The song for this chapter is Writing To Reach You by Travis (suggested by Anita)
I felt absolutely stupid when I first started on Eclipse. I took the book off my shelf and immediately started to search for my bookmark (a slip of paper that coincidentally is also my grocery list). For some reason today, I simply could not find the blasted bookmark, and it wasn’t until I had flipped the book over and fanned all the pages for this piece of paper that I realized I didn’t even have a bookmark in this one yet, because I was just starting it.
It was the first mystery I have faced in reading Eclipse, and it wasn’t even in the book. What a wonderful start.
Because I am going straight from New Moon to Eclipse, I know all of the back story right off the top of my head. Jacob is still upset over Bella choosing Edward over him in the previous book. I decided also that as Jacob is obviously having troubles completing his thoughts, it was my duty to play mad-libs and finish his sentences for him:
I don’t know why you’re making Charlie carry notes to Billy like we’re in second grade — if I wanted to talk to you I would answer the carrier pigeons pecking at my window. You made the choice here, okay? You can’t have it both ways when Desperado Dave and his posse enlist you. What part of ‘mortal enemies’ is too complicated for you to understand in that crazy brain of yours? Look, I know I’m being a jerk, but there’s just no way around the fact that you’re now a highway bandit with a $10,000 reward on your head. We can’t be friends when you’re spending all your time with a bunch of cattle thieves, bank robbers and highwaymen.
It just makes it worse when I think about you too much, so don’t write anymore ransom notes to my father, or I’ll tell the sheriff where your hideout is.
Surely that was what Stephenie had intended Jacob to be writing.
Still, though, Jacob is obviously in turmoil. After all, Bella is strongly attached to Edward Cullen: a vampire, mortal enemies with Jacob because of his species. Think of it as if your best friend has fallen madly in love with the local axe-weilding crazy, no matter how much you try to convince him or her otherwise. This is basically what is going through Jacob’s mind, so I do have some understanding of why he is so much against Bella being with Edward.
I was taken aback by the primitivity of the Swan’s meals. Have they not heard of the greatest invention since sliced bread: microwave lasagna? It is a meal that no one can ever tire of, requires no stirring/pots/smoke, and is ready in 23.5 minutes. It is such the epitome of effortless cooking (aka most college meals) that thieves were obliged to remove boxes of it from my freezer sans permission (as everyone and their cousin has heard by now due to my endless ranting on the situation).
I loved how casual this sentence was:
Afternoons were the hardest part of my day. Ever since my former best friend (and werewolf), Jacob Black, had informed me about the motorcycle I’d been riding […]
Alternate version:
Afternoons were the hardest part of my day. Ever since my former best friend (and green singing frog), Kermit, had informed me that my fly-repellant was ruining his chances of decent dinners […]
I suppose after a while being around vampires and werewolves will become everyday to anyone. Bella has been through so many things in the past year that go deep into the supernatural, so I’m sure by now she is either wondering what will pop up out of the woods next (if I wrote the next book: gnomes) or if it is all a very large dream.
Having been to Juneau, Alaska, I was told multiples of times by local residents statements that confirm Bella’s claim of being overcast 321 days per year. I, however, visited the place on one of those glorious, rare times when the sun was shining o’er the sea with all its might, and caught views such as this and these. Even on those sunny days, you can see that it is properly enough overcast for a vampire to survive undiscovered. And besides that, humans can’t complain about those glorious views.
Though Bella’s grounding since the incidents in New Moon has finally been lifted, it is obvious that Charlie does not trust Edward as far as he can throw him. And I don’t exactly blame him: for Edward, Bella has thrown herself off cliffs, gone traipsing out of town on more than one occasion, and had hallucinations and nightmares on his accord. If I was Charlie Swan, I would be duly concerned.
But the fact is that in reading the book, we have the ability to get into Edward’s head, and we know that no matter how often it may seem that he is a threat to Bella, we know he wouldn’t ever let himself hurt her. This is insight Charlie does not have. This is also one of the biggest conflicts caused in Bella’s mind: for she truly wants to be friends with Jacob, but cannot keep him and Edward at the same time. Bella knows for sure that Edward will never hurt her, but Jacob does not; Bella also knows that Jacob will never hurt her, but Edward does not. It is like moving two positive ends of magnets closer — yes, they can be forced together, but they will always be pushing each other away.
