A guy reads Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (2009-2011)

Reading Eclipse: Chapter 23 (Monster)

The song for this chapter is Inevitable by Anberlin


Many apologies for my lack of regular posting over the past month: as witnessed in my last post, things are simply becoming too overwhelming for one person to handle! But I think I’ve finally started to get the most rabid of to-do’s under control, now that those three biology tests are over and I’ve finished my 14-page publicity questionnaire! Unfortunately for my fellow students, I had a slight upper hand when one of the questions in the test was coincidentally regarding prophase and interphase. Due to Edward and Bella, the terms had stuck out to me in the study guide, and of course I knew the answer to that one 😀 .

Anyhow, thousands of distractions aside, I’m finally getting to read the famed chapter 23! MONSTER is one of my favorite words in the dictionary. It stands next to ‘abhor’, ‘stink’, ‘loathsome’ and ‘abysmal’ in my list of favorite English terms, such that my opinion of a perfect sentence might use all of them at once, to the effect of:

“You loathsome monster!” Bella cried. “You stink like an abysmal, abhorrent dog, so cease and desist your obvious attempts at stealing me from Edward!”

However, I do not see these phrases being used in the near future. In fact, it would be hard to say such things at all whilst Bella is so strongly pressed against Jacob’s shoulder, and even harder to hear with his snoring.

Brushing past the potentially-scandalous opening paragraphs, Jacob seems to have enjoyed that Bella at least thinks of him somewhat in her dreams, however drowned out by Edward they may be. As to someone talking in their sleep as much as Bella, the only time I’ve been told of myself talking in my sleep was when I had my wisdom teeth removed and was under heavy anesthesia. Obviously, as the doctor later revealed, I talked a whole lot: everything from my bank statement to girls to movies to who-knows-what.  It is for this reason the doctor assured me he was under contract to never reveal anything I said whilst unconscious. However, to my horror, I later realized that the nurse had signed no such agreement.


It is a scary thing, talking in one’s sleep: but sometimes it’s an (admittedly unreliable) way to get into someone’s real thoughts. Bella  has obviously been thinking about Jacob a lot recently.

Even for me, leaning towards Team Edward, it hurts to see Jacob listening in on Bella and Edward’s conversation. How does that feel for him? I don’t know why, but I was under the impression he knew about the engagement; but now knowing that he didn’t, I can just imagine how devastated he is. Given the unconventional amount of time that Jacob spends with Edward’s girlfriend, he actually does have a relationship with her (as much as I have disagreed). It’s close enough to finding out that his girlfriend has decided to marry someone else, and everything he has done for the past months to convince her has been in vain.

There is a part of me who really wants to be happy, since Jacob is finally getting what he deserves, and perhaps he will realize that his behavior around another guy’s girlfriend isn’t right. If I was solidly Team Edward, I might feel that way. But I can’t. For some reason, I feel no victory in seeing Jacob leave. This is a pain that no one should have to go through. Jacob probably means well, in his own way. I know that if I discovered the same thing he did, I would react in the same way.

I am a bit proud of Bella, because she is finally coming to realize what she is doing to both Edward and Jacob:

“I couldn’t have them both, because Jacob could not be just my friend. It was time to give up wishing for that. How ridiculously greedy could any one person be?”

And later, to Jacob:

“It was wrong to stay with you when we wanted such different things. It’s not going to get better. I’ll just keep hurting you.”

It’s a sign that she might be growing up. It give me much more confidence in her being mature enough to get married, now that she is finally realizing her faults.

But oh, for page 524. Bella basically takes gasoline, piles of newspaper, and a lighted match, and casts all three at the same time upon my hopes. Why, when she is so close to ending it; when she is so close to finally letting Jacob go, and finally giving him a chance for happiness, does she turn around and cause him to come back? It is like a suicidal guy saying if a girl does not love him, he will kill himself. Or, for better example, a guy saying if a billionaire does not pay him money, he will kill himself. It is manipulative, no matter how hurt or downtrodden Jacob might be. And Bella falls right into it.

“Why wasn’t I stopping this? […] why couldn’t I find in myself even the desire to want to stop?”

However, there still is some sense in Bella’s head, however buried underneath these strange feelings it may be. She knows what is happening. She realizes she loves Jacob: but she knows it is not enough.

“Jacob was right […] He was more than just my friend. […] I loved him, much more than I should, and yet, still nowhere near enough. […] it was only enough to hurt us both more.”

I read an interesting theory once, from a professor in psychology who was writing about humans and love. In this theory, which probably goes out of the bounds of actual psychology, he proposed that there is no ‘one person’ that each of us is intended to be with forever. Rather, his theory said that there are about eight ‘right persons’ for each of us, but that since these eight are spread so much around the planet we will only have the chance of meeting one: a soulmate, of sorts. This study proposed that from a standpoint of compatibility mixed with probability, if someone was to find one of their soulmates, there would only be a very minute chance they would ever meet with any of the other ‘eight’, and thus wouldn’t feel as strong a connection with anyone else in their lifetime; even though the others do exist somewhere.

This makes me think of Bella, Edward and Jacob. What if, according to this theory, the probability actually did catch a glitch, and somehow there are two ‘right people’ for Bella in the same area? What if, both Edward and Jacob are equally right for her, and only Edward’s luck at finding her first gives him the better chance? Bella admits it herself: she loves Jacob too much for it to be good.

