A guy reads Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (2009-2011)

News Tomorrow

newmoon-2-low.jpgThis is a very short post, simply to say

come back tomorrow

for some big TwilightGuy news.

Oh, also

if anybody wants a Mitch Hansen Band CD

comment on this post today and you’re entered for it

from the awesome people at TwilightTeez.

See everyone tomorrow!

–ADDED 1:24AM: My web host is giving me terrible troubles. If the site is down tomorrow, the news will be ON MY MYSPACE (myspace.com/kalebnation).



352 Responses

  1. Darn, Kaleb… I was hoping that you were Batman. Shoot. *sigh* there goes everything…

  2. Count me in for the CD – I love the Mitch Hansen band!
    Oh and, Kaleb, you are a big ol’ tease!! 😉 xx

  3. now the entire world will hold its breath, waiting for the release of Breaking Dawn.

  4. Lovely. The photo shows the true you. No wonder it’s not going quickly for you…


  5. About two minutes and forty seconds into the Twilight Lexicon’s “That’s a Wrap” video, they mention seeing a gnome on set. I thought you might find that interesting.

  6. Hey, I love your site and your take on everything! Great idea, very fascinating, thank you! I also love all the stories of the guys that have been converted, and are now ‘Twilight guys’, teehee…

    And, I would love a Mitch Hansen Band CD!!! My friend has one and it’s AWESOME! *crosses fingers and hopes she gets it*

  7. oh and P.S…

    I also think it is very cruel that you would post just to tell us we have to wait for tomorrows post, grr… ;-P

    [will be back tomorrow!!]

  8. Hahaha, Kaleb mentions that the news is coming out to people who are subscribed to the newsletter. Possibly to get more subscribers?

    Oh well, worked for me. 🙂

  9. Kaleb,
    whyyy are you making us wait so long! (i know only a day, but still…)
    but im anxiously waiting 4 your news tomorrow 🙂 and to see if i won your prize ;P
    Luv your site!

  10. in the words of arnold schwartzennager, “ill be back”

    thanks for the short post though, i cant exactly see too well because like velma, i broke my glasses..

  11. Can’t wait to here the news I’ll check back tommorow.

    Also, it would be really cool to win that CD.

  12. well, that’s just cruel.
    posting just to tell us to come back
    hmmm… I’ll be busy formulating ideas about what the news is- now I’m curious!

    I was just listening to Mitch Hansen before checking this site, his music is great 🙂

  13. cool. i can’t wait until you reveal the news. and the mitch hansen band cd? awesomeness!

  14. Hmm. Was kind of hoping for a twilight guy story today. Ah well, I’ll comment to be put into the contest drawing.

    News… I hope it’s about your own book, I’m hoping to read it to my kiddos.

  15. Okay, that’s just plain evil. Now I’m wondering what the ‘big twilight guy news’ is.

  16. Kalebnator…
    Why must you keep us hanging you horrible, horrible man. I’m now filled with curiosity and am reduced to waiting til either later tonight or tommorow. Hater.
    Still love ya man. <3 <3 <3

  17. CD please!!!
    And I wonder what the news is…
    You have an early copy of Breaking Dawn, and are going to post it online!!!!!!! I love you!!!! (and if that’s not true I will cry myself to sleep every night until BD comes out.

  18. well, you certainly know how to get a girl excited! erm, i mean that in the most innocent way of course. i dont suppose you just got so into new moon that you just inhaled it? that would be big news.

  19. well, kaleb, no point reading this anymore…you’re not batman, so i dont care 🙂

  20. Anyone who is actually reading these comments is probably wondering how much spare time I have…on the other hand, they’re reading 288 comments on a fansite of a book, so they obviously have at least as much spare time as me.

  21. I’ll just let you all know that you’re very privileged to be reading something I’ve written, since I’m an amazing aspiring author who adores alliteration 😉

  22. Of course, if commenting multiple times doesn’t work, this is a huge waste of my time…

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