I just did my first TwilightGuy magazine interview, and who better to do it with than Entertainment Weekly? Everyone saw their Twilight cover story last week, and one of the writers for the magazine asked me to answer a few questions for their Feedback section in this week’s issue.
Some of my confessions include:
– What have I learned in my research of Twilight?
– Have I become a fan of other Vampire Romances?
amongst other startling (and perhaps shocking!) revelations you can only read about in this week’s Entertainment Weekly 😀
As I haven’t exactly seen the actual interview in print yet (it is released today), if someone happens to get a hold of a copy before me and it says I answered a question with:
Bala! Baloo! I hate Twilight! I (oink)ing hate it all! Snort! Baboo! Bala!
then know that somewhere along the line, my words were edited by an evil magazine printing computer. So everyone get a copy and tell me how you think I did!
As for other news:
– twilightguy.com just recently got it’s 940,000th hit! Thanks for coming: one-million will be here in a flash!
– I am almost finished with a new song for my soundtrack. For those of you who enjoyed my music last time, I will have a preview up on my website as soon as I have some of the mastering done. I’ll post a note when it’s up.
– I am considering adding a chat page on this site after August 3. I’ve realized that with the piles of email, I don’t get to talk to everyone in a timely manner, and the chat might be more available for me to pop in. So, if anybody would visit the chat, let me know so I can gauge if it’s worth putting up.
NOTE: Remember: the interview should be in the magazine that is released TODAY, NOT the issue DATED JULY 25 (it will be in the issue with the Dark Knight cover, dated August 1). So check the magazine first! The issue might not be available immediately in all areas. — Kaleb
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I found it! Just got it in the mail!!!! Way to go Kaleb!!!!
and what about us secluded people in australia aye?
where’s OUR ET magazine..?
id soo join ur chat thingy..
i mean EW magazine…
im a bit spaz..
I want that magazine!!! I have to read it. And I would DEFINITELY participate in that chat!!! I’m excited if you can’t tell.
SWEET!!! I get Entertainment Weekly too!!! I will def be keeping an eye out for your article!! 🙂
and I think a chat would be an awesome idea!
Awesome! I get my issue in the mail tomorrow! Can’t wait to read it. I think a chat room would be awesome!!
Maybe if you put a chat page in, I’d actually get to talk to you every-so-often. 😛 Hmph.
Kaleb, you are in the 8/1 issue, with the Dark Knight cover. I just got it.
Congrats! I think it would be awesome to have a chat page. I look foward to seeing your interview.
@ 92, Victoria. Thanks so much, I’ll look out for it! 🙂
Sorry for the nearly off-topicness 😉 Can’t wait to read the interview!
yay Kaleb!!! Congratulations!!!!
I gotta go read that copy now =]
Congrats!!!!! thats so cool! cant wait to get the EW magazine so I can read all about it! and i would most DEFINITLY go on the chat. wahoo! go kaleb! u rock!
Yay! Just another reason to visit the bookstore.
Besides, today, Borders is releasing the Twilight calender!!
I vote for chat. Again.
I was coming here to comment on the fact that I squealed when I saw you in my issue of Entertainment Weekly and, lo and behold, you have a post about it! It was quite a shock and I love that the male Twilight fanbase is represented. Thanks for defending Edward Cullen to a lot of the hate mail about how Edward is controlling and abusive =)
A chat page would be awesome
I just found your site today, but I am curious if you read Midnight Sun, I didn’t find it on your list, and what you thought of it so far.
i waited patiently all morning for the mail and lo and behold my new EW is here and there you are page 5!! A lovely little 2 page spread on the Twilight issue.(In case anyone is still checking the Watchmen issue, the interview is in the Aug 1 Knight Fever issue)
A chat room! This would take discussions to a whole new level. If we are just chatting with you, that is cool, but I think an open forum would be “interesting” to say the least. KALEB – I bet you $20 and a stick I found that you will have to shut down an open chat room within the first 30 days of going live due to arguments.
Congrats Kaleb!! I also received my new EW with YOU on page 5. This is great, you done good! You should get lots of new fans from this. Thanks for entertaining us …. I’m looking forward to reading your books!
I will definately check that out ASAP!!! And the chat option sounds like an AMAZING idea.
I’m going to head out and get myself a copy right now. 🙂 I actually purchased a subscription to EW just recently, but it’ll probably take a few weeks before I start getting issues in the mail.
