Finals week! Hideous and glorious at the same time: hideous because I have to study for four tests, each about 2 and a half hours long, and glorious because once I’m finished, I get weeks off until class starts again (and next semester, I get to take creative writing, which is obviously better for me than calculus). Thankfully, I get a break for Chapter the Thirteenth:
Bella’s silvery scars from where James bit her are like concrete memories of how she was nearly killed in Arizona. Jasper has the same scars as well, though multiplied all up his arms, which in the same way are memories of his own past. What is particularly interesting is that Benito descended from Dallas, which is where I live (I finally also understand that final clue that was given by the Twicon peoples as to where it would be held).
This gigantic war between the Volturi, Benitos’ newborns, and the other vampires had to have been brutal. Just imagining all these vampire fighting to the death is slightly unsettling, especially since to kill a vampire you must tear them up and burn the pieces. I can’t even begin to imagine what any humans who might have glimpsed this war would have thought (as they ran for their lives).
I’m sure becoming a vampire was the last thing on Jasper’s mind when he went out to be a soldier. But vampires, in more ways than one, seem to me as natural killing machines. It’s like a black widow effect: they captivate their prey and then strike after drawing them in, giving the vampires the only moment they need in which to strike. When Maria changed Jasper, I doubt he ever foresaw it coming from someone so beautiful. Unfortunately, I doubt the general was pleased
I’ve noticed that vampires can’t really make treaties with one (Cullen’s aside). Even Maria is betrayed by Nettie and Lucy in the end. This seems to be the most dangerous part of newborn vampires: there is hardly any way to control them, especially with their burst of power in the first year. Imagining one of these loose in Seattle is not a very pleasant thought (especially since I’ll be flying in there for Summer School In Forks next year :O ).
I like how Jasper’s vampire powers mimic the natural gifts he had when he was human. As I’ve said many times on BlogTV shows, I’ve always thought that if I was a vampire, my powers would be something akin to invisibility. But not exactly. I think it would be something more of the ability not to be seen, to keep from being noticed in a way, since despite what hosting BlogTVs and radio shows and blogs may say, I am somewhat awkward and nervous when in front of a crowd of people. I’ve been told the description of the ability not to be seen is also known as ninja skills, so I might have an alternative to being a vampire after all.
I’m sure it was a great thing for Jasper to find a friend amongst his new vampire family — one that he didn’t expect to kill him in his sleep or anything, at least. I found Peter’s job quite interesting:
“He was assigned to deal with the newborns — babysit them, you could say. It was a full time job, so to help pass the time, he took up reading books relevant to his predicament.”
Peter's Favorite Book Series
It is obvious now what is going on in Seattle: this vampire army of newborns who are feasting upon the locals in their indomitable thirst. But why are they so close? I still question as to if they are there to incite war between the Cullens and the werewolves, or if they are there as a distraction, while Victoria sneaks in and gets Bella. She is really the only person I see who could be causing this, and whatever it is, her plans spell nothing good for Bella’s survival.
I can see there is about to be a war, and a very bad one at that (I caught myself from saying a very bloody war, as the puns abound enough already). Obviously, there are bad feelings between the vampire coven in the north and the werewolves, partially at the fault of Laurent, who as we all remember was killed by the werewolves when he attempted to make Bella into a tasty snack.
Not The Tasty Snack He Had In Mind
Thus, the ultimatum is this: if the Cullens allow the northern vampires to kill all the werewolves, they will help with cleaning up this messy business with the newborns. If not, the Cullens are on their own, and are going to have a simply grand time trying to suppress an army of newborns who are stronger and wilder than they are, and far more numerous.
Question for the comments: Based on your personality, what vampire power do you think you would have?
– I just uploaded a new Youtube video for anyone who is interested. The background music inside it is a new song I made that you can download for free.