But why is it too much? The reason it is too much is because Edward was there first. If she had met Jacob first, wouldn’t you think she would be loyal to him, and Edward would be the one trying to steal her away? [Added: It was brought to my attention that Bella had met Jacob before, as mentioned in Twilight that she had known him for years. But, at that time it seems to be more of a passing friendship, and nothing very deep like Edward was. ]

I will say that, in spite of my points earlier, and my aversion to Jacob’s manipulation, that this could perhaps be my favorite chapter so far in this entire book. It’s a turning point, of sorts. I’m coming to realize just how deep Jacob runs in Bella’s heart: this piece that perhaps she could remove; but by removing it, might only open the wound again.

Question for the comments: If Bella had fallen in love with Jacob first, do you think it would change things? If Jacob had found Bella before Edward, do you think she would love him instead?

ADDED QUESTION: What if Edward hadn’t appeared at all, do you think Bella would be happy with Jacob?


– I have something epic coming up on Youtube. Yes, epic. Bigger than Rob and Taylor epic.

– MTV has an exclusive look at the new title art for New Moon!



191 Responses

  1. I honestly don’t think so. Even though Jacob is a big part of Bella’s heart Edward has captured a much, much larger part of it. Edward has become Bella’s other half she has realized that she can not live without him. Even if Jacob had been there first I don’t think there would have been any way Bella could have fought against what Edward is to her. She would have tried but failed I believe, thus leaving Jacob even more heart broken that she does at this point in the book. I wont spoil the next book so there are more reasons that I can not explain.

  2. Excellent post Kaleb, yet again! 🙂
    I know how you feel… this week i have been in over my head with studying for midterms. In fact… I should be studying now. well… forget that! not when there’s a new twilight guy post!

    I don’t think that Bella would ever be with Jacob if Edward was around, even if Jacob had found her first. Edward would have to be out of the picture entirely for Bella to be with Jacob. I think the love between Bella and Edward runs too deep, and that would not change no matter under what circumstances they would have met.

    p.s. I’m really excited for something epic on youtube! bigger than rob and taylor? seriously?!?!

  3. uuuhh…. this is really interesting!! i never though about that! and i don’t know why, but i think that Bella wouldn’t give Edward a chance if she were with Jacob first, idk, but i feel that she wouldn’t pay that much attention to him… but who knows, really!anyway… great post Kaleb!!

  4. That how love concept and theory….that is really interesting, actually, which does put a twist on things. and not just the book, but the idea of love and soul mates in general….

    If Edwards was human, actually, and Bella met Jacob (as in become friends with him first, since she did met him when she was little), then it is a possibility that she would have stayed with Jacob.

    and even if Edward was vampire in this, it is possible that Bella would choose Jacob still, if she met him first. Yet, there is a difference someone else pointed out to me.

    Bella fell in love with Jacob like we normally do in life: slowly, as the relationship grows and such. With Edward, she was pretty much swept off her feet by him.

    With that in mind, my final answer is: I have no idea.

    yeah, i know, so helpful.

  5. I think that, even if Bella had met Jacob first and truly understood early on her feelings for him, she would still have chosen Edward later. I know you’ve touched on this topic before, but I feel that Bella and Edward had their own “imprinting” going on. That pull is just too strong to keep her with Jacob; no matter how much Bella loves him, she will always love Edward more.

  6. Ok…so I don’t believe that if Bella met Jacob first she would feel that strongly for him. For she did know him before when she was much much younger. Also when she first met Edward she was addicted to seeing him, and when she first met Jacob she didn’t feel that addiction he was just nice to be around. She didn’t feel the need to go right back to Jacob after that first meeting…she just knew that she wanted to be his friend. Edward and Bella seem to be that “soulmate” of your theory and Jacob is just one of those sad few who can’t measure up to that love.
    I really dig your posts Kaleb…you think outside the box and give others a chance to voice their opinions about the characters and the story. Nicely done sir!!! =)

  7. yeah i think jacob and bella are not meant to be. jacob has an obnoxious personality, and he vblackmailed her for something he wanted. Is it just me, or is bella just too much in love with him to realize that? Eventully she would have realized he’s not all candy and unicorns, and would have ditched him for someone else. And Bella’s ment for Edward, so if bella was with jacob, edward would be alone for all eternity….. *sniffle*

  8. This chapter makes me so angry. Ugh. All the characters I want to slap. Still. After reading it a billion and one times I want to throw my book across the room. Even reading your response to it made me angry.

