The song for this chapter is Vindicated by Dashboard Confessional
If ever you have an urge to see a group of weird and unusual people, try sitting at a bus stop in Dallas after dark on Halloween night. Or rather, just come to my campus on such a day, and you might get to see similarly strange individuals such as this fellow or this fellow. Being an honorary stick-in-the-mud, I spent my Halloween getting a haircut, in class, and voting… but at least made up for it with a good Tim Burton film after midnight (the only real movies that should be watched on October 31st).
There is a key word I have heard many times in Twilight circles, and that word is imprint. Until this chapter, I didn’t have much of a clue of what it mean, except knowing it is important since many questions Stephenie has been asked at bookstores have to do with Jacob imprinting on whoozit and whatsitsname. For some reason, I was under the impression, due to my semi-spoilered state, that to imprint on someone, a werewolf would whack someone on the forehead, and after recovering from unconsciousness the person would forever be mentally imprinted as the wolf’s mate (seriously, I am not joking). Don’t ask how I got that idea, because it makes absolutely no sense to me either.
However, the imprinting throws another problem into this story, and I don’t know if perhaps I am lost on something or if this is a question raised by others as well. Jacob appears to have told Bella that he has never imprinted on anyone:
“Did it happen to you?” I finally asked […]
“No,” he answered briskly.
So if Jacob has not imprinted on anyone, and it is something that a werewolf knows almost instantly, how is it that he is so sure he is made for Bella? Because the best type of a relationship for him would be with the person he imprints on, and if he hasn’t imprinted on Bella, doesn’t that make his love for her simply an infatuation — something he will leave behind in an instant when his real soulmate appears?
My thoughts on this only deepen when I find out more of the story behind Sam and Emily — who, I was surprised to find, have a lot of amazing similarities to Bella, Edward and Jacob. Back in the day, Sam, Emily and Leah seemed to have had a little triangle of their own: Sam loved Leah, but was meant for Emily.
In turn, I applied this to the current triangle — maybe to use the past to predict the future in a way. The unfortunate thing is, though Sam is very happy with Emily now, it took a lot of pain and heartache to get to that point. He had to leave the first girl he loved for another who he was meant to be with. Is the same going to end up happening for Bella? Will she have to leave Jacob behind, hurt and heartbroken, so that she can be with Edward?
It is interesting, too, how both Edward and Jacob have mind-reading capabilities, and how Jacob uses Edward’s power to his own advantage. It is true that when Edward left, Bella was a mess. I know Edward must regret everything that he did, trying to detach himself from her: and it was Jacob who was there for her. I know they both remember that, and it does not make Edward feel any better.
I also find it so interesting that both of them can read minds to certain extents, and yet can’t break into Bella’s…
“Yeah.” the smugness faded. “It probably means there’s something wrong with my brain,” I admitted.
Question for the comments: since the majority of you have already read the books, how do you think the story would be different if Jacob was imprinted on Bella?
– For those of you who enjoy my music, I just finished a new song and I’d really like your opinion on it! You can listen to it here and tell me what you think!
– Just heard from Summit that Robert Pattinson will be appearing at Planet Hollywood in New York! You can read more about it on the Lexicon.
– I am still running the contest where you can enter for a chance to talk to Catherine Hardwicke in an exclusive live video chat! Entries must be received soon, so check out the contest page for more info.
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117 Responses
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lmao at your imprinting idea- I now have a picture of Sam whacking Emily on the head to fall in love with her, lol
but seriously, have you been reading ahead??
and as for your question: if Jake imprinted on Bella Breaking Dawn would be very very different. Luckily, Imprinting can’t be forced. Plus, Edward would either end up killing Jake, himself, or both which would be so depressing that no one would ever finish to find out the end of the books, lol. But really, if Jake and Bella were meant to be, as Imprinting suggests, than Edward would have to not exist, which would change the entire series completely. And then they’d have different titles, and James wouldn’t have done anything, and Bella would have never gone cliff diving, or any of that. Which would make the books totally boring.
Well, Had Jacob imprinted on Bella, it would have been the first time he saw her after he turned into a werewolf for the first time… And no such luck there…
I don’t think that I can even play the “what if” game hear, becuase I believe that Edward and Bella are Soul-Mates and If Jacob had imprinted on her then it would be all wrong and I would proboly never had wanted to finish the book lol. And if that was the case then it would just mess things all up for book four…
I don’t think that in anyway could it have ever happened.. Not when were talking Soul-Mates
As many have said before, Kaleb… you are incredibly keen when reading books, it’s almost scary.
