A guy reads Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (2009-2011)

Reading New Moon: Chapter 11 (Cult)

The song for this chapter is Like A Knife by Secondhand Serenade (suggested by Julia)


Most of you have probably noticed by now that this week is a bit crooked, and I’m posting on Tuesday when I should have posted on Monday. This is due to the fact that I turned my book edits in yesterday (something I’ve very glad to have finished). Hopefully by posting today I’m not further messing with someone else’s scheduled clocks, and making everyone think it is Friday when it is actually Tuesday (a frightening realization). On to chapter the eleventh!

I had a feeling that Sam Uley was behind all of this. In fact, I pretty much knew it. He has been acting odd for a while, and I always found it interesting that he turned up in Bella’s dreams so many times so far. I also notice that anytime there is trouble, his name seems to pop up. In Twilight, I know better than to believe in coincidences. I find it even more foreboding that Sam is so highly respected amongst Billy and Charlie: it all fits together to be the perfect leader for something that isn’t right.

Most readers like me, who have entered late into the Twilight Saga, will have been spoiled at least somewhat by now: but even without it, I know already that there is something big going on with the wolves, and the strange disappearances of people. What I am not sure of is if the disappearances are really from the wolves, or if it is something else? I honestly don’t know for sure, so I’m waiting to find out. Seeing Laurent in the woods got me to wondering if it really is the wolves that are attacking the people, or rather Laurent and Victoria?

You knew it was coming after this line:

I was going to talk to Jacob– Kidnap him if I had to. I’d once seen a PBS show on deprogramming the brainwashed.

A Forks Special Broadcast

Quil has a very interesting story to tell about Jacob, and I find it curious how quickly Jacob changed to Sam’s side. It really has become like a brainwashing. In just a few chapters before, he didn’t like Sam very much at all, and he knew that something was not right with Sam’s followers. Now, Jacob has suddenly joined with him, and Bella can’t even get him on the phone anymore.

The most frightening part of Bella’s meeting with Jacob is when Jacob turns to look at Sam, as if he is completely under his control now, looking to him for the command of what to do next. Jacob can’t even talk to Bella without Sam’s permission. The strength of Sam’s grip on his followers is cult-like, just as Bella and Quil said.

The anger I later see in Jacob towards vampires is shocking, because as I remember, he didn’t exactly believe what his father had said about them in Twilight, just a few months before. Now, suddenly, he agrees fully, and holds to the beliefs with a viscious anger.

One thing I did notice, however, is that Jacob repeatedly tries to avoid telling Bella. Before I saw this, I had thought that Jacob was completely lost. But, because of this,and his attempt at keeping her in the dark as to the real problem, leads me to believe that despite whatever Sam has done to him, at least a part of him is still sane, and a part of him still has the ability to care for Bella. He doesn’t even want her a part of it– he wants her gone and away from whatever inner battles he is fighting. To me, that says there is still hope for Jacob to come back.


– Posts will be oddly placed the next 2 weeks, due to college starting again on Friday. Wish me luck!

– I have a new chat room program up that is far better than the last one! I’ll be stopping in sometime next week, so go check it out!



76 Responses

  1. Kaleb (k-god)…I don’t know if it’s just me, but the new and improved chat is down. No loadies. Just a big red x.

  2. Oh my, I laugh my ass off here with your comments… [well, I’m from Brazil…] “How to Deprogram the Brainwashed Show”? LMAOL I love Stephenie’s sense of humor! She’s amazing!

    Reading your comments makes me remember the great nights I’ve spent awaken reading it… Hum… good times.

    After reading “Breaking Dawn” and with the end of the series, I feel like holding my arms around my body trying not to let that empty hole break me in two.

    It’s good to remember that feeling… I hope you can enjoy the book without missing any “human’s experiences” like studying, working, eating, taking baths or even breathing… lol

    Keep the gob job, Kaleb. I’m counting on you. =)

  3. Just want to say thanks for posting when we all know you’re buiser than President Bush. Well everyone’s busier than him πŸ˜‰
    But anyways the book really takes a turn the next chapter, so enjoy!

