It is about that time of year when a bit of housekeeping is needed on, and the best time to do it is while I’m between books!
Site Updates
– Like the new design? I’ve structured the new site so it allows me to change the side background images out with other cool things, so when November comes along, you know it will be stuff for the movie!
– Since I started this site it’s had problems with going offline due to CPU usage. That problem has now been fixed and it should never, ever happen again 😀
Appearance News
– I will be appearing at Summer School In Forks to give a keynote speech at the special luncheon. Anyone who is interested in a great time in Forks with lots of other Twilight fans should come out and see us! I will have more news on this as things get closer, but for now you can visit the official website of the event.
– Twicon just added the Bella Cullen Project to their lineup! They are the first band to sign on to the event.
Twilight Premiere
– THANK YOU so much to everyone who has donated to help with the costs of me going to the premiere! Within one week, we raised about 2/3 of the amount I need (I would put an exact number, but many of the payments were by check and haven’t been processed yet). I can hardly believe that so many of you wonderful people came together so quickly, so I have little doubt it will be complete by the time I have to fly out.
– I might be attending the TwilightLive Podcast in LA before the premiere. If I will be attending, I will post it on here.
My Book
– Gobs of the email questions I get are about The Farfield Curse. You can still email me for preview chapters, just please give me a few weeks to reply. Also there have been bunches of updates at on the book
– Bailey (NoMoreMarbles) and I will be doing a live BlogTV in the same room on October 25! I’ll have more news on this as it gets closer.
Other Housekeeping
– I still cannot friend people I do not personally know on Facebook, so if I do not reply to your request that is why. You can still friend me on Myspace instead.
– Yes, I am officially Nerdfighter # 14164.
I will be starting on Eclipse on Monday, so be sure to check back and have a great weekend!
Tell me in the comments if you like the new design or have any technical glitches:
85 Responses
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hey kaleb! i love the new design, it looks great. can’t wait for you to start eclipse!
Am I seriously the first comment? Yay!
Anyway, great design! I love it! Can’t wait to see what you have to say about Eclipse!
Oh… Second comment… Still good! 😉
Love the layout! Can’t wait for your Eclipse comments!
You are going to love eclipse Kaleb.
See you around,
Ok this is a really dumb question LOL but hear me out anyway. Do you have the hardback special edition Eclipse/ Im asking cause I have a paperback Twilight and New Moon, then the SE Eclipse (where the cover is both printed on the hardcover AND the dust jacket) and the Regular hardcover (which I dont have the dust cover on cause they bu me when I am reading) of BD. And it looked like the same was happening with you. Why did this matter? Your guess is as good as mine. Im bored 🙂
PS Eclipse is my favorite of all four books, so I hope you enjoy this one!!
Yay Eclipse! It’s definitely my favorite of all four. Plus I’ve been reading this blog since April. (The one with “Bella’s firetruck” is one I first remember reading, haha). So I can’t wait to hear what you have to say!
the new design is great and i can’t wait to read your thoughts on Eclipse! i hope you enjoy reading it as much as i did.
Love it 🙂
Woohoo for Monday!
new design looks good ^^ it only takes slightly longer to load than the old one, but I guess the computer will get used to it eventually.
Good to know you were able to raise the money, sorry I couldn’t help.
Enjoy Eclipse ^_^ I loved it very much. Looking forward to your insert pics, those always crack me up 😀
Great layout! I loove it. Have fun reading Eclipse..
It’s great that you are raising enough money for the premier. 🙂 Just a little more.. sorry I couldn’t help..
you’ll enjoy it…..
i like the new layout!
Eclipse is my fave too! Can’t wait for you to reach chapter 23, I’ve always wanted a guy’s perspective of it.
Speaking of Bailey (nomoremarbles), does anyone else think she looks and speaks exactly like Sarah Silverman?
That’s great! I absolutely LOVE the layout! It’s the best, yet, I think!
New design=AWESOME
Ooooo. I love the new layout. It’s so totally awesome. I cannot wait until you start Eclipse, it’s awesome!
The new layout rocks!! We love ya Kaleb!
I love how you’re staring at the middle from both sides xD
Love the new layout, it’s great
Love the faded out Kalebs on the side, trés cute. Congrats on all the support for going to the premiere! Glad you’ll be able to go.
the design is amazing!
LOVE the new layout! 😀 It’s fab. and I hope u love Eclipse….it’s a great book!!!
