Ahh yes: the chilling coldness of winter has set upon the great city of Dallas once again. It feels so odd: I remember when it was this time last year, and the ground outside was covered in snow, and my joy at actually seeing snow in Texas made all my northernly friends laugh out loud, since they see it every year. Still, I can’t help but feel a bit of Christmas cheer over my tiny apartment, just as I can’t help but feel a tiny bit of guilt for running the heater at the world’s most comfortable temperature 24/7…because in this apartment, we don’t pay electric bills. Muhahaha.
Anyhow, it’s been so vastly long since I’ve read a chapter of Eclipse that I realized a break from all the cheery chilliness would do me much good. Actually, it’s only been a week since the last chapter. But, as all of you know, a week from this book feels almost like a month or two. On to chapter the fourteenth!
Like Bella, I am also wondering if Alice has completely lost her mind. When you are being hunted by a manic vampire who wants to tear you limb from limb and drink your blood, the last things on your mind are plans to thrown a party. Who feels like celebrating at such a time? I would be too distracted boarding up every window, entrance and exit to even taste the Reeses-covered New York Style Cheesecake (an item pivotal to any party, in Forks and otherwise).
I was absolutely, totally offended by Edward’s obvious prejudice against us Texans:
Edward answered in a low voice. “Jasper thinks we could use some help. Tanya’s family isn’t the only choice we have. […] He’s considering talking to Maria…but no one really wants to involve those backwoods, primitive, hicktown southerners.”
Oh I See
I can’t begin to count the inquiries I’ve gotten by email about my Calculus test last week. If you’ve been following my site for any number of months, you would know my absolute loathing of Calculus, to the extent that it was one of the main reasons I recently transferred to an English degree minoring in Brand Marketing (which requires the minimal minimum of mathematics (say that 5 times fast) ). For all the people who asked, I give the same answer as Bella:
“…I don’t know about the Calculus. It seemed like it was making sense, so that probably means I failed.”
I have gone up against Jacob before, and his constant advances towards Bella despite the fact that she is already in a relationship with Edward. As with last time, I’m having a bit of trouble with him still. I don’t know if it is subconscious leanings towards Edward or if it is just because I know how I would feel if I was Edward and some werewolf was trying to steal my girlfriend. Maybe I am jealous in that way, where I wouldn’t like her always seeing Jacob, knowing exactly what he wants and even worse, being able to read his mind, knowing that he wants to tell her to leave me.
I know that there are thousands of Team Jacob people out there who radically disagree with me on this, but in my honest opinion, Jacob should really have a bit more respect for Bella and Edward’s relationship. It is a very big thing for Edward to let Bella go to Jacob’s house so often. Can’t Jacob accept that and try to stay friends with her?
I say that Edward ‘lets’ Bella go to Jacob’s house, and immediately I step back and try to rephrase my words, since this seems to appear possessive, as if Edward owns Bella and can order her about. When I say that Edward lets Bella see Jacob, I’m trying to say that no guy wants his girlfriend to be going out with other guys, just as girls do not want their boyfriends going out with other girls. Is this possessive? Is it a problem of trust? Or is it something that has to do with respect: Bella should respect Edward enough that she isn’t bouncing between both guys, trying to hold on to them both. How is that right to either of them?
Still, in defense, I understand Jacob’s situation perfectly. Bella is with Jacob’s enemy, someone who Jacob believes can be of great harm to her. Of course, he wants her to leave Edward. If my best friend was dating someone who drank blood and wanted to kill her, I might do the same thing. I can’t blame him for wanting what is best for her. He might be thinking that he is the only one who hasn’t been intoxicated by Edward’s vampire-ness, and is the only person who can see the Cullens for who they are. Maybe he is trying to do whatever he can to get Bella away from them, thinking he is saving her life? Maybe according to Jacob, Edward really is like heroin for Bella — and the longer Bella stays, the worse she will become, until she is one of them.
It’s so confusing, which as I think of it, is the nature of this vampire/werewolf love triangle. Is there really a safe side to be on? Neither Jacob nor Edward are intrinsically bad. Both of them want to keep her safe from the other, going so far as to both be watching her at night at the same time — and Bella is caught in the middle, unsure of which way she should go.
I seem to be caught there as well. Which one is better for her? I’m guessing this is what Team Switzerland was invented for π
Question for the comments: Do you think Bella would be safer being watched by Alice or by Jacob? Who do you think could stand better against an attack from a newborn vampire?
– Christmas time is here, and I’m traveling about. I’m unsure as to how posting will be this week, but I’ll be back for sure after the holidays!