Or maybe you’re just a psychic in disguise, but I guess we’ll never really know =D
Hmm, if Jacob imprinted on Bella… well, it would have to depend on when he imprinted on her. If it was during Twilight, I think things could be a little different. There would be a bigger struggle for Bella to choose who to be with, but since her feelings for Edward were already starting down the path to love, who knows how it would turn out. Then again, maybe the story would be a little bit of the same, because the person who is doing the imprinting just wants their other half to be happy no matter what. So if that’s true, then maybe Jacob would have let Bella be happy with Edward, because she was already beginning to realize her feelings for him. Besides, Jacob was not in love with Bella yet when they first started talking to each other, they were just friends. So if he imprinted on her then, I think they would only be friends and nothing more.
If the imprinting happened in New Moon… geez, that’s a hard one. By this time, Jacob is in love with Bella so… hmm, well during the time Edward was gone he would try his damn hardest to make Bella happy, even more so than he was doing. And he would try to make her happy by being the one she needed instead of Edward. But because Edward came back and Bella was still so very very much in love with him… well, I think that Jacob would want Bella to be his, but from the bottom of his heart he knew that she would be happier with Edward, so he would let her go.
So in the end… I don’t think the basic story would change, but there would be significantly different events in the books.
Sorry that post was incredibly long (I think ._.;; )
the story would be so different. Jacob would act completely obsessed with bella but the object of imprinting is basically giving the person you imprint on every thing she wants, jacob would let her go because he cares about her and would understand then that she would be happier with edward and would convince sam to change the treaty between the cullens and werewolves…. what movie did you watch cuz i luv tim burton films
First of all… Jacob could not have EVER imprinted on Bella in Twilight, becuase it’s only a warewolf thing, and Jacob wasnt a warewolf in Twilight.
Secondly, I disagree with the fact that Jacob would want Bella to be with Edward. If he wanted her to be safe and happy, he would want her with himself, because he’s seen what Edward does to Bella if he’s gone. Also, if he really did imprint on Bella, his passion for her would be so strong that he’d fight even more to get Bella to want him. He’d be paralyzed by the trauma coming from the fact that Bella didnt pick him instead of pissed. And, despite the “wolfy claim” that Jacob would have to Bella, I think that Edward and Bella would be together anyway. Their love couldnt be separated by separation, extreme lies, and depression… so why would someone else break those so easily? Like Debra said, Edward kinda imprints on Bella in a vampire way too… (i couldnt help but read Midnight Sun… it’s AMAZING!) And that bond seems about stronger than Jacobs would be. Edward left his true love possibly forever for her well-being, even though he was EXTREMELY wrong, and then their relation bounced back so quickly because the love never left through all that, so no. I dont think it would’ve been too much different… but would’ve only introduced a much different complication.
I would’ve thrown the book across the room if Jacob imprinted on Bella.
End of story.
If Jake imprinted on Bella, there wouldn’t be an Eclipse, and New Moon would be remarkably different. Jake would have imprinted on her after he became a wolf in NM. In the New Moon as we know it, Jacob restrains from pushing himself on Bella, and lets her get closer to him on her own terms. I highly doubt this would happen if Jake had imprinted. He would definitely be laying on the charm, and she wouldn’t be able to resist falling for that. As a result, Bella wouldn’t be chasing her hallucinations, and therefore wouldn’t jump off a cliff, and so on and so forth.
Jake imprinting on Bella = they are meant to be together. It would hurt her to get over Edward, but she would be forced to for the person she is meant to be with, almost in the way that Sam had to give up Leah when he imprinted on Emily.
Edward said that he would probably have come back just to make sure Bella was okay. He would see that she was happy with Jacob, and spend the rest of his existence alone and depressed.