So I see many troubled times ahead. Edward has decreed he will not let Bella see Jacob, fearing for her safety near a pack of werewolves lacking anger management. Bella has proclaimed she is going no matter what Edward says. The trouble between the true love and best friend has started yet again — and on top of that, there is a newborn vampire on the loose. Welcome to Forks.
Question for the comments: If you were Bella’s parent, would you think Edward was safer for her, or Jacob?
– I am now taking song suggestions for Eclipse! Send in your songs with the link in the sidebar (–>) or at this page.
– I am putting together features of Twilight-inspired bands. If you are a band who writes music for Twilight, please send me your info on this page.
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201 Responses
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Wow….you’re foreshadowing and you didn’t even know it. 🙂
I loved the line about the magnets! and to answer your question about Jacob or Edward, if i knew what they were I would say Mike…he’s the safest solution for her not to get killed or hurt
I would say Edward.. but that whole New Moon stunt, even though it had good meaning, kind of FAILED. So yeah, I wouldn’t want Edward anywhere near my daughter.
Jacob by default, wins.
siriously dude… you are a total psych! the thing about the magnects… I also got it when I read eclipse but the fact that you actually mentiones magnets… freaky!
okay… I have to say I am very exited about the fact that you are reading eclipse, as it is my second favorite book in the saga its really cool believe me 🙂
well to your quesion,I think that probably charlie should open his eyes a little mose.. dude if you daughter jumps off a clipse, and has a sudden trip to idont know… ITALY! thats not normal… apart form the fact that edward is really freaky looking… I would totaally trust jacob, his a family friend (dont get me wrong i LOOOVEEEEE edward… but from a dads perspective.. i dont know)
I’m not a parent but if I were, are you asking the question that if I were akin to all the ins and outs of Edward and Jacob, which one would I prefer for my daughter?
If so, Edward would be the choice for the sheer fact that Jacob is too forceful. He’s like an abusive husband! EEK. By the end of Eclipse I was pretty sure that he could be a suspect for rape! Next thing is… Stephenie Meyer introduced imprinting in New Moon. She would not have introduced this if it wasn’t going to be possible for Jacob to imprint and leave Bella. Edward left Bella, yes, physically but he didn’t fall in love with someone else.
I like Jacob’s character, really. He is everything that is youthful and unadulterated about romance. Of course Edward is everything that is mature and passionate…
Anyway, a mom’s point of view is always different from a dad’s. Renee is pretty ok with that Edward kid even if Charlie is not.
As Bella’s rents I would say to wait till college or um don’t grow up. EVER. huh. Mike is the safest.
Honestly, what parent could choose between EC and JB. WHAT PARENT IN THEIR MINDS WOULD THINK THAT THEIR CHILD IS SAFE WITH SOMEONE. ah, parenthood is blinding 🙂
Loved the mad libs! I always crack up when you fill in the gaps…
Hmm, Edward or Jacob for my child…? Well, I can totally get why Charlie prefers Jake – he’s the family friend, been around forever, while Edward is this pale funny looking stranger. If Charlie could see both guys and how they treat his daughter (and the person she becomes around them), I think he’d prefer Edward. He brings out the responsible side of Bella and actually goes overboard in his attempts to protect her whereas Jake and Bella together are more likely to break bones/start fights/lose their tempers and explode in a furry frenzy…
Haha, you are right on top of things– really! The magnet part, well… let’s just say that is a VERY good guess. You’ll see, you’ll see.
more than good… bella actually does mention it…
If I was Bella’s parent… *dream clouds* no wait *storm clouds* Okay, I’m Renee, my clumsy daughter just got abandoned by her boyfriend. Totally messed her up… We considered instatutionalizing her, um the boy comes back. They love eachother again. But there’s this other boy, one who was there for her when she was in need…
JUST as a parent i’m gonna have to say Jacob, but as a person who really know what’s going on I’m saying Edward (they’re perfect for eachother DUH)
Think of it from what Charlie and Renee are seeing though!
Jacob, definitely. As far as Charlie’s concerned at this point, Edward is a creepy guy that doesn’t care for Bella at all. Jacob, on the other hand, is definitely her dream guy- they’ve known each other forever, he’s very funny and casual, and he was there to help get her out of misery.