– Keep watch on my Youtube and here for an extra-special BlogTV I will be doing with a Special Guest, mayhaps next week Friday-ish π
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Alice. She has been a vampire longer than Jacob has been a werewolf which means she is probably better prepared to take care of a new born. An example would be in Twilight with James. Also because of Jacob’s love for Bella he would spend too much time trying to protect Bella instead of fighting the new born. Look at what happened to Emily when she got too close to Sam. If Jacob got mad while watching Bella he might turn and there would be no one there to protect her, or calm him down.
P.S. This might be bias because I hate Jacob.
I love Jacob dearly, but if it was to fight a newborn vampire, I’d have to say Alice. She’s been around longer, and she moves faster than him, and she knows how to fight them beter than Jacob. *sigh* Or it could just be that I’d be more worried for Jacob’s safety…
Gahhh get the Bella out of me, STAT!
i am totally team switzerland, too. i mean, i like both edward and jacob and i know what they both feel about bella and it’s hard to decide who is better since they are both so wonderful. but that’s not for us to decide, it is for bella to decide. some oneto protect bella from a newborn vampire, hmmm. i have to say alice, cuz she is older and knows more in combat against vampires and jacob could easily get hurt since he doesnt have that much experience…
Well, honestly, I prefer Jacob. But for Bella’s situation I think she’s better off with the vampires. Sometimes Jacob let’s his emotions run away with him and the Cullen’s have proven that, although they do care for her, they can keep a (relatively) level head in a fight.
And as Emily (First Post) said, Alice has extra abilites: she can see what’s coming, so that puts her ahead of the game. Whereas Jacob does need to phase without hurting Bella, that actually puts him a bit behind. And with crazy vamps you really don’t have much time to spare.
But really, why not both. I say suck it up Jacob and Alice; hold your breath and just keep me from being torn limb from limb… please.
I completely agree…up to the team switzerland part π
But still, what I believe is that Jacob, so blinded by the vampire/werewolf-mortal-enemies prejudice, doesn’t actually love Bella. He doesn’t know what love is, nor has he seen an actual relationship apart from imprints and a relationship that got torn apart to pieces (Sam-Leah). He doesn’t even have a parental relationship to learn from, because his mother has been dead(?) for who knows how long. He’s, you have to admit, a small town BOY (despite the adult physique) who hasn’t been exposed to the real world yet.
I do believe, though, that he does care for Bella alot, and to an extent, I understand his desire to take Bella out of a relationship that he doesn’t like at all, but, like I said, to an extent. As you will see later, he goes way too far (and I’m not talking about the next chapter).
I also agree that Jacob should respect Bella/Edward’s relationship, and the concessions that Edward made so that Bella can keep her werewolves friends. I, like you, am not trying to imply a possessive nature, but no guy likes it when his girlfriend, who supposedly would do anything for him, wants to spend time with his mortal enemy instead of him.
I also think that Bella needs to put her foot down. As I said above, she should realize that what she’s doing is hurting Edward. She needs to at least reassure Edward that she’s not leaving him. It’s just the courteous thing to do if you’re pledging eternal love, but then go prancing off to another guy to hang out.
Moving on to a lighter topic. Alice…will be Alice. Tis her nature, that’s all. Also I believe that she wants to keep things as normal as possible, for Bella, because Edward’s not the only person that tends to overreact. And if Bella’s distressed, it means Edward’s distressed, and she’s just trying to play her role by keeping it as light as possible for Bella, who’s still human, and thus couldn’t and shouldn’t handle the supernatural problems.
I think Alice would insure that Bella wouldn’t get accidentally injured seeing as she doesn’t have to phase.
Hannah, Sarah W., and Morty-
Interesting perspective… but I’m honestly curious… assuming you are Twilight fans, what DO you care about, then?
Alice. No doubt about it.
But moving on to the bigger questions…
Lol boy Kaleb, you’re really walking a fine line here.
I’m glad as a guy you can relate to Edwards position b/c honestly I think a lot of girls miss it. The real problem isn’t that Edward is too possessive it’s that he hates himself too much. Edward can’t put his foot down about Jacob because he already thinks he’s so unworthy of Bella. I’ve said it before but Edward is the one most trapped in the relationship. Bella can fall in love with someone else and Jacob can stop loving Bella but Edward can’t. Edward has the least amount of leverage of the three. and what little he does have he barely uses because he’s such a gentleman.
Jacob’s motives aren’t entirely selfish and evil, he really is worried about bella, but it’s because he lets himself be blinded by his own personal feelings and prejudices. He refuses to see good in Edward. Edward is dangerous and hates himself for it. Jacob is dangerous and brushes it off. Edward moves past his natural prejudices. Jacob clings to his. probably one reason he is blinded is b/c it gives him an excuse to chase Bella.