    Anyway, this is going to be a long comment. I’m sorry, I get carried away =(

    I’m very happy to see you got your insane To-Do list narrowed down a bit. Don’t feel bad for taking time off, real life is more important than virtual life. At least, I think it is *scratches head*

    For that one shining moment in this chapter when I first read it, I felt absolutely awful for Jacob. The whole book I had devoted myself to scolding him, and then I felt horrid. But, in true Jacob fashion, he ripped those feelings right out when he became completely unethical, irresponsible, and just plain stupid. How dare you say that to someone? “I’m going to kill myself unless you kiss me.” Seriously?! That is so over the line that he had already danced over the whole book. And she’s freaking ENGAGED!! Arghhh! Slaps for Jacob, slaps for Bella for falling for it and allowing, slaps for Edward for letting Jacob hear all that and for being TOO UNDERSTANDING!! Arrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

    (Once again, I apologize, but this chapter really brings out the worst in me)

    Moving on, I think Bella would’ve maintained that Twilight-type friendship with Jacob if Edward hadn’t happened first. Jacob would of course be all ga-ga over her, but Bella wouldn’t be interested that way. Edward was the reason her and Jacob became so close in the first place, and without him I don’t think it would’ve escalated pretty far. Plus, Bella is only meant for Edward. Although I agree with your eight “right” people for your theory, in the fictional world of Twilight, there are true soul mates (Carlisle and Esme, Rosalie and Emmett, Alice and Jasper, Bella and Edward, Sam and Emily…need I go on?). So no matter what, Bella and Edward are meant for each other. The only reason (in my opinion) Jacob and Bella are currently “in love” is because Jacob pushed it to the point where she had to be, and of course dratted Edward leaving didn’t help much.

    Wrapping up, sorry this is so long, and sorry if it doesn’t make much sense. It is late after all and I’ve been watching nerd fighter videos all day while doing homework =)

  9. So many if’s and such. My mother always told me that when you are with a person, try and imagine yourself married to them. Make it really real in your head and see if you are happy. (FYI girls this really saved me some from bad relationships)

    I think had Bella met Jacob first her loves would be far more equally balanced. She would have had time to get to know Jacob, then met Edward and felt an attraction to him. I think Jacob would have become pack leader and possibly and this and that, but what if? maybe if this happened.
    TOO MANY IF’S! I give up

  10. Yes very good post..I’m typing this while sorta drunk so dont judge me for typos….anyway….I do not think she would have been with Jacob instead. From the moment Bella locked eyes with Edward she was hooked and he hadnt even said anything….even before she admitted to being irrevocably in love with Edward she met Jacob and that didnt change anything…..Bella was meant for Edward…besides lets remember that Jacob is a dog….I mean wolf…whatever…he could imprint on some other chick like the animal he is (due to natural selection) and Bella is left in the cold. So I am not convinced Bella was meant for him because if she was he would have imprinted on her. Pay attention Kaleb…the wolf boys find their soulmates that way. So as much as I hate it Bella is made for Edward. Personally I don’t care for Bella much she is immature, annoying and whiney….but whatever.

  11. First and foremost, let me say that Bella DID, in fact, meet Jacob before Edward. In the first novel, Twilight, when she goes to the La Push Beach, she talks to Jacob to get away from everyone else and to find out Edward’s back story. Many of us, apparently, seem to assume that that was the first time they met, when this is not the case. During that talk, the reader is told that they’ve known each other since birth.

    Now going into this topic a little deeper, it’s near impossible to argue that they would have become romantically attached at that point, obviously. But it is arguable that once she met Jacob again, in this very moment at the beach, that her memory of Jacob would have been enough for her interests to have sparked.

    Another point: Her description of Jacob is childish. She basically describes him as a child. He’s a few years younger than Bella. Immediately we can tell that she has no attraction toward him. Let’s face it, females at that age rarely look backward on age to find someone to be with. It isn’t until Jacob starts maturing, in New Moon, and his physical attributes start to form, when Bella finally recognizes what she hadn’t seen before. What hadn’t she seen before? Someone who was capable of being in a relationship with. Her feelings grew with Jacob, at an exponential rate.

    Therefore here’s my opinion. I think that if Bella had met Jacob (again) prior to meeting Edward that there could be a possibility of their relationship sparking. But I only believe this would have happened if she hadn’t met Edward until Jacob’s “transformation” into adulthood. If Bella met Edward before his transformation, I doubt that she would have seen Jacob in that way.

    Now once again, I’m going to debate with myself. There is also a part of me that believes that once she met Edward that there would be nothing to hold her back. Not even if Jacob was the man she wanted in that moment. Why do I think this? Bella seems attracted to mystery. Therefore I think that Edward’s appeal would be so great that Bella wouldn’t have another choice but to find Edward so perfect for her. She would have found a way to be with him, no matter what.

    Phew, long speech.

    *Fin. :]

  12. I’m sorry if this will be a long comment. I think it will be. This is just the chapter I am itching to comment about. This chapter, to put it simply, is the reason why I didn’t like this book so much. It goes to the top least of the most meaningful book, though.

    It is interesting how you put it. I have to admit, if Jacob was who Bella was meant to be with in the first place, then Jacob would be the one readers would want Bella to end up with. I would say, yes to your question for that reason. I think it would be very probable that Bella will end up with Jacob. Though I have a point to argue: Bella still sort of hang out with Jacob even when she was with Edward. So even if she was with Jacob, she might realize that she loved Edward. This love might even be stronger than her and Jacob’s.

    I guess our opinion on this chapter differs, because this is the chapter I liked least, to put it mildly. This chapter made me so angry at Bella. Enraged. – To the point that I didn’t try to see reason. I was unfair. Bella was human, but I didn’t give her a chance to understand her. But the question that made me really furious was, How could she love 2 people at once?
    I think Jacob is her soul mate, but Edward was someone that wasn’t meant to be there, meant to be dead a long time ago. Edward being there sort of altered what was meant to be, so I think that is why Bella was also in love with Jacob.
    I read Stephenie’s site, and she explained it, so eventually, I learned to calm down. There are different shades of love. Her being in love with Jacob doesn’t mean she loved Edward any less. True love, really is about choice.

