A guy reads Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (2009-2011)

Reading New Moon (Chapter 24): Vote

The song for this chapter is We Need Each Other by Sanctus Real


Ah yes: the final chapter of New Moon. When I opened the book to read this, I found myself remembering how this felt when I read the final chapter of Twilight: like the closing of one part of Bella and Edward’s story and the opening of another.

As I have pointed out so many times in recent chapters, the story of New Moon has been circular, and thus I get a feeling that things are returning to the way they were before Edward left. As Edward races through the woods with Bella, I can’t help but remember this scene in Twilight — when the love between them was fresh and new. It seems to be a sign that it is growing back again out of the pain in the recent months.

It is a sign of a good writer when the story has connections within itself, things that draw us back to earlier scenes and strengthen the entire story. The strongest example of this was in Chapter 24. We all remember the various escapades that Bella had with the motorcycles, trying to throw herself into something dangerous in order to distract her from Edward, but at the same time trying to make his voice return to her head. Then, in chapter 24, whilst clinging to Edward and going through the woods:

“The speed was exhilarating. A hundred times better than a motorcycle.”

That is the connection. Bella does not need the motorcycle anymore to feel alive. She has Edward.

It is in this way that I see not only a return to the beginning of New Moon, but a return to the beginning of Edward and Bella again, back when things were new and alive. This is the only way for them to heal their relationship: go back to how it was before, when their love was strong.

I found it so surprising how much had been missed, and how much things would have been different if only the truth had been known. Though Edward had thought Bella would have forgotten him, instead she thought of him every day, and nearly every breath revolved around keeping his memory alive in her head. Though Bella thought that Edward didn’t love her any more, the whole time he had been tortured since leaving her. Though Bella thought that Edward had disappeared, taking with him all reminders that he had ever existed, Edward reveals that in fact, they had always been there:

“Your things were never gone,” he told me. “[…] It was stupid and childish, but I wanted to leave something of myself with you. The CD, the pictures, the tickets — they’re all under your floorboards.”

These things exist, to me at least, as outwards signs of Edward’s love for Bella. They were physical signs of different times in their relationship: the CD Edward had made for her, the pictures of them together, the tickets. And just as they were never gone, and were near to Bella all the time, so was Edward’s love for her, though it was hidden until Bella went looking for it again.

And then, it comes down to the vote: should Bella become a vampire? Yes, I see so many reasons for it. How will Bella ever be able to protect herself from Victoria, or the Volturi, if the come for her? Edward can’t be beside her at every moment of every day.

Almost all of the Cullens vote on Bella’s side, and I’m sure that many also believe that Bella should be turned into a vampire right then. But what is it that is holding Edward up? Why does he dislike the idea so much to have Bella for eternity with him?

It must be understood how hard a decision it must be for Edward not to turn Bella into a vampire. The main result of her staying human means that one day, she will die, and Edward will be left alone. Why for any reason would he want that? Perhaps Edward, as connected with Bella as he is, knows that it is better for her to stay human as long as she can, and enjoy her life, rather than turn to a vampire and be with him forever.

Still, they come to a compromise, and Bella receives a promise that Edward will turn her one day. Is Edward perhaps hoping she will changer her mind before then? Or is it that really, deep down inside, he still has hope that he is not really such a demon after all.

“If you really believe you had lost your soul, then when I found you in Volterra, you would have realized immediately what was happening, instead of thinking we were both dead together. But you didn’t — you said ‘Amazing. Carlisle was right,” I reminded him […]

There is hope within Edward that he is redeemable. There is also hope within him that one day, they will spend eternity together.

Charlie, understandably, is not happy with Bella’s fierce decision to stay in Forks regardless of what he thinks. After all, if I was Charlie, I would be a bit wary of this Edward fellow… even without knowing that he is of the species persuasion to drink one’s blood. I keep wondering how Bella will ever break the news to him; moreso, how he will react.

And the proposal? I will admit: it was one thing I was not spoilered on in New Moon. I was not expecting it to happen so quickly. Yes, I was surprised πŸ˜€

My final thoughts on the Epilogue are forthcoming.


– Speaking of voting…keep voting to pick the song for New Moon! I just heard from TwilightTeez.com, and they are letting me give away one of their brand-new TWILIGHT HOODIES to one randomly selected person who votes! There are only a few days left, and I will be posting the results when I write my final thoughts on the book and the Epilogue.

