A guy reads Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (2009-2011)

Has The Robert Pattinson Craze Gone Too Far?

For all of you who were wondering why Robert Pattinson closes his Myspaces, has no Twitter or Facebook, and covers his face and runs when even well-intentioned fans try to ask for an autograph:

There is now so much fear for his safety that the studio executives have recently increased the number of bodyguards surrounding Rob. Because of these fangirl encounters on the Remember Me set, they have established a “No Contact Zone” against all fans of Robert Pattinson.

For the past uncountable months, I have received rude emails from so-called Robert Pattinson fans demanding I give them his phone number/address/myspace/etc — when nowhere on my website does it say I am the all-knowing guru of Rpattz secrets. The craziness is so bad that the rudeness is spilling over into my inbox. Not only that, but the poor guy is literally being attacked and assaulted almost every time he walks down the street. When does it get to be too much?

It’s all fun while people are chasing the celebs down, but now there is real fear for Rob’s life. Any one of those girls who were jumping at him and grabbing his neck could have been a psychopath with a knife — and there was so much frenzy going on, he would be dead before anyone could even react. Because of the crazies, even the good fans have to suffer, unfortunately. So for those of you who have been emailing me angrily about how “Rob doesn’t love his fans” because he won’t talk to you or give you his phone number, it would do you much good to keep this in mind.

QUESTION FOR THE COMMENTS: Do you think the Robert Pattinson craze has gone too far, or do you think it is all ‘part of his job’ to deal with it?



229 Responses

  1. It has gone way too far. One thing is to admire from afar. Another is to become a crazed stalker. Not to mention what this will do to his career! How many movie-making people will want to put up with his many fans, and spend the money on closed sets and security guards?

  2. This is honestly one of the sickest things I have ever seen. The guy is going to go nuts. I feel bad for him.

  3. I think that having crazy fans is a part of the business… that being said… I think Rob's fans are taking it way too far. He is just a person, and they should treat him as such.

  4. This is going too far. Admiring from afar is one thing, but acting like a crazed stalker is another.

    Not to mention what this will do to his career! Why would movie-making people put up with this, and spend extra money on closed sets and security guards.

  5. I think that is just crazy. People are taking this wayyyy to far. It is part of the business, but I feel really bad for him.

  6. I think that this whole thing insane. He's really no different from anyone else and deserves to be able to live his life in peace and quiet.

  7. I hope it calms down a bit, otherwise he may have to lock himself out of the world in order to get some peace of mind…

    I think he's been way too kind to people, he deserves some space

    I am a fan of his, but I feel sorry for those pathetic losers that are ruining his chance of a normal life, or his life in itself

    They should honestly back the eff off, they're just embarrassing themselves

  8. Its gone way to far. I for one love Rob but if I saw him in the street I would stare at him dumbfounded from afar. These girls are getting ridiculous. He's just another guy! An amazingly hot guy but still! He deserves respect as a person and I agree with Telly, and if you truly cared about the guy at all you would leave him the heck alone!

  9. Unfortunately, when you become as popular as Robert, the crazy fans seem to come with that popularity.

    At what point, though, is it too much? I think the actions of those girls (I refuse to call them “young ladies” because there was nothing ladylike about their actions), shows what happens when the fans lose perspective of the situation. Rob must have been terrified. I know I would be. Imagine having that level of insanity around you on a daily basis. No wonder Rob is hardly ever out and about. He can't leave his hotel room for fear of being attacked by crazed FanGirls.

    Rob, I have no idea if you read will read this, but I for one am embarrassed to be even remotely associated with these people. Take heart, we're not all like that, and we all wish you the best.

  10. Great post. They violated not only his personal space but even the space that he has always been so courteous and generous enough with his time to provide his fans in the past. I am as crazy about His Holy Hotness as much as the next female but I am NOT crazy. I hope these psychos are obsessed enough to read the outrage that the “fandom” has felt over their aggresive and abusive actions – I also hope the media picks up on the fact that the majority of the fans for Twilight and its stars do NOT condone the actions of these set-stalkers. I am sorry that Rob has to endure this. Yes, adoration goes with the territory but no one should be expected to endure THAT.