    Anyone care to read my little scenario?

    Me: You know, I’ve never had much patience with Bella.

    Mike (I could think of another character who’d ask this): Well, what’s wrong with Bella?

    Me: Well, first of all, she’s in love with this Jacob- don’t you think that makes her seem a little fickle? And then, she accepts Edward’s offer to marry, then after finding out her ‘bestfriend’ Jacob is going to fight, she tells Jacob to kiss her, then discovers she’s in love with him, while in love with Edward at the same time. That’s not very brilliant. Mistake after mistake. Could she have destroyed Edward’s happiness any more thoroughly?”

    I am AMAZED that Edward could pass a day without even punching Jacob at least. I mean, what annoys me is, that Edward’s just keeping it all to himself. Stephenie said one of his major flaws was “…maybe admitted to his jealousy and asked Bella to choose him, rather than watching her get in deeper with Jacob.” YES. I would HAVE LOVED him to say something and it KILLS ME that Bella goes deeper with Jacob and he just— he just— WATCHES. Honestly, he AMAZES me. And that, is why I am so irritated with Bella.


    You are so close to Breaking Dawn, can’t wait to hear your views about it.

  13. sorry, spelling mistake:
    *least = list

    And the scenario was from New Moon, btw ^^ Wow, there are a lot of long responses.

  14. I think it mentions somewhere in that chapter that, if the world (in the book, anyway) was the way it was supposed to be: without monsters, fairytales vampires, werewolves, etc. Then Jacob would be her soulmate in that world. Because Edward would not exist. But because Edward DOES exist, their “fairytale” love is something so much more powerful and potent than ‘regular’ love and trumps or “eclipses” (haha) what Bella and Jacob have.

    Now Kaleb, you are doing a superb job of attempting to give Jacob some credit, but I don’t think you really understand his point of view.

    Jacob’s POV:
    1. He fell head over heels in love with his bestfriend.

    2. His bestfriend is in love with a monster/murderer who (he believes) will kill her.

    3. He knows better than Bella that she loves him but won’t admit it. And she does.
    Would you stand aside and let the love of your life basically commit suicide (in his POV) like that?

    Oh and plus:
    Jacob IS a child. He’s only 16, give him a break. He’s acting irrationally because
    1)he IS human and
    2) he hasn’t had Edward’s 100 years of experience and self control. He’s raw emotion.

    ***I’m Team Switzerland, but I do love Jacob….

  15. Well, if you remember in Twilight, Bella mentioned that her and Jacob knew each other when they were younger. They had already met before Bella even knew who the Cullens were. Personally, I don’t think it would have made a difference in the end. Since Bella only spent a little bit of time in Forks, therefor not having enough time to bond with Jacob, I don’t think things would have gone far. Although, at the beginning of the race to Italy, while Bella and Jacob were in her kitchen, some things were about to kick off between the two. So, I’m not sure.

    I tried thinking about this once: Edward was originally born in Chicago. So, he wouldn’t be in Forks. Besides, he was born in 1901. That’s an 80 year difference we’re looking at. Bella and Jacob were born with only a 2 of 3 year margin. But, without Edward in Forks to leave Bella and drive her into Jacobs arms, she probably never would’ve fallen for him. And then, without Victoria and her newborn army stalking Bellas every movement, Jacob and his friends would’ve never turned into werewolves (in theory). This is because, without Edward in Forks to take Bella to that eventful baseball game, James (and Victoria) would have never found her and never tracked her down. Leading to Edward killing him and Victoria seeking revenge. And if Jacob never made it to that werewolf-sized body of his, he would still be just a human-sized kid…

    My head really started to hurt after trying to figure that one out. It might have had something to to with the Iced-Tea I had earlier.

  16. You know, I really don’t think that they would have been together, were Edward not in the picture. They both think so, but really, if the vampires weren’t in town, Jacob wouldn’t have become a werewolf, he wouldn’t have needed to feel this protection of her, she wouldn’t have started to flirt with him and give him the wrong impression in the first place, and they could have remained really good friends. Bella saw Jacob, really, as a little brother from the beginning–it was only when he matured physically and mentally (mentally, in the sense that he had to take on a lot of responsibility and heartache at such a young age), along with the rest.

    Personally, I don’t think Bella is in love with Jacob. I don’t think she was lying to herself. I think it’s reasonable to believe that, how Jacob affects Bella physically, it would be easy for her to confuse that with loving him, especially since he had been trying to convince her that she *didn’t know* she was in love with him.

    And Devz, I totally agree with you–Edward should have made his sentiments known–not necessarily keeping her from seeing Jacob, but making her aware that he’s concerned about their relationship. That would have put a stop to that right there, by him just being honest with her. Then again, that would take away from Edward’s character in such a way that, were he able to do that, a lot of issues would have become non-issues just by communication. 🙂 It’s what surprises me about the scene that they discuss their pending engagement agreement, in why Edward doesn’t want to turn Bella into a vampire, and why Bella doesn’t want to get married. Same reasons.