100% Alice.Jake doesn’t have much experience fighting vampires, while Alice (who is one, already giving her a major advantage) has a husband who’s a PRO at killing vamps.I’m sure she’s picked up some technique and skill from him.Alice is also so small and graceful, while Jacob isn’t graceful in the least compared to a vampire. Yes, he might have some strength on his side, but that won’t do much good if he’s dead because the enemy vamp outmanuevered and outgraced him. If Jake is alone he won’t be much of a match for the other vampire, no offense. And another thing, Alice is just SMARTER. And female, so she won’t get all weird with the pride thing and refuse to call for help if she really needs it, though I guess the other wolves might come no matter what Jake says if he’s being killed…I would hope at least…
I’m betting on Alice :]
Oh also, there are the annoying Edward fangirls and then there are people like me who are TEAM SWITZERLAND and don’t even really care about anyone in the book excpet Alice. That is why I picked Alice, not because I’m an annoying Edward fangirl because they drive me INSANE!
alice would be better against a newborn because she is more practiced in the delicate ‘art’ of fighting vampires π
i think you should stay team switzerland, if you pick sides someones going to get madd π
I am a fan of Jacob, but I do think that she should be with Edward.
However, in response to your statement about him constantly trying to come onto Bella even thought she s in a relationship with Edward, you need to try and understand where Jacob’s coming from too. lol. Imagine your best chick friend. Now imagine her going out with the person in school that you hate the most. Now make him a blood sucking vampire. lol. I agree that perhaps his efforts are misguided, but I don’t think he s overreacting or whatever.
Yay! Finally someone looks at this through Jacob’s perspective. I think you are starting to see the light. Lol.
Actually, Jacob is.. overreacting.
Hello! Semi-newish to the Twilight Series (I’ve finished them all, but didn’t start reading till mid-November. A *very* late bloomer in the Twi-world, I’m sure), and new to your site.
In answer to the question you posed: Alice FTW! She can see the future, after all.
Well I love Jacob but I think Alice is better guarded against newborn vamps but beleive me, after you read the 3rd book you will like Jacob better and after the last book you’ll understand fully his role π
Alice – as well as the whole future thing, shes also got Jasper, who is like a PRO on newborns.
Also, I can’t help disliking Jacob… for pretty much all the reasons Kaleb said. Also again, this is my first time on this website, so I don’t know if this has been discussed someplace else, but what does everyone think of Renesmee?
Alice, though you are right on ‘has she lost her mind’ thing. And i dont know if that backwoods thing was a joke, but i checked and it didnt say that at all.
Alice! Obviously Jacob is too busy fuming over the relationship between Bella and Edward that he wouldn’t be much help at all. And even if he set that aside, he is so overly mesmerized by his affection for Bella that he is not able to pay attention to the things around him.
Alice. Everybody said all the reasons, I don’t think there’s any reason for me to.
Sophia (#51) I so agree with you. Alice has an advantage over Jacob.
oh, by the way, chapter 15 is probably my fav. chapter in the book.
Soooo, I’ve successfully read almost all of you logs for this book. I sort of stumbled upon this website in mindless google-ing. Anywho…
Your comments are very entertaining, something oddly random about them, throwing in bits of humor along with a serious evaluation of each chapter oddly holds my minuscule attention span. I look forward to more.
I’m not sure if you’re still taking suggestions for songs for Eclipse, or if this one is on the agenda. But if you are: ONLY ONE IN COLOR by TRAPT, fits Bella and Edward’s relationship perfectly.
Once you get further into the book, the song will appeal to you most certainly in an uncanny way. Every time I hear it, I think of this couple. A bit obsessive compulsive, I know, but keep it in mind.
My comment is turning into a rant, and I’m sure that I can ascertain that you probably won’t read this. “lol.” I’ll leave it here. Hurry with your next commentary, I look forward to reading it. =]
Well, Bella’d be safe with both of them, but, I’d prefer Alice. She can see the future, she is IMMORTAL, she’s faster and probably stronger than Jake, and SHE IS TOTALLY WAY MORE FUN! Totally Alice.
And, to answer that other question, VAMPIRES. They have the same weaknesses, yes, but the Cullens have a better sense of what would be coming. And again, I will use this very nice word – IMMORTAL. Well, to an extent, I guess. But truly, if the wolves and the Cullens got together, that’d be some scary stuff.
HAHAHA – lovin’ the texan hicks. *SMILE*
And I know it can be hard to pick a side when you see their point of view on the subject. But, Edward’s better looking, smarter, perfect (no, I do not care if someone gets jealous or is a little over protective and has the tendency to go to extremes.), and he can provide, and he’s a vampire, and he smells nice, and he sparkles, and… Okay, I need to shut up, or we’ll be here all day. So, yeah, that’s kinda what decided it for me. Edward is officially the better guy in my opinion.
I mean, I love Jake, but Edward’s better. π
I hope I don’t have Team Jacob yelling at me.
HAHAHAHAHA! I feel so bad for you. Calc has to suck. I’m scared for when it comes.
