The song for this chapter is Where’d You Go by Fort Minor
Somehow, I have gotten hooked by New Moon within the first few chapters. When I should be working to cure my editingosis I am actually reading this book and wondering: have Edward and Bella really parted ways for good?
Time passes: the first two words of this chapter seem brutal and sharp in contrast to the flowing paragraphs Stephenie has written before. The thoroughness of Edwardβs disappearance has left Bella’s life in that state.Β There isnβt a trace that he was ever there, as if all that happened in Twilight and in the first three chapters of New Moon were just something that Bella imagined. After paging through the months, I am reminded of the way Bella was at one time, in the beginning of Twilight. It is like taking a time machine. I remember this Bella: sullen, quiet, just as she was before Edward.
With the months that have passed, however, it feels like the pain of Edward leaving has turned into a numbness. It’s like a constant ache to Bella that is so strong eventually she might forget about it being there.
I shuddered when Bella pulls out that calculus book. What a misery. I’m taking calculus this next semester, and being one who absolutely abhors all things involving the mathematics (besides adding royalties and paychecks), I nearly fainted flat when I discovered I have two courses of it. Oh joy (oh rottenness). Bella sums up my thoughts exactly:
Reading math was even worse than listening to it.
For some reason, when Bella asked Jessica who she had recently been out with, my eyes swept across the page, and I thought that Jessica had said she was out with a Yankie, instead of Eric Yorkie. Weird. Then, lo and behold, they head on off to get some food, passing by One-Eyed Pete’s:
The struggle that Bella goes through to get over Edward seems torturous. While she knows she will never get over him completely, the only way she can move on with her life is to move past what is gone, and leave the memories of Edward behind.
But at the same time, I see that Bella is holding onto Edward still. Her memories of them together were so strong that I find myself remembering parts of it as well. It is rather concerning when you think about the condition Bella has been left in. She is withdrawn and antisocial, and now she is seeing things that are not there and hearing voices in her head.
Because the books are so popular, I’ve been slightly spoilered already, and I know that somewhere along the lines, Jacob Black becomes important (apologies if I’ve been spoiled wrong and I’m incorrect). So I would really like to hear from those Jacob-lovers if Bella’s intense withdrawal from Edward is one of the reasons you think Jacob is better for her? Do you think she is too obsessively attached to Edward for the relationship to ever be good for her?
It seems to me that by the end of this chapter, Bella is already doing much better than she was before- though I can still feel that glimmer of hope that Edward will return, and that things will go back to how they were before. But simply getting out and doing something appears to have brightened Bella future somewhat. I guess there is something fulfilling in zombie films after all… π
– Again, I cannot reply to emails suggesting songs for New Moon. Please only submit them through the page linked in the right sidebar.
– Last week, I hit 1,500 subscribers on my Youtube! THANKS SO MUCH EVERYONE! I am currently #17 most subscribed this week in Partners, which was my first Youtube award, so if you haven’t already, please subscribe so I can stay up there!
– Someone asked to see a photo of my writing notebooks- it’s on my other blog.
292 Responses
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And, er, guys? The whole werewolf thing hasn’t exactly come into play yet..
be careful what you comment!
To all the people who keep reminding us that Bella and Edward are “soul mates?” That’s what we like to call an ex machina. It’s basically a way to legitimize Edward and Bella’s relationship without really having to develop it.
And on that note, let’s not forget that Bella and Jacob are soul mates too. I won’t say anything so as not to spoil it, but it’s contextually expressed in Eclipse.
I personally have nothing against Jacob as a character.. I just don’t see him as filling in that void where Edward once was. One of the things I loved about Twilight was Bella and Edward’s special connection. People who hate Edward for leaving and love Jacob for being there seem to take things at face value. And I have to say, Bella tried to move on at least. But the heart wants what the heart wants. Maybe Jacob is “healthier…” But who said that true love was always smooth, untainted, and “better?”
My opinion on the whole Edward/Jacob situation having read all the books so far is that while Edward may be the “love of Bells’s life” he (Edward) resists the idea of depriving her of any human experience because he knows what that feels like and so Jacob is “better for her”. Plus I do get a little uncomfortable at her all out obsession with Edward, it takes over everything in her life and I don’t know how healthy that is.
I love your blog, good luck to you on your writing.
Jacob Black is the best character ever! I am definitely a Team Jacob person (rare as it may be) and there are several reasons, but I’ll just give you one: Edward left Bella once, and he could do it again. Yeah, he thought it was what was best for her, but he was wrong, and when he thinks he is right, he does it, and doesn’t listen to logic. Jacob never leaves. He’s always there. Plus, he has the potential to be human, unlike someone else we know, and could give Bella a healthier life. But that’s besides the point. And yes, Edward is too much like a drug for Bella, hence my affiliation with Jacob.