  17. I think Bella still would’ve belonged with Edward, because even if she was with Jacob first, she wouldn’t be for him because she still wouldn’t be the one he imprinted on. Therefore, she belongs with Edward, who probably would’ve respected that she was taken, but probably would’ve fallen for her anyways and have her fall in love with him in return.

  18. Finally, you read the first of the two most outrageous chapters in the book!

    8.Heather, I totally agree with the majority of your comment.

    First and foremost, I am SO MAD at Edward for allowing this conversation to take place at this time. Yes, it’s absolutely essential that Jacob know they plan to marry, but there could not be a WORSE time to tell him. They are on the front of a huge battle, one that Jacob will be fighting in. Edward knows very well that Jacob will the need the full extent of his concentration today, and allowing him to overhear this information at this time is the most childish behavior I have ever seen out of him.

    That said, the fact that he then goes and chases him down for Bella’s sake is absurd. It brings to mind the “you’ve made your bed, now lie in it” mindset. Edward was so ready to stake his claim and finalize things, but as soon as Bella bawks, he’s running off to beg Jacob to come back and smooth things out with her. None of this would have been necessary if he had let this information be found out at any other time, in any other manner. Yes, I’m Team Edward, but my whole heart is with Jacob right now. Heading off to fight, knowing that he’s really lost Bella this time, everything is slipping away, his thoughts spinning madly out of control right when he needs his head the most. Also, don’t forget that the whole tribe is now feeling this pain.

    So, I assume that Edward is operating under the “two wrongs can cancel out and make a right” mindset when he actually drags Jacob back to Bella. I appreciate the fact that he’s willing to give her the space and privacy necessary to have this conversation, even if it’s come a little too late.

    Then Jacob. As soon as he starts talking to her, I can see the guilt trip coming. The way that he plays her emotions here is so wrong that it’s criminal. I understand that he’s just been hurt, but it was not intentional on her end. Surely he can remember that she’s not the one with the super senses? However, Jacob’s still just playing a game he’s determined to win. Now I’m furious at him. (Even though I’ve already seen a few comments giving him permission to act this way because of his age. I think we all know how I feel about that by now…)

    And Bella. At first, I’m still on her side. She’s so in shock at what’s happening that she’s not thinking clearly. Yes, she should be, but we’ve all been there. When she tells him to kiss her, I really believe she just wants to make him come back to her. I’m used to dealing with her feelings of attachment to Jacob. Then, when she falls into it and starts giving back to him… AAARRGH!!! The book was flying. It was more than I could take!

    For this brief moment in time, I’m Team Charlie. She should have just waited until she was in college to meet a boy. LoL It’s hard to stop here because my anger continues straight into the next chapter.

    15. Angela, I remember that part. I’ve been reading something else lately, so I can’t place exactly when it’s said, but it’s one of my favorite parts.

    I seem to be in a vast minority here, but I do think that without Edward, Bella and Jacob would have ended up together. All the magical beings aside, I think in a normal life they were meant to be. Edward shouldn’t be here in this lifetime, and Jacob shouldn’t be a werewolf. Because this is the way that things exist, Bella is Edward’s soul mate. I also think that simply falling in love with Jacob first would have crossed out Edward. I know he still would have realized his love for her, but from the very beginning, he always wanted her to choose life. A normal, human life, where she wasn’t always at risk of him hurting her. If she had been solidly in love with Jacob by the time Edward had come into her life, she wouldn’t have cast him another glance, and he would have left her alone. He would have always felt the pain of knowing that he’d found the girl he didn’t even realize he was looking for (the last 100 years), but he would not have acted. That alone is heart-breaking.

  19. Wow a great post Kaleb!

    I love the “8 right persons” theory very intresting.
    That really explains why there is a glitch with Bella,

    Edward is a vampire therefore immortal, and in reality should not exsist at all in Bella’s time or place. Which would have left Jacob – that one ‘soulmate’ for her instead.

    I couldn’t really decide if Bella would be with Jacob if he had come along first, but the other comments make some great points I hadn’t thought of, Jacob really came into and stayed in her life b/c of Edward, he also like someone said did not imprint on her.

    lots to think about…

  20. I call myself Team Jacob but not because I truly want Jake to wind up with Bella but simply because I love him SO much and want him to get a happy ending.

    That said, my husband is solidly on Team Edward and I didn’t understand why until some of your more recent posts. Basically, it’s a guy thing. (Not that all Team Edward people are guys obviously, but that pretty much all guys would be on Team Edward – the whole “she’s taken” thing setting them off.)

    As I was reading this post I asked my husband how he felt when Jake overheard about the engagement and he still felt that Jake got what he deserved.

    So, I just had to comment to applaud you for being able to step away from the defensiveness of Edward’s girl and understand how Jake must be feeling.

    Finally, though everyone on Team Edward thinks it’s IMPOSSIBLE for Bella to have fallen for Jacob if Edward hadn’t been in the picture, I’m confident she would have. If she can fall for him with Edward IN the picture, how is it possible she wouldn’t with him OUT of it? And so long as Jake never gave Bella a reason to get to know the new guy Edward in school then she would have drooled at him in school and left it at that. AND, ethical Edward wouldn’t have TRIED to get to know a girl who was taken anyway.

