A guy reads Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (2009-2011)

Reading Breaking Dawn: Chapter 1 (Engaged)

The song for this chapter is Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous by Good Charlotte


I can hardly believe that after almost an entire year of writing for twilightguy.com, I am finally reading the last book in the Twilight Saga.

I can still remember the weeks we waited for this novel in 2008. I remember the last two days especially, when the fansites were working overtime to squash the people who were posting spoilers. I remember staying up that evening to watch Stephenie read the first parts of the book at her release party online. And then, finally, the world could read Breaking Dawn.

Obviously, between Eclipse and the fourth book in the series, much has changed for Bella Swan. She has a new car. A new credit card. She even has a new set of rumors floating around town about her (as if she didn’t have enough of those already). It’s no wonder the townspeople can’t stop staring at her. If you saw a teenage girl getting married to a 90-year-old man who showered her with expensive gifts, wouldn’t you start to wonder what was really going on? When you think of how this sounds, perhaps it’s actually a very, very good thing that Edward is a vampire and doesn’t appear anywhere near his real age, or else the town would really be talking πŸ˜€

I think a lack of sleep caused my vision to be a bit blurry as I started reading, because when I read this line:

…in her minivan, Mrs. Weber had turned her whole torso in my direction. […] I tried to take some comfort in the fact that she wasn’t really staring at me, just the car.

I instead saw the ending as

I tried to take some comfort in the fact that she wasn’t really staring at me, just the cat.


Which might have changed the story of this book quite a bit:

To be irrevocable in love with a vampire is both fantasy and nightmare woven into a dangerously hightened reality for Bella Swan. Pulled in one direction by her intense passion for Edward Cullen, and in another by her profound connection to werewolf Jacob Black, she has endured a tumultous year of temptation, loss, and strife to reach the ultimate turning point.

Then, the Megacat appears.

A creeping, monstrous creature of the night, the cat towers above the city of Forks, casting its shadow all across La Push and blocking the sun in what could only be a new form of an eclipse. It desires one thing before the break of dawn: that which terrifies Bella so, that which has held her sleepless for many a night; that which Bella refuses to give to any creature excluding a vampire or alternatively a werewolf.

Her life...bo

[Note to Stephenie: it was my idea first. Hands off.]

Stephenie refers to Bella’s shiny black credit card on page 5 (for future reference, I’m using the hardcover book). Of course, being one who cares absolutely nothing for the frivolous lives of the rich and/or famous, I have never wasted my time looking these up. Since nobody cares anyway (and especially not me) I am probably boring the stuffing out of all my readers by saying that the Centurion Card is crafted from titanium and requires a minimum of $250,000 spent per year. Since no one is curious, I won’t post any photos.

I find it hilarious that Edward got Bella a car that is primarily used by arms dealers, drug lords, and various other criminals:

Bella's New Friends
Bella's New Friends

But in a strange way I can sympathize with Bella and her new driving troubles. Not that I have ever driven a European* car that comes with its own paparazzi, but the ridiculous stopping and starting that one does when getting adjusted to a new vehicle you are not accustomed to driving. I can still remember the first time that I drove my grandmother’s car instead of my mom’s van (which I had done all my driving practice in). Obviously, my grandmother’s brakes were newer, so that when I nervously made a turn at an intersection and lightly tapped the brakes, instead of slowing down I found myself stopped in the middle of the road completely. Then the light changed.

It’s nice to see that Bella’s mother supports her; and that at least Charlie isn’t taking his gun after Edward. It did strike me as odd that no one has even put forth the possibility of Jacob’s disappearance being Edward’s fault. After all: Jacob loves Bella; Edward loves Bella; Jacob disappears; Edward and Bella get married. The obvious conclusion the Forks Police Department should have surmised from this is that Edward and Jacob had an old-style duel-to-the-death, the winner taking Bella’s hand in marriage.

What Really Happened
What Really Happened

Still, it’s wonderful to see Bella in her happy place at last, even though her best friend can’t be there to share it with her. Or will he? I’ve never known Jacob to sulk away for too long, so judging the size of this book I expect there are plenty of surprises for me in the following chapters πŸ˜€

Question For The Comments: If you were Bella’s parent, would you be happy with her getting married to Edward Cullen that young? Also, same question, but what if she was marrying Mike Newton instead?