– The Twilight Youtube Contest of Awesome ends tomorrow (FRIDAY DEC. 12 at 11:59 PM CST). I will then choose the winners and contact them through Youtube, so be watching your account this weekend! There will also be a chance to win an autographed photo of Peter Facinelli on BlogTV, so be watching for that too.
We offer the best quality 310-200 resources including 70-432 practice question for ccent exam.
I think my superpower would be either similar to your’s, or something along the lines of being able to frighten people with just their minds, like to see what scares tham, and project it in their thoughts or something, like those thingies in The Blue Girl. See, people are always, like, afraid of me. I freak people out. A lot. And, I tend to keep to myself most of the time, because people naturally avoid me. Like I already have some crazy super-repellant. Kinda makes me wish I really was a vampire, just a little bit more than usual.
If I had a superpower as a vampire, it would have to be Jasper’s. Ever since I was little, I have tried to make people feel better, and I’m always the one my friends come to when the need someone to talk to, something I am more than happy to help with. So if I could have Jasper’s power, I would be set.
OMG!love the Monty Python link. I have that movie. lawls.
And if i were a vampire, I would be the first vampire to sleep. Cause my SP would probably be the ability to sleep.
i’d probably have the ability to see and think from one person’s perspective…not like edward reading minds, but putting my mind where other people are…i’d just think about them, and it’d be like i was there. no idea what that has to do w/ my personality. I’ve always been able to think through someone else’s shoes or situations, i guess. that’d be cool L:
I have a things for smells… I love scened candles, prefumes, different food smells…
So I think my ability would be an enhanced sense of smell, and he ability to track scents.
I think my power would be the ability to get people to do whatever I want, because I’m very persuasive, and you don’t even want to try arguing with me because I’ll win. I have a way to make people see things my way, agree with me, and do whatever I ask.
Mine would probably be able to read thoughts since I can tell what people are thinking a lot.
Predict the future, I’m able to see things happen before they do sometimes so I act according to that.
Or be like Jasper with emotions I can read them very easily from other people, or the aura they give off.
I would have to say that my special power would be almost Edwardian. 😉 I can read people extremely well, almost predict what they are thinking. But to really have that power would be quite a heavy-handed gift.
LOL funny post, I couldn’t wait to hear what you thought of this chapter 😀 I can’t believe you didn’t mention anything about Alice!
Anyway, when I saw your question I started laughing because I’ve already been awarded a power by my friends at (I have very random conversations with people, and in one conversation vampire powers came up, and I was awarded one first… ok, I’ll stop rambling now 😀 )
my power is the ability to make people laugh. If I became a vampire, it would probably get stronger and I’ll be able to make people laugh to death 😀 (think about it: wouldn’t it be really hard to fight someone off if you’re so busy laughing to death? It’s very powerful indeed 😀 )
I think my superpower would be something to do with reading. Like I would touch a page and know anything on it. I think that would be cool, but then I’m a geek. 🙂
I’m pretty sure I’d go along with the whole invisibility thing. As you pointed out, it’d be similar to a ninja, but guess what – a ninja has to die sooner or later (you know how old age is). Therefore, being an invisible vampire is COMPLETELY different. I’d also have to be able to switch between visibility and invisibility. Imagine being invisible forever! =O The only reason I picked invisibility, though, is because I don’t know any one particular trait that I’d carry over to vampire-hood. (That’s just because I wouldn’t want to admit I’m terribly manipulative.)
i would probably have the power to look very tough…. o.O alotta people think im really strong and tough , but the truth is that im really weak….. XD lol
Well, I’m a good liar, so to be able to convince people of things. Maybe a super liar, that could convince a person of ANYTHING!
And then maybe, since I’m so annoying, I’d get the power to drive people insane? That would be sweet.
But really, I’d love to be able to fly. Wouldn’t that be a great superpower??
& sometimes Y.
Tell me if you get it!
Maybe mine would be to change the course of things, I’m always imagining the ending of a book or movie differently, so… perhaps something like that? Who knows.