  4. I’d really love to see that show on how to deprogram the brainwashed. Wonder what would be in it, – I can see it now, “Perfect your technique at deprogramming the brainwashed” and “Get back at your friends for being put under the spell!” Ah, the humor in the Twilight Saga you find so easily, I’m sure Stephenie would be proud. New Moon, despite it being the darkest time in Bella’s life, hence the title, can still be funny at times. And of course, you can find humor in almost anything. Quite brilliant, I might add. Anyway, good luck with returning to college. All my cousins are griping about going back, and yet they’re at some of the best party schools in the country, so I don’t know how they can complain. One of them takes classes on how to grow grass at Penn State. (He’s getting a degree in golf management. Go figure.) I’d take that course any day rather than calculus! Hope your book is moving right along after your edits, and you don’t die of exhaustion anytime soon. ;)Thanks for all the great posts, Kaleb!

  5. Good job, Kaleb! I wish you look with college. I’m nervous about going to school, but everyone likes you (except maybe the guys that never learn). So have fun and keep reading.

  6. I honestly can’t believe you haven’t been spoiled more than this. WOW, seriously, WOW. And trust me on this, considering your current theories I think you will be surprised. And also I have to ask…. If you were a girl Jacob or Edward???? This has been bugging me for a while. IDK why. And also who is your favorite girl in the book??

  7. I tried to avoid spoilers at all cost and I was really surprised with how this one turned out. Im almost finished with New Moon and working my towards Eclipse(which I heard was the worst in the series) Can anyone confirm or deny which is the worst book in the twilight saga without giving anything away?

  8. Yet another wonderful post by everyone’s favorite Twilight reader. πŸ˜‰ This is one of my favorite parts in New Moon, because it’s a real turning point in Jacob and Bella’s relationship. I’m not going to ruin anything for you (I’m actually really surprised you haven’t been “ruined” any more than you already are … or maybe you’re just not posting everything you know, lol), but the next chapter, Intruder, is when everything starts making sense.

  9. Hooray for college! I hope you find some time to relax. And I’m looking forward to your thoughts on the next chapter.

  10. I’m rereading New Moon again after a long time, and I’m like up to chapter 12. It’s really good, and like someone mentioned, everything (or most of it) would make sense once you read it. Again, you are always observant, so some of your theories are bound to have some truth in it.

    oh, and Good luck as well! =)

    p.s. my sister is the slowest reader i know. so compared to you, you’re not slow in reading at all. haha just felt like saying that.

  11. You’re really observant XD Thats a really good quality to have while reading Twilight πŸ˜€ I’ve caught some things when I was reading the books that my friends never did ^-^

    And really good song choice!

  12. OMC!!!! isn’t it obvious whats going on with jake? *bangs head on key board* think kaleb, think!! although, you’ll find out soon enough….

  13. Great post, love the deprogramming the brainwashed show thing, lol. Really good song for the chapter too. Good luck back at school. No slouching off because of us ok, you need to get those good grades.

    Oh, DaddyBoJangles, who told you Eclipse was the worst book in the series? Were they team Jacob? Because it’s almost my favorite (after Twilight), I don’t think there is a worst in the series because I love them all.

  14. @Debra thanks for the response, Im glad to hear someone liked it, and yeah the person liked Jacob.

    Which I like Jacob to, as Bellas friend nothing more. Edward is awesome and his and Bella’s relationship is the reason I keep on reading. Only 2 chapters left of New Moon now..

  15. Yeah, I think that one of the funnier lines in the chapter was about the brainwashed thing.
    . . . Oh, and right around this part in the book I wanted to shove Jacob into a bucket and beat him with a stick.

  16. Haha i still can’t wait till you figure out what’s going on. Almost there!! xD

    Oh and good luck on college! I start school tomorrow. xP High School sucks.

  17. Haha I love the fact that almost everyone here has read the series and watching you trying to figure it out! You are VERY VERY smart. When i was reading i didn’t think about foreshadowing or anything like that, i just read. haha but you are a great guy. keep up the good work!

  18. Ooooh!!!! You’re SO CLOSE!!!! Hurry up! I can’t comment on any aspect of this post without it being a spoiler

  19. So I found this site like… an hour ago maybe? and you’re like my fav person in the world right now! I’ve read all your posts about the books, and let me tell you, I adore you! I adore this saga (I’ve already read it so it’s like enjoying your ride through it) and to find a guy who reads it to find out what’s so good about it, is genius!

