There you go: Mr. and Mrs. Cullen are real 😀 . This week’s awesome TwilightGuy Reporters get a men’s Runs With Vampires shirt from!
My Review of THE HOST Movie! Featuring Stephenie Meyer
So now that the final movie in The Twilight Saga is out… what’s next? If you’re looking for another epic film based on a Stephenie
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aww that’s sooo cute! =]
that was cool!
now all the Cullens in the world will mobbed by twilight-infected people! (including me..haha..)
awwwww that’s so cute!
I agree with Piper!
That is just the sweetest thing.
Now, I want to know what happens to the boy whose parents named him Edward Cullen many years ago and now, 20 or so years later he’s a young bachelor living in a Twilight world.
Hee Hee Hee! That’s hilarious!
I looked up my name on (and I live in the US) but it came up with zero. My last name didn’t even show up, so I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a Leah Clearwater somewhere.
tehe that made me smile, espically the red velvet cake part! how cute, Ms. Meyer should know that shes helping people fall in love =D
That’s so cute. What would make it even better would be if his last name was Hale. 😉
Oh my good that’s the cutest thing I’ve ever heard.
That’s AWESOME! Ome… I wanna marry a Cullen XD That would be freakin’ amazing! LUCKY GIRL!
ohmigod that is sooo cuteeeeee!!!!!
Haha, that’s so cool. I especially love that her name is Rosalie. How great it would be if his was Emmett… The woman who helped me sign up for a course at my college’s last name was Cullen… I was totally spazzing out.
lol aw, that’s cute.
And I looked up my own name on that “” site and there is only one person with my real name. Totally weird…and unique I guess.
What are the odds? This reminds me of that other story you posted of the Hale couple who named their fraternal twins Jasper and Rosalie 🙂 If these two have children, five bets they’d name them Alice, Edward, Emmett, Esme or Carlisle. I know I would anyway! 😛 What origin is “Cullen”, anyway? I’d never heard it before the series…but it’s just so striking. What a great name!
Sigh, stories like this help fuel those tiny fantasies of meeting one’s own Edward. Ever get those feelings after reading the books that just none of the males in your life are good enough?? HAHA! Stephenie Meyer: Single-handedly Altering the Relationships of the World.
Awwwwwww, that’s SO sweet! Wouldn’t we all die for a good love story? =]
geez. i think the gods are on her side that day. 🙂 how very lucky..
oh my gosh that is too freaking cute.
how a book can make you obsessed about anything Cullen, even the last name itself.
that is so cute! 😀 This made me smile! Good luck 🙂
I am SOOO finding someone with the last name cullen…
or black…
whichever…either way.
haha kidding!
no but seriously.
That is absolutely awesome! lol
oh amazing! what a beautiful sotry! I WANT AN EDWARD CULLEN NOW XD
Greetings from uruguay
hummm i said sotry and i mean story XD
I find this extremely amusing… mostly because my parents are also Mr and Mrs Cullen. In fact, my Grandma was called Esme Cullen. I would run around celebrating that fact, but unfortunately for me, the majority of people in the UK would have no idea why I was acting so insanely haha. It’s still kinda cool anyway.
wow…I am so jealous… my friend jasper’s last name in cullen and I love to let anyone I meat (that knows about twilight..which is almost all of them) that his jame is jasper cullen. haha. I even forced them to read the books…and he loved them.
OMC! That rocks!
PS: Vesper, I want to meet your friend Jasper Cullen.
Here’s a great Stephenie Meyer giveaway!
OMG! that`s amazing! vesper I also want to meet that Jasper Cullen, I bet he`s lucky with the girls!
how CUTE is that!
Fate lead her to read the books, which made her want to go out with that Cullen guy at her work 🙂 awww
I know i would marry him! haha Especially if my name was Rosalie, because shes my favorite!
Aww thats so cute ^^
Really funny too!
Man… I wish my last name was Cullen >.>
Im the sarah that commented a bit above haha. Too confusing.
Anyway, having the last name Cullen didnt use to be anything amazing and to be honest, it still feels normal for me cos most of my friends havent even heard of twilight (although Im working on that!).
In fact, the name was what helped me find out about Twilight. I thought “why do i keep seeing this guy with my surname spread across the internet? Who the heck is he anyway?” So i did my research and loved it!
This story’s still sweet though. What a novel way to bring two people together! I will share my surname with you guys if you like 🙂 haha.
Congrats Mr. and Mrs. Cullen!!! That is soooooo sweet I wish that would happen to me….
That is so romanatic. Awww!
that is just so sweet!!
That’s really cool. But the way it was written sonds like she used you for your last name. but I don’t believe that of course. Because I have yet to meet any Twilight fan so crazed. Sure there are some crazy obsessive ones out there. But none who would use someone for their last name. So I think it is a cute story!!!!!
wow, that is kinda cool!!
but a little extreme, but it it was real love, well then, all the better!!
i have never found any of the names of the characters.. yet! :]
awesome though
and it’s a cute story!!
aww thats completely amazing.
Oh my gosh, that his hilarious. wow
My last name is also Cullen and Twilight fans love me because of that. I started reading the book only because of the many people who begged me to read it and know what they were talking about! It’s funny!!! My parents are Mr. and Mrs. Cullen; and one my brothers’ middle name is Edward!!!! He’s 23, so girls drool over him because he’s Edward Cullen and a very handsome guy with dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes.
It’s sad that he gets girls because of this rather than for his amazing musical skills. lol!
He tries to keep his middle name a secret, but he found it impossible. . . My cousins are huge Twilight fans and are so proud of our very own Edward. No one else in our family has a name close to the Twilight’s Cullen family.
this story is ridiculously
l o v e l y.
One do you have a younger brother?
Or 2 will you consider adopting my boyfriend? seeing as well somehow someway my boyfriend is actually named Edward and my middle and actually used name is Isabella (although I had been using Izzy that has so changed now)(Jessie is like my stage/first name
Also hey people where is the love for Emmett he is by far my most favorite male after Edward of course then Jasper, Carlisle, so on and Jacob comes in at a screeching 23 Yes i even put marcus Ciaus aro and alec before him! oh and yea Kellan you are doing a great job considereing you have some mighty big shoulders to fill.
I work at a Drs office and one of the drs is Dr. Cullen, but his names not Carlisle and I’m pretty sure he’s human 🙂
lol thats really funny, theres not a lot of peolpe named rosealie
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