The song for this chapter is Confines Of Gravity by PlayRadioPlay!
I discovered yesterday to my great amazement that one of my favorite singers, Plumb, is not only a Twilight fan, but happens to be writing three songs for her next album that are inspired by the Twilight Saga! This is majorly epic news for me. I’ve been a Plumb fan since I was about 15, and then had the strange chance to interview her when I was 18. Now she’s into Twilight. Hopefully this means epicness in the near future . But for now: Chapter 21!
The importance of Bella’s first hunt is obvious because of how big a thing it was for her in Twilight — Edward wouldn’t let her see him hunt, probably because he was afraid it would scare her to see what he really was. I don’t blame him either. If this was the other way around, and I was with someone I loved, strolling through the woods, and then she suddenly leapt through the air and start to drain the blood of a nearby forest creature, I would admittedly be a bit shocked.
Like Jasper in the previous chapter, I’m a bit confused as to how Bella is able to control herself so well. From everything they have said before, Bella should be a wild, almost invincible monster attacking everyone around her in order to relieve her thirst. I remember in Eclipse when the Cullens had captured the newborn from Victoria’s posse (her name escapes me, but it was around page 570). That girl had been a newborn for a bit of time already and was still thrashing about in the dirt just smelling Bella from many feet away. Perhaps it has something to do with Edward injecting his venom straight to Bella’s heart — maybe causing the transformation to go faster? Still, I find myself like Jasper and Edward, just waiting for Bella to snap into a frenzy.
There’s a lot riding on Bella jumping out that window with Edward, too. It’s almost symbolic — a lot like what Edward did with her the first time she came to his house. It shows that she is really a vampire, something that can go jumping out of windows and not get hurt. Especially in stilettos, which I imagine are not the best thing to be jumping in (just thinking about this makes my feet hurt). Of course, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Bella was to be the world’s only clumsy vampire.
If I was Bella, I think I would be going a bit mad by now simply because of my new hearing abilities. If she can hear such minute sounds as hearts and teeth, how irritating must it be just to step into a mall or even more so, say, a dentist’s office, and be forced to hear every little whir or chip or scratch or brush that every cleaning instrument makes. Even in the forest I imagine every little wriggling worm or squirrel will catch Bella’s attention. She can hear Jacob’s heart beating? She can hear Alice’s teeth grinding?
“his perfect voice, his breath, his lips brushing together as he spoke, the whisper of birds preening their feathers in the treetops, their fluttering heartbeats, the maple leaves scraping together, the faint clicking of ants, the heartbeats of said ants, in symphony with the molecules and cells that made up the ants’ hearts, gently bumping against each other in rhythm, as their protons and neutrons continued their quiet motion, echoing in my ears.
I was jarred to my sense when I read this part
“I made a face. “[Deer] don’t smell as good.”
“Herbivores. The meat-eaters smell more like humans,” he explained.
“Not that much like humans,” I disagreed.
Bella Swan, who not so long ago was disgusted by blood and needles, is suddenly aware of how human blood smells. She is a completely new person than what she was before.
It makes me wonder about what will happen to Bella and Edward’s relationship now. I remember liking a clumsy and imperfect Bella, the Bella who was insecure at times and who had to live with the fact that her boyfriend was a vampire. Not that it is a bad thing for Bella to be a vampire now, but Edward fell in love with the old Bella — the Bella who wasn’t stunningly, vampiricly beautiful, the Bella who just loved him for who he was despite him being a vampire. If I was Edward, I wonder if I would ever miss the fragile Bella I fell in love with.
And then Bella has a wonderful thought:
“Perhaps my sense of security was false, but I did feel pretty good about not killing anyone today.”
Good job Bella. You stepped outside and nobody died.
Question For The Comments: If you were a newborn vampire, what do you think you would like to hunt first? Lion? Elk? (Human?! *hides*) ?
– Michael Welch (Mike Newton from the Twilight movie) is in an upcoming movie called “Unrequited” and just appeared in a behind-the-scenes video for it on YouTube! Check it out here.
