable amount of time all told.
Don’t know how long it really took, but, though there are boring romance scenes, it’s an okay book. It got better toward the end. Sorry for my previous post if I offended anyone.
Three days. Three whole days!
i actually finished it in two and a half days, which is slow for me, but when you factor in school and the fact that i can’t stay up till 4am reading as i did with twilight.. i think it was fairly quick. Anyway I loves it, of course.
i’d just like to add on that 1. certain parts had be bawling and 2 . i tried reading it in school but it got to the point where (after several warnings) it was confiscated .
I read the whole thing in about three hours – it was brilliant. It’s a lot more of an emotional book than Twilight (I cried about five times reading this book), and I’m not sure if you’ll like it. It’s not squealy-girly; it’s mature girly, and despite marketing tags, it’s mostly about motherly love. Normal guy-girl relationship love does happen, but it’s not really the focus like it is in Twilight.
I’ve finished it, and I might love it more than Twilight. Don’t hurt me, I haven’t decided yet. I have one thing to add, though.
Stephenie has a mean streak!
If you’ve finished it you probably know what I’m talking about.
I hate to rub it in but I am so happy that I did it. I got the book a little later cause I didn’t have money May 6 =(
I got the book and read it in less than a day. I couldn’t put the book down….. Thank God it was a Saturday! ^_^ lol
5 hours to be exact….. But not three hours….. How the heck did you do that Sarah??? You must be a super reader!
The Host is such a great book! I read it in 2 days, but that’s because I had school the next day. (I ended up just faking sick the next morning b/c I had fallen asleep at 4 in the morning and I couldnt force myself to get up for school. I did however get up to read The Host) 🙂
3 days and i am the slowest read you can ever meet!
I liked The Host, but I loved her Twilight books. I finished it in about 5 hours total. I made it last several days reading only a chapter here and there. I will not have that restraint with BD in August. NOTE: Her newest book is too much like a Star Trek TNG episode called, strangely enough, The Host. It’s about a symbiotic relationship between a “person” and the parasite that inhabits the body. If you liked the book, you will enjoy this episode of ST:TNG.
I just finished a couple days ago – it’s amazing, I really wasn’t expecting to love it this much.
I finished it in one day, technically two but I started at around 11 in the night and finished the next day at around 3 in the afternoon. I think I may have given the book water damage from all of the crying I did; it made me unusually emotional.
Since I have an erratic job schedule, I only get to read during the commute, during lunch and before bedtime and it took me nearly a week.
I bought “The Host” to distract me from the long wait for “Breaking Dawn” and “Twilight the Movie”.
What I didn’t expect is a gem of a story so like and unlike the Twilight saga.
Don’t wanna kill the joy out of the others who haven’t read it through the end, but all I can say is that Miss Meyer sure has the uncanny ability of making you care a great deal about the people her brilliant mind conjures.
And watch out Edward Cullen fans! Someone in this book is bound to make you fall in love… again.
It took me three or four days. Usually I’m faster, but it seemed like EVERY TEACHER was determined to piss me off with homework. Grrrr
Still loved it. Possibly MORE than Twilight. =]
this book was crazy awsome, i read it in 6hours, and couldnt put i down. i wouldnt shun twilight for this though
in my opinion, you want to read any other book other than the twilight series
If your really want the truth it took me 3 hours to read the host.
It took me three evenings to read The Host. Every night that I dreamed about what I read. I know. Sad, very sad. I love the book nearly as much as the Twilight saga.
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