This sounds all wrong even as I’m writing it, and the whole Edward-in-a-dark-place-for-the-rest-of-eternity thing is just depressing. Edward and Bella. No other way.
um…never thought about most of the stuff that you mentioned here. it really is interesting to see the similarities of Sam, Leah, and Emily’s sitution and Edward, Bella, and Jacob’s.
well so on to the question now. if you havent figured it out yet, i am farelly new here and i have barely started to read your posts (which have made me laugh so hard by the way)so i am just going to try my best at answering your question. i am answering without reading any other comment so this is just straight from my brain and my own opinion, well i think i should start. I think that the story would have be very different if jacob had imprinted on bella. i am pretty sure nothing and no one would have standed a chance against what Jacob felt towards her. also i think bella would have left edward for jacob. *gasp* yes i know, i know hard to believe but by what stephenie has said about imprinting and from what i understand, imprinting is like finding your soul mate, nothing can keep them apart and even if bella went to edward, she still would come back to jacob until the day in which she would just stay with him and ‘live happily ever after’. so if jacob had imprinted, edward would have no chance in trying to have bella. bella would have been jacob’s and no one elses. edward would just be wasting his time on something that he WILL not win in. weird to think about this. weird to know that if one little thing was different in a story everything after that will no longer be the same.
Without reading any of the comments, I think the whole imprinting thing may complicate things more as she would have a strong bond to the werewolves. Imprinting would happen the first time they met, which would be an interesting way to find out about vampires. Jacob would be whatever Bella wants him to be, whether it would be something romantic or not. When someone imprints, does the imprintee have any feelings for them? Because if Bella was Jacob’s imprint and she never wanted him, who would he end up with?
I wonder if it would change her view on the Cullens at all, but the fact is, Bella and Edward are soulmates. I think it also may simplify everything as if Jacob didn’t have any romantic feelings for Bella, the animosity between vampires and werewolves would be the major obstacle.
Sorry if I’ve repeated anything.
Great insight and I liked the cartoon 🙂
Oh, Jacob would imprint once he becomes a werewolf, not when he first saw Bella.
There IS a major reason discussed by Stephenie on why Jacob thinks he is in love with Bella, after Breaking Dawn though.
Team Jacober’s never had a chance 😉
Pf, Jacob imprinting on Bella? I wouldn’t read the books anymore; I would burn them. It’s not meant to be. But, if that DID happen, then Bella would actually have to make a desicion about who to choose, instead of knowing she would pick Edward; Edward & Bella’s love is only minimally stronger than imprinting.
Even though Jacob didn’t imprint on Bella, what he feels for her is not “simply an infatuation”. I want sooo badly to explain but I shouldnt because there is a high risk of spoiling even more of the story for you.
Gah. I hate my life. Ask me when your reading Breaking Dawn. Or, when your at a certain part of this book.
And that is not a spoiler.
So I just read your twitter, and I’m definately REALLY jealous that you talked to Robert!
Whacked over the head? Seriously? Kaleb, you’re hilarious.
Tim Burton movies are infact THE only movies worthy to be seen on Halloween
haha whacked on the head. that sounds like something JD from Scrubs would think up
To be honest I’m sick of being attacked by Edward crazed girls everytime I say I dnt hate Jacob.
I mean is it so wrong to fight for what you love??
So I’d say yes I still would have read the books if Jacob had imprinted on Bella because I think the whole story of the werewolves is amazingly written and interesting.
1) Jacob can’t read minds. Nope. No, sir. He can hear the pack mind, but that’s it. He can’t read Edward, Alice, Mike, or anyone else. Period.
2) Imprinting does NOT work both ways. It’s discussed. Bella asks, “Doesn’t Claire get a choice here?”
“Of course. But why wouldn’t she choose him, in the end? He’ll be her perfect match. Like he was designed for her alone.” (Eclipse, 176) And earlier it’s discuss how Emily hated Sam when he first imprinted on her because of what it did to Leah.
So if Jacob HAD imprinted on Bella, it wouldn’t necessarily have changed anything about her relationship with Edward… except to make her feel more guilty about hurting both of them.
I would be very sad if that were the case. Heartbroken. Though that heartbreak would probably be nothing compared to Edward and Bella’s.
Anyway, if Jacob imprinted on Bella, he would be MUCH nicer to her, as was said in the first comment. Edward, no doubt, being the selfless gentleman that he is, would be devastated but not show anything on the outside and he would tell Bella it was best for her (though we all know otherwise).
And…oh gosh, I don’t like thinking about ‘What ifs’. Too many things have to change because of one single action and it’s too confuzzling. Let’s all just be grateful that Jacob didn’t imprint on Bella.
Great post Jacob! Great song choice too.
Did I actually just call you Jacob?! Sorry! I meant Kaleb.
Oh my God!