– After all the questions about what a Bound Galley is, I decided to actually show everyone on video:

* is this grammar fail? An European car? A European car?

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197 Responses

  1. can i just say that comment #9 ,theholythief was absoultely amazing?
    and it’ll be called Twisted Nation.

  2. At this point, at age 24, I still get cold feet. Maybe that’s why I still don’t have a boyfriend. In real life I would not approve of Bells marrying at 18. There is so much growing up to do first. Even if I knew the guy was a forever-17 vampire, she will still look young at 21 and can wait till then. But don’t worry, the age differences are even more bizarre in the Host.

  3. Lol. I thought the drug lord thing was hilarious and the fact that jacob left broke my heart. To answer your questions, i would be happy if my child were marrying young. I only say this because 1. she has been with him for how many years now???? 2. she is completely head over heals i love with him (if you were arould her you would probably be stupid not to notice). I would only want what makes her happy. Better him (a gentlemen) than Mike (a young kid with a crazy stupid agenda)!!!

  4. Yay finally Kaleb!! I’m so looking forward for you to keep reading… I wouldn’t be very happy that my 18 year old daughter was getting married, even less if it was to Mike Newton (lol that was random). I won’t spoil anything but if like me, you feel that a lot has change just by the first chapter, just wait until you’re further in the book, it’s crazy. I can’t believe that you didn’t mention the monster passing away!!! I couldn’t believe it… and Edward could’ve picked a car just a tiny bit less notorious.. loved the photos:)and surprises in the following chapters? you have no idea… Jacob’s missing is heartbreaking…next chapter is really good though there’s like 2 different feelings to it, u’ll get it (and I can predict a few things you will talk about;) )

  5. Heather: β€œHave You Seen This Boy Who Was Close To Bella Then Suddenly Disappeared Soon After The Cullens Returned Recently Sporting Some Serious Injuries.” hahaha

  6. This is just my theory but I would say a European because it starts with a ‘y’ sound

  7. lol, awesome song choice! It totally fits this chapter!

    Hmmm….I’d have to say NO to Mike Newton. He’s not near mature enough to be married yet, seriously.

    Maybe Edward, just because he is such a gentleman, and seems mature enough. although, then again, 18 is a little too young to be married. so I’m not sure on that one.

    It’s probably “a European” because ‘y’ is only sometimes used as a vowel.

    I can’t wait to read your thoughts on the rest of the book!!

  8. parenting questions while I’m still 15? lol. OK, I’ll answer.
    In a parent’s pov, think it would be ok if Bella married young if I knew Edward well…. And trust him, I guess.
    … and Mike Newton? If Bella loved him and if I think they’ll be happy, then why not? After all, who is to tell who their ‘edward’ is in their lives? ^^

  9. I would be very upset if my child was getting married at 18! However, I would try to be sympathetic and listen and trust because my husband and I fell in love at 19 and have now been married for 7 years and together for 12.

  10. God, how many comments in such little time! lol

    Wow, I can’t believe you’ve started already! Really, you have me completely addicted to your blogs. When I saw you had updated, I even laughed out loud. I was so excited!

    Well, let’s talk about what you wrote. I wouldn’t be happy if my daughter wanted to get married at 18. I wouldn’t agree with that. But, they can’t really stop her since she’s 18, so I guess they don’t want to fight her and spoil their relationship with Bella when they know it will be useless.

    About Jacob, well… You’ll see. πŸ˜‰

    There was one thing that touched me in this chapter. It was Charlie’s worry for Jacob. We have to remember that he’s been friend with Billy since forever, so he’s seen Jacob grow up. I think he loves him as an uncle or something like that. It’s touching.

    I’ll be waiting for your next update!

  11. First of all, thanks for your great website, it’s a real treat for someone like me who is looking for a little Twilight fix to fill in the empty spaces.

    As for your question… I don’t think Charlie’s reaction in the book is really all that unrealistic. First of all, I think parents are willing to be much more supportive than we give them credit for, especially when their kids seem happy. I can’t imagine that Charlie is completely surprised about the announcement, given his little speech in Eclipse about having a feeling he would be losing Bella soon. I think Charlie is very likely to accept the decisions Bella makes – it seems to me that he already sees her as an adult, because he lets her do all the shopping, cooking, and cleaning in the house. Whether or not he likes Edward, I think he has seen that Bella can’t be without Edward. He probably knows as well as anyone.