That Edward felt totally justified in leaving Bella in a fit of lies illustrated a major flaw in his character and demonstrated the immaturity of B&E’s relationship with blinding clarity. Bella has an inferiority complex around Edward in Twilight, always wondering how he could love her, believing he is flawless, feeling flattered that such a “perfect guy” could be so interested in her, always waiting for him to see the light and leave her. Edward, too however, don’t forget, has the similar feelings of inferiority in their relationship but reversed. “I’m so evil for putting this perfect girl in danger. I’m a terrible person. I don’t deserve her.” etc etc. It’s actually quite ridiculous. They hate themselves but love eachother, and that is not a strong foundation for a healthy relationship. When Edward left Bella he was not performing “a pure act of selflessness” – he was controlling and proprietous. He treated Bella like a parent would, not like a lover; deciding what’s best for her without listening to her input in the matter. He never TALKED to her about what he was feeling, thinking – he simply decided what he felt was best and played the martyr. No matter how well intentioned he was, this demonstrates that though he loves Bella, he was not ready to contribute to a mature relationship with her. His treatment of Bella at this point reflects more his self-loathing than his love of her.
So yes, their relationship was flawed and doomed as it stood at the beginning of New Moon in all its Romeo and Juliet tragic self loathing filled passion – HOWEVER, the beauty of the end of New Moon (without spoilers), and more importantly, Eclipse, is that they both realise that communication and mutual respect is integral to their relationship, and the headlong desparate rush into molding into one person before fate intervenes no longer defines their relationship. Their decision to be together is no longer a desparate move to avoid losing the other, but since they already each lost the other and hence explored their other options, it is instead a more considered mature, adult choice.
Bella has frankly always been the “parent”, to Renee and also to Charlie (I dont know about you but I could never control/boss around/manipulate my parents the way Bella does Charlie and Renee. They would never be so passive a force in my life, believing every little lie I told them “to protect them”. Again she treats them like they are children and she the parent). She’s never had anyone truly take care of her and guide her, and hence I think she is kind of looking for that protective role model. What is Edward but a great parent, a principled, protective role model? π Thankfully really, he evolves into more of a partner than a parent. I know that having Jake as competition forces him to respect Bella and treat her as his equal in spirit, and he starts to respect her right to make her own decisions in life, even to chosing her love life in Eclipse mainly (no details for fear of spoilers). He doesn’t make her decisions for her anymore, but lets her pick every second who she wants to be with and respects her decision. Jake hence, would not only have been healthy for Bella, but was definately healthy for Bella and Edward’s relationship as well, forcing it to mature into something truer and more equal, based on mutual respect and the continuous desire to be together, rather than the fear of being apart. Though there is still enough of that that there is much more for them to work on as a couple. They still have to work more on getting over their inferiority complexes for them to really be able to trust eachother fully. π
So really, there are things I like and dislike about both Edward and Jacob (I’m nervous to go into too much detail about my thoughts on Jacob now since this is a path wrought with spoilers for now), but ultimately it is BELLA’S INFORMED CHOICE who to be with. She has a mind and is not just some object to be kept in a box and feared over getting stolen (as per edward), or to have her clear choice chucked aside because it is ‘irrational and obsessive and suicidal’ (as per jake). It’s her freaking choice. Let her choose her own path to happiness.
I am a Jacob Lover! But I do have to say that Edward is right for Bella( even though I dislike him)The important thing is that you should read this book with an open mind (knowing that you know Edward will come back you won’t have a problem)I just want you to read the book and understand Jacob and Bella’s friendship,it is quiet interesting.Also you get to learn more about the pack which I like the most π
I also agree with Corinne M about Edward being a drug. And i’ll give you one reason of my own, Jacob is Edwards PROBLEM!!!…so all you little fan girls out there that love Edward, think about it if Edward didn’t leave
Jacob would be a minor character just like he was in Twilight so it’s not Jacobs fault its your little Edwards fault.
*kept in a box of lies for fear of her getting hurt
i’m a team edward member all the way. he is bella’s true soul mate. i don’t hate jacob as much as i use too, but he is not bella’s soul mate. if she did happen to choose jacob over edward *gasp*, i’m afraid that jacob would find his truer soul mate if u know what i mean. also edward has had time to learn to have more self control and he is more mature. jacob hasn’t had much time and he could lose control more easily than edward could. jacob could end up hurting bella more than edward could. i don’t think edward and bella’s relationship is unhealthy. it just shows some people that the relationship and love bella and edward have is something they wished they could have in real life
and wow, I guess I can’t call myself a lurker anymore. π
I agree that there is too much debate going on here. Probably the reason for that is that the normal forums for this type of discussion are closed until Aug. 4th or something like that (to avoid Breaking Dawn spoilers).