110 Responses
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I probably wouldnt have as much self control as Bella so sadly I'd have to say human *sigh* Oh well, I'll try and avoid you Kaleb ;]
btw the vampires name in Eclipse was Bree 🙂
I love Plumb's Music! that's so awesome =)
Hmmm…What I would hunt first?…..Tiger…lol don't ask me why
i LOOOVE plumb! Her songs are on all of my Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and BD soundtracks i made for my iPod. but im always sadden that no one has really heard of her, dispite her talent. im so glad that other twilight fans like her, and even more happy about her next album!!! can't wait! songs for the Eclipse soundtrack maybe…….?
i wasn't surprised at all when Bella was able to control her thirst better than any regular newborn. Afterall she's been living with the idea of being a vampire for nearly 2 years. She actually CHOSE to be a vampire, probably the only person in the world who has ever done that. that has to change something. these other new borns didn't know what was happening to them and thier thirst took them off guard i guess. But Bella knew what to expect, so she could handle it better.
hmmm…if i were a new born what would i eat first….? i like other people's suggestions of sharks. that sounds cool. and i've always wanted to breath under water (or at least not HAVE to breathe while under water). oooh!! i just got a better idea! giant squid! now THAT would be a fair challenge!!!! it's too bad that most of the challenging animals are endangered……dangit
As always Kaleb… thanks for the laughs! If I was a vampire, I would be vegetarian all the way. I dunno why, but I kinda like the thought of vampires seeming human in some ways. I would probably want lions… or elks. Who knows?
I like penguins! *gasp* they r so cute
i never thought about Bella's clumsiness being because she's on “slow-motion”. Hmm, interesting. Either way, its nice that Bella finally knows where she belongs.
as always I love reading the humor you put into breaking dawn 🙂 But the question… hmmm… well i would definitey be a vegetarian but maybe hunt lions i guess??
Kaleb, thanks for the chapters. Haven't commented in awhile, but you're doing an amazing job.
I always thought that if Bella were turned into a vampire her clumsiness would be augmented. That would be her “power” along the lines of Edward's mind reading and Alice's visions and Esme's love.
…And in the center ring we have Bella Cullen. Faster than a speeding bullet and capable of leveling tall buildings in a single fall.
I just have this image of whole towns being destroyed because Bella pays them an innocent visit. Now THAT'S a super power. 🙂
The new born vampire girl is (or was) Bree
Ok…. I think the next thing: If you could eat or hunt anything or anybody, I probably will eat to my ex!!!! hahahhaa
The new born vampire girl is (or was) Bree
Ok…. I think the next thing: If you could eat or hunt anything or anybody, I probably will eat to my ex!!!! hahahhaa
Yay, a nice long post!
First, the newborn vampire from Eclipse was named Bree.
Second, hunting in stilettos doesn't really sound that bad, actually. I can run decently in four inch heels. (That was a really interesting end-of-the-year school dance.)
ANYWAYS, I would definitely be a vegetarian vampire, though I'd probably be too distracted by everything to even hunt for a few days. But I think I'd go for something easy, like deer. Or swim the ocean and test out a shark. XD
This is going to sound really sick, but yeah….I would eat a human. I would probably try to control my thirst….
I wouldn't go down the veggie path…i would most likely start eating the bad humans. Like break into a prison or something and take my food on the way out….eat them once i'm out of sight……
wel maybe i read to much into it, but for me it makes sences. And i agree with you that it is nice that Bella finally know where she belangs.
BAHAHAHAHA! Good point, I'd eat my ex, too!
Lets see…well I am already a vegetarian in human form. I love animals so much I can't BARE even the thought to eat an animal. I'd go for the humans…the bad humans anyway. And I LOVE Plumb. I've been listening to her for so long! My mom played “In My Arms” for me when I was younger.
OH! Question for anyone who can answer! Since I am a vegetarian….would that be like eating a deer? Since I'm not carniverous? Would that make me less tasty to the vampires???
i would probably hunt a human. Oo because i know that i woudn't be that strong to control myself.
If I was a newborn and was going on my first hunt, I would definitely go for a huge kill. Something like a lion, or perhaps an elephant if I was in the vicinity of one, just because now I COULD. Now I could take on anything and win, so my first kill would be huge. I couldn't bear the thought of eating a human; even transformed, it would be bad to me. If I was to eat a human, though, just to try it–because at one point in my forever-existance I would want to–I would go after a bad human, somebody horrible, so it would be like they deserved to die instead of me taking a life.