    As for Mike Newton? I don’t know. As a parent, I don’t think I’d want my daughter to settle for the nice, normal guy. I think I’d want spectacular things for my child, a dazzling, passionate, challenging man – not a boring one.

  12. Note to Stephenie: it was my idea first. Hands off.


    And, yeah, I think there was somethin different about Bella and Edward that even Charlie noticed, so that’s why he let them get married.

  13. I Would Be Crushing On Edward If My Daughter Had Descided To Get Married So I Would Be Thinking Grab Him He’s A Keeper! And He Would Know So He Might Find That Creepy But He Is Irressitable.

    Anyhoo Yeah i wouldn’t Mind With Edward Cause She Really Loves Him And He Too With Her So Yeah I would Be Ok With That πŸ˜€

    But Uh…. Mike Newton On The Other Hand.. I Dunno He’s Cute And All And Funny. But Edward Just Has All The Charms For A Son In Law.

    And Thank You To Your Posts Kaleb This Thing Keeps Me Sane Otherwise There Wouldnt Be Anything Twilight – Books Related To Read – Read All Books A Dozen Times Still Cant Get Enough!

    Bye Kaleb xx Enjoy New Moon I Did!

  14. Well this was funny….Cant wait for you to read the next few chapters…should be a doosie of a post!!!

  15. There is no way in which I approve of her getting married so young.
    I’m not actually that old yet, but I definately don’t want to get married before I’m finished Uni (or college as you Americans call it). I’ve seen a lot of relationship break down disarstrously in that period and that, I think it when someone begins to establish themselve as a individual and work out who they truly are, without someone else influencing them. Bella was robbed of this chance – she will develop with Edwrd, just say if something happened to Edward, Bella won’t know who she, in herself, was anymore.
    So, no, I wouldn’t appprove of her marrying Mike Newtown so young either.

  16. getting married so young – if it makes her happy
    edward – YES!
    mike – not in a million years!

  17. to both candidates –> probably not. if they were a bit older, like 20, then I’d be more likely to be okay with it. But ultimately it would be her choice, and if they were sure it was what they really wanted then I’d probably be able to live with it.

  18. Marrying Mike Newton = epic fail at any age

    If my daughter married Edward…hmm. I’d think she could wait a couple years.

  19. If my 18-year old daughter decided that she wanted to get married I’d seriously consider locking her up like Rapunzel! Even Bella knows that getting married so young is neither wise nor responsible no matter how deep you think your feelings are. Because at 18 you’re not nearly mature enough to know what you’ll want for the rest of your life!
    But if I could choose between Edward or Mike I’d probably go for Edward because he’s more mature, he seems to adore her and, let’s face it, he’s loaded so at least they won’t starve! Ok, now I sound like a gold digger…

  20. First off kudos to you for picking up on the Centurion Card – I disregarded right away as some fictious creation. I can’t believe they are real! Which made me think, wouldn’t the townspeople also notice that the Cullens are buying 1/4 million $ worth of stuff every year? I mean there is only a certain amount of stuff you can buy and not be noticed.

    As a mom I wouldn’t be happy if my daughter married at 18, but I would support her. Everyone knows that trying to prevent people to do things backfires, so I would try to support her as much as reasonably would be possible. OTOH, I would take her back no problems if it didn’t work out. Bella’s mom has already pointed out that Bella and Edward have a strangely deep relationship, and I think her mom has basically resigned herself to fate. Can’t wait to see what you think of the rest of the book!

  21. ewwww. can you imagine Jacob in Bella’s happy place with Edward? that would be weird.

  22. Yay! Breaking Dawn!
    “I expect there are plenty of surprises for me in the following chapters”
    AHAHAHA! sorry. couldn’t help it, that’s just… you will eventually look back on this thought and laugh at how right it was.

    As for your question: I would be skeptical of it. I mean, if my hypothetical 18 year old daughter met a supposedly 17 year old guy and wanted to marry him, I’d probably say they were waaay to young. Regardless of how amazingly hot and rich he may be. And considering that Edward has already left Bella once in their short relationship… I’d be against it.