:] I did see Twilight yesterday, in honor of the original date…
Hmm… I think maybe I would have the power to tell when people are lying- I’m pretty good at that. And it is a power for one of the vampires in Breaking Dawn… But don’t worry, that doesn’t spoil anything :]
I love this chapter. Jasper is one of my favorite characters and I thought his backstory was very interesting…If I were a vampire and had a power, I think it would have something to do with being very stubborn or strong willed, something to do with the mind. Maybe other vamps wouldn’t be able to affect my mind the way they can’t affect Bella’s, though she’s a human.
In answer to your question, Kaleb, I’m not sure if I’d have a power. If I did though, it would be the power to sleep, definitely. I am a supremely lazy person and love to sleep.
Yay! You chose my song for the chapter song suggestion and mentioned me! That just made my night.
I tend to be really intuitive about peoples thoughts, feelings, and actions (especially when I know the person well) so it would probably be something like Edward’s or Alice’s powers but more of a feeling like Jasper’s rather than actually seeing or hearing. More subtle in a way. ..probably. :p
Hmm, vampire power. I think the one I’d love to have is reading minds, so I know what people are thinking about me, my friends, or anyone else. Sweet! I think I’d also like being able to see the future. Cool beans.
I freakin’ love The Vampire Babysitters Club! That’s great!
My vampire power would be to manipulate my appearance. As if I wasn’t beautiful enough, right?
I guess my power would be to persuade people to do what I want to…A pretty nice ability to have.
Hmmmmm…. probably something like idk teleportation or something since i have NO absolutly NO paticence (if thats how u spell that i cant spell AT ALL)
w00t, first comment, i picked a good one to start on, hee hee ^_^
And as for a power as a vampire… i have a very magnetic personality at times, and can break through peoples “defenses”, the walls they put up against other people. Much like Renee’s intuition, this lies in seeing past all the twisty curves we normally think in.
So, i think i would be, not as much a mind reader, but more like i would comprehend the motives, or reasoning behind things. Like understand the machinery of your infamous “book machine” without taking it apart.
Kaleb, Kaleb, Kaleb…How do you do it? I’m pretty sure you’re wrong about being invisible..I’m thinking something much more like Alice..
I think I might have your not being seen ability though..I know exactly what you mean about feeling awkward..haha.
Enjoy the rest, Kaleb. It’s amazing. 🙂
A vampire superpower?
Hmmm . . . I think I would be able to do something like influence people to give me whatever I want. I do it all the time with teachers. (Why yes, I am a teacher’s pet . . . kind of.)
~Peach Tree
Hey you should listen to the midway state cd all those songs
fit perfectly with the saga !
i might have the ability to “read” other peoples past =D
If I could have a vampire power it would be the ability to make myself undetectable, (sort of like what you said.) My family started comparing me to a ninja/ghost/assassin (take your pick, my family used those terms interchangeably) for a while because I’m good at being absolutely silent and slipping in or out of a room without being noticed.
So yeah, if vampires were real and I could become one, definitely that.
I really enjoy reading your commentaries on the Twilight Saga and I can’t wait to read more!
Haha. It’s funny, my cousins, Leonette and Raquelle and I were actually discussing this for a fanfiction. We worked out everything from our names, to our powers, our lineage and even our scents (apparently,I am a very floral scent. Go figure)
Leonette and Raquelle decided for me, I socialize quite alot, and therefore have a lot of friends, that I have a sort of “attraction” or “gravitational pull” towards me that draws people in. I guess it would be beneficial to hunting my prey. I assume that my powers would be something along the lines of Didyme of the Volturi. Thats funny because my name means “desired and beloved” and it’s quite similar to Didyme.
Raquelle, being a controlling person (take from that what you wish), Leonette and I decided she could influence the desicions of those around her and will them to do so.
Leonette is a naturally agressive person. We decided something the lines of a nasty, physical power bent on torture. When she’s on the warpath (and we’re talking human here) you’d better watch out, or you will end up killed. Not literally…hopefully.
lol the vampire baby-sitter’s club. nice!