Besides, I really doubt Kaleb has time to read all of this, as busy as he is right now. I’m just grateful that he is reading and commenting on the book…
I think that it is awesome that everyone has such varied opinions and ideas about the relationships in the books- makes the whole reading experience more interesting!
I totally agree with your post (#187)- you really summed up my view on the whole J/B paradox, but far more eloquently than I. π
I feel very lame right now, because i’m used to being in the first 50 or 75 comments….. the 210s is just bad.
I’m also starting to wonder if you’re even reading these comments, what with your editing and all.
But New Moon is actually kinda horrible in a way…. eh. I dont know. It’s really sad, and you kinda just want to skip through the whole thing. But dont. please. Important things happen in the middle. Important to Eclipse, I mean. and yes, it involves Jacob.
Just dont cry.
Also, eat pringles.
I don’t think anyone should say either way who is better at this point since Kaleb will never be able to decide until he read the entirety of this and the next book..
And also “I remember this Bella: sullen, quiet, just as she was before Edward.”
Just as she was??? Are you kidding me, Kaleb? No, friend. She is NOT just as she was. It was like she gotten a taste of the most amazing food ever, and then was jerked away from it and forced to only eat dirt from now on. Edward irrevocably changed Bella’s perception of the world in being so near to her. And so, his leaving and taking the evidence he ever existed with him did nothing but make things worse for her. That is the one thing Edward doesn’t understand… that he can’t ever leave Bella and think she’ll be the same as if he never had met her. It’s too late for that.
COME ON PEOPLE: Jacob lovers are all like, ‘he never left, he stayed with her, brings her life and all that crap’.
But what happens at the end of Eclipse people?!?!?!?… he becomes a little cry baby when he doesn’t get what he wants. He’s immature, and takes advantage of Bella when she’s at a really weak moment. She’s confused about her feelings, and Jacob’s constant babyness and whining doesn’t help his case at all…. well for me at least.
… I’m gonna get alot of hate towards this post aren’t I …
I don’t care either way. Some of you will agree, others will send the hate mail my way. But I stand by my thoughts.
Yes Edward has his flaws, and he’d be the first person to point them out to you. It’s Jacob’s cockiness and arrogance that really irritates me.
Face it people: Edward and Bella belong together. Team Jacob are fighting a losing battle… and have been since she first ‘flirted’ with him in Twilight.
Aww…. I’m sorry. Can’t really say anything yet… but I think you should wait until you finish the books to completely form your opinions…
Your stupid song choices had me crying. (it’s okay.)
But Bella’s situation is very complex in this book… I think it’s the most complex of the three. Anyway. Stick through it!
(P.S. I agree about the four-month thing. I thought that and the (technically, it’s the fourth chapter, even though it’s only a paragraph) were somewhat… jarring. Just the concept of all that time passing…. Like I said, this is the most complex out of the three, and it only gets even more so from here.)
The next few chapters are going to be the hardest, but you’ll make it through! Stephanie Meyer gave some very important advice when the book was first publish: Make sure you read New Moon twice! Why? because you get so hooked on Edward and Bella that you miss the importance of Jacob and Bella.
I guess I’m going to put my two cents in. Jacob is a great friend, but needs to be taken care of in a way. He’s immature. Even Bella describes herself as taking care of her immature mother, she cooks for her father who you can’t figure out how he lived so long on only fish, and all of a sudden Jacob… He’s too much like the people she’s always taken care of. Edward on the other hand is the first person in her life that takes care of her. Yes, right now he’s left her high and dry, but you don’t forget the person that completes you, and understands you – even more than you understand yourself. There are many ways in which Edward is not Bella’s equal, but they both understand what it is to take care of those around them, and those they love. This makes them equal; a perfect match. I hope people aren’t irate about my comment, but I feel Jacob needs somebody who is more like him. More, naturally, inclined to be spontanious.
My hubby pointed out to me at about this chapter. Why did she run that way? Edward had to go back for his car, he parked in Charlies spot… There’s a guy’s thoughts on it. π
To tell you the truth Kaleb, I never understood why everyone (or most people) hated Jacob. I personally really like him. Mind you, I’m on Team Edward. Sometimes though, I question myself why I’m on Team Edward (oh, there come the fangirls throwing rocks at me). I’ve heard opinions that state that Edward is like an empty, cold vessel, while Jacob if full of warmth. This makes me wonder why most people (myself included) are on Team Edward. Yes, he is amazingly perfect, but he’s cold and empty. And I don’t know about other people, but I like sunshine. That being said, I’m still on Team Edward. I don’t know why though. I guess there’s just something about him and Bella together that Jacob and Bella are lacking.