– ADDED: I don’t usually mention non-Twilight stuffs, but I just interviewed author J. Scott Savage of the Farworld series, and he is giving away five free copies of his new book to people who comment on the post! So if you want a chance to get a free book, head on over and check him out πŸ˜€



83 Responses

  1. Aw, I loved new moon. People always say they hated it, but I think it just really makes you understand JAcob more, and it shows how real Bella and Edward’s love is. Personally Eclipse is my least favorite, but you’ll enjoy it I think

  2. Grace
    may I be so impertinent as to inquire why Eclipse is your least favorite?
    it is my 2nd fave, maybe tied with BD for my 2nd
    perhaps it is because I like Ed so much more than Jake

  3. aww… that was a really good post, kaleb. i love the end of new moon, i was so happy to have them together again. can’t wait for the epilogue!

  4. “It is a sign of a good writer when the story has connections within itself, things that draw us back to earlier scenes and strengthen the entire story.”

    Yup. Don’t need that to tell me how good a write stephenie meyer is. ^_^
    I actually liked this chapter, main reason being that it ended happily.

    “And just as they were never gone, and were near to Bella all the time, so was Edward’s love for her, though it was hidden until Bella went looking for it again.”

    I like how you point things out so simply and tell them perfectly – (amazes me. lol) -things I find so hard to word or explain.

    You describe Bella and Edward’s relationship so well, and the feelings of losing one another.

    Not only did I like the ending, I loved the whole book. It was just so real and emotional in many ways, that makes new moon perhaps my favorite book.

  5. I can’t wait til you start with Eclipse – like Comment#4 it’s my 2nd fav. Though I’m also an Edward fan – I liked the end of New Moon best when he came back. Love the Chief Swan joke! Gotta say, for a guy you do a great job of describing the Bella/Edward relationship – and even the Bella/Jacob relationship. Don’t know too many Aussie males that would be so tuned in…

  6. Fantastic post, as is to be expected.

    I really like your thoughts on New Moon coming full circle. I never really thought of it like that, but, looking closer into it, New Moon is just another obstacle in their relationship.

    Anyway, loved it. Keep up the good work! πŸ˜€

    Oh, and how’s the whole “Getting to the Twilight Premiere” thing going for you? Well, I suppose you don’t actually have to answer, but I hope you’re doing well. Seriously, I’ve never even dreamed of going (somehow, I just think that Australia’s too far away to catch a bus there) so I’ll have to make do with hearing about your experience. πŸ˜€

  7. “Bella does not need the motorcycle anymore to feel alive. She has Edward.”
    I absolutely LOVED that line.
    Well done for finishing book number two!

    I also thought your ideas of their relationship coming in a full circle were brilliant.

    I loved New Moon a lot, just as much as Twilight but for different reasons.

    Ahh, I’ve realised that I’m usually ninth in the comments, weird.

    Onto Eclipse!

  8. Kaleb, I love your insight into things coming full circle. My daughter accuses me of analysing too much, but you are much better at it than I am.

    I really enjoyed Bella’s explanations to Charlie. Her conversations with Edward are so deep and then she becomes a typical teenage daughter again, “He said, she said. It got out of hand.”

    I also found it significant that Bella is more confident of Edward’s love for her. Edward too has a stronger grasp of Bella’s commitment to him. They have both risked everything and are back together again.

  9. Yay, Eclipse is next!

    I was also confused for the longest time about why Edward is so insistent that Bella remains a human. I guess he really thinks she’d be better off without him (she, of course, would beg to differ).

    I thought it was kinda funny how Bella is so convinced that she’ll never be good enough for Edward, and he’s convinced that he’ll never be good enough for her.

  10. The songs that you post are awesome, Kaleb. πŸ™‚

    I have always known that Bella would eventually want to become a vampire. For one thing, the Cullens caught her attention the moment she saw them.

    I’d like to suggest a song. How about including That’s What You Get by Paramore (Bella) and Here With Me by Dido (Bella and Guillotine by Urbandub (a local band here in the Philippines for Jacob).

  11. Good insights Kaleb (and others here). Edward tells Bella why he doesn’t want her to become a vampire in the middle of Eclipse…a really good conversation and one of my favorite parts of the book. I won’t divulge what he says…

  12. wow. you finally made it =D
    many people donΒ΄t like new moon as much as the other books, because edward and bella are separated from each other. When I read it the first time I donΒ΄t had any issues against jake, but he wasnΒ΄t edward. but after reading it again and the other books,too I really began to like Jacob very much! Especially after reading breaking dawn youΒ΄ll understand him much better and heΒ΄s sort of funny, too=).
    But nevertheless I think Bella and Edward belong together! THe love each other so desperately that itΒ΄s simply not possible for them to be separated. So I think edward had to leave to try making bella safe. So, when he saw, that sheΒ΄s still in danger if heΒ΄s around her or not, he finally has a reason to stay without thinking itΒ΄s too much a danger for her. And he begins to believe that he might have a soul, and because of that he promises bella, to change her. And I donΒ΄t think he could ever watch her die!
    Now, that he knows that bella canΒ΄t be safe (just because sheΒ΄s bella^^) he can stay forever with her. And after he found out that bella donΒ΄t just forgot him he begins to believe how much she loves though he thinks he donΒ΄t deserve it.
    Eclipse is not my favourite book of the twilight-saga(which still means itΒ΄s better than any other book) but it is a great one, too and I hope you enjoy reading it (you will without any doubt=D)
    sorry for the long comment (and sorry for my english^^)