You and Bailey in the same room! AHHH *dies*
I am so stinkin excited! AHH!
oh yeah, don’t let her punch you.
Friggen awsome!!! love the layout! once again kaleb u are awsome!
the new layout is awesome. I like how the Kalebs on the sides are staring at you on the banner thing at the top. I don’t know why I find that funny, but I do ^_^
wow. Bailey AND Kaleb in the same room? broadcasting LIVE? Can blogtv handle the epicness of that?
Yay!! The eclipse layout is so cool. 🙂 When I got on here, I turned around and was like “MOM! THE TWILIGHT GUY HAS A NEW BACKGROUND!!! YAY!!” She was like,”ok…” Yep. this is my excitement for the weekend. 🙂 Can’t wait for you to start on Eclipse.
Yay Eclipse! Have a great time reading!
Have fun.
Yay for the new layout, Kaleb! You’re fantastic. And yay again for Eclipse! Eclipse was my favorite book, second only to the original Twilight, so happy reading! I can’t wait to read your thoughts on it. 🙂
I told myself I would comment when I caught up on your chapter-by-chapter updates, so a week later, here I am!
After finally caving in and reading the series myself, I was excited to stumble across this site to get a male perspective on the books. I find your writing style to be quirky and cute – I absolutely adore the random bits you add about your relatable experiences to Bella, it makes your updates come alive! I can’t wait to follow along as you read Eclipse and I’ve convinced my sister to check this site out as she’s halfway into the books as well.
The new layout is awesome and, althought I was able to see your layout for New Moon, I’m slightly sad I couldn’t see your original layout for Twilight.
whoa kaleb!love the new design!!
Love the new layout!! Hope you enjoy Eclipse as much as I did! LOL
hey, luv the new design! eclipse was amazing,i finished it in four days and that was a record, i loved it! hope you like it as much as i do! good luck with college and stuff, i know ur really busy….
Very nice design Kaleb. Plus, i love the sneaky-peeky-spying kalebs on the sides!
im excited, but kind of disappointed i have to wait until MONDAY…it seems like forever 🙁
Woot! Nerdfighters FTW! 😀
Love the new design Kaleb, and will try to be on for the Blogcast when it is on. I think Dragoat will be jealous though, unless you intend to bring him. Can’t wait to see your post on Eclipse chapter one. 🙂
Hello! I’ve been lurking on this website for months and thought it was time to come out of the woodwork!
I’m so excited to read your reviews of the Twilight books! I am a high school English teacher and writer and I love to see different viewpoints on this series. I started reading it because my students, who have a ridiculously intense aversion to words, were carrying the saga around like it was the newest hip album. I was curious, so I picked up the series and loved it!
Last year, all of my girls had copies of the book. This school year I have noticed a massive number of boys at my school with the saga! At least five or six of my male students are reading through the series, which I think is truly amazing. I direct each and every one of them to this website.
Thanks again! I can’t wait to see your opinions of Eclipse!
-Professor T.
i like the new design. nope.. let me rephrase.i LOVE the new design! you have one of the most expressive faces on the planet, Mr K.
that is all 🙂
awesome new design!
I wish I could go to the Twilight premiere! You MUST get some pictures of Robert Pattinson!! 🙂
You’re a nerdfighter!
I’m SO proud, Kaleb!
Have you read any of John’s books? I highly recommend you do (after Eclipse & BD, of course) And just… eek!
Btw, I <3 the new layout!
I love the layout. It’s fun. And the awesome picture of the vacuum up there. I thought that was funny. XD
Love love LOVE the new layout, dahling!
Behave yourself around Bailey! 😮
I love the new layout! And…well, its just awesome! I’ll be looking out for your podcasts (and other assorted events). Can’t wait for the next blog!
The layout’s awesome!
I am so excited for your thoughts on Eclipse! It has some of my favorite quotes from the series in it and some of my favorite Bella and Edward moments… Eek! Sorry for the fangirl moment…
Hey, TMF has a poll of which Twilight site is your favorite, and Twilight Guy is on there! I just voted for you, but your site’s pretty behind. If you wana vote for TwilightGuy. com(and why wouldn’t you?), go to
So excitedd! Cant’ wait to see your thoughts on Eclipse (my favorite book)
Great layout design. it looks awesome!
I actually don’t live anywhere near any of the places where you are going to events… East coast? northern area preferably! =]
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