I’m surprised you did not mention anything about Jasper and Alice’s relationship. I know I looked at them very differently after that chapter.
Knowing me…hmm.
I would TOTALLY have the power to stand in any spot and see ALL the things that have happened in the past for as far as I can see.
So…is there really an Atlantis? I’d find out! 😀
And that WOULD help. And I could set some things straight in history books as well…as long as I find evidence to prove it.
I am very persuasive. So that could be a helpful power. Or a bit like Alice’s power because whenever i think something will happen it does. The other day I was thinking about a friend I hadn’t seen in years and I turned round the corner and there she was walking down the street.
I think mine would be invisibility as well. Because I am good at slipping under the radar, completely unnoticed. People amaze me when they ask me why I was not at this certain place at a certain time and I have to tell them thta I actually was. ugh. Some people would find this insulting but I am slightly amused by it. =]
Either that or I would be able to put my hand on any book and absorb all the information. I dominate when it comes to reading. The longest book I have ever read, I read in about 4 or 5 days (it was 800 pages). I can read a three hundred page book in a day or less. And I am big on the rereading. I can reread Twilight in about 6 hours. I have skills.But I am wondering if there is a rehab for this sort of thing. If there is then I am on my way there. ha.
Sorry to be extremely annoying but I have another. LOL! I can read people’s vibes very well. I know what people think of me. It’s kinda unsettling. Especially if someone hates me! yikes.
My power would either be the passive side of Jasper’s power. I would be an empath and feel the emotions of other people. It appears to be a common skill – i.e. this comment wall; so maybe I’m not as unusual as I thought!
But either than that, I probably wouldn’t have a vampire power. 🙁 But incredible strength, speed, beauty, and immortality would all be enough that I would not be upset about it.
Awesome question! I think, if I had a power, it would be like a cross between Edward and Alice. I would be able to see the future, but I would also be able to know the thoughts and the motivation behind the event. I can already, to an extent, read minds and see the future.
I love this chapter because it is the one in which Jasper tells his story. I don’t know why I stop and pause on Jasper; probably because it really is harder for than for the others, and I like the tension in him. At the same time, he his the one who calms down everybody. If I could have a power, I think I’d like his. Or maybe Alice’s. Certainly not anything like Edward, seeing what every one thinks all the time must not always be very nice.
But, when I look at myself, I think the not being noticed could apply for me too. Seems to be quite popular. If vampires didn’t seem to have such a perfect memory (of their vampire life, in any case), I would say that would be my power. I actually remember birthdays of people I haven’t seen in years.
This may sound weird but I would probably get the intense power of super-distraction. ‘Look it’s Stephenie Meyer’ then I steal you Gnome and Reeses.
For real, i’m that good! 🙂
The ability to smell stupid from 200 miles away. i wish i had had that power before i moved to phoenix……
um, i guess i wud b either unnoticable at some points and then so annoying to others that people will be in my control to do anything for me to stop or be able to be rely rely rely rely rely smart. xD (jk on the 2 one)
actually, i just thought of a much better one. Like you, i dont fit in well…so…unnoticable!
First of all, I love this chapter, since Jasper is my all-time favorite character.
As for my vampire power…I’d either
A) Have something similar to Alice
B) Be immune to any physical pain
C) I don’t want to give anything important away…..but I’d have a power like Zafrina. GO READ THE LAST BOOK because I’m not saying anymore.
Good question! I would absorb other vampires’powers (but only while they’re with me) because I tend to mimic the persons I’m hanging with, sometimes consciously sometimes not.
I’m still so in love with this site. You have no idea, or maybe, judging from other fans you do. lol.
If I had a super vampire power, I think it would be more like Esme’s or Carlise’s. I’m the caring, compassionate one. Haha. I do have a knack for reading people, but I don’t think it good enough to constitute having the ability to read minds as Edward does.