A word to all the Edward/Bella shippers out there:
E/B shippers are so frightened by even the most minuscule bit of competition that they feel the need to keep pointing out how Jacob has already lost to Edward’s perfection, and how Bella will never be with him.
J/B shippers, contrary to popular belief, know that Jacob has lost (SMeyer made that exhaustively clear). The only difference is that we don’t give a shit. We still think that Jacob’s the better choice: win, lose, or draw. And after the events in Breaking Dawn we’ll still think that, regardless of who wins. We simply believe that Jacob’s better, even when Edward gets the girl.
So you can continue to point out how this isn’t even a debate anymore because you’ve won, but we’ll be too busy to care.
Kaleb, once again an awesome post. To answer your question without truly spoiling the ending for you (like others have, ugh), I believe Jacob is better for her, yes. He is a healthy choice for her. There is a thing people say to justify this point:
Edward is a drug to Bella. When she’s with him, she forgets everything else except for him. Jacob, on the other hand is a normal guy, not even close to a drug for her. He makes her happy (as you will see) and their future would be so bright. I know that too many people disagree with me, but here’s the main question:
How many rational people would give away every life experience just to gain love and immortality when you can easily get love and so much more with mortality. This is what Bella is giving up, the human things that make our world so imperfectly perfect. Imperfection is key and Edward in some way totally understands that, since he is perfect and longs for that humanity again. Bella is too mesmerized by Edward though that she doesn’t understand this key point.
But I guess I should stop this little comment because I could go on forever….XP
Great job on the post. Can’t wait till you make it to Jacob Black’s first scene!!!!!!!
!!!! personally, im on team jacob… and i think hes better for her than him. she could have such a fulfilling life with him; kids, getting old together, and actual…family, with charlie and billy and the wolves..
I tried to post this before but don’t know oif it worked. sorry for duplicating. anyhoo, this is off topic, but…since you’re now into New Moon, I decided to revisit the book myself. There’s a sentence in ch5 “cheater”…page 127 I think…as soon as I read it, I immediately wondered “what kind of photoshop magic would Kaleb work with this????” I’d love to see! it gave me great mental pictures…gotta love SM and her imagery… you’ll know it when u read the words “60 mile per hour…” π
This is the first time I am commenting on a post but I have been reading your posts since you started Twilight.
New Moon was really sad in my opinion and I am a die-hard Edward fan. There is something about Jacob that ticks me off. I can’t explain it.
I felt Bella’s sadness the entire time I was reading New Moon.
Keep posting! π
MasterChief, I agree with everyone of your posts one-hundred percent!
But I have to add to the list the
Switerland shippers: our objective is we think that Bella and Edward are ending up together regardless but we love Edward and Jake the same and if were faced with the choice would not be able to decide, but we agree that Jake is “healthier” but Edward is necessary for Bella’s existance and therefore he choice. (Even if we love Jake more than life itself and are silently crying in the corner for him to have a happy ending with us!)
*the choice
sorry about that.
Jacob in New Moon is very important, but he changes as much as Bella does during this time and by the end of the book, we start seeing hints of the man he becomes in Eclipse, whom I do not like much, or at all. Jacob in New Moon reminds me very much of some of my best guy friends, and in New Moon, he cares very deeply about Bella and is a true friend to her. And while I understand why Jacob becomes the way he does towards her, I often find myself questioing Jacob 2.0 in Eclipse. When my twin brother heard about it, he agreed that Jacob might have a very skewed and childish perception of love, as it reminds him of how he was in high school but certainly not now.
So enjoy this Jacob, Bella’s Jacob (you’ll understand this reference soon enough), who loves Bella but knows that his love is not what she needs, but his friendship. Who cares for Bella and makes her laugh and smile and becomes her best friend, her confidant. Enjoy the guy who only wants Bella happy, and will make a sacrifice if need be. Because we lose that guy, as many guys take the evolutionary route that he will.
And yes, I am an Edward/Bella shipper and I know I will get some hate, which I welcome. For me, Edward’s love for Bella, and vice-versa, is much more pure and passionate, and I think there is something to be said for that. Some might say this makes me silly and idealistic (and I assure you I am not) but the best loves are the ones where you are each other’s air. They are the most passionate, the most fulfilling, and the one you will never forget or move on from. When that person is a drug and vice-versa, that’s real, powerful love. And when they will put your happiness and safety above their own in a heartbeat? That’s perfect love. If I saw Jacob doing that as the series progressed, my feelings would change. But the chapter in Eclipse when Bella and Jacob are in the woods after the tent scene and before the fight scene (being blase for Kaleb’s sake, in case he gets down to this comment!) reminds me of a boy I dated once who started very sweet but became conniving and emotionally manipulative, and caring only about “winning Bella” like she is some prize. She is not, and I lose all and any respect for Jacob by the close of Eclipse, and go from Switzerland to England.