Alice obviously. My reason has been said by other people already :] And Alice again with the newborn. Jacob’s really human in my book. Hembleeds and gets hurt, unlike a vampire.
I would say Alice.
Everyone has already stated the reasons, so yeah…nothing left to say. =D
First, I would like to thank you for taking a step back and taking back what you said about Edward “letting” Bella see Jacob. My feminist behavior has been acting up lately and it really upset me to see it like he had control over her like he is the superior. but I definitely see where you are coming from the way you explained it. =]
And my answer is Alice. I had to think about this one though because clearly they both are her best friends. They both want to protect her. But alice is faster and a lot less clumsy in her fighting state. She also has the advantage of ummm thumbs. =]. She is kinda fierce and she scares me, even despite her little tiny self. Jacob just reminds me of a cuddly puppy dog. he doesn’t seem too fierce. And he seems a bit more cocky. He could get into trouble in a fight. And he doesn’t really know the newborns the way the Cullens do. Since they have lived with them. Like how Alice has to keep Jasper in check a bit still. Yea so ALICE for sure!
alice. she can see it all coming as long as the wolves don’t get involved
I think Alice would be safer for Bella because she could see everything (or almost everything) that’s going on in the future. And I think Jacob would stand better against a newborn vampire because he’s bigger and has a lot of similarities to the vampires, like speed. but Alice is not to be underestimated.
Happy belated new year!
come one Kaleb! it’s been literally F O R E V E R since your last post!
oh and for the A tou you Q probably Jake since he was made to kill vamps anyways.
Hope you had some good holidays!!
Well, I can honestly say I don’t know. I guess it depends on who is ATTACKING, rather than who is WATCHING her.
Say, if Sam wanted to forcefully kidnap Bella to keep her from going and turning into vampire, than Alice wouldn’t see that. She wouldn’t see anything at all. But maybe that could mean something like she knows his plans or she could figure Bella was hanging out with Jacob on a sunny day.
But if it’s vampires that want to attack, than maybe Jacob, because Alice wouldn’t do so well (I think) if she was being bombarded with multiple enemies.
But newborns, you say. I would guess Jacob because he loves her, really, so he would lay down his life. Alice would do the same thing, though, but she has a lot of people counting on her and the pressure may get to her. And who’s to say Jasper would let her fight or say she got a vision in the middle of it?
Two words: not good. Either way could be good and bad, actually.
Thus, you see the dilemna. π
(I’m not sure if I spelled that right…)
That’s kind of why I agree with Emmy two posts above me.
Oh, and -insert evil laughter here- about the electric bill. XD
And I can see where you are caught between the ‘I dont want my girlfriend hanging out with some other guy that we both know has feelings for her’ and the ‘She is mine’ thing. Is it possessive? Or isnt it?
I probably would have done the same thing as Edward if I were him.
Truthfully, I agree with you and Bella on Calculus (or just math, in general): if it starts making sense, you’re failing… horribly. I know from experience. I could do well on the major tests (about avereage scores for me), but on the little tests, I’m utterly lost and can’t figure it out at all… until it starts making sense.
Then I KNOW I failed. 50% or below by my standards.
You know what? I had deja vu when I was typing this. Thats just creepy… XD
fyi: ‘Iβm guessing this is what Team Switzerland was invented for” Switzerland was the one place in and around europe that was neither for the allies or the axis of evil during wwII. just saying.
Jacob. He is built specifically to fight the vampires. When you say that edward lets her go see jacob, i believe what you mean is that edward doesnt make a big deal out of it, or get openly jealous and start a fight. Bella should have more respect for her relationship with edward and try to ease up with the whole seeing jacob all the time thing, but we all know how things end up in the end, right? π
You got Jacob’s true feelings really well. Stephenie has explained again and again that Jacob doesn’t put himself in the middle of the relationship between Edward and Bella just because he wants Bella. He thinks he’s saving her. He thinks Edward will harm her. He’s not fighting for her love. He’s fighting for her life. And if he gets her to love him in the process… well, then that’s even better. But yeah, he really thinks he’s doing the best for her, and he doesn’t understand why she loves Edward, a bloodsucker, his mortal enemy.
Stephenie has in her official site a Jacob’s POV of Twilight and New Moon (I think it’s in the Extras of New Moon). A lot of Jacob’s feelings are explained there. You can read it if you have time one of these days. It would help you understand the character even better.
Jacob is my favourite character, but I’m pro-Edward/Bella. I’ve always thought Jacob deserved better than a girl who can’t love him whole heartedly. I can’t wait until you read Breaking Down. I really can’t wait.
ALICE ALICE ALICE ALICE a millliiionn times but jacob could defend better between a newborn probably but still he’ll get all lovey-dovey with her ughh
Alice for both. Alice wants to protect Bella, and I think Jake should have just backed off. Bella’s life is complicated enough without a teenage werewolf declaring his love for her constantly. And, with Alice’s added ability a newborn would be no match for her. Jake has brute strength, but Alice “sees” what moves the newborn will make and can protect Bella acoordingly.