    Again, great post. Thanks.

  11. I feel sorry for the poor guy. Yes, fans are part of being a star. However, people should honor another person's personal space. Some of the fans have gone way too far with this.

  12. this has gone way too far. people are way more obsessive than i thought. i feel so bad for him!! its like he cant trust anyone anymore. its really bad. if i was to ever meet him i would just ask him a couple questions maybe shake hands and be on my way being happy that i encountered him. now i cant even do that. i feel so bad for the good fans that arent obsessive as the crazy maniac girls that stalk him and treat him like a…a… i dont even have the words. i just feel so bad for the poor guy.

  13. On the one hand, it's part of his job, on the other hand, it's really going too far. The worst thing is that I think it's only the beginning for this poor Rob… ):
    It's sad because these girls don't represent the majority of Rob's fans/Twi fans. I mean, I am a fan of Rob and more generally, of Twilight, but I would never never ever do that. First, it would be embarrassing because of the papps (; Second, this is not something you do when you have manners! And I know that most of the fans would never behave like that… I hope he doesn't believe that we are all like this now…

    It's funny because this kind of things doesn't happen to the others members of the Twilight Cast. Even if Kristen Stewart, for instance, is followed by the papps, crazy fans aren't attacking her.
    So is it all about Rob?? If it is, he's not done with that… (:

  14. I think he deserves a break from the crazy fans. If I was there, I'm be shrieking at the top of my lungs, 'BACK OFF! HE'S JUST A GUY FOR GODS SAKE!!' or something similar.

  15. I definitely think this has gone waaaaaaaaaaay too far. He is a PERSON, and these crazy people that chase after him have obviously forgotten that. I think that people should ask themselves how they would feel if this happened to them. I certainly don't want a bunch of crazy boys running after me. It's too much to say that it 'comes with the territory.'

  16. I believe that it has gone way to far, i have never seen so many girls go crazy over a celebrity. In this business you know what can happen, you kow that you can have crazy fans. I work in the entertainement field and I was warned about the amount of fans one can get, Robert has to either let the fans in or drop out of the spot light.

  17. this is going WAAYYY too far, yes it is a part of his job to have obsessive fans but it ISNT apart of his job to have to deal with THAT!

  18. Oh my! That must be horrible, and so freaking surreal.
    You just wanna take him where no one will know him so he can actually breathe.
    lol they're all just going “PLEASE, PLEASE!” please what?
    but that's gone way to far. the poor guy can;t walk two feet.

  19. One look at his face tells me he is miserable. Back off squeeing fangirls – the guy doesn't like it!! For every lovestruck teen out there who thinks if they chase him and throw their arms around his neck – I have a little advice. “Get a life!!” Sorry, harsh, but really, what do they think is going to happen? He's going to fall in love with a stalker??

    I agree that his safety is a concern. How would you deal with this kind of craziness??

    I just feel bad for the guy.

    HGE is no longer using pap photos – trying to give him a little more privacy. It's just a small thing, but feels like the right thing to do.

  20. WAY out of control!!! If I were Rob I'd pull out of the movies altogether and go hide in a deep dark hole! What these insane people are showing is not love, since love requires respect! If they really loved him,they'd respect that's he's just a human being same and them and that he deserves his privacy and sense of safety. Maybe they should take a step back and think how they would feel if someone was attacking them like they were attacking him.

  21. I Totally agree with what everyone has said. I'm so glad you posted it. Although being famous it comes with the territory but there is a much better way of doing it, People are People. Even if they are more known when most. Everyone should be treated with respect no matter who they are. I mean put yourself in their shoes wouldn't you just hate just walk down the street and having crazy people and cameras in your face. I know I would. There is a better way about meeting someone like Rob and I'm sure you'd be able to enjoy it and they would be able to enjoy it better as well.

  22. I'm a fan of Twilight and Robert, but I would never do that.Come on people that just crazy,.He's just a person.A little respect for him.