    That said, IF Bella had met Jake first and they’d been together when she met Edward and IF Bella and Edward had begun to have feelings for each other, YOU, Kaleb, would be on Team Jacob, regardless of the outcome. And my husband would be too. 🙂

  21. I dont think Bella would be with Jacob even if they discovered their feelings for eachother first. Bella and Jacob are still kids in my eyes. They are both shy to real emotion and its obvious Jacob has real self control issues with his emotions. Edward on the other hand has had YEARS to lean self control, I for one find maturity to be far more attractive. KNOWING somebody will take care of you and can take care of you is alot better than hoping someone can and wondring if they even could.

    I’m sorry if that made no sense at all. but in the end Edward wins mainly cause he’s older and more experienced

    ummm. idk. i feel from reading that tthere is a deeper, understood connection between Bella and Edward that doesn’t need to be said but is surreptitiously given off in Stephanie’s writings. To me i dont think it really matter when they met whether it was 50 years down the road and Bella is married to Jacob- she is drawn to Edward, meant for him even and its irrevocable. As a Team Edward person i do know that Jacob is a big part of her life and who she is no matter what but you get to the point where you have to decide between the crutch keeping you steady or the new adventure never known by anyone before….

  23. Definitely. I’m not Team Jacob or anything, but I don’t think Bella’s one to ditch him because someone possibly better came along. However, would Edward have ever found anyone else? I mean, the eight persons thing might just be true for a vampire’s la tua cantante. Emmett had two (both of which met with rather unfortunate ends), so is it a human’s blood that indicates a connection between the human and vampire? I mean, I can’t remember if this was ever confirmed, but wasn’t it implied that Emmett was sort of like Rosalie’s singer? It wasn’t just the smell of blood that made it hard for her to control herself, but HIS blood. Although it obviously wasn’t as strong as Bella’s is to Edward. But back to the point. If Bella was with Jacob initially and Edward had to back off, would he perhaps have found another “soul mate” at another point in time? Personally, I don’t believe in the whole destiny, fate, soul mates, meant to be etc. Things just happen. People connect not because they’re “meant to”, but because their personality traits are more compatible than other people’s.

  24. Hi, great post! You made me curious though. Can you please email me the title of the study and the name of the researcher if you remember?
    Thank you!

  25. Wow that was a long post. You make me think a lot in different ways when I read the post. I know how I felt when I read the book. But I didnt see it the way you did. But it’s nice to look at it from a different way.

    Someone commented before that most guys are Team Edward fans and not Team Jacob. I actually know this guy who is a Team Jacob fan and his Team Jacob because he thinks that Bella has more fun with Jacob.

    As for the questions. I always find it hard when people say ‘what if this happened or that happened in the book?’. The reason why is because I never know if the person would change who they are or be. Since the people that you met at whenever time in our life alter you in the most smallest yet biggest ways sometimes.

    At first when I saw the question and thought about it I thought that maybe she would fall in love with Jacob more. But then everyone in the comments seem to have a point. Now I agree with them. As I think about it. Someone mentioned that Bella fell in love with Jacob in a human like the normal way like us. When she fell in love with Edward it was something special, different and magical compared the normal love. So I think she would eventually find a way back to Edward. And I dont think the reason that Bella loves Edward more is because she met him first. I think it was a bit of a physical attraction towards him like a spark. Something she never felt before.

  26. i loved THIS chapter sooo much!!
    but Kaleb,ever waited to think what Edward must have gone through..seeing the girl he loved asking him to goo get jacob for him.he does that only because his love for bella is actually UNCONDITIONAL!!..i cried soo hardduring the entirechapter thinking ’bout what edward must have gone thru..THE PAIN.!!
    the neztchapter is pure torture..trust me..!!
    i think bella must have fallen in love with ‘only’ jacob had she met him before..they are simplt great with each other..but only if Edward did not exist[in a not sooo supernatural world..in an ONLY HUMAN world]..’cause he does..i think Bella and Edward are made for each other..
    and ne more thing a lot of ppl say edward is very mature..NO he’s not..he’s frozen in a 17 yr old’s body..he can only learn from 100 yrs of experience but that would not mature him too..”’cause when you become a vampire,everything freezes ur likes..dislikes,everything..and if a change comes it is PERMAENT..the change edward got was BELLA”..
    and im soo srry for my loathsome english!

  27. To answer your question: Maybe. Maybe Bella would have fallen for Jacob if they had met 1st. However it is the hardships caused by Bella and Edward’s relationship that brought Bella and Jacob together in the 1st place! (i.e Bella was intrigued by Jacob when he told her the ‘cold ones’ legend and all through New Moon when Edward left her)
    Sure Bella loves Jacob’s qualities that don’t involve Edward in any shape or form but what are the chances she would’ve discovered them on her own?

  28. No I don’t think there was ever a chance for Jacob to be to Bella what Edward is. If Edward hadn’t left the relationship between them most likely would have never progressed as far as it did. She went to Jacob in an effort to reconnect to Edward and the resulting feelings were a kind of by product of that attempt.

  29. No. Edward is the perfect man, so noway around, he is loveble… 🙂 Jacob is Jacob. A great second.

  30. As always an excellent and thought provoking post Kaleb. In the words of Captain Hook: Good form! Haha. Anyway on to my actual comment.

