Stephenie Meyer’s Advice For Writers! [Video]
Can’t see it? Click here. Stephenie Meyer tells her biggest piece of advice for writers! Also check out my other interviews with Stephenie from the red carpet of NEW MOON: Stephenie Meyer On TWITTER? Stephenie Meyer’s Picks For Twilight Soundtrack Bands!
Reading Breaking Dawn: Chapter 17 (What Do I Look Like? The Wizard Of Oz? You Need A Brain? You Need A Heart? Go Ahead. Take Mine. Take Everything I Have)
The song for this chapter is Shape Of My Heart by Sting [audio:] I am slowly becoming convinced that the above illustration is an accurate representation of how these chapters got to be named. I’m actually quite enjoying these long chapter titles, despite the fact that they span multiple lines across my screen and thus […]
Reading Breaking Dawn: Chapter 15 (Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock)
The song for this chapter is Rebirthing by Skillet [audio:] After being greatly amused that it is considered national news when Stephenie closed her Myspace* I have come to the conclusion that the entertainment industry at large will now report on any and all stories that contain the words Twilight, Stephenie, Meyer, Robert, or Pattinson. […]
TwilightGuys Report: Stephen King Or Stephenie Meyer?
STEPHEN KING OR STEPHENIE MEYER? My story is very unusual. I am a junior in high school, and one day for English class, our whole class had to pick a book that you would have to take a test online for. I had forgotton my school ID card, so unfortunately for me, I could not […]
Almost Better
I’m finally into that last stage of being sick, where it’s mostly coughing and sore sides because of it. This is an obvious sign of Not-Swine-Flu. We can celebrate. Meanwhile, due to bedridden boredom but lack of energy, I’ve been trying to update things. The F.A.Q. page has been completely updated and moved, to be […]