The song for this chapter is Crazy by Gnarls Barkley
It is easy to forget that Bella hasn’t been given much chance to hold her own child, because her thirst seems to have consumed the past two chapters so much that it’s almost like she didn’t even have a daughter at all. Usually one would at least expect Bella to demand to see her baby for a little more than the few seconds she had, especially considering the devotion she showed to the baby all through the pregnancy. This whole thirst for blood thing is far too distracting.
I don’t even know what I would do if my child’s preferred diet consisted entirely of blood. I mean, this is somewhat understandable if the only baby food available was something like
but when you change this to
I’m not exactly sure how well the general public would react. Especially if Renee decides to babysit for an hour or two, and little Renesmee gets hungry.
I want to let out a great sigh of ‘FINALLY” when Bella realizes that her relationship with Jacob has changed. Before this moment, it was obvious she loved him. It was impossible for her to let him go, even to let him out of her sight. Even after she married Edward there was a piece of her that was still with Jacob, this little part of her that meant she could never fully be Edward’s because she still had feelings for someone else. If she loved Jacob, then fine: go with Jacob – but don’t keep both of them hanging on to you. Now, however, things are suddenly how they should be:
“…I noticed that the strange need I’d felt for him before I’d changed was completely gone. He was just my friend, the way it was supposed to be.”
It reminds me of the earliest times she had with Jacob, in New Moon: those times where they were just having fun as friends, even though it was obvious that Jacob had always wanted more than that. Now, it is such a sudden change of heart that the conspiracy theorist within me wonders of Jacob is actually sincere in how he is acting. He has flipped over like a card on a windy day. We have Edward standing there, hold Bella right in front of him, and he doesn’t so much as react in the slightest, besides laugh a bit. It’s all almost too good to be true, how things between Bella and Jacob might actually, finally, be working out. It’s like he really just wants to be friends now. If this goes on, even I wouldn’t have a problem with Jacob sticking around Bella.
I like it that Renesmee has this power of communication, as odd as it may be for a baby to actually have these powers. It’s very different than usual, because vampires’ powers were supposed to be a glorification of some ability they had before they transformed. If Renesmee was born half-vampire, her powers aren’t really something from who she was before, because she never was someone before. It’s really impossible then to know what to expect from her, because she is essentially one of the first (if not the first) of her kind.
A lot of people made comments on my post for Chapter 18 which went something along the lines of:
To which I replied:
even though it is oh-so-obvious what happened then, especially considering all the talk of ‘imprinting’ and Jacob’s sudden and unexpected change of heart at the end of that chapter. Now, it’s even more obvious, because suddenly JACOB of all people is trying to protect little Renesmee, when not so long ago he wanted nothing more than to kill the baby so that Bella wouldn’t hurt anymore. What happened?!?!
Yes, I know.
I don’t know exactly how to react to this news, and I quite honestly haven’t known what I would write when this chapter finally came. I’ve known for quite a while that Jacob imprints on Bella’s daughter (how can I not know, it’s on every forum and chatroom I visit). So I will give my commentary in the following format by displaying my play-by-play reaction to Bella and Jacob’s confrontation:
“You didn’t,” I snarled at him. OH NO YOU DIDN’T, JACOB BLACK!
“You know it’s not something I can control.” UH-HUH.
“You stupid mutt! How could you? My baby!” PUNCH HIM BELLA! DO IT!
“It wasn’t my idea, Bella!” UH-HUH, RIGHT IT WASN’T.
“How dare you imprint on my baby? Have you lost your mind?” A WELL DESERVED QUESTION, JACOB.
“It was involuntary!” … SAVE IT FOR THE JUDGE.
And that was my reaction. Both of them have reasonable points (Bella’s obviously more reasonable than Jacob’s). I don’t really know what to say, honestly. I don’t feel comfortable with the idea of a teenager who loved Bella to change suddenly into loving her toddler daughter. It just seems icky – but this is when the situation is given only a cursory glance. The ickyness is made less with Jacob’s point: would Edward have let him live that long if he had anything other than safe and good intentions? Edward can read all of his thoughts, so despite what any other human or vampire there thinks, Edward would really know what Jacob is thinking. I know that this is an understandably large dividing point in the Twilight fandom, but if we can accept that Edward is a vampire, and accept that Jacob is a werewolf, and that Renesmee is half vampire, can we not also accept the fact that Jacob imprinted on a baby?