  23. I would have to say both.

    It's definitely going too far, but it IS part of his job he just has to deal with. It's part of being famous, and it happens. Do I think that it's ridiculous that it is part of being famous? Yes. That doesn't change the fact that it's still a known occupational hazard of being a celebrity, though. I can say these girls are way over doing it, because (personally a Taylor lover myself) if I saw Taylor Lautner on the street I would probably be too scared to even try to talk to him, let alone hug him against his will. Some people just have no class and are way too excitable, and unfortunately as long as he's in the spotlight, especially playing Edward Cullen, this is going to be his life as a good looking and successful young man.

  24. In my opinion it really isn't part of the job. Pat of the job is having fans asking you for autographs at appropiate times and not 24/7. Part of the job is having the paparazzi taking photographs of you at significance times and not it being headline news when you go and get a coffee or even just for being outside. For me the Rob Pattinson craze went to far a little while ago. Yes he has “celebrity” status but what exactly does that mean. Because I'm pretty sure the job description of a “celebrity” is not to be stalked 24/7 and then being attacked by “fans” who apparently love him so much they would risk him getting hurt for their own gain. At the end of the day he is just a normal guy who at the moment must be finding his life very hard. Yes I'm sure he loves what he is doing, but at times he probably asks himself why? Why am I putting myself through this. I honestly believe that the only thing the fans like those in the video above are doing is scaring him off. Is that really what you want?

  25. That was bit too much. Those girls needed to calm down. Yes, the whole fangirl crazyness comes with the job, but it was very obvious how Rob didn't want to talk to them at the moment, and I think those girls should have respected that.

  26. Its Definitely gotten too far.The poor guy he hates attention and now people are practically attacking him. X

  27. I wonder what would happen if Rob recorded a YouTube video talking directly to the fans – telling them exactly how they make him feel. Perhaps seeing him ask them to stop might start something…

  28. This video really disturbs me, the rpatz stalking has got to stop. Anyone can blame the security detail, or the production company for not having more bodyguards, but when it comes down to it if the fans treated him with respect it wouldn't be needed. I hate when a few fans ruin the reputation of the whole fanbase. I wish that rob didn't have to be worried about being attacked while walking to the mailbox or something. I understand that he's extremely popular right now, but that doesn't give these maniacs an excuse. You also bring up a good point with the knife situation, that's the kind of thing that whoever is providing security should be thinking about.

  29. I think this whole thing has gone too far. He's a person people, not just a poster. Yes, we all love him in Twilight, but give the guy some room to breathe. There's no reason at all for people to be jumping on him for crying out loud! I would be scared too if I were him. Yes, people might say it comes with the territory, but seriously do people have to make it so hard on him? Let him work, or he might just decide that it isn't worth it anymore.
    He shouldn't have to run, wear disguises, or hire what looks like half of an army brigade. He should be able to walk down the sidewalk in peace.

  30. Oh dear! It's already too much! I don't think that any other actor in Hollywood is being mobbed by fans as much as Rob. Give him a break people! Even if I'm not a big Robert Pattinson fan I know that it's not right to mob an actor. He' still human therefore, he still needs his privacy. How would you feel if you were being mobbed by fangirls left, right and center that you can't even go out in peace anymore?

    Yes, it is 'part of his job' to have a lot of fans but really, can you still call those people fans? Even the ones who sends you rude emails. If they are real fans then they should know to be courteous and to respect Rob and other people. Rob has been nothing but polite to his fans and this is what he gets in return. Poor Rob.

  31. I say theres two sides to this..

    A) Rob you are an actor deal with it…you had to know this role was going to lead you in this fan crazy direction..come on…. GET BETTER SECURITY
    B)All you crazy fans dont act insane when you meet him like Kaleb said thats the reason why he doesnt have myspaces and twitters and give autographs out… you ruin it for us sane people.

  32. I don't think I've seen anything like this! It's gone way too far. I get that girls love Robert Pattinson, I do too, but holy crap I would never go that far. He's a person, not some shiny object that people should chase and fight to grab!

