A guy reads Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (2009-2011)

Reading Breaking Dawn: Chapter 15 (Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock)

The song for this chapter is Rebirthing by Skillet


After being greatly amused that it is considered national news when Stephenie closed her Myspace* I have come to the conclusion that the entertainment industry at large will now report on any and all stories that contain the words Twilight, Stephenie, Meyer, Robert, or Pattinson. I figure if I drop those words into one of my posts enough times, I will come up on the Entertainment editors’ Google alerts and get featured.

The title of this chapter has led me to believe it is about one of two things, each of the Ticking and Tocking variety and both featured in the following illustration:


Though, I assume the Ticking and Tocking has more to do with Bella’s child’s impending birth. This whole pregnancy for Bella is going by awfully fast, and it makes me wonder if she is even ready for what is about to happen. Edward is in total disarray, Jacob doesn’t even know how to feel anymore, and for the past uncountable days the entire Cullen household has either been sitting beside Bella, behind the couch, upstairs or in hiding. I honestly don’t know what to expect either. With all the intensity surrounding this child, and the mystery of what form it will actually take, Bella and Edward’s lives will never be the same again, and even more so changed than any normal couple’s lives would be.

I have wondered for a long time exactly how Bella will break the news to her dad that she has turned into a vampire. I have tried to imagine how this might go down if I was to try to let this secret out:

ME: Hi! Guess what! I’m a VAMP’R!

FAMILY MEMBER [wielding crucifix]: SPAWN OF SATAN! Go back to the Shadow!

But honestly, it’s going to be very hard on Charlie whatever happens. If Bella finds some way to lie out of it, what is she going to do then? Stay out of the country for the next 40 or so years until her parents die? That would just be horrible. It leads into the question that many people (unfortunately, most commonly those who are in the Twilight haters community) have voiced about Bella and Edward: is Bella ready to give up everything and everyone she has ever known, just for Edward? Love and butterflies aside, is that a healthy relationship?

I can see the Team Jacob people giving a bit of a cheer here, because we all know if Bella had chosen Jacob, she wouldn’t have to lose anyone, and she would be able to continue her life as a human, and have children and friends and family. In that sense, it would be much easier — but would it really be better? Romeo and Juliet had to die to be together — Edward and Bella must live forever to be together. Do we consider Romeo and Juliet’s love any less tarnished than Bella and Edward’s, even though the latter isn’t exactly (technically) suicidal?


I always found it oddly interesting how blood is actually provided to doctors for their medical use. According to Seth, since Carlisle is a doctor, he can actually go somewhere and buy blood. What sort of a job is that? Who actually signs up to be a blood salesman? How do you sell blood? Are there specials and prices and different levels of how pure a blood is for each doctor? What about Frequent Customer Appreciation Plans or coupons like Buy-1-Pint-Get-Another-Pint-Free? I am thinking this out way too much…


QUESTION FOR THE COMMENTS: Do you think that Bella has carefully weighed what will happen, or is she blinded by love and forgetting all the consequences of becoming a vampire?


*actually, not so laughable: Stephenie had more friends than Lindsay Lohan

– This week’s a busy one (we’re getting ready to close on my book, so I have to do lots of finalizing things!). This is why my posts are shorter and farther between.

– I’m announcing the Summer School In Forks contest winner very soon. They’ll be contacted by email too.

– By the way, I just uploaded a new song to my YouTube channel, which you can also download for free:



108 Responses

  1. “Romeo and Juliet had to die to be together — Edward and Bella must live forever to be together” I´ve never ever thought about his, is it indeed a very good example and and ironic thing actually, mainly because Bella and Edward would be both death… although vampires are funnier than zombies! and a lot more romantic too! ;D

  2. Romeo and Juliet was a lust story not a love story.

    Just thought i'd point that out to you *winks*

  3. YES! Im SOOOO glad you picked Rebirthing by Skillet for this chapter Kaleb 🙂 Skillet is my FAVORITE band! Sadly i wasnt here when you were doing the blogs for new moon (and the song probably wasnt out yet) but if i was there i would have recommended Comatose (full version of the abbreviated condition, Coma) by skillet, i think it best describes Bella's need for Edward to return. i LOVE it!

