Usually, I keep outside news to the Notes at the end of my posts, but something enormous just happened this weekend. I promise, this is the last post about my book on my Twilight site for a very long time.
Somehow, pre-orders for BRAN HAMBRIC: THE FARFIELD CURSE have opened an entire month early. This morning, I got as high as the top 6,000 books on, and have fluctuated up and down since (yes, I obsessively check nearly every hour :P). You are all amazing. Most of my debut writer friends tell me they started out in the 1 or 2 millions, and I know it’s you people who read my blogs that started the pre-orders that high.
(Links to other retailers forthcoming)
Due to this flurry of preparation I am physically exhausted and my eyes are burning (as you can probably tell in the following video) which is why I haven’t read the next Breaking Dawn chapter. But if you had intentions of pre-ordering my book, you can visit this page (despite the Amazon listing saying it’s for 9-12, I wrote it for 11 and up). As the video will tell you, I certainly don’t expect you to buy it just because I say so, and I’m offering the first 4 chapters (50 pages) for free so you can have a good-sized sample first.
If you do decide to pre-order my novel, I would like to thank you sincerely, since you’re really investing in my dream 😀
(I now return you to your regular programming 😛 )
ADDED: People YOU ARE AMAZING: my book jumped from #12,000 on Amazon all the way to #1,130 in THREE HOURS!!!!!!!! If it gets past #1,000 by 10 PM CST, I will do a BLOGTV show TONIGHT.
ADDED: WOW WOW WOW. In just hours, the book jumped from #12,000 all the way to #638!!!! I’m keeping my promise, and going do a live BlogTV show RIGHT NOW starting at 9:30 PM CST at THERE WILL BE PRIZES AS MY THANKS!
ADDED: The book went all the way up to #350 last night. Seriously people, you are driving me crazy with joy 😀 . Thanks SO much for starting this off so amazingly. I PROMISE, I’ll have another real TG post very soon!
139 Responses
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EEEK! Congratulations, Kaleb! I'm so happy for you, and can't wait to read your book! AHHH!
Aww, good going Kaleb! It's freakin incredible that your dream DID (yes, DID) come true. X-D
I wanna pre-order it, but I always use Barnes&Noble. Its not on there yet for pre-order 🙁 But, once it is— I shall get it done faster than you can buy apples……..! 😛 And also, I LIKE hearing about your book on!!!
I just pre-ordered it…I can't wait til it comes out!
I kinda want to wait to preorder it so I could (maybe?!) go to a book partay.
Most likely, I'm going to go ahead and preorder it on amazon.
9-9-09 is so not going to come fast enough.
I just read the preview chapters. OMG I'm going to Amazon right now to pre-order Bran Hambric!!! It's AMAZING!!!!!!!!
Hey! I have just been checking out your site like since the day of your one year anniversary and was like this guy's cool, so I'm now going through your book and after this (and my homework…bummer) will read the chapters and if its really cool, I'll beg my parents to let me get it and possibly pre-order it! (crossing fingers!!)
But either way, you're extremely cool in my world and may become my next favorite author!!
And btw, I don't mind hearing about your book either, and for those who are putting you down, ignore them, obviously since I love Twilight, but hearing about new authors is always cool too, and if you get the Twilight following, boy are you in for the time of your life!!
Kaleb is a meanie who hates me! I swear Kaleb, do you PURPOSELY wait until you're sure I'll miss it? I am so depressed right now.
And OM-fricking-K, I can't even watch the video on my iPod! Kaleb's life goal is make me miserable, I swear it. 🙁
wow im so excited
i agree wit u im goin to read the first ch's
im pretty sure it will be good though
im a huge book worm
Kaleb, I am about to share something very deep with you, so please, please, please read this whole thing. Pretty please! =)
I just want to say that you and Stephanie Meyer have been so inspiring to me!
This past year (actually ten years) has been really rough for me. I have been a struggling single mother since my first child was born in 2003. I now have 3 boys, and they are my whole world, but my life has been in such shambles I have not had an opportunity to stop and breathe a minute.
Last year, on April 17th I woke up with the left side of my body not working properly. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. I have not worked since that day, but I have spent all the time I possibly can with my children and volunteering at their school.
During this past year, I decided that I was going to stop trying to force everything to work out and just take things one day at a time. Eventually, it will become clear to me what direction my life needs to go.
