A guy reads Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (2009-2011)

Reading Eclipse: Chapter 6 (Switzerland)

The song for this chapter is Switzerland by The Bella Cullen Project


As I hastily unloaded groceries after a quick trip to the local store, I was suddenly stopped in my tracks by a sight I had never seen before. A silver volvo. Parked in front of my apartment.

I was shocked that I reacted at all. I mean, it is just a silver Volvo. Nevertheless, I literally stopped and stared to make sure that it was actually a silver Volvo, and not some figment of my imagination. Though it wasn’t extremely shiny (we are college students after all), it was silver: and was perhaps my first silver Volvo to ever see in my life and consciously recognize its presence. Its owner, however, was nowhere to be found.

Edward’s own shiny silver Volvo has probably been circling the border line multiples of times since Bella went in to see Jacob, because he’s right behind her in a flash, following her just so she knows he is there and is watching. I can almost feel the anger pulsating from that car, and Bella is obviously a bit too afraid to face Edward in a place without other people nearby.

I have learned two things in the past two chapters about Stephenie’s world. For the previous chapter, this word was Imprinting. For this chapter, it is obviously Switzerland.

I’ve never been able to figure out until recently what the country of Switzerland has to do with vampires. I know the Swiss make fine watches and fine cheese (a piece of which I usually eat before I go on BlogTV) but I have never heard of the Swiss having anything to do with vampires.

The Swiss Guard have nothing to do with vampires. Whatsoever.

However, the new definition of being ‘Switzerland’ has finally been spelled out for me: and it is a very obvious way to avoid choosing Edward of Jacob and getting your head bitten off by the opposing side.

Why is it that I feel like a creepy eavesdropper, listening in on Bella and Angela through a tiny hole I have carved in their ceiling? Their conversation is comprised completely of three distinct subjects:

1. Boys

2. Boys

3. Boys

I don’t need to be hearing these things. I am a guy. The last time a conversation like this came up, Bella and her pals were talking about prom dresses in Twilight. It causes me to cringe slightly, as if I am walking in on a conversation to which my entire gender is uninvited and unwelcome. As if I might be standing in the corner, and then Bella eyes me suspiciously and says, ‘Do you NEED anything, sir?’ and causes me to sheepishly jump out the window.

However, after managing to pull through it, I was able to pick up on a certain tidbit that I can easily identify with:

“I got my dorm assignment yesterday. The farthest building from campus, naturally.” (Angela)

for I am in a similar situation as well:

The map of my adventurous journey home from school

Of course, Alice has been paid off by Edward: in the form of a new Porsche. Up until now, I haven’t really clicked entirely with who Alice is as a character. But all of a sudden, in this chapter particularly, I have come to realize just how bubbly and almost-eternally-happy she is. Anytime she opens her mouth to speak, it almost always turns into a paragraph:


“Not really.” She sniffed. “You don’t seem to grasp how dangerous a young werewolf can be. Especially when I can’t see them. Edward has no way of knowing if you’re safe. You shouldn’t be so reckless (jabber jabber jabber) ”


“Werewolves are dangerous. Be safe. Now.”

But is the long extended way of talking that makes her character so colorful. And of course Alice wants to stay up with Bella long into the night: vampires don’t need any sleep. Very cunning, Alice.

How can I possibly set the book down at the ending of this chapter? How is it possible for any human to stop reading when Rosalie shows up at Bella’s door? It is possible only when it is 1 AM and I have not yet eaten dinner (which will soon be called breakfast if I wait any longer). So, it’s off to mealtimes then bedtimes for me, and another chapter asap… if I can actually keep from peeking into what Rosalie has to say before.

Question for the comments: if you were Alice and had to be bribed, what type of car would YOU demand? 😀


– Summer School In Forks recently added tons of new stuff to their convention! They will be having a live podcast from The Bloodsuckers, a prom night with The Bella Cullen Project and Bella Rocks, and tons more! I will also be giving a keynote speech at their BBQ luncheon, so if you want to visit Forks at a great convention, check out their website!