  13. I’m really happy you weren’t spoiled about the proposal. That means there is probably a lot more you weren’t spoiled on and that makes me even more excited for future commentaries.

  14. Incredible post, I really enjoy reading your thoughts on the books. (I still don’t understand how you can stand reading it one chapter at a time.)

  15. That was a great post, Kaleb! I didn’t know that you like Sanctus Real! They’re such a great band, and I’ve loved them for a long time! :]

    I remember when I first started to read New Moon. My dad had dropped me off at Barnes and Noble while he attended a lunch meeting. I hadn’t realized how long I was in Barnes and Noble until my dad called me about an hour later – by that time, I was about one hundred pages into the book. He asked me if I was crying, because I guess my voice sounded different. I checked my face, and sure enough, I was crying. I was right at the part where Edward left Bella.

    Overall, though, New Moon is probably my second favorite book in all of the series! My all-time favorite is Eclipse, and I can’t wait for future posts! Enjoy it!


  16. Ahh, I can’t believe you’ve finished!
    This is probably one of my favorite chapters in New Moon…more so the beginning. The epiphany…all the new found realizations are just so indescribable.

    And devz30:
    “Not only did I like the ending, I loved the whole book. It was just so real and emotional in many ways, that makes new moon perhaps my favorite book.”
    Yes <3

  17. I like your site, but I kind of miss the good old days of Twilight. When you started this project, the posts were mostly your reactions (as a guy) to Twilight. Over time I think they’ve come to read more like an English essay–more impersonal, less random and funny. πŸ˜› But I imagine it’s hard to think of stuff to say after so many chapters.

  18. Great post! I have to agree with Grace, when she said New Moon helped her understand Jacob better and it shows how real Edward and Bella’s love it. I am excited for you to read Eclipse.

  19. As usual, entertaining and thought-provoking. I sound like a promotion for Twilight Guy, don’t I? ;D

    I was trying to find the full version of this song, but everything I’ve found has a different opening, such as this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwNsn46-_cs

    Where did you find the version that you put? I definitely prefer it over the version I’ve been finding.

  20. i can’t believe you’re almost done with new moon already! On to the next…
    i love all of the connections you make! it’s awesome to read your comments, keep on going!

  21. My very favorite quote from the whole series is from New Moon:

    “Before you, Bella, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars– points of light and reason. …And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the stars had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn’t see the stars anymore. And there was no more reason for anything.”

    – Edward (of course)

    *Tips for guys– if any guy said something like this to me, I’d probably marry him on spot. I think most girls would agree with me.

  22. Love your insights on the book and the whole writing process, but I agree with R., your Twilight posts were funnier. Of course, it could be because NM is a grimmer read. You’re just one epilogue away from Eclipse, and that should restore your particular brand of humor. When you fly out for the Twilight premiere, you better remember to take your copy of Eclipse with you. I miss the Twilight guy posts, have all the guys quit reading Twilight.

  23. I do agree with you Angela =D
    And I didnΒ΄t saw the proposal coming, either. It makes sense if you see edwards point, but I totally understood how bella reacted! I would have said yes, I guess=)

  24. Hey Kaleb, I’ve noticed that you’ve not posted any twilight guy stories in a while. Have they stopped coming in? I sorta miss them, I liked seeing guys’ stories, they made me laugh. What’s up?

  25. Kaleb – If you love the connections in New Moon – you really need to get thru Eclipse and into Breaking Dawn. I really think Stephenie did a fabulous job of connecting everything together in the end (no spoilers…).

    I also love how everything goes back to being ‘right’ when Edward is back with Bella. He is still reluctant to change her, but if you read the 12 chapters of Midnight Sun, you’ll get more insight into his reasoning. He believes it would be selfish of him to change her, just because he wants it so badly.

    Can’t wait for your insights on Eclipse!

  26. I’m so excited for you to read Eclipse. I think it is the best out of the 4. Whick is saying a lot. They’re all wonderful.