Poor guy doesn’t know ANYTHING.
if i were bella’s parent, i would probably love to see jacob and bella together, because that’s my best friend’s son, and i know him. but i would let bella make the decision. because it’s her life. but i think i’d also see the connection between bella and edward, so i’d also be comfortable in her decision.
you know?
magnets was very insightful of you….but not nearly as insightful as you appear to think it was….
i agree with Brigid… very insightful… u jus did a lil foreshadowing of ur own, but its really not a big thing… its jus funny how u came to that conclusion so early on. U’ll see wat we mean when u get to that part ^_^
To answer your question. If I were Charlie I would most definitely lean in favor of Jacob, besides for the fact that he is his best friends son, which would be a cool person for a son-in-law, what does Charlie really know abut Edward anyway, because of him she stormed out on him and went back to AZ where she was almost killed then he left her an she was like a zombie for months and the she takes off while he is at his friends funeral for three days and when she comes back he’s with her again. Face it Edward does not apeal to the parents very well.
ok i choose edward of course Bella would be wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy safer with Edward!!! Plus i love love Edward, he treats Bella sooooo nice, and he’s polite, doesnt cause problems unlike jacob Edward rocks!!!
i would say neither if i was just a mom. they’re both causing her trouble. …but even as a mom i would remember my youth, and bella loves edward. its not like he’s treating her badly, you know. most importantly, bella wants edward, not jacob. she’s 18, and its her choice, so definitely edward.
Wow! I can’t believe you’re up to Eclipse already. It seems like it was just yesterday I discovered this site, and I think it’s totally awesome.
Now onto your question: If I were Bella’s parent I would think JACOB was way safer for her. Don’t get me wrong, I am 100% Team Edward, but from a parent’s point of view, Jacob would seem way safer.
However, from my point of view, I believe Edward is safer for Bella. This is because Jacob is still very unexperienced in the whole supernatural thing, whereas Edward is more capable of controlling himself since he has had about a century of practice.
By the way, I was wondering if you had any advice for an aspiring writer. All I’ve written so far are short stories, and I was thinking of competing in a writing contest, but I haven’t heard of any lately.
I agree with Claudia, except for the fact that it WAS yesterday that I found this site.
are you related to Alice perchance?
if i was a parent, i would say edward is better for bella, simply because he is so much hotter, cuter, nicer, thoughtful, devoted, and loving than jacob (i may be a teensy bit predjudiced). dont forget he also can cook and has better manners.
Kaleb, thanks. You’ve now got me on red-alert for the Lasagna Burglar… and I think I would PREFER Jacob, but I would want whatever makes my daughter happy, and if choosing a blood-thirsy vampire over a short-tempered werewolf makes her happy, well then…
great imput on jacobs letter – it’s amazing how well you nailed it – but I have to admit, that I’m a bit dissapointed
You completly forgot Jake’s favorite word for vampires! 😉
-Bloodsuckers 😛
so anyway thanks for being you, i love reading your chapter-thoughts 😉
I love the books they are all amazing and I’ve already bought tickets for the movie. I can’t wait to see the fight between Edward and James or the look of sheer disappointment and lust on Bella’s face when Edward pulls away from the kisses. It is going to be an amazing movie i just love the books so much. And no i am not gay
I’m sure someone else already said this, because it’s just insane, but the fact that you said “It is like moving two positive ends of magnets closer — yes, they can be forced together, but they will always be pushing each other away.”
Wow… just wow, you have got to be on the same exact brain wave as Stephenie, that’s just crazy.
Oh, also, I would think Jake was a lot safer for her. He’s always been there for her, never let her down, and seeing how upset Edward made her in New Moon and what he’s put her through, no one would want a possible repeat of that for their child. Plus, Jake’s awesome 😀
Okay, I have a song suggestion for Chapter 23 Monster: “Mr. Brightside” by the Killers. Listen to it: it sounds like it was written by Jacob.