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189 Responses

  1. Instead of answering your question (since I’m not into cars anyway) I’ll ask you one, Kaleb…

    From what you’ve read so far, are you Team Edward, Team Jacob, or Team Switzerland?

    Hmm… or maybe it’s better to wait till the end of the series to decide 😛

    I think you’ll REALLY love the next chapter, by the way! It’s very interesting!

  2. Simple.
    I will demand a Mercedes-Benz S63 or a Bentley Continental GTC…

    Either one would be totally fine 😛

    Nice question Kaleb, i’m sure TONS of girls would know what to answer without researching at Yahoo Autos 😛
    (*pfft* which i totally did not do)

    LOL 😛

  3. The actual challenge to find a Silver Volvo S60R. They are few and far between at least here in Washington. I failed to spot any to or from Forks. I haven’t seen any on my travels across state (for I am near Idaho and call home the west side.) I found one just parked on the side of the road on campus on Saturday not too long ago.

    The Volvo would be a decent bribe car for me (fast and all wheel drive, my requirements), I would, however, have something with a little more horsepower. A Corvette, Viper, Shelby GT, Saleen S7 would all be good. I think at the top of my list would be a ’69 Stingray Corvette convertible in black. It would need the biggest engine possible, too.

  4. well im not a car person (yes yes no suprize) but i like Mercedes-Benz cars to.. my ex and his dad had like 3 of them.. they had a 1978, 1986, and a 1967..

    yes so cant wait till u read the next chapter, u will learn so much more,.. so read carefully, and listen well.

  5. I would want a black ‘Vette

    It’s really hard to choose a car since my ideal car would have to be a silver Volvo…

    Great post. Next chapter is even better…

  6. Hmm..cars. Not really that exciting to me. I guess I’m like Bella that way. 😀 I’d be terrified or crashing it if I had a fancy car.

    Wow, that would be so weird to see a silver Volvo. I guess I don’t notice cars that much, but that would be pretty eerie.

    I love this chapter. Bella is so funny with Switzerland and all. I guess that would be confusing if you hadn’t read about it! haha.

    Ah, poor Kaleb and the girl talk. 😛
    But I love Angela’s advice to Bella. “Edward’s only human, Bella. He’s going to react just like any other boy.” I think if I were Bella I would have been in serious danger of bursting out laughing right there. Edward is definitely NOT any other boy. Not exactly a “boy” either.

    Keep reading Kaleb! The next chapter is really interesting (for lack of a better word–too tired to think at the moment). 😉

  7. I want to know the answer to Amanda’s question. 🙂 But think I would demand an Audi z350. *sigh with happiness*

  8. Cars? Never really thought about that considering I don’t drive (and I must add the yet). But I’ve always wanted a Lexus, just saying.

    And Alice wasn’t a big key factor until the lesser half of Twilight and which that part she’s trying to protect Bella. And New Moon, Alice is away and then she’s got to save Edward’s sad donkey (yes I said donkey, deal). So ya it does seem kind of make Alice seem to have a more bubbly nature that wasn’t really present before…or was but hidden under the current events.

  9. So I’m one of the no-car people here, so can’t really answer ur question. But if I were to be bribed, I don’t think I’d choose a car. Maybe the latest-phone or a ton of books !!
    Yes, yes. I’m a book-worm. >.<

    I know what you mean- Sometimes you just get totally surprised when something really reminds you of Twilight. The similarities can be shocking, mind you.

    And this:
    1. Boys

    2. Boys

    3. Boys

    LOL. They’re the same.
    And I was confused myself when I first read Switzerland, and so did the “Paris” chapter in New Moon. Wondering about chapter titles can sure keep a person curious =)

    Alice’s bubbly personality can be seen in the start of New Moon, so not much of a surprise in Eclipse. I love the kidnapping bit, though. ^_^

  10. PS- about the Angela and dorms…I guess my school is really different because we have like five dorms all within like two blocks from the main building. Heck, one dorm was in Main (until the fire, now no one is in Main unless they are rebuilding it) and one is like attached to it two buildings down. So I never understood people complaining about distances to class