  4. Woohoo! Skillet!

    I really can't think of a way to answer the question without spoiling the rest of the book for you so… yea…

  5. First off, LMFAO @ the blood bank of America. Priceless.

    Second off, I waited so long for Bella to say this, and was quite disappointed when she never did:
    <object width=”425″ height=”344″><param name=”movie” value=”http://www.youtube.com/v/cGvAT8i8QYI&hl=en&fs=1″></param><param name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true”></param><param name=”allowscriptaccess” value=”always”></param><embed src=”http://www.youtube.com/v/cGvAT8i8QYI&hl=en&fs=1″ type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” allowscriptaccess=”always” allowfullscreen=”true” width=”425″ height=”344″></embed></object>

    Thirdly, I think Bella is just blinded by love for anyone. She's so willing to put herself on the line, like she has no self-preservation instincts whatsoever. She knows the consequences, she's thought about them, but Edward is all she really has (aside from Jacob) and all she knows, so to her, he's worth it. It takes maturity to know that NO man, soul mate or not, is worth dying for. You may never get over it, but you can live with love lost. When you're dead, uhhhh? She feels like she doesn't have much of anything to lose, which she honestly doesn't, but wasn't thinking about the future she was giving up, too. Maybe it's just my 'Team Jacob'-ness talking, but being secluded from normal life, and only having like 8 people to talk to for an eternity? Doesn't sound like my cup of tea. For a little while, sure, but forever? No thanks. Love is great, but there's more to life than that.

  6. I think that Bella has thought everything through. She wasn't ready in twilight because she was blinded by love. She has changed alot from then to in breaking dawn. In Eclipse you could really tell that she was really thinking about her future. She has grown from making careless mistakes to where she just makes minor ones. When Edward proposed to Bella she thought everything through before she awnsered him. She thought through the dicision about her becoming a vampire more because she would have to die and give up lot of things that she loved to do it. Bella made the decision so that her family wouldn't be chased by vampires that wanted to could get to Bella.

  7. I do think the whole thing goes by so fast they don't have time to really come to terms with it – but you know sometimes life is like that – sometimes death is like that – so in a way this is like the real decisions we all have to face. Things in life can change very fast.

  8. I think the family issue is why Stephanie wrote the whole Cullen family and not just Edward. Yes, Bella is giving up her whole life for Edward, but she's not getting just Edward in return, she's getting the entire Cullen family.

  9. Funny you should mention the vampire secret, Kaleb. Truth is, Bella is gonna be forced to tell Charlie sooner then she would like. It's kinda funny, actually. 😀

    Also, Bella knows the consequences for her actions, but she believes that her life with Edward will outweigh anything that she has to give up. In my opinion, it's a bit messed up. Both Edward and Bella are blinded by love. Their entire relationship is a bit unhealthy. Then again, that's only my opinion. Can't wait to hear what you have to say when the POV goes back to Bella. ^_^

  10. Bella kind of thought about the consequences but is so blinded by the fact that her having Edward forever is so close that she doesnt really think about the stuff that sucks about beinga a vampire.(though there arent many) XD

  11. No comment for the question. I've answered it too many times, and am sick of it.

    I love Jacob's chapter titles, though! They're all hilarious!

  12. Bella thought everything through in “Eclipse”. It's totally her choice to become a vampire. Edward didn't even want her to change and was willing to stay w/ her as long as she lived. I don't think it's true that everything would've been peachy if she had chosen Jacob. He's still a shapeshifting wolf. That's not normal. Plus, he never imprinted on Bella. How would she feel if she had chosen Jacob and he imprinted on someone else one day? He'd have to ditch her completely the way Sam ditched Leah. In any case, Bella never would've chosen Jacob because she knew all along that Edward was the one she was meant to be with.

  13. The Red Cross, and local blood banks, do sell blood. But they do not make a profit on it. They are non-profit agencies. and sell it at value only to cover their own expenses for collecting, storing, testing and shipping the blood. Btw, it is unlikely that a doctor would deal directly with a blood bank. Hospitals and clinics have their own blood banks where the blood is stored, and they contact collecting agencies based on their needs. I always wondered how Carlisle managed to charm a blood bank employee into setting up a contract with him. It's a highly unlikely scenario. (Can you tell I worked in blood banking for three years?)

  14. I think what you're doing is really cool — just an fyi, not EVERY girl is obsessed with Twilight. Some of us read it and hate it (and this comment is purely self-referential). It's admirable that you're giving the books a legitimate chance, though, as opposed to just writing them off like so many guys do. I have a lot of respect for you in that.

  15. That is true. But don't forget, in Eclipse she also said she never really had a choice about Edward. Her attraction to him was so strong that not even she could do anything about it…the only way for her to be happy was to have him. This shows that she is at least partially blinded by love. But has she really weighed the consequences? Well…she's weighed them enough to suit her. As others have said here, in the midst of all that is going on and her love for Edward, how can she really come to terms with what she is giving up and the changes that will have to be made? It doesn't matter that she has not thought it through as thoroughly as we would like. When you come down to it, her instincts are correct. She knows that her only chance of happiness is with Edward, and it doesn't matter what has to happen to her, because she feels it will be worth it in the end.