Okay, I should probably stop ranting and start actually earning my paychecks here. Enjoy and I cannot wait to read about the surprise tonight!
I’ve always wanted to do this Edward/Jacob analysis and here’s what I think: (It will contain spoilers, and it will be very long)
First and foremost I’m going to do this from a neutral point of view, which is the way that I have always read the books.
It’s hard not to see Edward as the perfect guy in Twilight for all the reasons people have previously stated everywhere and that I’m not getting into here. I know some people hate the fact that he’s supposedly “so perfect” but you really have to look into his character not because of what Bella says, but more for his attitude and what he says.
A line comes to mind- ” I don’t know how to be with you”-, which shows that this is Edward’s first time having all these strong human feelings, and that these feelings are being drawn out by this girl.
I think the fact that he cannot read her mind, has brought him down to this human level as well, where he cannot know what she thinks unless it is through other people or herself. This is why dialogue is most of what makes the book. Edward has never felt compelled to sit down with someone and really getting to know them, since he could just peer into their mind and avoid any kind of real contact.
Perhaps Bella was meant to be the person to bring out that human part of him.
Edward has flaws, oh yes he does. He has all the usual flaws of a person who have just fallen for the first time and fallen hard. He is first drawn to Bella by her scent (physical attraction?), then she becomes this sort of challenge. He will not be driven away from where he wants to be just because he can’t control himself around her.
I’m really curious to see the things he had the opportunity to think while being in Alaska. Edward over thinks EVERY single thing, he looks at every possible outcome and wants to have all bases covered(no pun intended), but as the story progresses he will realize he can’t control everything, he can’t control the outcome of every single decision made, like keeping Bella from trouble for example. I believe he finds out he is in love with her as days go by and he wants to find out everything about her, down to her favorite color… this is how people fall in love, by getting to know each other and day by day finding out they enjoy each others company ultimately leading to feel that they cannot be without each other. This feeling of belonging together, makes Edward think that this is it, this is the girl, this is the one. Suddenly it becomes really important for him to know if Bella feels the same, obviously because if she doesn’t reciprocate this feeling he’d rather get away from her once and for all before putting her life in risk by pursuing a relationship and finding out if all this care and love will be enough to ultimately stop him from hurting her himself in any way.
I think deep inside he’s very scared. You can tell he’s scared because he’s never felt this pull towards someone, this longing, this need to care for them in a different way that you would care for your family. Most of his overprotective decisions come from this fear I think… and as you all know (and most times overlook) he will realize it is a mistake to think that protecting Bella all the time will prevent him losing her (that’s one of the reasons Jacob is very important).
I found out all this by usually ignoring what Bella had to say about his perfect physical being and really looking into Edward’s feelings and motivation.
I can barely imagine how it would be for him after so many years of loneliness to open this floodgate of so many different human feelings. I think it is explained when he tells Bella about feeling jealousy for the first time, and also when he feels enraged at the thought of what the guys on the alley were going to do to Bella.
All these strong feelings at the same time would drive anyone almost insane… and they do. That’s why you become part irrational when you fall in love :).
I’m actually surprised that he seems to keep a level head MOST of the time, when it doesn’t, fear sinks in and he becomes overprotective Edward.
Do I believe they’re meant for each other? well, why not?. They’re two people discovering what it is to fall madly in love, and like any other relationship, they will need to be apart to realize if this is real love and not a 2 minute obsession tale. For this you need to look at all 3 books together and see that the relationship has gone from obsession to real longing to be with each other to getting to know yourself and putting back your feet in the ground to realize what you really want or who you really want to be with. If you’re willing to leave everything behind to be with the one you truly love, or not give up all these things,try and love another at the cost of always longing for that lost love.
Which takes me to our friend Jacob.
Jacob is a very necessary and important character in these series. While Twilight was the book of falling head over heels, New Moon is the book of waking up from the fairy tale and smelling the coffee.
When Edward left I felt that only too familiar emptiness that happens when someone you love very much goes away. I felt for Bella, I felt the pain. I don’t know if to justify the course of action Edward took once again to protect her, but I’m going to bring back scaredy Edward and try and understand he’d rather loose her as a lover than see her killed by his or his family’s hand. I always keep in mind that Bella is not completely exempt from danger while being around Edward.