Still, I obviously don’t blame Bella at all for lunging at Jacob’s throat at the end of this chapter. Oh I do hope he doesn’t get hurt too badly!
Question For The Comments: Do you think it was alright for Jacob to imprint on Renesmee?
– The ReelzChannel Twicon Fan Corrospondant contest is in its FINAL week! There are five amazing finalists who are up for a chance to go to Twicon (July 30 – August 2), and YOU can vote on who you think should go! They’re all so talented it’s hard to pick, but Dominique Alexis is a long-time TwilightGuy reader who mentioned she would love your vote 😉 Click here to watch their videos and vote!
75 Responses
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I really wish I liked her lyrics…
I like the song but I'm not so sure about it with the River Flows In You by Yiruma… It kind of feels a bit forced… I think it would sound better with out it.
I agree. I don't like the lyrics. LOVE the music though. It's Bella's Lullaby in my heart:)
I love it!
I don't really like the lyrics. But I LOVE River Flows in You.
Same here. BUT, if it was in the movie I think it would be perfect in the scene after Sam finds Bella in the woods & brings her back to the house & she can hear the doctor & Charlie talking about Edward leaving. Just my two cents. 😀
the lyrics are ok, but they dont really seem new moon-ish to me at all. the background is perfect for Bella's Lullaby, though. better than the one from the movie
I don't know, the lyrics seemed to be forced and the whole Ben and Jerrys thing just seemed wrong. I don't know. The woman has a terrific voice, but i really think the lyrics should be changed and that someone should help her out. It just didn't sound right to a river flows in you.
Im not very fond of the lyrics
But I adore the orchstra parts that you can hear in the background..
Such an amazing song, though!
I don't understand what she means with “I wish you had never lied” ?
Its ok. :/
Hi, Just thought I'd clarify some of the lyrics for you guys 🙂
The Ben &Jerry's thing; totally agree. See my youtube comments about this. (You are not the only ones to react :))
'I wish you'd never lied': Edward tells her he'll stay with her “Where else would I go”. She has finally started trusting that he will not go, and then he does. This shatteres her completely in New Moon. That he said he would never leave only makes it harder to bear.
Atleats this was my intention with the lyric.
I'm not really crazy about the lyrics, But I love the way the vocal part sounds.
The music should be Bella's Lullaby. The lyrics are…
I don't like the way the vocals sound. I mean her voice is good, but the tune of the lyrics isn't very nice…Is this making any sense? =
But again, the music is MUCH better than what Carter Burwell composed as Bella's Lullaby. I really don't know what he was thinking when he composed it, it's not very good. Not to mention the strings and other instruments that he added in the background was just un-Edward-ish. It didn't sound good at all. Not anything like a lullaby.
Lol we should all start a petition to make River Flows in You the official Bella's Lullaby. =P
I was somewhat nervous to watch this, thinking it might ruin the song (River flows..) for me, but it actually sounded quite beautiful. I didn't really like some of the lyrics. I would honestly cry if I heard River flows in you in New Moon, cause I love that song so much. I do, however, love Carter Burwell's Bella's Lullaby and I wouldn't change it. If the song got in New Moon, IMO it should be shortly after Edward leaves her and she's in that depression.
I think the song should stay instrumental, it's beautiful that way. Not digging the lyrics.
It's alright. It would fit New Moon — but without the singing.
The instrumental part is perfect on its own.
Am I the only one who thinks the lyrics are really, really, really pretty? I mean, the lyrics don't have to be exact to New Moon. Look at the Twilight Soundtrack: some of the lyrics to “Flightless Bird, American Mouth” lyrics go something on the lines of “But when the cops closed the fair, I cut my long baby hair, watching the young boys and girls…” And don't get me started on “Super Massive Black Hole.”
Anyway, the lyrics are great, as well as Anne Manda's voice, which is super pretty. I love the instrumental version to this song (I actually played it at my piano recital). It would be find by itself in the film. But, if you want vocals to it, than this is about as good as it gets. Nice work. 🙂
I personally think she has a great voice and that her lyrics are very original, but that they simply do not flow with the piano. Yiruma did such an amazing job on this piece, and in so many ways it doesn't need lyrics to speak to people and to portray what it means. If the song did have lyrics and vocals though, unfortunately I do not think these would be it.