    I liked everything you posted because I felt like almost everything you wrote was everything I was thinking as I read the book for the first time. Im not really either Team although I do lean toward Team Edward slightly more for the express reason that they ARE meant for one another. However, I am no so far gone that I dont feel some sort of hurt for Jacob. Even though he does in a way get what he has coming to him that is one form of pain that no one person should have to bear upon their shoulders.

    I also liked the theory about love that you wrote down. I’m not quite sure I believe it simply because my parents taught and instilled in me the belief that God had created and designed that one person specifically for each person on earth. But I did still find that interesting. Id o enjoy some good philosophy. 😀

    On a side note before I move on to my next “point” or whatever I DO talk in my sleep. It gets even worse when I’m with my best friend. Why? you may ask. We talk to each other in our sleep…..for hours and hours. How odd.

    Now before I start to bore anyone I will finish up this already rather lengthy comment. 🙂 I dont think that if Bella had fallen in love with Jacob first it would have changed anything. If that had happened and bella met Edward a few months later I think she still would have ended up with Edward. My reasoning for this is that with Jacob she had to get to know him and spend time with him before she loved him. Add to that the fact that she didn’t even realize that she loved him until the epic kiss in which I was literally yelling “NO! What are you doing! Stop Bella!” as I read it. However, with Edward, it was like they had a connection if you will excuse the cliche. In Midnight Sun, Edward knew before he had really spent any time with Bella that he was falling in love with her. Bella knew in Twilight that she was falling in love with Edward. They each knew they loved one another and that the other loved them before it was even spoken.

    So I guess that my abridged opinion is that it wouldnt chance anything. Bella would still be with Edward even if she had been with Jacob first because she had to actually build a relationship with Jacob and even then she didn’t realize she was in love with him but with Edward there was no effort and they were ultimately meant to be together.

  31. Oh and I would also like to add that part of the reason that Bella fell in love with Jacob was because he was the one who picked up the shattered pieces of her heart after Edward left and taped them back together. Truly, when you have someone who helps you like that and stitches you back together like that you can’t expect them not to become branded on your heart. If she had met Jacob first then she wouldn’t have had that need from him. so maybe she might not have fallen in lvoe with him. She would have no need for htis personal sun.

  32. I do not think that Bella would have done anything truly romantic with her relationship with Jacob had Edward benn met second. The first reason, of course, is quite obvious. Jacob is not Bella’s true soulmate, because if he had been, then he would have imprinted on her. He imprints on somebody else, actually (I am deeply sorry for the spoiler). My second reason is that, even when Bella was positive Edward no longer loved her and would never love her again, even when Jake was “the most important person in her world” in place of Edward, she wasn’t really ready to commit to Jake that way. She just really wanted to be his friend, to love him as family. Bella does sort of love Jake that way, but she doesn’t really want him that way. But she has always been completely positive that she loved Edward as more than just friend or family, and has always been ready to have that kind of relationship with him.

  33. I think that had Bella fallen for Jacob first and then met Edward the pull Edward has with her would still be greater and she would have left jacob to be with Edward but then it would have probably been worse when Jacob turned werewolf and maybe we would have a war on our hands

  34. no, i don’t think she would love Jacob. Even though as you said about the theory i honestly don’t beleive that. i think that we have one soulmate, not amymore than that. and those people who die before ever falling in love, wil have someone to be with afterdeath. and if she met Jacob first she probably wouldn’t have fallen for him. Een though Edward wouldn’t have been in the picture could you honestly imagine her happy with anyone but Edward

  35. One of my favorite chapters! My heart was broken for Edward when he told her he wouldn’t listen – “I know you don’t want an audience, no matter which way you decide to go.”

    I think if there was no Edward, Bella would have disliked Forks so much she would have moved to Jacksonville for her final year of high school, and the relationship with Jacob would never have developed!

    Love your posts Kaleb!

  36. I don’t think anything different would have happened. In this world (twilight world) all the magical beings have their soul mate. The on who is their true other half. Bella is part of this with Edward. But all of them also have their human love. If the world was non-magical like it should be they would end up with this person. This person is in the mythical creatures real time and place (close to when they were born).Edward never met his human soul mate so he only loves Bella. Bella still lives in “her time” so she met Jacob. The love she feels for JAcob is as strong as any human SHOULD ever feel. But it is completely overshadowed by her love for Edward.

    Whew, sorry that was long. I have just thought about this a whole lot. nice to get it off my chest.

  37. I really don’t believe its a matter of who you met first.
    If perhaps Bella did fall in love with Jacob before Edward, she would feel a sense of loyalty to Jacob but a pull towards Edward. You cant ignore that Edward would still tempted by Bella’s scent and if he knew Bella was with Jacob, that would only make the pull worse.
    Bella may stay loyal to Jacob but never would be “complete” and I don’t believe Jacob would in the end want that.
    Lastly, Jacob still has yet to imprint. He would imprint on someone else, leaving Bella (and he would), and Edward would be there for her.

  38. I think bella would of been with edward no matter what. I beleive love, is on differnt levels, like u will always love someone on a different level, a differnt strength of love, differnt kind of connection, differnt kind of reasons why u are soul mates. and u always have a path to choose from, some are better then others, But life is all just a big game of choices, i belive that there is alawys one path, u are REALLY ment for, and most of the time we take it. Or atleast one that is similar.
    so i think bella took the path she was ment for, i think she is ment for edward. jake is just another path she is crossing.