Enter Twilight…
On the 8th of this month, almost one year to the day I became ill, I rented Twilight the movie on PPV, and decided to read the books. Like everyone else, I breazed through each book in about a day (each), and was hooked. While reading the books and finding out about Stephanie's personal story and journey, I began to have a fit of anxiety. I wondered what was ailing me, until I realized that I was being inspired to write. That was the anxiety.
I have been trying desperately to figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life, and how I am going to take care of my kids. Suddenly I read a book and know for sure what I want to do.
I have always liked writing, poetry mosty, but never really considered it as a career.
Anyhoo, once I became obsessed, I started searching the web for Twilight fixes. I found twilight lexicon, and subsequently found your site. Your blogs have had me rolling! You are so funny! I started back from your first blog and have read every single one.
Now, I have already told you how Stephanie Meyer has inspired me. But, I am in awe of you, Kaleb Nation. I am seven years older than you, and I can't believe all of the talents you have, how motivated you are, how funny, how sincere, how thoughtful, how self-confident…shall I continue?
Both of you have inspired me to actually use the time I have off from working to pursue my dreams. You have encouraged me to write, to learn how to design a web page, to investigated YouTube further… You are both amazing people!
I will most definitely be purchasing you book even without reading the chapters you posted, because you deserve it. Maybe I will even buy one for each of my kids, so that we can all read it together!
You are a shining star (as Paula Abdul would say), and I know the world we be hearing much more from Kaleb Nation for many years to come!
BTW, I am going to send this to your email also, cuz I don't know if read both of them.
Kaleb! I promise that, when I am able to, I will preorder it!!!!
I can't this is all happening for you!
Really, Kaleb, I am so happy that this is happening for you! You have truly earned it!
Congrats! 🙂
Amazing! Can't wait to read the rest of your book.
Totally going to pre-order it when I find out how much money I have in my account. I was just wondering though, What books do you suggest to read in meantime while we are waiting for your book to come out? I read pretty fast, I can finish all of the Twilight series in five days….
I'm so excited!!! I just pre-ordered my copy. Way to go Kaleb! I can't wait for it to come out. : )
Way to go Kaleb!!! It's awesome to see your dreams coming to life right here!
now #557… congrats Kaleb!
That must be the best feeling in the world!
I hope everything continues to go well for you.
I just preordered your book, (along with the new Dan Brown book which is also due in September) and I just wanted to let you know how excited I am for you. I myself am an aspiring author, and it makes me smile to see someone acheive their goals. It is amazing to me that you not only wrote this book, while juggling college, but also that you got it published (especially with the state of the publishing world these days, as more and more people are turning away from books and towards electronics). I read the first 50 pages of your book, and I am very excited for the rest. September can't come soon enough!
Once again, congrats on the success! You deserve it!
Hey Kaleb, I just wanted to tell you I'm so happy for you, and although I can't pre-order your book, I definately want to buy it when it comes out 🙂
Kaleb, #383 in Book Sales at 11:17 mountain time. Woo and Hoo are in order.
I'm with Pikes Peak Writers based in Colorado Springs, CO. I hope to be in touch with you in the near future.
Congrats Kaleb!!!!!! Preordered mine yesterday. I'm so excited for you. Can't wait to read the book.
Congratulations Kaleb!! It is awesome to see a persons dream come true right before your eyes! You are an amazing role model! Enjoy the lime light!!
Hi Kaleb~
Bonnie beat me to sharing that you are at #383! How crazy is that?!?!? I think she beat me because I was trying to find a Twilight relevant comparison for you. 😉 While you still have a little ways to go before catching up with the saga (ok, seriously – if you include the boxed set of the books, Stephenie holds spots 3, 4, 5, 6 and 11) – I am happy to report that you HAVE passed all 4 of the Twilight books in Spanish! Congratulations! 😀
What do you have against John Green?! I like his books…
Congrats! I'm still so jealous…. such a following already… and because you pull off a great blog and energy to go with it. Wonder if there's any way I can get that to rub off on me…. 😉 Look forward to seeing more reviews and prizes you do (and hope to win!!!), and think about it…. now you're in a similar league to your favorite, Stephenie!
Oh my gosh!
CONGRATULATIONS! I'm so super happy for you!
For some reason (two little children) the only time I get to be online for any length of time is ungodly hours of the night. Kaleb, I'm so happy and proud for you!! Being a teacher is always nice to see kids succeed at what makes them happy! I'm pre-ordering! Congrats!
