The song for this chapter is First Time by Lifehouse (suggested by Czarina)
I know I should be studying for my abysmal college exam tomorrow, but as I’m sure you can relate, I’d much rather be getting to the next chapter of Twilight instead. It is like choosing between a can of mutant roaches or a vat of Reeses ice cream. Apologies to my professor. Twilight wins out.
Lo and behold, right off the first page of this chapter, Edward has become a chap I might enjoy hanging out with, simply because he listens to 50’s music. Granted, no one can tell that by the stuff I usually listen to, but hidden in my media player is more than a few tracks from Little Richard, like this one:
[audio:]Or the ever famous shout for Lucille:
[audio:]I can just imagine Edward twisting and shouting on the dance floor. Which makes me imagine Bella attempting to twist and shout on the dance floor, which would be the epitome of disaster. No, actually this would be the epitome of disaster:
the look on my face says it all
Anyhow, as I continue reading (with Lucille blaring in my stereo), Bella is coincidentally having the same meal I am munching at this very moment, and the same meal which I warned The Lasagna Burglar about stealing again. I also realize that the Other Good Vampire Family lives in Alaska, and I was just recently there. I could have been staying in the clutches of vampires without even knowing it. Shudder.
This line is a premonition of the future, if not to be revealed in this book but in a future one:
(Edward talking about Alice) She knows other things. She sees things — things that might happen, things that are coming, but it’s very subjective. The future isn’t set in stone. Things change.”
His jaw set when he said that, and his eyes darted to my face and away (…).
Writers absolutely love this. The point behind this line is that Alice more than likely has already foretold something about Bella and Edward, but Edward doesn’t want to believe it. He is reassuring himself with this that whatever Alice foretold has a possibility of not happening. It is a small, hidden paragraph, but this tells loads of what is going to happen in the future: something has been foretold that might not turn out to be the best.
Something that I noticed specifically in this chapter is how much Bella and Edward talk about everything. There are quite literally few words left unspoken about what they are feeling. It is as if since they cannot just outright read each other’s minds, they have decided to voice what they are thinking, in a way to break down the barriers between them.
According to this, the #1 leading cause of divorce is the unwillingness to communicate lovingly. People just don’t talk (I can see girls pointing at their guys right now). However, for Bella and Edward, it’s very obvious to both of them (and us) how they feel about each other, because they actually say it to one another. Fellows: this is very important. There is a reason that 85% of a Twilight chapter is conversation and dialog between Bella and Edward, directly proportionate to the reason girls feel that Edward and them would make such a perfect couple.
The important thing to note is that conversation does not mean simply talking about what you want to say. As put by an email I recently got:
‘(…)wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to sit in a car with a guy and gush about Antonio Vivaldi, instead of, say, Grand Theft Auto IV?’ .
Also, another girl continues the thought with the reassurance:
‘If we could just get you to watch one chick flick with us (um, The Notebook, anyone?), we would be more than happy to leave you guys alone with whatever you want to do, no problem (…) and I wanna tell him, why don’t you freakin soften up the macho and say why you love me (like Edward, duh)?’
It’s not something that needs to monopolize your time: it’s just the fact that Edward at least puts out the effort. Many girls actually enjoy talking about GTA IV or sports, but as put by the second emailer later in her message: ‘not every single second of every single day of every single(…)occasionally, something different is what I’d like (to hear).‘. Bella and Edward have probably spoken on deeper levels than many married couples out there today, simply because they’re willing to communicate lovingly with each other.
On another note, thanks to Youtube, I can’t see Charlie’s name without picturing a grumpy unicorn and his irritating friends.
– I have two Mitch Hansen Band CD’s to give away this week from, as well as the regular shirts. Mitch Hansen, as you may know, makes music based off Twilight. Anyone who comments here until the end of the week is entered.
– I absolutely must mention Novel Novice, which is a new Twilight site written by an 8th grade teacher. Right now, she’s doing a countdown of her favorite Top Twilight sites, and lo and behold– got number 4 (and gasp, mayhaps even an offhanded comparison to Mr. Darcy?). Thanks Ms. Truitt!
– is running some Twilight Guy specials in preparation for Father’s Day. You should check out some of their stuff! Lots of it was designed by fans or by Stephenie herself.
– The Fantastic TwiHards are trying to start a Mr. Fantastic TwiHard channel! Go check them out and message them if you’re interested in trying out 😀
– I am up to May 28 on email replies. If you emailed me before then, check your bulk folder in case I was marked as spam.
– There are currently over 50 entries for the TeamTwilighter auditions on Youtube! If you haven’t put yours in yet, now’s the time. And while we’re talking about Youtube…I’ll have a new video soon. Subs to my channel see it the evening before, so if you’re on there you can subscribe here.
223 Responses
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Oh no. Now I’ll forever think of Charlie the Unicorn every time I see his name in the books. Nooooo!
#51 needs to get a life.
Haha it is so true the thing about charlie it happens to me too. I love the site and you really have a good view on the chapters and how they relate to life. its Amazing!
I absolutely love hearing your takes on the chapters. I have only one friend that has read twilight and I think she’s getting tired of me dissecting the goings on of forks with her in detail like i do. (Mel, if you read this, you’re a saint for putting up with me.) I can’t wait for you to finish the book and give your overall take on twilight. So far I pretty much agree with you 100% on your insights. Keep up the good work, and keep reading!
oh, I forgot to mention that I am definitely “in” for a chance to win the cd!!!!
wait a second…
where’s your little article for chap 13?
ive looked ALL over the site!
u know, the meadow scene?
where is it???
thank you.