I’ve been following your blog since the beginning, although I haven’t commented until now. I was actually slicing a nectarine a couple minutes ago when it hit me just how successful your book will be once it’s published. You’ve probably heard this all before, but considering your amazing success as the “Twilight Guy”, you’ve already developed a huge fanbase for your books just because we Twilighters take care of each other. I know I’ll definitely be in line for your book once it hits the shelves. 🙂
aw congrats, Kaleb! can’t wait to read it 🙂
Yes!!!! Put that chat! It would be great!!!!
ps: Congratulation for the interview… I’ll check it on the internet because I’m italian and it would be impossible to find that magazine XD
yeah a chat room would be awsome!
Way to go with the EW interview! I’m glad you put that note about which issue it is, because I was about to run to Barnes & Noble and get the issue I had seen last night. You should definitely do a chat! We love talking to you : )
great…I bought the wrong one (july 25) . That’s what I get for not checking here BEFORE I leave the house.
Oh Wow! An interview in Entertainment Weekly?! That’s big stuff. And pretty exciting! I will have to check that out.
I think the chat room is a great idea! I know soo many people would use it. And how exciting to be able to chat with you! Time to pick at Kaleb’s brain!! haha.
A chat room would be awesome!PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE put it up!
<3 always!
Congrats on the interview in EW! I’ll be looking for it. 😀
And I like the idea of a chat-type thing here. It would be pretty awesome. :]
How very awesome! I’d love to read that issue when I have the time to look for it xD
And a chat box would be very cool Kaleb, I’d chat in there as much as I could, I promise!
I agree with everyone else- a chat box would rock!
Congratulations on the interviw, and yes, please, make a chat box!
A chat thingy would be cool! Please!
I got my issue of EW and I seen you in it. Congratulations on getting in. Hope your enjoying the Twilight series as much as us GIRLS are. Have a good one. ~ Jess
This is huge news! You didn’t disappoint. Haha. Congrats on getting interview by EW that is awesome!
A chat room would be great to have on this site. But I’d afraid of you running into spoilers from the other books when a bunch of rabid fans gather. :-/
OH MY GOSH Congragulations Kaleb! That is the coolest. I’m so going to buy the issue.
and i think the chat thing is a cool idea. 🙂
Congrats AGAIN! 😀
There was already an edition with The Dark Knight on the cover… it was before the big Twilight cover one. Is there going to be another i guess?
Whoa! Awesome man! Totally proud of you =D
I might actually buy this copy of the magazine.
I congratulated you once already, but I’d like to do so again just because it’s so awesome! Also, I have an announcement: Calling all Twilight fans from Memphis, TN and the surrounding area!!! You’ll never guess who will be at the Breaking Dawn release party at the Barnes & Noble by the mall (if you’re really from there you’ll know where “the mall” is): Seth Meyer! Stephenie’s webmaster brother! I’m going off secondhand info from store worker, to my friend, to me, so if it’s wrong, I’m sorry, but I think it’s right and I’m so excited!!
Woo! Congrats, Kaleb!
Agreeing with Anonymous up near the top. Duh. 8D. Do it, Kaleb!
go, kaleb! congrats on the interview! and definitely do the chat, that would be so cool!!!!!!!!
Congratulations Kaleb! This is very exciting, you are becoming more famous everday, you will have to make a blog about how your life is once you are completely famous =]
I will most definitely try the chatroom, I never have before, but for a chance to talk with you, I will =]
With Respect and Admiration,
So, as my previous comment stated..I bought the wrong magazine this morning BUT I HAD to go the right one..and you did *amazing*. I HAD to go get it so I went to Best Buy (since they don’t keep things up to date at Borders therefore me buying the wrong mag.) and I probably had people staring at me when i found page 5 and squealed. 🙂
P.S. I loved the answer for “What have you learned from reading Twilight?”
Yay I get EW magazine in the mail! Guess I better go get the mail then…
having trouble here…EW is available in canada right? maybe not… as for your question though i would definitely use the chat option :)!!!
YES! I’ll use the chat, when I can, if everyone’s polite, if it’s an interesting topic, if you’re there, all that and I’ll stay for hours!
Haha! I am excited that the new EW has The Dark Knight on the cover!
And also that you have an interview for me to read. How exciting for you and us alike! Congrats, friend.
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