As far as the need for this song to have been Bella's lullaby in Twilight, I do not agree with that entirely. This piece is beautiful, and would have worked beautifully in the movie (better than what was used in my opinion) but I actually came across a piece better suited. Truthfully, my friend came across it. My friend happened to stumble across the piece Robert Pattinson wrote and played that was at one time planned to be used in the movie. Many fans will remember that Rpatz's piece was replaced, but also remember that it was never released.
For those of you who agree that the current Bella's lullaby is not at all what you dreamed it to be, know that Rpatz would have fulfilled expectations over and above the calling.
I will admit that Anne is good singer but the lyrics don't fit with the song or any moments in the saga. If she is able to compose her own music with the lyrics she could have a good career ahead of her.
If you listen closely you'll notice that's it's actually more singing, not other instruments.
Btw I also agree with you Bella Raymond
Tough crowd. I like the music, I like the lyrics. I get it, the Ben and Jerry's thing. You know, like how women are always drowning themselves in a bucket of ice cream when they have a break-up.
I think it fits in somewhere totally different than everyone else, though. I like it when he's back, and she wakes up in bed with him but thinks it's all just a dream and that he's not really there..
i have this song as a ringer on my phone (minus the words) and it actually wakes me up every morning *such a great way to wake up* but a kid at my work told me it was “Esme's Melody” *shrugs* i really LOVE the music… the lyrics idk about just yet… im a very lyrical person and songs that i love i usually love right away… these lyrics didn't hit me the way i hoped they would… i'd have to vote no…
Oh okay, I never thought about that with the “I wish you'd never lied” line. That makes more sense. I think if you tweaked the lyrics a little bit (mainly the Ben and Jerry's one) it would be really good. 🙂 You've got my vote for the New Moon soundtrack!
I love the original version, but not this one. I think this song should be in the cliff diving scene when Bella is about to jump off the cliff and listening to Edward's voice. =) I can't wait for New Moon!
First of all, this song isn't right for New Moon at all.
I envisioned it being Bella's lullaby — not that I don't like the one in the movie, but I always thought it fits equally well.
It's too upbeat and happy for New Moon.
Actually this one would be good for when Bella sees Edward again at Volterra. So the
music will make the scene sound light but also sad. just my two cents. =D
I understand the lyrics (aside from the Ben & Jerry bit?), but I don't really like them. The way she's put them into the song is good and the vocals are really good too. But the lyrics… Not my favourite lyrics in the world. I think they're too obvious in most cases. But then again, I prefer my lyrics when you have to think to get the meaning, not the outright “i love you” shiz.
As for when in the movie? I agree with Jenny. When Bella is running through Volterra looking for Edward and when she finds him. The last chorus could be played while they have her running in slow-motion and then the song could just end when she finally gets to him, but she has to slow to a walk otherwise it would ruin the effect. Unless, they play the last chorus right when she hit into him. *shrugs* who knows!
I mean it was good, but she should just make a separate song with it and not mix it in with this piece. It just didn't fit to well. She has an amazing voice I must say! I'm kind of iffy about it…
umm i guess i like it but im not sure about the “Ben & Jerry's” line…idk
I agree with dani, how they play the last chorus right when Bella hits Edward–I can envision it already!
As for the lyrics…not so sure they would fit into the movie. What would also be good is if they play the beginning, slow chorus during the part thats like “october…november…december…january” however they decide to do it in the movie, and then the last chorus when Bella runs into Edward…that would be AWESOME!
I would die if the background of this song (River Flows In You) would be the official Bella's Lullaby and we could just forget about that other song 😛 jk it was good but River Flows in You is so much more like a lullaby.
Someone mentioned that the strings and other instruments that Carter Burwell put in didn't make his version of the lullaby sound anything like a lullaby…try listening to it, but block out the other instruments…I think I heard somewhere they have that version on a cd or something…in my opinion, that is when that song would sound like a lullaby.
First of all, this singer has a gorgeous voice, and I'm very impressed with her singing. Hopefully if this song doesn't cut it, she can do some other song in New Moon!