Just another thought…
Some of the posts say that if Jake had imprinted on Bella, he would have wanted her to be happy – he would have let her be with Edward. I disagree. Jake would want to protect her even more than he does now – there is no way he would allow her to be with someone who would ‘kill’ her and make her into something else. It just would not be possible for him to let her be with a vampire, he thinks of the transformation to vampire as death. I don’t think he could allow it to happen.
Oh, boy. It certainly would have complicated things if Jacob had imprinted on Bella. There really would be no other choice for him, but Bella could still choose between him and Edward. If Jacob had imprinted on her that would mean he would only want her to be happy and safe, no matter what. Her best interest would always be his main concern. On one hand, he would’ve been nicer and gentler w/ her, so she probably would’ve liked him more. On the other hand, if he only wanted what was best for her and Edward is her true love…I guess he’d have to give her up. It would all depend on how Bella would react to Jacob imprinting on her. Also, Edward might be more inclined to let her go if that happened, since he left in NM because he didn’t want her to have to become a vamp to be w/ him. Part of him thinks she’d be much better off w/ someone else. I’m glad J didn’t imprint on her, but I still think Bella would’ve chosen Edward no matter what. It just would’ve made things that much more complicated.
We could “what if” until we go crazy non this. If Stephenie Meyer had intended Jacob to imprint on Bella, then she would not have made Edward and Bella’s relationship such as it is. Bella can’t belong with more than one person, as much as I love both Jacob and Edward.
I want to say more but I don’t want to spoil anything!
Keep reading Kaleb! It only gets better. 🙂
And by the way you’re awesome. I can’t believe you got a phone call with Robert Pattinson…SO jealous. I guess it just goes to show how influential the internet is in our modern culture. Especially with blogs like this and Youtube. But ROBERT amaze me.
What would happen if Jacob imprinted on Bella and Edward remains how he is now? 1 word, diseaster
I don’t want to answer that question XD
But I loooove your new logo its really cool
Alright, so imprinting is supposed to be something uncontrollable, both by the person who does, and who they do it to/upon. Therefore, despite the fact that Bella has a profound, undeniable, unignorable love for Edward, a deeper connection of love for Jacob would bloom were he to imprint on her. To my understanding this would happen in New Moon, the first time he sees Bella after his first transformation. We know that Edward was planning on coming back ever before Alice saw Bella take her little dive, but he said that if everything was fine he would have left. At this point Bella would appear happy enough with Jacob even though she might still harbor hope from the loss of Edward. However Edward wouldn’t see this and were he to honor his promise would leave and go on to a miserable life of growing depression with, most likely and impending suicide. Team Jacob cheers while Team Edward sobs and throughs their book out the window.
However there would also be the chance that Edward, seeing Bella, would not be able to leave. Perhaps he would beg for Bella back and when she couldn’t/wouldn’t leave Jacob he would kill himself and she would be aware so then she would depressed because she still loved him; and then ofcourse Jacob wouldn’t like Bella’s unhappiness. Or Edward and Jacob would fight, and one would die. So then Bella would committ to a suicidal depression, followed by whichever male is left, and we would all cry and through our books out the window.
Wow, sorry i really got to learn to summarize.
Kaleb, I got quite a kick out of your perception of imprinting.
Psh. You won’t see mine all the way down here, but first of all, I had someone at my school dress up like Mario too. And there was a Luigi. It was funny.
Anywhos, I think it would’ve. Because, in the beginning, Jacob would’ve been everything to Bella. Because, if she was made for him, then he would be perfect for her too, even if she was just getting over the lost love thing. It’s exactly opposite how Edward/Bella/Jacob are now. Edward and Bella are soulmates in every sense of the word (Vampires kinda imprint. He explains it a bit in New Moon. The rest of it I’ve read in interviews). And, Edward is perfect for Bella too. So, yeah, maybe Jake loves Bella and she could love him back. But it’s not *that* kinda love, like it would have been if Jake had imprinted on Bella.
So, off my soap box. 🙂
I thought it was an amazing post. Makes me happy that your making funnies again. I seriously cracked up at the superman thing.
Which, reminds me. You’re very good at guessing what it means. Maybe that’s because you take time between chapters, where most of us read it before we can really process it. Like, I was rereading a part in The Host today, and totally flipped out. You have no clue how many times I’ve reread that, and I just caught this. Course, last week I caught the whole *ink, saphire, and snow* thing was referring to *someone’s* hair, eyes, and skin. Before, I thought it was just his eyes… But, I’m blonde.
THat’s my excuse.