No, what is this Summer School in Forks that you speak of? And please, please, please reply to me about this. I’m extremely curious.
ha! if being clumsy could be considered a superpower, that would be me 😀
156 Responses
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I think my superpower would be either similar to your’s, or something along the lines of being able to frighten people with just their minds, like to see what scares tham, and project it in their thoughts or something, like those thingies in The Blue Girl. See, people are always, like, afraid of me. I freak people out. A lot. And, I tend to keep to myself most of the time, because people naturally avoid me. Like I already have some crazy super-repellant. Kinda makes me wish I really was a vampire, just a little bit more than usual.
If I had a superpower as a vampire, it would have to be Jasper’s. Ever since I was little, I have tried to make people feel better, and I’m always the one my friends come to when the need someone to talk to, something I am more than happy to help with. So if I could have Jasper’s power, I would be set.
OMG!love the Monty Python link. I have that movie. lawls.
And if i were a vampire, I would be the first vampire to sleep. Cause my SP would probably be the ability to sleep.
i’d probably have the ability to see and think from one person’s perspective…not like edward reading minds, but putting my mind where other people are…i’d just think about them, and it’d be like i was there. no idea what that has to do w/ my personality. I’ve always been able to think through someone else’s shoes or situations, i guess. that’d be cool L:
I have a things for smells… I love scened candles, prefumes, different food smells…
So I think my ability would be an enhanced sense of smell, and he ability to track scents.
I think my power would be the ability to get people to do whatever I want, because I’m very persuasive, and you don’t even want to try arguing with me because I’ll win. I have a way to make people see things my way, agree with me, and do whatever I ask.
Mine would probably be able to read thoughts since I can tell what people are thinking a lot.
Predict the future, I’m able to see things happen before they do sometimes so I act according to that.
Or be like Jasper with emotions I can read them very easily from other people, or the aura they give off.
I would have to say that my special power would be almost Edwardian. 😉 I can read people extremely well, almost predict what they are thinking. But to really have that power would be quite a heavy-handed gift.
LOL funny post, I couldn’t wait to hear what you thought of this chapter 😀 I can’t believe you didn’t mention anything about Alice!
Anyway, when I saw your question I started laughing because I’ve already been awarded a power by my friends at (I have very random conversations with people, and in one conversation vampire powers came up, and I was awarded one first… ok, I’ll stop rambling now 😀 )
my power is the ability to make people laugh. If I became a vampire, it would probably get stronger and I’ll be able to make people laugh to death 😀 (think about it: wouldn’t it be really hard to fight someone off if you’re so busy laughing to death? It’s very powerful indeed 😀 )
I think my superpower would be something to do with reading. Like I would touch a page and know anything on it. I think that would be cool, but then I’m a geek. 🙂
I’m pretty sure I’d go along with the whole invisibility thing. As you pointed out, it’d be similar to a ninja, but guess what – a ninja has to die sooner or later (you know how old age is). Therefore, being an invisible vampire is COMPLETELY different. I’d also have to be able to switch between visibility and invisibility. Imagine being invisible forever! =O The only reason I picked invisibility, though, is because I don’t know any one particular trait that I’d carry over to vampire-hood. (That’s just because I wouldn’t want to admit I’m terribly manipulative.)
i would probably have the power to look very tough…. o.O alotta people think im really strong and tough , but the truth is that im really weak….. XD lol
Well, I’m a good liar, so to be able to convince people of things. Maybe a super liar, that could convince a person of ANYTHING!
And then maybe, since I’m so annoying, I’d get the power to drive people insane? That would be sweet.
But really, I’d love to be able to fly. Wouldn’t that be a great superpower??
& sometimes Y.
Tell me if you get it!
Maybe mine would be to change the course of things, I’m always imagining the ending of a book or movie differently, so… perhaps something like that? Who knows.