Good points of the lyrics: I actually like that they don't really relate to the story. It would feel very awkward to me if it was something like The Mitch Hansen Band songs, with lyrics that are obviously written ABOUT the characters. I also like how the vocals fit in between the melody of the piano, so it almost sounds like it was written with that vocal line in the first place.
Bad points: I don't like the chorus much, especially the line “What if we'd kept it light”. I don't understand that lyric. And it needs some variation on one of the repeats, so the melody of the chorus doesn't get boring (and also for the singer to show off some of her skills ;)).
Best of luck getting this song in the movie, Anne!
I love the lyrics!!!
The lyrics are… well, like a crappy teenage emo poem, really. I think the lyrics are poor. I also have some issues with the vocals, they clash too much with the general undertone of “River Flows In You” in certain places.
However, I think “River Flows In You” is a MUCH BETTER piano piece to represent Bella's Lullaby than the one composed for the movie.
Overall, it has so much potential, but the lyrics need work, and a few fixing of the vocal line, perhaps better studying the original piano score to write a better harmony.
The lyrics are pretty creative to me. Maybe not for New Moon though. I absolutley love what she did with the video and I guess she might have edited it. Her voice blends in so well and without that, Idk if I would have loved it. Sounds like a professional studio recording. Yes, I guess it could fit with the soundtract. I loved it on there; mainly everything on the Twilight soundtrack was a rock kind of thing, in my oppinion. The rock music isn't horrible but it just isn't my field.
Rivers Flows in you is great. I hope I can recreate lyrics for Rivers Flows in you
Ben and Jerrys?
That sort of killed it for me…
As an amateur musician and composer, I can totally appreciate the melody that Anne added to this. The musicality and harmonies are awesome. And she has a fabulous voice! I think the lyrics need a little bit of work, but it's a great start. Honestly, even though I like most, felt this was in my heart Bella's Lullaby, I could almost see this song as a running theme for Bella's relationship with Jacob. “what if we'd kept it light?” instead of getting in so deep with each other, you know?
All in all, I think it's a pretty great attempt that has some possibilities. And Anne, your voice is beautiful.
i reallly liked it. but i think it would not be perfect for new moon. the music in twilight was great bc it kinda gave more of a mood effect rather than a listen to the vocals and words effect. i love twilights music bc its great background music, but i cant just focus on it alone. with this song though, it demands your full attention. does that make sense? i think it would fit into the movie best (if at all) when bella is in her room after edward left and she sinks to the floor after finding that he removed all traces of himself from her room. (ie: his photos and his cd). oh and the singer does a great job 😀
She has a beautiful voice, but these lyrics are completely out of place. Not only do parts of them not apply to New Moon, but they sound very contrived, a kind of recycling of all other generic songs about lost love. I love the vocals, however. I think she should keep working on different lyrics, and stick to finding new melodies, instead of using existing ones.
YES YES!!!! Your Are So Right!!!
I agree with many of you. I love the lyrics, and I love the music, I just don't think they belong together. I think that if she has a different melody behind it, it would be fantastic.
I would LOVE to see this after Bella jumps off the cliff and is in the water. The lyrics would give the moment the meaning its supposed to have without the actual characters saying anything. Beautiful. 🙂
I'm sorry, but to me it really seems like she's singing a melody while playing another one… the vocal (though of high quality) and the piano solo “show” two completely different music themes: they live on their own and never really become one.
is there really a lyric with Ben & Jerry in it? awful.
Hm.. the lyrics seemed to be forced on the song. They're beautiful seperately :D!
If you want to hear a song that's totally about new moon listen to “Why” by secondhand serenade. It's Jacob singing about Bella and Bella singing about Edward. Amazing!!!
Go here to listen to it!!
Where did you find that piece?? I have been dying to hear it ever since I found out that he wrote one!!
Eh… she has a nice voice, but 'River Flows in You' is an incredible song by itself. No lyrics are needed–that's what makes it so beautiful. That being said, I absolutely would NOT want it to be Bella's lullaby, though I don't like what they're currently using, either.
I don't think I like the lyrics… the music is gorgeous, though, and more of what I expected when I read the book–more piano, less stringed instruments, like what Edward would have played. The words are nice and all, but seem forced with the music, like someone said earlier.
You took the words out of my mouth!
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