No doubt Bella would be safer with Alice. Jacob is kind of new at what he does and he still has a hard time controlling himself. Alice on the other hand has been a vampire for quite some time now and she knows how to handle herself in a more mature way. Alice can see what her opponents are going to do next and I think that the cullens are more than capable of taking down a newborn … but the werewolfs would probably either end up dying or getting hurt in the process. But I still think Bella is in good hands either way…I just would rather her be under the suppervision of Alice or any of the cullens for that matter. Go Team Edwardβ₯
i personally think jacob should leave them alone
a blind man could see the bond beetween them and to try to rip that apart just so HE could have happiness is disgusting
he should let bella and edward be.
HELLO! Do anyone think 'bout the small detail that Edward left Bella all alone? Jacob pretty much saved her life. That doesn't really give Edward a good reason to forbid her NOT to see Jacob just 'cause he (Edward) is back, right? Really, Edward needs to take the consequences of leaving = Jacob. I'm Team Switzerland, thought π
I think that Edward mostly wants for Bella to just be happy… even if that were without him and to his own unhappiness… however, Jacob just wants for her to be happy with him(Jacob)… Jacob doesn't seem to remember that Bella wasn't really able to live without Edward… although Jake wasn't exactly privy to Bella's inner thoughts like we were π
I think that Edward mostly wants for Bella to just be happy… even if that were without him and to his own unhappiness… however, Jacob just wants for her to be happy with him(Jacob)… Jacob doesn't seem to remember that Bella wasn't really able to live without Edward… although Jake wasn't exactly privy to Bella's inner thoughts like we were π
Alice, totally. I mean she could forsee the newborn coming and tear him apart for some bonefire thing
This Chapter made me a bit ” not happy” with Bella. I guess because while she thinks she is matured enough for her age, she is still a seventeen year old girl. There is a reason why that age is still considered as a child , they can not vote or even buy and consume alcohol. She clearly doesnt see how her actions is so unfair with Edward. That is why she felt so bad for leading Jacob on that long and not made the situation so clear up from the very start. She should have shown a bit of importance to Edward when Jacob is concern.
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146 Responses
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Alice. She has been a vampire longer than Jacob has been a werewolf which means she is probably better prepared to take care of a new born. An example would be in Twilight with James. Also because of Jacob’s love for Bella he would spend too much time trying to protect Bella instead of fighting the new born. Look at what happened to Emily when she got too close to Sam. If Jacob got mad while watching Bella he might turn and there would be no one there to protect her, or calm him down.
P.S. This might be bias because I hate Jacob.
I love Jacob dearly, but if it was to fight a newborn vampire, I’d have to say Alice. She’s been around longer, and she moves faster than him, and she knows how to fight them beter than Jacob. *sigh* Or it could just be that I’d be more worried for Jacob’s safety…
Gahhh get the Bella out of me, STAT!
i am totally team switzerland, too. i mean, i like both edward and jacob and i know what they both feel about bella and it’s hard to decide who is better since they are both so wonderful. but that’s not for us to decide, it is for bella to decide. some oneto protect bella from a newborn vampire, hmmm. i have to say alice, cuz she is older and knows more in combat against vampires and jacob could easily get hurt since he doesnt have that much experience…
Well, honestly, I prefer Jacob. But for Bella’s situation I think she’s better off with the vampires. Sometimes Jacob let’s his emotions run away with him and the Cullen’s have proven that, although they do care for her, they can keep a (relatively) level head in a fight.
And as Emily (First Post) said, Alice has extra abilites: she can see what’s coming, so that puts her ahead of the game. Whereas Jacob does need to phase without hurting Bella, that actually puts him a bit behind. And with crazy vamps you really don’t have much time to spare.
But really, why not both. I say suck it up Jacob and Alice; hold your breath and just keep me from being torn limb from limb… please.
I completely agree…up to the team switzerland part π
But still, what I believe is that Jacob, so blinded by the vampire/werewolf-mortal-enemies prejudice, doesn’t actually love Bella. He doesn’t know what love is, nor has he seen an actual relationship apart from imprints and a relationship that got torn apart to pieces (Sam-Leah). He doesn’t even have a parental relationship to learn from, because his mother has been dead(?) for who knows how long. He’s, you have to admit, a small town BOY (despite the adult physique) who hasn’t been exposed to the real world yet.
I do believe, though, that he does care for Bella alot, and to an extent, I understand his desire to take Bella out of a relationship that he doesn’t like at all, but, like I said, to an extent. As you will see later, he goes way too far (and I’m not talking about the next chapter).