  27. New TwilightGuy reports is coming tomorrow.

    Sorry about not posting them. Been busy with school and stuff, but I’ll be working on digging up the good one’s this weekend πŸ˜€

  28. Kaleb, not to say that your posts aren’t as good as they used to be but… I think your posts really aren’t as good as they used to be. They’re still really good, but I liked reading YOUR opinions and the random things you noticed or thought about the chapter. Lately they’re more like summaries- like comment 21 said. Maybe college stuff and being an author is sapping all your writing energy… that and the late night blogTV with Dragoat, lol

    and are there no more Twilight Guy stories?

    @ Angela- I agree. maybe not on the spot, but pretty close, lol πŸ™‚

  29. that was one of my favorite chapters! what did you think of rosealie’s vote?? the connections get very important in later books! i cant wait for you to read eclipse!!

  30. πŸ˜€ Oh yay! That was a great post, just let me tell you! I’m so glad that you havn’t been spoilered about the series, yet! It surprises me (even though it shouldn’t). And OOOHHHH I absolutly can’t wait for tomarrow’s post! πŸ™‚

    On a sadder note, whenever I reread New Moon I notice that just after the “split”, and just before she goes comatose she runs to her room searching for the photos and memories. When she can’t find them anywhere, she sinks down to the very floorboards they’re hidden underneath and it’s months before she resurfaces. :'( (I lent my copy out, otherwise I would’ve quoted directly from the book.) It strikes me as extremely sad and ironic. It always makes me cry now. πŸ™

  31. Great post, Kaleb! New Moon is so grim and painful, but obviously wonderful (I appreciated it more on the second read through.) Eclipse is so close now … I hope you have your copy!:) But something I noticed in reading both, while New Moon made me sad Eclipse made me angry. Stephenie brilliantly keeps you throwing your head back and forth, trying to stay ahead of the ever revolving choices. But, even though Eclipse made me angry, it also holds my favorite scene. I am so excited to hear your thoughts and perspectives (especially on the discussion in the tent scene/chapter.) That doesn’t mean anything to you, but it does to everyone else.

    Final thoughts are next! Can’t wait!

  32. Great post, Kaleb! New Moon is so grim and painful, but obviously wonderful (I appreciated it more on the second read through.) Eclipse is so close now … I hope you have your copy!:) But something I noticed in reading both, while New Moon made me sad Eclipse made me angry. Stephenie brilliantly keeps you throwing your head back and forth, trying to stay ahead of the ever revolving choices. But, even though Eclipse made me angry, it also holds my favorite scene. I am so excited to hear your thoughts and perspectives (especially on the discussion in the tent scene/chapter.) That doesn’t mean anything to you, but it does to everyone else.

    Final thoughts are next! Can’t wait!

    Oh, and I almost forgot to say … I never connected the irony of Bella choosing to lay her head upon the very floorboards that housed her memories. I love it! Awesome insight Becky Sue!

  33. YAY!!!! im so glad you werent spoiled about the proposal. i will admit i literally fell off my bed when i read that passage. ur almost done!! and on to eclipse! and the surprises keep coming πŸ™‚ i seriously *wooped* when u agreed that she should become a vamp because most of my friends were all NO SHE SHOULDNT!! but thats insanity…she needs to stay with edward forever.

  34. Great post, Kaleb!
    I love all the connections you make within the books.
    And you’re almost ready for Eclipse! Can’t wait. πŸ˜€

  35. I loved that chapter! Even though I adore Edward & the rest of the Cullens, I prefer “New Moon” to “Eclipse” because the last few chapters are spectacular & because I felt the writing was better. I really felt Bella’s pain and I actually cried when Edward came back to Forks & told Bella how he really felt. I was also surprised when Edward proposed. That was really cute. I enjoyed “Eclipse”, but after reading it again I’m certain it’s my least favorite book in the series. There are some great things in there involving the Cullens and cute Edward & Bella stuff, but the story dragged on a bit & I thought that it took them too long to figure out what was going on. Also, Jacob got on my nerves. “Twilight” was terrific because of the way we were introduced to the characters & the story and then the danger came out of nowhere, and I loved the crazy twists in “Breaking Dawn” as well as the ending. I hope you enjoy “Eclipse”. All of the books are fun to read.

  36. I can’t WAIT for you to start Eclipse! It’s one of my favorites.. Ok, all of them are my favorites, but Eclipse has some great stuff.

  37. I disagree with you at the part where you say that they go back exactly to how things were before. Their love is not exactly the same; it is stronger. It took Edward leaving for them to realize how strong and unbreakable their love is.

  38. Hey!

    This is a documentary I made about what it’s like living in Oregon. I’m passionate about filmmaking. I hope somebody likes it. = ) Leave a comment if you do.

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