  33. I totally agree you def are not showing real Love.. theres no respect here ..you just do what you want.. like grabbing the poor guys neck..come on… Hes just a regular person like me and you and unfortunetly he wont remember you afterwords… so sorry but true…

  34. I feel really sorry for him. The guy is only 23 and he can't even go out and do anything because stuff like that will happen. While, yes, fans are part of the job when you're and actor, singer, ect. the fans have no right to act like that. He is just a guy trying to do his job and live his life. I'm not saying I wouldn't be very excited if I saw him on the street or something, but running up to him and thinking it's ok to touch him just because he's famous is ridiculous, have these girls parents taught them anything about personal space? Like you said Kaleb about him having to deleate his myspaces, facebook, and such, I totally understand, how would any of those people feel about people acting like that towards them? I really could go on and on about how much stuff like that upsets me, because they do ruin it for everyone when they act like that so he can't really trust being anywhere near where fans may be without body guards and such. I agree with most everyone else on here, those poeple are crazy.

  35. I think it's a little of both. It comes with the job to be asked for autographs and have fans but Rob still needs room to breath!!!!

  36. Also, I just went to a meet & greet with Jackson Rathbone & 100 monkeys and it was really nice. No one went crazy, there was no grabbing or pushing, and everyone actually got to talk with them. Just wanted to let eeryone know that there is hope!

  37. I have a feeling he wont want to do the other 2 movies.. i think these idiots are going to ruin it for the rest of us.. he might just pull out of the movies.. then how terrible it will be to have someone take his place and all that. now come on…..

  38. I think its gotten way too far. I would be scared for my life if I was in that situation. I think that the fans need to chill out and relax. Its not like they'll never see him again.

  39. this is too far. some people need too chill the heck out lol on a serious not though, I think he should chill from making movies for a while… maybe things will calm down with the fans… I hope this is the peek of the craziness and we just wait for it to down from now on… but if it continues to get worse for him… the best thing may be to stay away from the media/movies/songs so he can have a normal life again… well maybe not normal.. but a not so crazy life would be nice.

  40. Do these girls really think that by throwing themselves at “Rob” that it will make them more attactive to him? Do you think he goes home at night as says to himself “Boy, I wish I could get to know crazy fan girl #3 a little better?” I think not. I mean come on! I am team Edward all the way. But Rob does not equal Edward, he just portrays him. Poor Guy.

  41. you know, a lot of people think this is the price to pay for fame. but c'mon, ever heard of personal space? celebrity or not, NO ONE likes it when their personal space is invaded. it's rude, inappropriate, and quite terrifying! the crazies just need to keep their behavior in check. aside from making the true fans look bad, they just end up looking pathetic!

  42. I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks the whole thing is getting ridiculous. I feel bad for Rob. I would just run away and never come back. I honestly don't understand why people can't just leave him be for five minutes. Would they want a swarm of people trying to attack them? Probably not.

  43. @0:35 my initial thought was that he was smiling and loving all of the attention – thinking this video was a bad way to prove the point … but it then zoomed in and you could see he was scared!

    I love Robert Pattinson as much as the next girl but that was just ridiculous! I'm sure that I can't say anything different than what others have posted, but here are my views:

    He is just a person, he might be sexy as all hell, he might be the star in a movie – but newsflash; he eats, he sleeps, and he shits just like the rest of us!

    I honestly don't understand what is going through those girls minds when they are acting like that. If you want a picture, ask him to stop and take a photo with you. If he keeps walking or the bouncer chucks you down so hard you should be in China – thats your cue to go.

    Or, make a petition and send to his agent for Rob to come to an area (bookstore) to do pictures for fans and just leave him the hell alone when he's walking down the road.

    I tell you what, if I was famous and people were acting like that for me – I'd dropkick every single one of them … screw having bouncers!

    All in all, what I'm trying to say is when you meet someone famous (Rob or JohnDoe), you'll get that adrenalline rush – don't attack the poor stars, just walk up casually and be appreciative of his space!

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