Congratulations Kaleb this is awesome!!! I have preordered my copy. I can't wait to get it.
BTW you are so cute in your video, all flustered and humbled. Enjoy this triumph, I am sure it is the start of much more success to come.
I'm so happy your Pre-order numbers are going so well.. but not suprized… YOUR AWSOME! I just got off of Amazon after placing my preorder and your ranking was at 383! Thanks for all your fun cookey videos and blogs… keep them comming.
This is the reason that I love giving gifts. I love seeing reactions like yours. I am so happy for you right now! And you know, it's only going to get better! This is just the beginning. The whole of the Twilight fandom, minus the Twilihgters who are crazy and mean, will be rushing to support you.
The best part? When you don't dance around as if you deserve the spotlight. Every bit of this is something you aren't taking for granted, and the happiness is catching.
This made my day. I know it sounds crazy, because it was YOUR day, but I am so happy for you… Congratulations, Kaleb!
(And secret confession… I'm not preordering, nor will I read the sample pages. The sample pages will hook me and make me go crazy, and then I won't be able to get the book until at least the one loan is paid off… I hate being a student, sometimes.)
I am glad that your book is doing so well in the preorders, that is great.
Uhhhh, Kaleb?!
Just checked Amazon…
From writer to writer, I'd just like to take this moment to squeal along with you.
I'm bouncing up and down on my bed, I'm so excited. And it's not even my book!
Yay Bran fans!
Please don't worry at all about posting updates onBran Hambric, Kaleb. This is your blog after all, and we're all super excited for you! And I must admit I love your reactions too. (“I sold more books than John Green…for 10 minutes!” :D)
I definitely do want to preorder, but I think I'll wait until I can at Borders or Barnes & Noble, as I have no credit card to use on amazon, haha. The preview chapters left me intrigued. 🙂
And as far as your recent ratings…NEVER underestimate the power of Twilight fans! lol. You've got us all rooting for you now too. Congrats!
FINALLY, an author who will sign my book while I'm hiding behind a tree!
I've been waiting my entire life to do that!
Congrats on your book, what company is it getting published by?
#378 Amazon ranking! Woo-hoo! That's awesome, Kaleb. By the way, I just preordered my copy without even previewing the chapters in advance, because I'm so excited for you (and nothing makes me happier than supporting and reading YA lit, so that's an added bonus!). I'm sure I'll check out the preview chapters anyway, while I'm waiting for the release date. 😉
I just have to say again: I am SO excited and happy for you. Seriously, I was just thinking this week about how you've inspired me in so many ways, one of them being never to give up on my dream of finishing a novel. Congrats on your success (and I'm sure there's much more to come)! It couldn't have happened to a nicer person. 🙂
#375 – wow!!!
I mean wow!!!!!
Yay Kaleb! *is so excited for you* 🙂 Congrats on your book being almost published!!
Oh and Kaleb… Check your ranking for your book now :))))))))
#374!!! OMG I'm so happy for you!
Congrats Kabel!!! I'm really really happy for you!! I'm so excited – you wont believe it! I even told my mum about it (she looked at me like I was crazy).
I would pre-order it. Only thing is I dont think my mum would let and I dont work which means I cant pay for it myself. Another problem is I live in Australia and I have no idea if it will come out here. If it does I will be sure to buy it!! I promise!
Congrats again and it seems that you have jumped even higher ^^^ YAY!!
#6000+ ? Just how long did I miss?
Your on 300's now.
Bran at #432
I can't pre-order BUT i can't wait for 9-9-09 so i can raid the bookstore…! =P
I missed your blog, But Con Grat any who Kaleb! Next you got to hit the Top 100! o.O
Woahhhhhhhhhhh It just jumped upto 300 something =O
in like….10minutes =O
fluctuation much??
Wow, congrats Kaleb! I mean…that's amazing! I speak for all those who ardently follow your blogs, that we are so excited for you. Cheers!
I am 60 years old and a twilight fan, but just lately I came upon your website and got hooked. I went back to the beginning of your posts and read them all and I am now up to date. I am pre-ordering your book without reading it because of how excited you are and how much I enjoy your writing. Congratulations and keep up your enthusiasm for writing.
It's up to #448 now Kaleb!!
Nope, I'm only turning 12. That would rock if I was turning 9!
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