So, happy reading!
about midway through my essay there above it should be “still harbor hurt[not hope] from the loss of Edward.”
As my response to your question…I could not even begin to fathom how much everything would have changed if Jacob had imprinted on Bella. The very idea blows my mind! There are not words to describe the events that would follow that change.
once you read the whole book you will understand WHY this could never happen..and the drastic changes that would follow by just saying such a thing..
soo i can not answer your question until after you’ve read the entire book.
Hm. If Jacob imprinted on Bella…
Well, it’s simple. Without going into details, Bella would choose Jacob. She really wouldn’t have much choice. And Edward would… I don’t know. Kill himself? Maybe. Maybe he’d stick around anyway, just in case.
Nice post. A little short, but I like it.
Whoa, wait. I just thought of something. He would’ve imprinted on her in New Moon then, right? In that case, Edward wouldn’t be there. Eventually, Alice might try to see Bella’s future… but it wouldn’t be there. Because her future would be so closely entwined with Jake’s. So then, Alice would tell Rosalie, Rosalie would tell Edward, and the whole thing would play out like New Moon. Except… Bella might not save him in time. Jake probably wouldn’t let her go. Gah… Yeah, I’m pretty sure Edward would end up dead. How depressing.
So to your question I think it would have made everything a LOT more difficult if Jacob imprinted on her, not to mention make the whole thing impossible. Edward is pretty much the vampire equivalent of imprinted on her and it’s impossible for two people to be that emotionally attached to a person. That’s not to say Jacob doesn’t love her. He loves her as much as it would be possible in a normal human world without supernatural attractions. It’s like how much Ben loves Angela, it’s a lot but nothing close to as much as Edward loves Bella or Sam loves Emily.
I have to agree with what some of you have said. If Jacob had imprinted on Bella, it wouldn’t have mattered all that much. Because Jake would have become what Bella needed him to be the most, and so he would have had almost the exact same role as before, just not so anti-vampire and antagonistic.
Bella and Edward would still have been together, because when Bella re-met Jake, she was already head over heels for Edward, she just didn’t realize it until the next day.
However, no matter how much I like the idea of a nicer Jake (in New Moon and Eclipse), I don’t think the story would have been as good if Bella hadn’t experienced the pull between two opposite, yet equally desirable futures.
your misunderstanding of imprinting was hilarious. As for Jacob, he was deeply in love with Bella before he ever became a werewolf. Their friendship made loving her easy and natural, much the way Edward easily fell in love with Bella. Also, the one being imprinted, has to see the object of his soul and at the moment, Jacob has eyes for no one else but Bella. Its a nasty triangle they are in and your quicker then me, I did not catch the similarity between Leah/Sam/Emily and their own situation. Jacob also knows that he has a very difficult job ahead of him to compete with Bella’s attachment to Edward. Bella is much like Sam, fully aware of what this is costing everyone and not really knowing the best way to deal with it.
If Jacob had inprinted on Bella there most likely wouldnt be an Eclipse or Breaking Dawn, the whole story as we know it wouldn’t exsist. I do believe that they would be happy together but I still think that that Bella would be waiting around for Edward to come back to her. Sure her and Jacob have a close relationship but the one between Bella and Edward is a lot stronger.
First, If Jake imprinted on Bella it would be in the second book when Jake becomes a werewolf so then Bella would get over Edward and she wouldn’t have jumped off the cliff so Jake and Bella would live happly ever after and Edward would still be a mess and never find anyone ever again and he will kill himself (to Italy of course) when Bella dies and will forever be in pain because Bella doesn’t love him anymore.
Second, It wouldn’t make a good book because it would end there and it doesn’t follow the first book for the whole forbidden love thing between Bella and Edward.
Third, I love Jake and Edward but Edward and Bella belong together so sorry Jake it’s just some teen lovin’ with love and Bella
First off, your version of imprinting had me laughing my head my head off! Seriously, only you could come up with something like that.
To answer your question, I think that the entire story would be completely different. Even the characters would have to be a little different, because Bella now would be meant for Jacob instead of Edward. The love she feels for Edward wouldn’t exist, but would exist for Jacob. In fact, the story wouldn’t be so focused on the vampires as it is now – it would be centered around the werewolves. But this is all hypothetical, because… AGH! I can’t say it! I just really can’t explain it well without spoiling everything. But it is safe to say that Eclipse and Breaking Dawn would either not exist or have completely different plots. And the transition from Twilight to New Moon wouldn’t make much sense either. It would jump from Bella and Edward to Bella and Jacob, and Edward would probably end up killing himself or just live forever in a miserable existance. Now I’m sad… 🙁
hink Edward would watch from the sidelines, but you have to remember what Jake said, she would still have a choice as to weather she would want to be with Jake or Edward. If he imprinted on her he would just want her to be happy. And she would be happier with Edward. At least I THNIK so anyway.