  11. If I was to be bribed with a car, I would go for a silver Audi R8 (I saw it on TopGear Australia, and it was so awesome…-sigh-) Though, to be honest, I would rather be bribed with an Ipod Touch/Nano, the Twilight Soundtrack, or tickets to the Twilight Movie/DVD…yeah, obsessed…
    I was also confused with ‘Paris’ and ‘Switzerland’. I honestly thought that Bella/Edward/Jacob/whatever is going on an emergency trip to France or Switzerland. Haha, yeah…

  12. Would I seem like too much of a Twilighter if I said a Porsche 911 Turbo? Well, I don’t care! I want one. Maybe not yellow. It’s too… persistently happy. Bright, maybe? Anyway, I’m thinking silver. 🙂

    I’ve never seen a silver Volvo (and recognized it as such). However, sometimes there’s an ad on a specific channel, very late at night, that has a silver Volvo. I have seen the ad twice and only realized what it was towards the end. So, I’m hoping for a third time. Ahaha.

    Great post. The entire thing had me laughing. Especially this:

    ‘Why is it that I feel like a creepy eavesdropper, listening in on Bella and Angela through a tiny whole I have carved in their ceiling?’

    Mostly because I imagined the kind of picture you would have photoshopped to fit that sentence. 😀

    Well, update again soon!

  13. Haha, when I saw a Volvo that wasn’t even silver I was ecstatic. I gasped really loudly and in a car, that’s not really a good idea as the parents assume a kangaroo or something has popped out and they tend to slam on the brakes. The fact that it was on a bridge didn’t help.
    I love Alice, she has such an awesome personality. She’s a great best friend or sister.
    Haha yeah, it possibly is on the “too girly” side.
    My car of choice would be a blue M3, mmm I’ve wanted one for years now. Especially since watching the movie “Taxi” haha.
    About the time I was reading about Switzerland, I was learning about it at school which was quite funny.
    Oh I liked Rosalie before Breaking Dawn, I really understood where she was coming from, until she went too far..
    Eh, you’ll find out in the last book 🙂
    Amusing post!

  14. a 2009 Silver MiniCooper Convertable. 🙂

    Unfortunately, in REAL LIFE, my kids car seats wouldn’t fit in the back seat! 🙂

  15. Haha Kaleb, You’re not the only one to have a reaction to seeing a silver Volvo for the first time after starting the Twilight saga. I had a similar experience except at that time I was driving and my heart started racing when I saw it. It took me a sec or two realize why I was reacting that way and I laughed. You gotta love this series. =)

  16. That’s easy. I’d want a shiny silver Volvo….. with a hot vampire in the front seat! My friend actually got me that for my birthday. It was a little hot wheels Volvo, and she glued a picture of Edward on the front. Good times…

  17. I am not that into cars, so instead, I shall tell you of the car I currently own.

    I have a used, bright red Pontiac Sunfire, late 90’s- early 00’s if I’m not mistaken. It gets good gas mileage, a moon roof, and everything on it works. It was my first car when I got my license, though my parents bought it and it’s technically only mine because they put me on the insurance. I’ve never wrecked it and any damage done to it is usually the result of my mom driving it. ^_~

    Also, I think you’ll really enjoy the next chapter. It will give you a different perspective of Rosalie’s character. ^_^

  18. What can I say? a mini cooper would make my day XD they’re so cute T_T… of course I can’t afford one, and my parents will not buy me one. Maybe someday, when I live in a place that actually has parking spaces.

    As for me, the next chapter was one of my favourites. I don’t hate Rosalie as a lot of people do, and this chapter just strengthened my positive feelings for her ^^

    And the pic of the Swiss guy 😉 try with a Swiss Guard 😉 their uniforms are much funnier (and they deadlier, too!) 😀

  19. can’t wait till you get to the next chapter.

    If I was Alice, I would want a BMW, like Rosalie’s, but maybe longer.

    Anyway, happy reading…I am going to go take my College Algebra test :/

  20. I don’t really know. I just know I want a very shiny, glossy black car. *Drool*

    A Volvo C30, maybe. I saw one outside of school, and it definitly is droolworthy.