    But, I’m not a parent, so I can’t really say for certain.

  23. Awsome job, finally on breaking dawn, ehh.

    A: If I was bella’s parent I would not want her to marry either one, I would make her wait longer before marriage.
    But i’m not bella’s mom and this is a fiction book so….
    Marry Edward, Vampires are EPIX~

    Werewolfs…. ehh… they’re ok… I guess…?

    By the way loved the gold digger refrence i’ve considered that lots of times, and I also thought about her and edward if he wasn’t a Immortal Vampire God, (Ok i’m exagerating a little) it would’nt be such a love story if he was really 108 years old, but it would add quite a twist!

  24. I’d be dead if I got married that young, no matter who the person was.
    And personally, I don’t exactly agree with getting married that young. But in the book’s case, it sort of had to be that way.

  25. Well, I think i would accept my daughter marrying an Edward beuase he is obviously very mature for his age (figures) and well Bella is hardly the typical teenage girl. it’s like what Renee said…she never has been a teenager. And no i would not permit her to marry Mike as well another reason i would accpet Bella marrying Edward is the way they are around each other. it’s special. (as renee also said) it’s like Bella subcontiously is pulled towards him…even when they ajust movements and it would be quite obvious how much Edward loves her as renee said he looks like he is ready to put himself infront of a bullet to save her. As you can tell i have no copy of the book with me otherwise i’d quote πŸ˜€ I think you wil like Breaking Dawn well at least the middle bit (it’s split in 3 parts)…u’ll find it very interesting i think πŸ™‚

  26. I would probably not agree with the marriage but end up agreeing with it.
    a. it’s Edward! He’s very mature for his age!
    b. Bella was never really a teen.
    c. it would be a definite no if it was Mike or Jacob

    Good job and I’ll be waiting to hear ch.2!!
    I’m so excited that you’re reading Breaking Dawn! Its my favorite one! =D

  27. Well as a parent I would definately want to know what the rush was all about. Seeing as they both just graduated highschool. However even thought I’d voice my opinion I couldnt force her because she’d before an adult.

    Bella was 18 and there was nothing her parents could really do to stop her from marrying Edward….all you can do for your children after they are 18 is advise, but you cannot coerce. They must live their lives as they see fit and you must trust that you raised them to go right.

  28. i would let her marry Edward because thatΒ΄s what will make her happy…arenΒ΄t parents supossed to want that??? mmm…about Mike…nope,not at all…heΒ΄s just so plain…not the right guy for her…i mean,even if they were a couple it would be obvious that they are not meant to be…
    yay!!! you finally started Breaking Dawn!!! I was so happy when I read this chapter…you know,all the bliss Bella is soaking(haha)and anticipation…

  29. as a parent, i would not approve of getting married so young. my approach would be to express that opinion clearly (and respectfully) once, then support my daughter in whichever choice she decided to make.

    again, i would let her make her own decision, but inwardly i would always be a little disappointed if she married the newt. he’s kind of the ricecake of guys, and bella is clearly anything but average, adequate, or boring.

  30. As a parent, I wouldn’t support my daughter making those kind of decisions–let alone this guy being her first boyfriend and all–. But she’s eighteen, so it’s her decision. If I had known the reason to get married in such a rush, I’d have thought about it more precisely, agreeing at the end. It’s her life, not mine.

    It’s AN European car.

  31. If I was a parent and my daughter came to me with her boyfriend and sat there and told me she was getting married, I wouldn’t mind. I would be proud. If I liked the guy and thought he was good then yes that’s a keeper. If she really liked this boy enough to get married then she must have a reason. As long as he wasn’t anything like a druh dealer or anything. If she had a good head on her shoulders and he was okay or better than okay then yes I would let them. Give them my blessing. I wouldn’t have that big a problem. It’s her life and she should be able to live her life the way she wants and spend it with whom ever she wants. I would know this would happen eventually anyway if I was a parent.

  32. I would have a cow if Bella married Mike… He is a stick in the mud..always do this dont go with him I dont like Cullen… WELL I DO!!! so I wouldnt like if she married Mike…omg thats a good story AU!!! Bella marries mike hahah. ITS AU PEOPLE!! NOT REAL!!!lol

  33. Breaking dawn… sigh.
    Stephenie could have made it ten times better. It’s not that I don’t like it, I do… the plot had so much potential, so much build-up from the first three books and then… boom. crash. hopes-are-destroyed-type music.