I also agree that Jacob should respect Bella/Edward’s relationship, and the concessions that Edward made so that Bella can keep her werewolves friends. I, like you, am not trying to imply a possessive nature, but no guy likes it when his girlfriend, who supposedly would do anything for him, wants to spend time with his mortal enemy instead of him.
I also think that Bella needs to put her foot down. As I said above, she should realize that what she’s doing is hurting Edward. She needs to at least reassure Edward that she’s not leaving him. It’s just the courteous thing to do if you’re pledging eternal love, but then go prancing off to another guy to hang out.
Moving on to a lighter topic. Alice…will be Alice. Tis her nature, that’s all. Also I believe that she wants to keep things as normal as possible, for Bella, because Edward’s not the only person that tends to overreact. And if Bella’s distressed, it means Edward’s distressed, and she’s just trying to play her role by keeping it as light as possible for Bella, who’s still human, and thus couldn’t and shouldn’t handle the supernatural problems.
I think Alice would insure that Bella wouldn’t get accidentally injured seeing as she doesn’t have to phase.
Hannah, Sarah W., and Morty-
Interesting perspective… but I’m honestly curious… assuming you are Twilight fans, what DO you care about, then?
Alice. No doubt about it.
But moving on to the bigger questions…
Lol boy Kaleb, you’re really walking a fine line here.
I’m glad as a guy you can relate to Edwards position b/c honestly I think a lot of girls miss it. The real problem isn’t that Edward is too possessive it’s that he hates himself too much. Edward can’t put his foot down about Jacob because he already thinks he’s so unworthy of Bella. I’ve said it before but Edward is the one most trapped in the relationship. Bella can fall in love with someone else and Jacob can stop loving Bella but Edward can’t. Edward has the least amount of leverage of the three. and what little he does have he barely uses because he’s such a gentleman.
Jacob’s motives aren’t entirely selfish and evil, he really is worried about bella, but it’s because he lets himself be blinded by his own personal feelings and prejudices. He refuses to see good in Edward. Edward is dangerous and hates himself for it. Jacob is dangerous and brushes it off. Edward moves past his natural prejudices. Jacob clings to his. probably one reason he is blinded is b/c it gives him an excuse to chase Bella.
100% Alice.Jake doesn’t have much experience fighting vampires, while Alice (who is one, already giving her a major advantage) has a husband who’s a PRO at killing vamps.I’m sure she’s picked up some technique and skill from him.Alice is also so small and graceful, while Jacob isn’t graceful in the least compared to a vampire. Yes, he might have some strength on his side, but that won’t do much good if he’s dead because the enemy vamp outmanuevered and outgraced him. If Jake is alone he won’t be much of a match for the other vampire, no offense. And another thing, Alice is just SMARTER. And female, so she won’t get all weird with the pride thing and refuse to call for help if she really needs it, though I guess the other wolves might come no matter what Jake says if he’s being killed…I would hope at least…
I’m betting on Alice :]
Oh also, there are the annoying Edward fangirls and then there are people like me who are TEAM SWITZERLAND and don’t even really care about anyone in the book excpet Alice. That is why I picked Alice, not because I’m an annoying Edward fangirl because they drive me INSANE!
alice would be better against a newborn because she is more practiced in the delicate ‘art’ of fighting vampires π
i think you should stay team switzerland, if you pick sides someones going to get madd π
I am a fan of Jacob, but I do think that she should be with Edward.
However, in response to your statement about him constantly trying to come onto Bella even thought she s in a relationship with Edward, you need to try and understand where Jacob’s coming from too. lol. Imagine your best chick friend. Now imagine her going out with the person in school that you hate the most. Now make him a blood sucking vampire. lol. I agree that perhaps his efforts are misguided, but I don’t think he s overreacting or whatever.
Yay! Finally someone looks at this through Jacob’s perspective. I think you are starting to see the light. Lol.
Actually, Jacob is.. overreacting.
Hello! Semi-newish to the Twilight Series (I’ve finished them all, but didn’t start reading till mid-November. A *very* late bloomer in the Twi-world, I’m sure), and new to your site.
In answer to the question you posed: Alice FTW! She can see the future, after all.
Well I love Jacob but I think Alice is better guarded against newborn vamps but beleive me, after you read the 3rd book you will like Jacob better and after the last book you’ll understand fully his role π
Alice – as well as the whole future thing, shes also got Jasper, who is like a PRO on newborns.
Also, I can’t help disliking Jacob… for pretty much all the reasons Kaleb said. Also again, this is my first time on this website, so I don’t know if this has been discussed someplace else, but what does everyone think of Renesmee?
Alice, though you are right on ‘has she lost her mind’ thing. And i dont know if that backwoods thing was a joke, but i checked and it didnt say that at all.