As Jacob comes into the picture you already know his feelings for Bella have been developing since Twilight. So far I can also chalk it up to pure physical attraction since they haven’t talked that much to really get to know each other, and keeping in mind Bella DID flirt with him in the first book which probably gave him hope. (this for some reason still makes me giggle).
Then, they also get to spend a lot of time together and I see Jacob really trying to pull Bella out of her sadness, trying to be there for her and the chemistry between them feels so different, specially because Bella isn’t really there a 100%. She’s mourning, she’s empty, she’s getting a taste of what a life without Edward is. (If anyone has heard the song 3 Libras by A Perfect Circle, I think it fits perfectly here). Jacob perseveres and there are points in which it seems he has accepted that all he can be to Bella is a friend, a very good friend. I’m not fooled though. Jacob won’t go down without a fight.
There’s too much of that love for her in there to give up like that.
I agree with those who say Jacob is here to show Bella she has options. She has pros and cons to consider regarding both guys. Jacob is the catalyst to Edward and Bella’s relationship, he’s there to show her there’s someone else she could consider falling for. There’s obviously more than one reason why chapter 4 is called “Waking Up”. Although I would probably had loved to see more of Bella and Edward in this book, I think it was very good to have them apart and have someone else come in the picture. All through the book I couldn’t stop thinking of that phrase that goes: “If you love someone let them go, if they come back love them more, if they don’t .. shoot them!” haha, well, all except the last part.
There’s a couple of unsolved issues that raise up red flags all around when I think of the possible relationship between Bella and Jacob. One of them is the whole imprinting issue. As we all know Jacob has not imprinted, it has not happened yet. He loves Bella, he wants Bella more than anything in the whole world but this sounds a lot like Leah/Sam. It’s kind of obvious actually.
Let’s say Bella chooses Jacob, they’re happy, they get engaged, married, whatever. What will happen to Bella when Jacob has to irrevocably break her heart because he has completely fallen for someone else?. Would Bella go the same way as Leah did and become a totally bitter person?.
Just for discussion sake, let’s say going back to Edward is not an option anymore. We all know the world of pain and hurt he’d have to go through if Bella would decide to disappear from his life (you saw it and I saw it when they got back together in New Moon. Edward=curled up in a ball *hilarious-sad*).
This is something Jacob isn’t thinking about because he’s still hoping he’ll imprint on her. I guess the answer to this will only be known in Breaking Dawn.
My other concern is that, a lot of people fail to realize that Bella is in danger by being around Jacob as much as she’d be around Edward (Yes, I understand that she quite disregards this).
We all know what happened to Emily, and Bella might not even be that lucky. I have seen Jacob’s temper get scary close to exploding, and in the case he couldn’t control himself for any reason..well, you know what happens.
I feel for Jacob. He’s putting himself greatly at risk to be the “shoulder to cry on” guy, or “rebound” guy. I understand him because falling in love at that age, you don’t seem to be able to look ahead and see that someone else will come for you. The world ends when a relationship ends, and that was the feeling I got when he started running away at the end of Eclipse. Running away from the pain.
(we know he’ll be back though;) ).
What I think would be fair for Jacob is to be able to fall in love with someone who can reciprocate that love equally. Someone who can give all of herself to him, not half as Bella would(Remember? when she got reunited with Edward she felt whole again? like “the hole had never been there in the first place”)
Jacob deserves an Emily (:p) and that sometimes takes me to theorize about Leah/Jacob, but nah..(there’s too many “nos” around that one).
Do I believe they’re meant for each other? again, why not?. Jacob is Bella’s sun, although this depends on which Jacob he’s being. Remember “my (Bella’s) Jacob” is the kind, open Jacob, etc.. and the other Jacob is “werewolf Jacob” who keeps things from her and makes her feel not as comfortable.
Like other people have said, Bella wouldn’t have to give anything up of her life (except, well, the love of her life, but it happens)and everything would be fine and dandy.
Again.. I am reminded of that imprinting situation and it makes me uneasy. How Bella would be destroyed by this.
The one thing I didn’t like of Jacob was the whole “Love me or I’ll kill myself” thing.
That was unnecessary altogether with the “I’d rather see you dead” line.
Those two things quite bothered me because if you love someone, you’re willing to let them be happy with someone they really love rather than for them to suffer at your side, or long for someone else.
I know he feels bad about one of these things later, but it was one of the big stains in Jacob’s “sun” personality.
It made me sad to see he can’t be selfless, and that he’s not willing to sacrifice himself for Bella’s happiness.
All in all, and to conclude this very long post, I think the best choice for Bella is Mike because he’s a normal human being…
Kidding * I can almost see the murderous expression of your faces*. ^_^
If this were the choice, I think you could hear books banging against the walls from here to China.