:] I did see Twilight yesterday, in honor of the original date…
Hmm… I think maybe I would have the power to tell when people are lying- I’m pretty good at that. And it is a power for one of the vampires in Breaking Dawn… But don’t worry, that doesn’t spoil anything :]
I love this chapter. Jasper is one of my favorite characters and I thought his backstory was very interesting…If I were a vampire and had a power, I think it would have something to do with being very stubborn or strong willed, something to do with the mind. Maybe other vamps wouldn’t be able to affect my mind the way they can’t affect Bella’s, though she’s a human.
In answer to your question, Kaleb, I’m not sure if I’d have a power. If I did though, it would be the power to sleep, definitely. I am a supremely lazy person and love to sleep.
Yay! You chose my song for the chapter song suggestion and mentioned me! That just made my night.
I tend to be really intuitive about peoples thoughts, feelings, and actions (especially when I know the person well) so it would probably be something like Edward’s or Alice’s powers but more of a feeling like Jasper’s rather than actually seeing or hearing. More subtle in a way. ..probably. :p
Hmm, vampire power. I think the one I’d love to have is reading minds, so I know what people are thinking about me, my friends, or anyone else. Sweet! I think I’d also like being able to see the future. Cool beans.
I freakin’ love The Vampire Babysitters Club! That’s great!
My vampire power would be to manipulate my appearance. As if I wasn’t beautiful enough, right?
I guess my power would be to persuade people to do what I want to…A pretty nice ability to have.
Hmmmmm…. probably something like idk teleportation or something since i have NO absolutly NO paticence (if thats how u spell that i cant spell AT ALL)
w00t, first comment, i picked a good one to start on, hee hee ^_^
And as for a power as a vampire… i have a very magnetic personality at times, and can break through peoples “defenses”, the walls they put up against other people. Much like Renee’s intuition, this lies in seeing past all the twisty curves we normally think in.
So, i think i would be, not as much a mind reader, but more like i would comprehend the motives, or reasoning behind things. Like understand the machinery of your infamous “book machine” without taking it apart.
Kaleb, Kaleb, Kaleb…How do you do it? I’m pretty sure you’re wrong about being invisible..I’m thinking something much more like Alice..
I think I might have your not being seen ability though..I know exactly what you mean about feeling awkward..haha.
Enjoy the rest, Kaleb. It’s amazing. 🙂
A vampire superpower?
Hmmm . . . I think I would be able to do something like influence people to give me whatever I want. I do it all the time with teachers. (Why yes, I am a teacher’s pet . . . kind of.)
~Peach Tree
Hey you should listen to the midway state cd all those songs
fit perfectly with the saga !
i might have the ability to “read” other peoples past =D
If I could have a vampire power it would be the ability to make myself undetectable, (sort of like what you said.) My family started comparing me to a ninja/ghost/assassin (take your pick, my family used those terms interchangeably) for a while because I’m good at being absolutely silent and slipping in or out of a room without being noticed.
So yeah, if vampires were real and I could become one, definitely that.
I really enjoy reading your commentaries on the Twilight Saga and I can’t wait to read more!
Haha. It’s funny, my cousins, Leonette and Raquelle and I were actually discussing this for a fanfiction. We worked out everything from our names, to our powers, our lineage and even our scents (apparently,I am a very floral scent. Go figure)
Leonette and Raquelle decided for me, I socialize quite alot, and therefore have a lot of friends, that I have a sort of “attraction” or “gravitational pull” towards me that draws people in. I guess it would be beneficial to hunting my prey. I assume that my powers would be something along the lines of Didyme of the Volturi. Thats funny because my name means “desired and beloved” and it’s quite similar to Didyme.
Raquelle, being a controlling person (take from that what you wish), Leonette and I decided she could influence the desicions of those around her and will them to do so.
Leonette is a naturally agressive person. We decided something the lines of a nasty, physical power bent on torture. When she’s on the warpath (and we’re talking human here) you’d better watch out, or you will end up killed. Not literally…hopefully.
lol the vampire baby-sitter’s club. nice!
I’m surprised you did not mention anything about Jasper and Alice’s relationship. I know I looked at them very differently after that chapter.