Helen –
The Twilight Lexicon has great forums to discuss everything Renesmee… http://www.twilightlexiconblog.com
Alice! Obviously Jacob is too busy fuming over the relationship between Bella and Edward that he wouldn’t be much help at all. And even if he set that aside, he is so overly mesmerized by his affection for Bella that he is not able to pay attention to the things around him.
Alice. Everybody said all the reasons, I don’t think there’s any reason for me to.
Sophia (#51) I so agree with you. Alice has an advantage over Jacob.
oh, by the way, chapter 15 is probably my fav. chapter in the book.
Soooo, I’ve successfully read almost all of you logs for this book. I sort of stumbled upon this website in mindless google-ing. Anywho…
Your comments are very entertaining, something oddly random about them, throwing in bits of humor along with a serious evaluation of each chapter oddly holds my minuscule attention span. I look forward to more.
I’m not sure if you’re still taking suggestions for songs for Eclipse, or if this one is on the agenda. But if you are: ONLY ONE IN COLOR by TRAPT, fits Bella and Edward’s relationship perfectly.
Once you get further into the book, the song will appeal to you most certainly in an uncanny way. Every time I hear it, I think of this couple. A bit obsessive compulsive, I know, but keep it in mind.
My comment is turning into a rant, and I’m sure that I can ascertain that you probably won’t read this. “lol.” I’ll leave it here. Hurry with your next commentary, I look forward to reading it. =]
Well, Bella’d be safe with both of them, but, I’d prefer Alice. She can see the future, she is IMMORTAL, she’s faster and probably stronger than Jake, and SHE IS TOTALLY WAY MORE FUN! Totally Alice.
And, to answer that other question, VAMPIRES. They have the same weaknesses, yes, but the Cullens have a better sense of what would be coming. And again, I will use this very nice word – IMMORTAL. Well, to an extent, I guess. But truly, if the wolves and the Cullens got together, that’d be some scary stuff.
HAHAHA – lovin’ the texan hicks. *SMILE*
And I know it can be hard to pick a side when you see their point of view on the subject. But, Edward’s better looking, smarter, perfect (no, I do not care if someone gets jealous or is a little over protective and has the tendency to go to extremes.), and he can provide, and he’s a vampire, and he smells nice, and he sparkles, and… Okay, I need to shut up, or we’ll be here all day. So, yeah, that’s kinda what decided it for me. Edward is officially the better guy in my opinion.
I mean, I love Jake, but Edward’s better. π
I hope I don’t have Team Jacob yelling at me.
HAHAHAHAHA! I feel so bad for you. Calc has to suck. I’m scared for when it comes.
Alice obviously. My reason has been said by other people already :] And Alice again with the newborn. Jacob’s really human in my book. Hembleeds and gets hurt, unlike a vampire.
I would say Alice.
Everyone has already stated the reasons, so yeah…nothing left to say. =D
First, I would like to thank you for taking a step back and taking back what you said about Edward “letting” Bella see Jacob. My feminist behavior has been acting up lately and it really upset me to see it like he had control over her like he is the superior. but I definitely see where you are coming from the way you explained it. =]
And my answer is Alice. I had to think about this one though because clearly they both are her best friends. They both want to protect her. But alice is faster and a lot less clumsy in her fighting state. She also has the advantage of ummm thumbs. =]. She is kinda fierce and she scares me, even despite her little tiny self. Jacob just reminds me of a cuddly puppy dog. he doesn’t seem too fierce. And he seems a bit more cocky. He could get into trouble in a fight. And he doesn’t really know the newborns the way the Cullens do. Since they have lived with them. Like how Alice has to keep Jasper in check a bit still. Yea so ALICE for sure!
alice. she can see it all coming as long as the wolves don’t get involved
I think Alice would be safer for Bella because she could see everything (or almost everything) that’s going on in the future. And I think Jacob would stand better against a newborn vampire because he’s bigger and has a lot of similarities to the vampires, like speed. but Alice is not to be underestimated.
Happy belated new year!
come one Kaleb! it’s been literally F O R E V E R since your last post!
oh and for the A tou you Q probably Jake since he was made to kill vamps anyways.
Hope you had some good holidays!!
Well, I can honestly say I don’t know. I guess it depends on who is ATTACKING, rather than who is WATCHING her.
Say, if Sam wanted to forcefully kidnap Bella to keep her from going and turning into vampire, than Alice wouldn’t see that. She wouldn’t see anything at all. But maybe that could mean something like she knows his plans or she could figure Bella was hanging out with Jacob on a sunny day.
But if it’s vampires that want to attack, than maybe Jacob, because Alice wouldn’t do so well (I think) if she was being bombarded with multiple enemies.
But newborns, you say. I would guess Jacob because he loves her, really, so he would lay down his life. Alice would do the same thing, though, but she has a lot of people counting on her and the pressure may get to her. And who’s to say Jasper would let her fight or say she got a vision in the middle of it?