Umm.. it’s hard. It’s really up for Bella to decide, and as far as Eclipse goes she (as a more mature Bella who has options, and who has had to put her love for Edward to the test) has chosen Edward.
Edward has decided to let her go if that’s her choice even to the point of having to stand an eternity without her (emphasis on “LET GO” because this shows us Edward has seen the possibility of Bella choosing Jacob).
Jacob running away, but that feeling remains within ourselves that he will be back. He still has some fight in him. He’s not going down that easy
Let me remind you though that this ordeal is not over yet.
Just like Bella had to love another to find out that in the end she truly and unequivocally loves Edward as his equal and soul mate.. maybe we have yet to see Edward’s love put to the test.. dun dun dun.
Maybe Jacob will imprint..
Breaking dawn is almost here, and then we’ll see.
sorry for the length. I don’t even think I said here half of the things I think about the books, but I had to get the Jacob/Edward debate out of my system.
It feels good ^_^.
I am happy she had her time with Jacob just so she can appreciate even more, later on, what she has with Edward. Oh,oops,wrong story. How embarrassing! Edward never comes back. Sorry, what was I thinkin’? I’ll pay better attention in the future! π
Okay. Another first poster. Just a thought from an older been-around-the-romance-bush Twilight fan. Bella is not going to be completely happy with either Edward or Jacob, if she can’t learn to be happy with herself. I dated “Edwards” and “Jacobs”..not like the guys in the books, but in similar relationships. I had a man who was my “soulmate” who left me and I mourned for years. I had best friends who I loved being with, but just couldn’t bring myself to marry. I (eventually)married a sort-of Edward (that’s really his name) who is not gorgeous but smart, funny, tall, lean, controlling, talented, yadayadayada, and usually considers himself more intelligent than I (I think he is finally coming around to the truth, however). After many years of marriage, it doesn’t really matter..he is just the man I live with. If I had married my soulmate, he would have ended up just being the man I live with…if I had married my best friend, he would have ended up just being the man I live with.
What is my point? Bella needs to learn to take care of herself. She would have a different long-term relationship with Edward or Jacob, but she is still responsible for her own happiness. Neither of these fine young men can do that for her. Anyone who thinks he or she will be “made happy” by their companion is setting themselves up for sadness.
I say she leaves them both and goes on a Travel Study program in a third world country to get things into perspective.
This is, however, fiction. And in a fictional situation, I would have to admit I’d go for Edward. Being madly and totally absurdly in love is one of lives greatest highs. Bummer when you crash, however, and wish you had a Jacob around…
Excellent post Sandra, well written and compelling ideas. π
on a lighter note…
haha speaking of Edward’s love being tested and Jacob probably imprinting in this next book…We already know that Tanya enters this book because of the breaking dawn quotes – I was just thinking how wacky it would be if Jacob imprinted with Tanya. >:D
Also, the song No Air by Jordin Sparks and Chris Brown just fits this book perfectly I feel. π
I am pro-Jacob (which sounds so funny….almost like it’s a political view or something) But anyways, the reason I think Jacob is better for Bella is because he lets her live her life. Like Edward, he wants to protect Bella, but unlike him, Jacob will let Bella do a few crazy and slightly dangerous stuff, but is still there to help out if she does, in fact, hurt herself.
Edward tries to force Bella to do stuff because he thinks it’s safer and won’t listen to Bella’s opinion (even though it’s her life and, in my opinion, it’s up to her what’s good for her or not). Jacob will give his opinion on any matter, but basically leaves it up to Bella to decide what she wants to do. THAT’S why I like Jacob better.
Miss Kelsea will now step off her soap box π
Listen, all my fellow fans are entitled to their wonderful opinions, but don’t let them sway yours. Please don’t read with any bias, and certainly don’t pay attention to those who scream:
Please try to develop your opinion introspectively, because that’s the only way the book will hold any truth in your life.
Now, for my aforementioned entitled opinion =)
I am on Team Bella. Supporting what SHE WANTS, and loving what SHE LOVES. It’s that easy. It’s the best (in my opinion) way to appreciate the books to their fullest, because you truly feel and sympathize with Bella’s uncertainty, indecision, intense love, and whatever else she experiences. Also, you’ll be able to read without being blinded by rage whenever a certain someone is in a scene. And I suggest, when you’re done with New Moon, that you read Stephenie’s thoughts in the FAQs on her website. They help to soothe the soul, no matter what you think on your own.
Happy reading, Kaleb!
I think Bella is being given two futures with these men. Jacob is her sun. He woke her up. He knows things about her that no one else does.