I think that would have been disasterous. There was no way it would not have ended in a fight to the death. Jacob would physically have no choice and Edward aould have no choice emotionally if Bella chose him. If she chose Jacob, I believe that he would have bowed out while keeping and eye on Bella as long as she lived
ok i dont know how to phrase this without ruining something for you, so im just going to clarify the imprinting process. Don’t worry i don’t think it will spoil the saga for you.
If Jacob imprinted on Bella, then he would have been nice to her and answered all her questions instead of being mean after he phased for the first time. at the bottom of page 173 when he is staring at her he is trying to make himself inprint on her. and Bella would love him right back, like they were made to be together, but she doesn’t. so if he imprinted on her then bella would forget all about edward and be together with jacob.
sorry that was long
it takes a lot to explain such a phenomenon
Wow… if Jacob HAD imprinted on Bella, then it really wouldn’t be Twilight. Twilight is an Edward and Bella story, and if Jacob were to imprint on her, then it would just end the whole Edward and Bella thing. I mean, if Jacob had imprinted on her, it would mean that they were meant for each other, which just ruins the point of the story. It would just be a sad ending to a could-be happy story, and would leave many fans feeling disappointed.
wow.. well to begin with.. he would’ve been able to tell bella about the hole.. werewolf thing..(back in new moon).Probably..(at least as far as i know and suspecta about imprint..) bella would fall back in love at jacob.. simply because the way Jake wolud have loved her(i mean.. it´s the purest kind of love)..
Probably.. Jacob would have join Bella to Volterra to save Edward( because there is no way that bella, knowing that Ed was..¨killing him self¨ because of her would to sitt happy.. waiting 4 him to finally die..duh!)
And.. obviously.. when Ed read Jacobs true feelings… and.. of course.. being obvious that Bella was also madly in-love with Jake.. he would do appart.. and.. be misserable of course..(hopefully w/ tania[the vampire chik from Denali that have the hot´s 4 Ed] and stay w/her just so he doesn´t seems all that sad.. hehhe). And of course.. jake wouldn’t have any problems w/ the pack.. because.. as Bella is Jacob’s imprint.. They know that he HAS to do.. ANYTHING 4 her.. It’s just the way it is…<3..
personally… even if the series would probably have ended sooner.. i like this version a lot… all Though.. i would miss some scenes in Eclipse.. hehe..
if Jacob imprinted on Bella the whole story would be pointless because Bella would in effect “imprint” on Jacob. Therefore, there would e no place in the story. this has probably already been said, but there’s over 90 comments on here already and i don’t feel like reading them.
Okay, I’m going to throw my two cents in and try really hard not to spoil anything.
To the people who say that Jacob would have left Bella for his imprintee… um, hello. If it weren’t for Bella marrying Edward he never would have met the one he imprinted upon would he? So technically, if she had chosen Jacob and they could have lived a happy life together and he NEVER would have imprinted at all.
Now, do I agree that Bella is better off with Edward? HELL YES! She never would have been able to live a full life without him, they are soulmates and they belong together.
It would have been interesting if Jake had imprinted on Bella. Edward wouldnt stand a chance.
If you try going to fanfiction(dot)net, I bet you’d find a lot of short and long stories on how that would have effected the series. There are some really good writers there.
ok so, from my understanding, Jake thinks he will never imprint on Bella because there is no one else that he will ever love more than her, so if she is not “made” to “carry on the gene” in Billy’s opinion, then who else could be?
But yea I think I’m with you Kaleb.
I really like your song and can’t wait for your book!’s what I get out of it.
Carlisle would have not gone to Forks if he had a family, why would he?
Ther reason why Jacob is a werewolf is because Edward and the cullens live near him and are vampires. Vampires living near = Werewolf gene invoked.
With Edward alive..he is meant for Bella. With Edward dead, there is no imprintation…and therefore the rightful choice for Bella would be Jacob.
That is the reason he doesn’t imprint on her. hope it made sense.
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