  39. I’d actually had the same thought about “right” people. No joke. Alas, someone has stolen my theory before I knew anyone else had thought of it. But it does make sense. Honestly, if there’s only one person who’s “meant” to be your soulmate, what are the odds you’ll ever meet? There are six billion people in the world.

    I wrote a “condensed” version of the Twilight books for Fanfiction.net. Here’s my take on this chapter:

    Jacob: You don’t love me. I’ll go be a hero now.

    Bella: Jacob, don’t be a hero! I do love you, for real! And it only took me 530 pages to figure it out.

    Bella kisses Jacob passionately.

    Fangirls: NOOOOOOOOOO!!11!!1

  40. I don’t think it would have worked out if Jacob got to Bella first, because she in many ways is a very mature person so I think his immaturity would have turned her off. I think the craving to be a “typical teen” and act out and be bad is what drew her to Jacob, but a relationship built on that doesn’t work. I think Edward would always be her true “soul mate” because he brought so much into her life that she never thought was possible, but Jacob just brought the “home” feelings she was used to.
    Just wanted to tell you I’m SO glad you’re back! I’ve missed your posts!!!

  41. No, I don’t.
    Because Jacob has the whole imprinting thing left to find him his soulmate; I believe that if they’d been together when Bella met Edward, they would still have fallen in love.

  42. Yayyy! This is my favorite chapter too, Kaleb!

    I agree with what someone said earlier… it’s hard to answer your question because when we see Bella fall in love with both Edward and Jacob, we see it happen in two different ways…

    Edward and Bella have kind of a whirlwind romance. He “sweeps her off her feet” and they fall almost instantly in love. I think this is part of what makes their relationship seem so perfect and fairy-tale like to all of us readers.

    With Jacob, on the other hand, she falls in love with him gradually over time. It’s the way, I believe, most of us fall in love… you start out as friends, then kind of hit that gray area and then everything changes. Maybe it’s as dramatic as Bella and Jacob’s kiss. Maybe it’s something as simple as a smile or a hand-hold. But something happens and it hits you… you’re in love. And you never knew it until then. That’s exactly what happened in this case.

    So your question is hard to answer. I mean, Edward and Bella just fell in love so fast, so easily… it seems like they were MEANT to be together… like it was out of their control.

    Jacob and Bella had to face so many obstacles along the way and really had to build things up for quite some time before BOTH of them realized their feelings.

    Maybe it would have been like imprinting… like what happened with Sam, Leah, and Emily. Maybe Bella wouldn’t have a choice. Maybe she’d just be drawn to Edward.

    Or maybe she wouldn’t even give that Cullen guy a second glance. Maybe she’d be so happy with Jacob, she wouldn’t see anyone else but him.

    (I’d really like to think it’s the second option, as Jacob is my favorite character in the entire series!)

    Jacob is Bella’s soulmate. But Edward is something more than that. This is quite a dilemma that I often which someone would ask Stephenie, as I am curious for her answer!

    I’m sorry I practically wrote a novel for you, Kaleb! Hahahaha! But Eclipse is my favorite book, Monster is my favorite chapter, and the Love Triangle is the most interesting, dramatic, thought-provoking feature of the Twilight series… it really intrigues me and brings a lot of “what-ifs” to my mind…

    Enjoy it while it lasts, Kaleb! Eclipse is my FAVORITE book, while Breaking Dawn is my LEAST favorite… by a LOT. Be prepared, my friend!

    Okay, I’m done now 🙂

  43. I think our Eddiekins would still win Bella on the basis that although she loves both she loves Edward MORE, he loves her MORE and he is BETTER suited for her. The timing helps, but it isn’t the deciding factor.

  44. This is my 1st time posting on your awesome site!!!
    But to answer the question, I dont think that Bella would have fallen in love with Jacob at all. The whole reason she became friends with Jacob is because Edward left & she was lonley. Yeah she knew Jacob, but she seen him as some one younger as herself and a son of her dad’s friend. But like Edward said in the Fire & Ice chapter, Jake was there for Bells when Edward left and Jake helped Bells start to put back the peices of her broken self.
    So my answer is no, I dont think Bella would have ever had a relationship with Jacob if she “found” Jacob before Edward.

  45. Soo, I don’t know what is left to say, Amanda (#45) spared me the trouble of saying it!! Although I think New Moon is my favorite. BD is my least favorite, though.

    And I can’t remember if this was said in this chapter or not, but somewhere it says that…oh, wait, I think it’s in like the 3rd to last chapter, so I can’t point it out to you yet. Dang. Fine, I’ll wait.

  46. Haha, Angela (#15) already spoiled it, so I’ll spoil it again. Yes, Jacob was Bella’s soulmate in a normal world, but something un-normal was thrown into the normal world, the vampires, and they eclipsed Jacob. So, Bella and Jacob loved each other with everything that any of us are ever going to feel, the ultimate human love. But Edward wasn’t human, and so, unfortunately, I think, Bella and Edward loved each other with something beyond human love. But don’t be too hard on Jacob, because when you’re the most in love, that’s what he was feeling. None of us will get what Edward had.

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