Two words: not good. Either way could be good and bad, actually.
Thus, you see the dilemna. π
(I’m not sure if I spelled that right…)
That’s kind of why I agree with Emmy two posts above me.
Oh, and -insert evil laughter here- about the electric bill. XD
And I can see where you are caught between the ‘I dont want my girlfriend hanging out with some other guy that we both know has feelings for her’ and the ‘She is mine’ thing. Is it possessive? Or isnt it?
I probably would have done the same thing as Edward if I were him.
Truthfully, I agree with you and Bella on Calculus (or just math, in general): if it starts making sense, you’re failing… horribly. I know from experience. I could do well on the major tests (about avereage scores for me), but on the little tests, I’m utterly lost and can’t figure it out at all… until it starts making sense.
Then I KNOW I failed. 50% or below by my standards.
You know what? I had deja vu when I was typing this. Thats just creepy… XD
fyi: ‘Iβm guessing this is what Team Switzerland was invented for” Switzerland was the one place in and around europe that was neither for the allies or the axis of evil during wwII. just saying.
Jacob. He is built specifically to fight the vampires. When you say that edward lets her go see jacob, i believe what you mean is that edward doesnt make a big deal out of it, or get openly jealous and start a fight. Bella should have more respect for her relationship with edward and try to ease up with the whole seeing jacob all the time thing, but we all know how things end up in the end, right? π
You got Jacob’s true feelings really well. Stephenie has explained again and again that Jacob doesn’t put himself in the middle of the relationship between Edward and Bella just because he wants Bella. He thinks he’s saving her. He thinks Edward will harm her. He’s not fighting for her love. He’s fighting for her life. And if he gets her to love him in the process… well, then that’s even better. But yeah, he really thinks he’s doing the best for her, and he doesn’t understand why she loves Edward, a bloodsucker, his mortal enemy.
Stephenie has in her official site a Jacob’s POV of Twilight and New Moon (I think it’s in the Extras of New Moon). A lot of Jacob’s feelings are explained there. You can read it if you have time one of these days. It would help you understand the character even better.
Jacob is my favourite character, but I’m pro-Edward/Bella. I’ve always thought Jacob deserved better than a girl who can’t love him whole heartedly. I can’t wait until you read Breaking Down. I really can’t wait.
ALICE ALICE ALICE ALICE a millliiionn times but jacob could defend better between a newborn probably but still he’ll get all lovey-dovey with her ughh
Alice for both. Alice wants to protect Bella, and I think Jake should have just backed off. Bella’s life is complicated enough without a teenage werewolf declaring his love for her constantly. And, with Alice’s added ability a newborn would be no match for her. Jake has brute strength, but Alice “sees” what moves the newborn will make and can protect Bella acoordingly.
No doubt Bella would be safer with Alice. Jacob is kind of new at what he does and he still has a hard time controlling himself. Alice on the other hand has been a vampire for quite some time now and she knows how to handle herself in a more mature way. Alice can see what her opponents are going to do next and I think that the cullens are more than capable of taking down a newborn … but the werewolfs would probably either end up dying or getting hurt in the process. But I still think Bella is in good hands either way…I just would rather her be under the suppervision of Alice or any of the cullens for that matter. Go Team Edwardβ₯
i personally think jacob should leave them alone
a blind man could see the bond beetween them and to try to rip that apart just so HE could have happiness is disgusting
he should let bella and edward be.
HELLO! Do anyone think 'bout the small detail that Edward left Bella all alone? Jacob pretty much saved her life. That doesn't really give Edward a good reason to forbid her NOT to see Jacob just 'cause he (Edward) is back, right? Really, Edward needs to take the consequences of leaving = Jacob. I'm Team Switzerland, thought π
I think that Edward mostly wants for Bella to just be happy… even if that were without him and to his own unhappiness… however, Jacob just wants for her to be happy with him(Jacob)… Jacob doesn't seem to remember that Bella wasn't really able to live without Edward… although Jake wasn't exactly privy to Bella's inner thoughts like we were π
I think that Edward mostly wants for Bella to just be happy… even if that were without him and to his own unhappiness… however, Jacob just wants for her to be happy with him(Jacob)… Jacob doesn't seem to remember that Bella wasn't really able to live without Edward… although Jake wasn't exactly privy to Bella's inner thoughts like we were π
Alice, totally. I mean she could forsee the newborn coming and tear him apart for some bonefire thing
This Chapter made me a bit ” not happy” with Bella. I guess because while she thinks she is matured enough for her age, she is still a seventeen year old girl. There is a reason why that age is still considered as a child , they can not vote or even buy and consume alcohol. She clearly doesnt see how her actions is so unfair with Edward. That is why she felt so bad for leading Jacob on that long and not made the situation so clear up from the very start. She should have shown a bit of importance to Edward when Jacob is concern.
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