    Anyway, to answer the question:

    Well, if Bella was marrying Edward so young and I was her parent, I would first try to steal Edward from her, but after that terrible, terrible attempt, I would be angry. Eighteen is way too young to be married. (However, I think Bella made the right decision due to the circumstances in Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse, mainly the circumstance dealing with the fact that her love was frozen at the age of seventeen).

    If Bella was marrying Mike Newton, I would be even angrier, because I hate Mike so much…however, it would be quite the funny story…

  34. P.S. I started laughing EXTREMELY hard at the Megacat thing. I could totally tell that you were a writer when you wrote the whole “they the megacat appears…” section, it sounded EXACTLY like the inside flap of a book.

    P.P.S. The LexKalebCon looks pretty amazing!!

  35. Okay… for the rest of Breaking Dawn (When it starts getting bad I mean. And you’ll know when it happens) please, please PLEASE do not feel pressured by annoying fangirls to be positive. Bash it is much as you want.

  36. I would probably think it was a bit wierd if i would have been Bellas mum but since Edward is freakin’ gorgeous I probably wouldn’t mind πŸ˜‰ Although I might have been a bit jelous. And Edward is definitly a better choise than Mike πŸ˜‰

  37. Hello Kaleb!

    I’m 20 years old and I’m french. Your Twilight website is the funniest and the most interesting one I’ve found on the internet, so congratulation!

    If I were Bella’s mother I would really freak out about this wedding! Actually if were Bella I would freak out too… I would never get married until I have a job, my own house and a lot of grown-up stuffs I am not intending to get now!! But that’s true, if the groom was Edward, I would think a little bit more about it…

    Thank you very much for your hilarious comments on the twilight books, and please don’t mind my english mistakes!

  38. OME!!! First of all I’m glad you got to Breaking Dawn finally!!!

    *tears* I remember the time the design of your site used to be Twilight..ok moving on.

    I never gave on thought to Bella’s black card and OME!!! Edward is too extravagant, I mean I don’t even have one credit card, I mean they won’t even approve me for one, but her black little card can probably buy my house with cars and furniture included, ok moving on…

    Yeah I would mind if my 18 yr old child wanted to get married, because she’s so young and not experienced in serious adult relationship, even if it was Edward, now me thats a different story I think I could have married Edward at 18 πŸ˜‰

  39. omg, “the megacat”!!!! LMAO
    anyways, no, i wouldn’t let my 17 year old daughter get married, no matter who was the groom…..
    ….ok, ok maybe i’d make an exception for someone like Edward, but Mike Newton? NO WAY!!!! LOL

  40. Jacob black is so hot!!!!!serious. but edward is so fucking ugly!!!!!!So true ok those people that like Edward…bella is so fucking white.it looks like she saw a ghost.well again JACOB BLACK IS SOOOOOOOO FUCKING HOT!!!!!!!!!!!

  41. Ahahha, Megacat. πŸ™‚
    I think that I wouldn’t be too happy about her getting married so young, though if she were to, I would prefer her being married young to Edward rather than Mike, seeing how he’s such a gentleman πŸ™‚
    Indeed, it is “a European” because its pronounced with a Y sound.

  42. If I were Bella’s parent I would definitely be happy for her if she was marrying Edward. I mean, I know that she is young, but anyone in a 100 mile radius can tell that they’re irrevocably in love. On the other hand if she was marrying Mike Newton I would have to go with no.

  43. YouTube won’t let me post anything, so I’m posting the video comment here instead. Technology hates me with an everlasting, burning passion. (My friends would back me up on this.)

    I can’t wait to read your book!
    Fiction and fantasy are my favorite. Anything like that, really; however, I like In Cold Blood. Then there’s Jane Austen and Wuthering Heights. Right now I’m reading The Catcher in the Rye for English, and I love it! It’s always exciting when you love a book that’s technically considered homework, don’t you think?
    Ooo, the ARC talk reminded me of my English class’ website (www.not requiredreading.com). Sometimes we get ARC’s to review, which is always exciting.

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