I believe the things outisde Jacob’s window were owls, not pigeons. LOL
I really think that Bella should pick Edward because i can really feel their magic when i read twilight. When Edward left Bella in New Moon I was barely able to read it without him there because Edward and bella's love and stuff was what made me like the twilight books so much. it might have something to do with the fact that i am really obsessed with vampires and theyre my favourite mythical creature but i really really love edward and bella together. an they DO NOT talk at eachother! What mkes you think that whatever ur name is that said that… I LOVE EDWARD
It's so hard to choose because they both sincerely love Bella and none have been jerks so far. (even tho edward broke up with her,, he did it with a good intention behind it) I put myself in her place and i would have such a hard time choosing between them. Jacob has always been there for Bella, he took Bella out of that depression she put herself into and protects her as much as Edward. As a parent i would have to go with Jacob but as myself i have to agree with claudia. Jacob is younger and new to his change.. whereas Edward has had soooo many years to learn controlling himself.
okay, i admit that i am embarisingly outawack with the twilight fan stuff, and i just actually found out about u on the Twilight in Forks disk that came out with NewMoon, but you make me laugh like every five seconds with your comments, im adding you t my favorites and telling all my friends…lolz
If I was to choose I think it would be very hard because Jacob is right for her but also Edward and if she should do whather heart tells her and whos right for her =)
Well, in a parents perspective, everyone would have to agree that Jacob would be more fit for Bella. I would feel like Edward hurt her mentally too much. Sometimes, the truth hurts; but I can totally see her with Edward more. As much as Jacob was so convincing about staying with him, people are prone to go back to their first love.
diz iz really cool
Truthfully… from the perspective of a parent… which I am… we teach our kids to say no to drugs and unfortunately… that is exactly what Edward is to Bella… but parents never seem to grasp that their kids grow up and feelings and love alter things. But Jacob is young and still isn't very together… Edward, although he is stuck in the body of a 17 year old, is overly mature and respectful… were it not for the facts of what happened in new moon, I can't see anyone not being happy to have their child with him. He really has it together, love is just new to him.
Thats my view as a parent… but as a woman… Edward all the way 🙂
Yeah you pretty much narrowed it down but I thin it should be something like this…
Bella + super-natural-things-that-should-not-exist-type anything = trouble, disaster, etc.
Bella + anything = trouble, disaster, etc.
If I knew only what Charlie knew, I would think Jacob was better for her. And he can't help being biased. And in New Moon, he showed that he was already getting attached to the idea of them being a couple (when he was talking to Alice and he brought it up to her).
Bella doesn't have a healthy relationship with Edward at all. So I don't think its wrong for Charlie not to want her to pursue it. But at the same time, I wish for him to accept the fact that /when he's around/ he does make her happy and he is who she loves and wants. And to me, that's enough of a reason not to try to break them up. He should spend more time trying to coax her into being less dependent on him–thus making the relationship healthier–instead of riling up her rebellious instincts by telling her, “No.” That's what I think.
I don't know for sure which one is safer for her. There's just just an inbetween in both Edward and Jacob. For Jacob, if he gets angry….. poof….. he's a werewolf, but he's a fun guy to hang around with and he's HOT! For Edward, he can kill her easily, but has great will power and he's carming and Hot. So it's hard to decide.
Yeah I had to do this comment thing again cause I didn't have time to do this and also I had to get to class, Okay!
I don't know for sure which one is safer for her. There's just an in between in both Edward and Jacob. For Jacob, if he gets angry… poof… he's a werewolf, but he's a fun guy to hang around with and he's HOT! For Edward, he can kill her easily, but has great will power and he's charming and hot. So it's hard to decide who’s safer for Bella as a parent.
jacob black bella and paul is the best ones
jacob black bella and paul is the best ones
It's hard to decide becaause I know that Edward is a vampire and Jacob is awerewolf. So they're pretty much boh equally dangerous and also both so non dangerous to Bella. So like I said it's hard to decide.
Edward, because of their physical appearences, Jacob is muscular, doesn't wear a shirt often, and is always seen hanging around older guys with the same appearences. Jacob looks more dangerous than Edward.
I would think Edward was safer for Bella because Jacob could get too angry and hurt her instantly but Edward is in more control of himself.
I wouldn't advice any parent to do that, let their child be friends and worse be in love with a vampire…. thank god this is just a fiction. However, if it was me in that situation…. I might. Knowing the whole story, nah…. Its too complicated. Just enjoy reading…
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