    Even though I can’t comment on anything here without the inner fangirl screaming spoilers,(boy you are observant, though!!! lol), I just wanted to tell you I ADORE you Kaleb, and your site has just come up to be one of my favorites!


  20. Kaleb,
    Will we need to download new software for the new chatroom? Don’t make it too difficult for us Twilight Moms who might not be as computer proficient as you are!

    (a Twilight Mom)

  21. The next chapter is absolutely amazing! I can’t wait to see what you make of it.

    Are you planning on seeing the twilight movie when it comes out, and maybe writing a post of it? I would love it if you did….

    Good luck with school!

  22. I actually just discovered a Twilight Guy right under my nose this morning, and he’s reading Twilight for the second time. Wow, I’ve been unobservant XD I’ll see if I can persuade him to mosey over hear and try to get a shirt. I’d probably steal it from him. But anyways, best of luck to you with school! I just started the 11th grade on Monday (yick). I can’t wait to see your book on shelves!

  23. Haha! I love the TV show thing. That’s hilarious. I’m still trying to figure out how Bella saw that when she never watches TV…what are the odds that the one time per year you turn on the TV you’ll come across something so useful? =D

    This is the part where I start getting mad at Jacob. Grrr. It makes me laugh that you haven’t figured everything out yet though, especially since you are so new to this and there must be people online talking about things that would give you a clue…but I’m going to stop now before I give something away. Lol! oh well, just keep reading… =D

  24. lol, ur SO funny, but it’ll get interesting in the next chapter. And he WAS thinking about bella, throught the rest of the book and Eclipse that’s like all he thinks about.

  25. and so the plot thickens…

    also, a guy asked me if I’d read Breaking Dawn yesterday at school, don’t know how he knew I was a Twilighter- maybe he just assumed becuase I’m the bookish librian’s kid (total cliche, I know) and read almost anything in English that isn’t nailed down, lol
    I said I had and he said he hadn’t but that he had to get it becuase he loved the series! I almost offered to bring him a copy, but he walked off.
    And I saw a different guy with Eclipse today- not even trying to hide from being seen with a “girl’s book”, lol

    anyways, good luck at college!! My brother starts college next Monday πŸ™‚

  26. yay! you finally got up a new post! it makes my day reading these blogs.
    2 weeks? what?
    oh well.

  27. yay! you finally got up a new post! it makes my day reading these blogs.
    2 weeks? what?

  28. Insightful as always Kaleb! Great luck to you in the next semester and with the book! πŸ™‚

  29. Hey Kaleb, ever get the feeling you missed out on some important hints while reading a book? πŸ˜‰
    I won’t give away anything, but page 244 was quite the giveaway for future events.
    Happy reading ! πŸ˜€ looking forward to the next post!

  30. You have no idea do you? Classic! I knew it was so hard to say bye to Edward in the book that killed me. Took me forever to read the book, but the ending is great and I can’t wait to see what team you end up on.

  31. “The most frightening part of Bella’s meeting with Jacob is when Jacob turns to look at Sam, as if he is completely under his control now, looking to him for the command of what to do next.”

    You have no idea how literal this statement is! Haha, keep reading. It will all make sense soon.

  32. haha i like reading your posts and remembering what it was like to be so out of the loop. i mean..you have the right idea…just wait til you find everything out.

  33. Kaleb~

    Your ideas are awesome but you have it wrong on the whole Jacob secret thing. He can’t tell Bella because it’s not really his secret to tell and he says that somewhere in that chapter. I never had thought of it you way though. Good thinking.

  34. Ah, I’m so glad you still have hope for Jacob! A lot of people gave up on him when he joined with Sam. I can’t believe you’re so close!!!! We’ve been waiting so long and you’ll finally know the big “secret!” Ah, I’m so excited! And good luck with school!

  35. Good luck with going back to school. πŸ˜€

    Yesterday was my first day of college and already I have no time for anything.

    Sad, sad, reality.

  36. Hmm…am I like the only other guy on here? Just wanted to say good luck with school, Kaleb! And don’t let silly college get in the way of your blogs and hysterically funny videos! (Just kidding πŸ˜‰ )

  37. Well, I’m not a “twilighter” or however they call it, but I am enjoying the book just like you… and i’m on the 3rd book now. Once you start reading it, it’ll get to your system. And you’ll crave for more… Hahaha! happy reading!

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