  21. yes peoples, I did change out the photo on this post. I had accidentally put a photo of some other soldier, instead of a Swiss Guard… I knew there was something strange about that photo 😀

  22. What kind of car?!

    Are you kidding… I wouldn’t want a car. They are too low to the ground and not hardy enough no matter how fast they can go.

    I would definitely want the largest Chevy 4×4 that only our dearest Emmett would be proud of! LOL

    It would have to be very fast of course, but I want something that is not restrained to perfectly paved, flat roads.

    It’s amazing how this series affects you unconsciously. I love the books, but I don’t really think of myself as a great fanatic. So it surprises me, much like it did you, when I see a silver Volvo and I can’t help but stare and smile.

  23. A Jaguar E-type of course ;D But I could settle for a Triumph spitfire Mk3 or why not an Aston Martin. How cool wouldn’t it be to drive Bond’s car..? xD

    Can’t say I react the same way as you did when seeing a silver Volvo…
    I’m from Sweden so belive me, I’ve seen my chare of Volvos ;D

  24. i would pick the same one as alice but it would be black
    lol i can just i can just immagine you face wen u saw the volvo lol that same thing happend to me but 3 secons later i screamed edward btw the next chapter might fell mutch more acward then anny of the other lol poor you

  25. most definitely a 1967 Shelby GT Mustang. And don’t worry. Your not the only person who’s reacted that way when viewing a Volvo. My exact words when I saw one was “Where the hell is my Edward?!?” You’ll like the next chapter. It gives you a major insight into Rosalie’s character.

  26. Can’t wait to read your thoughts on the next chapter. It’s really awesome!

    I totally squee every time I see a silver Volvo. But I’ve never seen a S60 R or C30.

    I don’t know which car I’d want.
    I like so many.
    Silver Volvo S60 R, silver Volvo C30, black Aston Martin Vanquish V12, black Mercedes AMG S55, yellow Porsche 911 Turbo, red BMW M3 convertible, red Viper, black Lamborghini (spelling?), black Corvette, …

    I don’t know that much about cars but I just recently started playing Need for Speed. Maybe I’ll see some cars I like. I want to make my license as soon as I become 17 (that’s when you’re allowed to in Germany)

  27. I’d have to take the Porsche -but red!!! If I couldn’t have that, a Viper!

    I think that Alice was the perfect friend for Bella – she needs someone who is outgoing and fun because she is so responsible and low-key.

    And, really Kaleb…afraid of some girl talk??? Angela is almost a psychic – she is dead-on about Edward!

    I dare you to try to stay away from the book now….Rosalie’s story is just too compelling.

  28. Oh God, the next chapter… I don’t like Rosalie very much, but the next chapter is so… great. Because I would like to do the same as she did, but I’m not a vampire.

  29. Lol. I actually own a silver volvo so it is pretty awesome. But i do freak out when I see others….
    And for the bribe car I would have to go with the same one. I am kind of an alice in my personality and a bright yellow fast car seems to just suit me perfectly. lol.

  30. *_* I hate to be a spammer, but… when I saw you had changed to the Swiss Guard pic… *_* I felt all excited 😀

  31. I wouldn’t be one to take the brib. For one I am not a car person. And second I feel that Edward should have never bribed Alice to hold Bella hostage in the first place.

  32. You think seeing a silver Volvo is trippy? Well I happened to see a car (not going to spoil anything) with a license plate on it labeled “Bella S”. I actually saw the person in the car, too. Dark long hair and pale. Yeah.

  33. I’m not really into cars…but in all honesty, I’d go with Alice! lol…. That would be a “dream car”…

    Yeah, Kaleb, like the first person who posted, I want to know what team you are on! I lean more towards Jacob but I am team switzerland…. I really would love to know where you stand! Think you could answer us?

    Great post, Kaleb! Love it! The next chapter is one of my favorites! Its kind of sad though.

  34. If somebody with unlimited money like Edward offered me a bribe in the form of a car, I would definetly go with a 1970 Chevell SS 454, and it would have to be red with black detailing on the hood.

    I knew it was a bad thing to get involved with my dad’s car collection…. I sound like a car freak.

    Can’t wait to see what you think about the next chapter. It really gives a lot of insight to Rosalie.

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