  16. I have a love hate relationship with Twilight.
    I just loveeeee to hate it. 🙂 And yes, I'm a girl lol.

  17. I loved your comparison to Romeo & Juliet. For Meyer her self referenced it in the second novel. I find it interesting the Team Jacob or haters go for the look what she's giving up. Romeo thought his love was dead and poisoned himself. Juliet in return woke up and couldn't live without him. So she gave up her life for him. People compare Bella becoming a vampire to giving up her life, but as you pointed out it's not that much different. And People love the story of Romeo and Juliet. Everyone feels Romeo and Juliet should be together in the end. For that's how the story is supposed to go. So if Edward and Bella's story is a modern day Romeo and Juliet in some ways…then wouldn't it seem fitting for people to want them to be together no matter the cost. I mean obviously they don't have to feel that way but it seems weird that most people approve of Romeo and Juliet's story but somehow see it differently when someone is becoming a immortal instead of dying :p. Or maybe the ones that want to know why Bella would give up her mortal life for just one man, don't like Romeo and Juliet. Hmmm. I feel Bella is aware of the consequences and has thought it through, but is also blinded by love. She in her head would love to find a way to be together with Edward and her family. Since I know what happens I'll end my comment now. No spoilers.

  18. No, she's thought of every solution, she can't just give up beacuse what would edward do if she died? he'd give the baby to his family then beg Jake to kill him. She can't let her baby be without BOTH parents. She's doing the only thing she can, for her, her baby, and edward. Besides if it was you would you do the same thing?

    btw does anyone else think that edward being a dad makes him hotter? lolz

  19. I think that in Eclipse she became ready. She saw a newborn vampire and still was ready. And it is a lot like Romeo and Juliet, they gave up there lives to be together. Well Edward didn't have a choice but to give up his mortal life. But Bella does, and we all know that to Edward that is worse than having to give up his. I don't think she's blinded by love. Love is the reason behind it all anyway, so saying she is blinded by love is making love sound like the bad guy. But it isn't. Isn't love the utopia we all dream of? She's not blinded by love, she's made up her mind for love. She's giving up something valuable for love. But in the end wouldn't most of us?

  20. I think at this point Bella has really thought about what it's going to mean and be like when she's changed. In Eclipse she saw how newborns act, and she's heard all of the Cullens stories, how they were changed and what life was like for them afterwards, and the difficulties they had. (It said at the beginning of the book somewhere that she spend a lot of time over at the Cullens house preparing herself for this. I think she learns more than we do as readers. Which kind of stinks in my opinion.) And she needs and wants to be with Edward forever and she will do whatever it takes to be with him. And I want to say more, but won't since you aren't far into the book yet.

  21. This question about whether Edward and Bella’s relationship is healthy brings up the issues of the teams. Everyone has their own reasons for choosing which team they are on and it’s mainly based on your opinions. I don’t really know where I stand for whether Bella’s relationship with Edward or Jacob is healthy or unhealthy. I see both sides.

    Now to the actual question for the comments, do I think Bella carefully weighed what will happen? I think she did. There’s a question on the Stephenie Meyer website where someone asked what the most pivotal plot development that happens in Eclipse was. She answered that every aspect of Eclipse, her relationship with Jacob, the background stories etc are all revolved around the fact that Bella needs to examine the price that she will pay for becoming a vampire. So in Eclipse I think she did balance what she would gain and what she would lose in order to become a vampire. Is she blinded by love? Yes she is. We’re talking about Edward here and like many people have already commented about her situation right now, she has thought it through enough to know the consequences. Not as much as we like but enough for now. I love the comparison that you made between Romeo and Juliet and Edward and Bella.

    I love the song that you chose. It suited the chapter really well. I’ve never heard of it, but I really like it. The music is really good in that song. The Bran Hambric song really suited the meaning that you were trying to convey. I like it when the piano starts to kick in (I’m pretty sure it was piano) around 1:50. That part made the song so much more dynamic and stronger.

  22. Honestly, I'd have to say this question has definately come from a person who has never truely been in love. I've been in love, thankful I still have him and I would give everything for him. If you don't find that in your life you haven't really experienced love to it's full extent. Sometimes there is no thought needed and your heart tells you where to go.

  23. Well first off, The whole tick tock thing, it reminded me of the crocodile on Peter Pan. Lol.
    Second, I love how you threw the “Romeo and Juliet” thing in every Twi-hater on the web.
    Pure, undiluted awesomeness. 😀 Kudos friend.

  24. i think that at first, bella was rushing into her decision on whether to be a vampire or not. She loved Edward and that was enough for her. But she's had months and months to truly contemplate on what this will mean, and i think that she's ready for the actual transformation. She knows the price and after careful consideration, she's ready for it.

  25. I think Bella was more blinded by love in Twilight, because in Twilight she's like “Bite me Edward!!” and she's not thinking about the consequences of becoming a vamipre. But now in Breaking Dawn she has matured and gotten time to think it through, and she's developed a deeper love to Edward, so I think she knows what she's doing.
    And I just love this song, can't get enough of it, Skillet is THE best 🙂
    I love all your pictures, but the ones with you in it… your facial expressions are hilarious! Love it, keep it up!

  26. I'm reading all your posts now and I can't stop laughing!!!What you write is so funny

  27. I'm reading all your posts now and I can't stop laughing!!!What you write is so funny

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