I just stumbled upon this, browsing through the endless supply of Twilight fansites, and went all the way back to your first post and have spent the last hour or so reading your journey through Twilight. I cannot wait to see how it progresses!
And I KNOW guys that read Twilight! One recommended it to ME. A GUY recommended I read Twilight. That, my friend, is awesome. And another read the entire series in a week… To impress me I think, because all I’d been talking about for a month straight was Twilight.
I am loving your blogging-ness to pieces so far. You have provided me with enough entertainment to last me all day! I’m going to randomly go around saying “Spoons!” now, from a video in an older post, just to weird out my parents, like I do when I go around yelling “VAMPIRES!” with a huge grin on my face.
I digress.
I will be e-mailing you soon in order to read your material, because I am intrigued. I’m a hopeful writer myself. =]
Btw- At the mention of Charlie the Unicorn, I laughed, yelled “YES!” and pumped my fist in the air, all victorious-like. Long story short, my senior year of high school, I started an entire cult following of Charlie the Unicorn simply by showing it to a few friends. It was great.
Anyway, keep reading!!!
Oh my goodness, you hit the nail on the head with the Edward and Bella talking deal. I love reading your take on Twilight! It’s amazing.
This is my favorite chapter of the book! And you really are a genius, man. You really get it.
Ugh… 50s music. *Shudder* You saw me! I shuddered! It’s all yelling and swing music.
Edward has directly insulted me. I love 60s and 70s music! “Build Me Up Buttercup” is the best! Plus there’s “Video Killed the Radio Star”. Although I am pleased he can at least stand 80s. Wham is fantastic. 😀 And then there’s “Walking on Sunshine” and “A Little Respect”! And U2 went through the 70s and 80s…
Sorry, music rant. Stupid biased vampire. I don’t care if he lived through those eras or not…
Again, sorry. Anyway, someone was complaining about Grand Theft Auto? *rolls eyes* Growing up surrounded by video game playing brothers was bound to have its effect on me sometime, I love that game. 😀
Ahaha, I should stop writing.
Thanks. I hadn’t made the connection until just now, but now all I see when I think of Bella’s dad is Charlie the Unicorn. Also, I love GTA IV. Among other games. And, check out James Truth on youtube. I will now be laughing during the climax of the movie, meant to be all creepy.
wow… besides kenny rogers song “LUCILLE” ( which i like) i was quite surprice their is another one…, can you give me the band who sung the song?
this is my favorite part of the book…, hihi….!!
ok first off i have to say you are one of the most insightful ma i have ever met. i just started reading your blogs and i actually agree with alot of the things you said, and i listened to the clips 1of 50s music and i LOVED THEM! i cannot get the image of edward dancing along to those.
Beautiful,Kaleb. Just beautiful!
well first off, your advice is wonderful.
however, no offense, it kinda makes you sound gay. good luck with that one.
Fortunately, being a respectful person does not automatically make you 'gay'.
I am straight by the way.
just letting u know, ur my boyfriend's role model… on further note: It's candy mountain, Charlie, Candy Mountain!
or, more effectively: man, he stole my freakin' liver. or….”put a ripe banana in your very favorite ear! All the bad in the world is hard to hear, when in your ear, a banana cheer!….”
just letting u know, ur my boyfriend's role model… on further note: It's candy mountain, Charlie, Candy Mountain!
or, more effectively: man, he stole my freakin' liver. or….”put a ripe banana in your very favorite ear! All the bad in the world is hard to hear, when in your ear, a banana cheer!….”
Charlie the unicorn!
He's so awesome 😀
lmfao about charlie that is all i could think about to
“It’s not something that needs to monopolize your time: it’s just the fact that Edward at least puts out the effort. Many girls actually enjoy talking about GTA IV or sports, but as put by the second emailer later in her message: ‘not every single second of every single day of every single(…)occasionally, something different is what I’d like (to hear).‘”
Omg you just described the reason why I'm so frustrated with my boyfriend….I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT UNTIL I READ THIS! I THOUGHT I WAS GOING CRAZY!!!
“On another note, thanks to Youtube, I can’t see Charlie’s name without picturing a grumpy unicorn and his irritating friends.”
LMAO!!! I can sing the candy mountain candy cave song ^.^ I've quite proud of this fact lol
Oh and…Teenage Mutant Kung-Fu Roaches…? wow.
I remember when I tried to read the Twilight saga after seeing the first movie. I worked full time in a werehouse at that time. Coworkers were talking about the twilight saga everyday, and I had just begun reading it myself. I almost went through withdrawls during the days until I got home. First thing I would do after work would be to, of course, read Twilight.
I like how Edward talks and listens to Bella. He asks her questions, genuinuely interested in her. My dad could take a lesson from Edward. My mom ended up divorcing him because of his lack of listening, his lack of showing interest, and lack of caring. He's still in denial after almost two years that he did anything wrong. He's the type of guy who thinks he's always right. Well, even when he's talking to me. He usually does all of the talking. I'm a quiet person anyway, but when I do have something to say, he dosen't listen. He asks me no questions to get to know me. I am his daughter after all. Wouldn't he want to know me a little bit? My posters of Edward on my wall listen to me more than my dad does!
Great chapter, and I really enjoyed reading your thoughts on it!
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