Hmmm, some human that deserves to die….. Spencer Pratt comes to mind. Scratch the elephant, I'll save that for the second hunt; Spencer Pratt is my first kill.
if i was a newborn i would kill a mountain lion like edward lol. not just because its his favorite but since its a carnivore and like edward says they smell better. lol.. i agree with alexi about the spencer pratt thing cause he is f-ingg ANNOYING! hahaha. but i would definitely be a vegetarian. 🙂
the newborn in eclipse is bree. lol if you wanted to know! 🙂
I'd definately go after some predator like a mountain lion or something. I hate to say this, but I don't know if I'd be able to be as strict a vegitarian as Bella. I don't see myself having self control that good, even if I was prepared for the change. So I might end up killing a person, even though I'd hate myself for the rest of my eternal life for it.
Lion, or something similar, just because I think that would be very cool to suddenly be able to go after lions and have *them* be afraid of *you* instead of the other way around.
Funny – I had a dream the other night I was a vampire. It was very realistic. I remember eating some regular food by accident and later coughing it up because I obviously couldn't digest it. In the dream, I was very “blood thirsty” which kind of gave me a new perspective on how not-so-awesome it would be to become a vampire. It was kinda scary. But to answer Kaleb's question about what I would want to hunt first – I would want to hunt whatever was closest to get it over with so I could move on to MUCH better things like alone time with Edward. 🙂
I found it very interesting that Bella had so much self-control. But, she was prepared to become a vampire, so maybe that's why…I don't know.
I think it's interesting to see Bella blooming and gaining confidence. I think Edward always saw her that way, even when she stumbled. She was a lot stronger than anyone gave her credit for – I mean, come on, she gave birth to a vampire/human hybrid!! lol
As far as my first vampire meal…Lion, but without the great self-control, human. ha ha
OMGosh! Could I be any later to read this, haha!
Anyway, this is probably one of funniest posts ever. I thought the exact same thing after she said she didn't kill anyone, like do you want a standing ovation or something. I also wondered the same thing about B&E's relationship, but you'll find out soon enough.
I would probably go with lion, I guess. Oh, & the girl's name is Bree. 🙂
yeah, her name WAS bree. cool name.
hahaha. that post was funny as always. : )
i would prolly start off with a deer because its pretty small compared to other things. then i would want to go to a lion or something big.
and the girls name is Bree (:
Aww your almost done! Lol. Well, I have to say that the reason Edward did not let Bella go with him on hunts when she was human was because he looses control and could eat her. = (
Well, if I was a newborn vampire, I would totally try my best to be a “vegetarian”. I think I would most likely be like Bella and not loose control. I would definitly hunt a Mountain Lion first. Edward's favorite. ; )
I agree Alexi! Spencer Pratt would definitely be on my list too! (And Heidi, come to think of it…can't stand those people, they're why I stopped watching “The Hills” last year)
i would want to hunt a lion, but i think i'd finally hunt a human…hehe *evil laugh*
no seriously, it would be a very interesting experince.
ps: j/k i'm not mental haha
I guess we have to take into consideration that this is all Stephenie Meyer's vampire world. I've never read any other vampire books (Sookie Stackhouse is on my list, but it's on hold at the library at the moment), so are they all the same? Sucking blood of human vs. of an animal? Sounds like a dumb question, and maybe it is, but it's just my first vampire book/experience so I don't know how it all works!! So for me, I guess if I was to become a vampire of the Meyer world, I would try and be like the Cullens. Doesn't sound as appealing as humans, but I definitely would want to avoid as many as possible (except maybe the criminals). Something like lion or bear sounds slightly better than deer, although of course it's good to be aware of the populations of these animals too 😉
After having read the first three books, I knew that when/if Bella became a vampire that she would be different than the others. Meyer describes her as different from the beginning- that her brain “doesn't work” properly (to which Jacob replies that he already knew that), and that she was also very mature, and an “old soul” for a teenage girl. I think that, as already mentioned, her knowing about the Cullens for a while, and knowing that at some point she would become one of them, helped her too!
“There’s a lot riding on Bella jumping out that window with Edward, too. It’s almost symbolic — a lot like what Edward did with her the first time she came to his house.”
*gasp^ KALEB. NATION. I certainly hope that I am wrong, but I do believe that you have made the terrible mistake of confusing the movie with the book. I would like to point out to you that in Twilight the BOOK, Bella does not go out a window with Edward the first time she goes to his house. She does that in the MOVIE. I. Am. Appalled.
It's okay though, I still love you. X-D
At this point, my guess was that Bella had known what was coming, she had heard all the stories about newborns and even seen one (Bri). These all scared her, these images, which is why she insisted on having a human honeymoon with Edward, because she was afraid her love for him wouldn't be back for many many years during her thirst for blood. With all this in mind, when she opened her eyes and felt the burn, the human fear she had of being crazed jumped in and took control, making her able to unconsciously control her animalistic nature.