Edward is her passion. He heart’s desire. The one person she is drawn inextricably to.
She’s given two futures. How do you choose? I believe this debate still rages. Your heart or your soul? What do you follow? Will the passion still burn after 1000 years? Can you forgo having kids? This is a tough, tough thing to go through. Can’t wait for Breaking Dawn to see what happens.
I’ll try not to spoil you so thoroughly — a quick glance at your comments and I already see people plugging in quotes from Eclipse — but in my opinion, Bella’s love for Edward is so huge that it completely overwhelms who SHE IS. Which is not a good thing. Sure, it’s good to love someone so much you’re willing to die for them… but Bella so frequently LOOSES herself, and oftentimes loathes herself for being human, and normal. Edward loves her for who she is, and I can’t stand it that she refuses to accept this, and love herself more.
With Jacob, she can be herself, and she can be normal, and she enjoys herself. It’s natural. It’s equal. It’s fair. But it is also passionate and loving, but no one is continually putting themselves down. It’s a much healthier reltionship, and in my opinion, if Bella would just TRY to think it over, she could be exceptionally happy with Jacob as a love interest.
Again, I’m a Jacob-lover, but I’m also a thorough Edward-lover. If ANYTHING, I’m a Bella-hater ^_~ But only sometimes. By all means, continue to ship E/B throughout — it does have its good points. But keep an open mind to Jacob Black. Please don’t hate him for being a desperate, normal kid in the face of someone as wise and nearly omnipotent as Eddiekins.
I remember how depressing reading this book was for me. π It seemed so gloomy (for lack of a better word) without Edward. It is very important to the story, though, so keep reading! I’m looking forward to your responses! π
I agree, here’s the thing, people think were all crazy when we talk about the books all the time, but the thing is, when there’s something we all secretly want, for someone to feel like there drowning when they’re away from us, for us to want death then for them to move away, it’s something we, all, secretly or not, want. So when a book comes along and gives us this hope, what choice do we have but to pore into it with ar hearts and souls. That is are biggest hope, and losing that is are biggest fear, to be wanted is not enough us as humans crave more, crave something deeper then we can even imagine, and in a sense by giving us this book she gave us what little part of that most of us will get
I like Edward and Bella together, but I think Jacob is way better for her. Yes Edward is amazing, and what girl wouldn’t fall for him…but he’s almost too perfect. And because of that Bella becomes obsessed with him. When people have faults we are reminded of reality and that it’s not right to put all your hope and energy into something that can end. But with someone who literally is perfect, a person clings to them because he is the only perfect guy out there.
It’s not healthy to be addicted to someone. Cause when that someone leaves, like Bella is experiencing, they take your whole self with them. You have nothing left. And if they don’t leave you, you have still given your whole self to them and they hold power over you. Even if they don’t abuse that power, it’s not healthy.
My issues with Edward and bella’s relationship lie in the effect, romantic and yet unhealthy, that Edward has over Bella.
Just remember that just because Edward and Bella exist for each other, that doesn’t make Jacob a horrible person. So don’t become a Jocob hater. And yes, in some ways he is better for her than Edward =D I’m not going to say anymore because this all has probably already been said in several of the past 239 comments, I’m just too lazy to read them all to find out where.
I don’t see how anyone can like Jacob. He is self centered, he only thinks about himself. Edward thinks about Bella and what she would like. Jake is too careless. Edward is protective, I like that about him. I love Edward Cullen!!! Edward and Bella will make a great pair.
I hate spoilers. I did know about Jacob and everything about him before start reading Twilight hahaha… and I get spoiled at Wikipedia too with something I read about Eclipse, before start reading that book.
I think you’re all just a bunch of freaky, obsessed girls who need to get a life and stop writing comments at 3 in the morning.
Ignore my brother Jeff. He doesn’t even want to read the series so he doesn’t know anything about it and is biased in his own never-read-twilight-saga way. IGNORE HIM! I like New Moon a lot. I’m a Jacob fan.
Well i’d like to ignore Hope when she INCESINTLY TALKS ABOUT THE BOOKS AND WON’T SHUT UP ABOUT THEM!!! Come on, you can see my situation. Like when your little brother wont stop talking about his favorite power rangers episodes!!!
Jeff, you don’t even have a younger brother so how would you know its like that? Grr… Power rangers has bad graphics. Do these books? No, of course not. Of course Jeff has a point. He knows more about the series than you do… probably.
HI!!! i lika like love these books like omg lol these are the best!!! rotfl uh yeah
P.S. I’m like sooooooooo hot!!!
Pfft…Are u sure ur name isnt Rosalie?
wtf!!!! you little biotch!!!
gee… now u no its coming from the same computer that last one was Lily
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