Knowing me…hmm.
I would TOTALLY have the power to stand in any spot and see ALL the things that have happened in the past for as far as I can see.
So…is there really an Atlantis? I’d find out! 😀
And that WOULD help. And I could set some things straight in history books as well…as long as I find evidence to prove it.
I am very persuasive. So that could be a helpful power. Or a bit like Alice’s power because whenever i think something will happen it does. The other day I was thinking about a friend I hadn’t seen in years and I turned round the corner and there she was walking down the street.
I think mine would be invisibility as well. Because I am good at slipping under the radar, completely unnoticed. People amaze me when they ask me why I was not at this certain place at a certain time and I have to tell them thta I actually was. ugh. Some people would find this insulting but I am slightly amused by it. =]
Either that or I would be able to put my hand on any book and absorb all the information. I dominate when it comes to reading. The longest book I have ever read, I read in about 4 or 5 days (it was 800 pages). I can read a three hundred page book in a day or less. And I am big on the rereading. I can reread Twilight in about 6 hours. I have skills.But I am wondering if there is a rehab for this sort of thing. If there is then I am on my way there. ha.
Sorry to be extremely annoying but I have another. LOL! I can read people’s vibes very well. I know what people think of me. It’s kinda unsettling. Especially if someone hates me! yikes.
My power would either be the passive side of Jasper’s power. I would be an empath and feel the emotions of other people. It appears to be a common skill – i.e. this comment wall; so maybe I’m not as unusual as I thought!
But either than that, I probably wouldn’t have a vampire power. 🙁 But incredible strength, speed, beauty, and immortality would all be enough that I would not be upset about it.
Awesome question! I think, if I had a power, it would be like a cross between Edward and Alice. I would be able to see the future, but I would also be able to know the thoughts and the motivation behind the event. I can already, to an extent, read minds and see the future.
I love this chapter because it is the one in which Jasper tells his story. I don’t know why I stop and pause on Jasper; probably because it really is harder for than for the others, and I like the tension in him. At the same time, he his the one who calms down everybody. If I could have a power, I think I’d like his. Or maybe Alice’s. Certainly not anything like Edward, seeing what every one thinks all the time must not always be very nice.
But, when I look at myself, I think the not being noticed could apply for me too. Seems to be quite popular. If vampires didn’t seem to have such a perfect memory (of their vampire life, in any case), I would say that would be my power. I actually remember birthdays of people I haven’t seen in years.
This may sound weird but I would probably get the intense power of super-distraction. ‘Look it’s Stephenie Meyer’ then I steal you Gnome and Reeses.
For real, i’m that good! 🙂
The ability to smell stupid from 200 miles away. i wish i had had that power before i moved to phoenix……
um, i guess i wud b either unnoticable at some points and then so annoying to others that people will be in my control to do anything for me to stop or be able to be rely rely rely rely rely smart. xD (jk on the 2 one)
actually, i just thought of a much better one. Like you, i dont fit in well…so…unnoticable!
First of all, I love this chapter, since Jasper is my all-time favorite character.
As for my vampire power…I’d either
A) Have something similar to Alice
B) Be immune to any physical pain
C) I don’t want to give anything important away…..but I’d have a power like Zafrina. GO READ THE LAST BOOK because I’m not saying anymore.
Good question! I would absorb other vampires’powers (but only while they’re with me) because I tend to mimic the persons I’m hanging with, sometimes consciously sometimes not.
I’m still so in love with this site. You have no idea, or maybe, judging from other fans you do. lol.
If I had a super vampire power, I think it would be more like Esme’s or Carlise’s. I’m the caring, compassionate one. Haha. I do have a knack for reading people, but I don’t think it good enough to constitute having the ability to read minds as Edward does.
No, what is this Summer School in Forks that you speak of? And please, please, please reply to me about this. I’m extremely curious.
ha! if being clumsy could be considered a superpower, that would be me 😀
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