I would probably hunt like a jaguar or something wild, cause it would be more fun to play with.
rofl!! He did! He did! In the book Edward races through the trees with Bella on his back.
Something to keep in mind about Bella self control. She is one of the very few vampires who was turned on purpose with her full knowledge. She was prepared on what to expect and what to watch out for. Unlike most vampires who are human one moment and after a traumatic experience burning (literally) with thirst the next. Bella really is a very self contained sort of person as it is. She isn't one to freak out and lose control even when she was mortal, so is it really any surprise she is also contained as a newborn? She did not want to be like Bri. She doesn't want to worry her family and she doesn't want them to be disappointed in her.
As for Edward. His opinion of the whole thing is coming. The next chapter cracked me up.
I would definitely hunt humans. Bad ones. Like the Vampire Lestat. The reason being that I find the killing of animals disgusting. I know it sounds odd, but I value animal life more than bad humans! And no I'm no hippy tree hugger. I just love animals, especially cats (domestic and wild) and that part where she kills the mountain lion was the most disturbing scene in all of the novels. I always skip over it when I reread the novel.
I think that Bella has more self-control than the other vampires because she wanted to be changed. Unlike the others, they had no choice in the matter. Bella chose to be a vampire. Also the name you were looking for, for the newborn in Eclipse was Bree. But it seems as though some of your other reviewers have bet me to it. You are correct a little with the venom. Edward injecting his venom into Bella’s heart did increase the transformation but I don’t think that it contributed to her self-control.
Now to the question, I really don’t know. This probably depends on what type of vampire group I was changed into. For example if a Cullen changed me than I would probably eat a deer first because their lifestyle is different. Although now knowing about the types of vampires the vegetarian vampire sounds the best for me. I don’t ever want to kill a human being and although I know that anyone is capable of doing it. I don’t want to! I say deer because for me I would probably pick a deer over an Elk or Mountain Lion.
wow – You're a Plumb fan? Lol, this is the first time I've hopped onto your site and was surprised to read that! I have CandyCoatedWaterDrops which came out forever ago, and I thought that Plumb had gone off the radar and broken up? But I guess she just went solo after a hiatus? This is big news. Thanks for the heads up! Now I will read more about your Twilight take. Thanks!
so besides the possibility of killing a human, i would hunt a cheetah. to fun faster then the fastest animal in the world would be great. then i would tackle it and attack it, but we don't need to think about that scene. lets think about dancing cats.
Have a nice day Kaleb. =D
Umm. I'd probably go for the first large…thing-on-four-legs-with-blood. No humans, though.
For all intents and purposes (or is that INTENSIVE purposes, can't remember) I think that drinking a human's blood when you're a vampire is technically cannibalism–you used to be a human, and still APPEAR human for the most part.
…That kinda just popped into my head.
Ummmmm……… you sound like you already are a vampire……. EVERYONE!!!! RUN!!! HIDE!!!!!!!!!
I'd find a grizzly bear to wrestle! Yum!
hmmmm i would hunt for MY lion if you know what i mean lol….like edward mayb lol'''' yummmmmmm
Okay i confess, if i was a vampire i would probablly eat a human first=) but after that i would eat lions
the name of the new born in eclipse was BREE.
Edward told her from the beginning that if he was just worried about scaring her he'd take her ASAP he's afraid of hurting her!
AGH! Unrequited?! My friend's step-dad is directing that movie! He's met Michael Welch and everything. I was secretly jealous.
Dude that post was hilarious….I totally was killing myself laughing. If I were a newborn who was in the Cullen Family then I'd go straight for as much mountain lions as I could find. However if I was made a vampire by the normal ones or a Volturi member…then of course I'd be all for the humans lol. I'd give in to the thirst in a heart beat.
Kaleb after you're done with Breaking Dawn you must leave the site on and then do movie commentary on scenes and tie them into the book….seriously I can't bare to loose you at this point lol. Think about it!
so, you know who playradioplay! is?
you are my new favourite person Kaleb Nation.
it is quite the perfect song for this chapter, i have to say.
ps, i finally got that poster in the mail !!
YAY for having your signaturee <3
yea i wasnt sure how to spell it, hence the (i think that's how it was spelled) lol thanks for the correction!! 😀
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